Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jun 1911, p. 1

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’1‘ 8.3143012, J K MuEwen Maple Weston Saigeon a; McEwen. (dammed auctioneers for the County of York. Balm «bended to on ihor'test notice and at rea- uor lble rates Patronage solicited “n”. u- “Av uuuA uuuv uu‘ sud at remonablerigtas P 0 address Ki 9. Licensed Auctioneex to. 113. MM! 01 York. re- spsetfully whats your pm. ' J. mm friendly inflr euce sales attfinded‘onjhefihortesfi notice -....u _L..A.;_h, ,. ~. {ails by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Licensed Auctioneer tor she County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. em. pro nptly “cande to 3.1: reasonably ranteg {tesideuce Uniouvme G B. (humith Newman Brook above The Newton School of Music Telephone Main 5577 MONEY TO LOAN ()N FARM PROPERTY 38-3111 CLARK. MCPH ERSON, CAMPBELL & JARVIS BARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, NOTICE OF REMOVAL AT THE 'J'SERAL PRIN'TSNG & PUBLISHING HOL'SE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. THORNHILI -â€"-TuPSdity warning. 9 to 1:5 .«JGLINTONâ€" Mnnflaly, Thursday. Friday and Sum-day mornings; Mundsl)’, \VeJuesdzly and Friday evenings. Foaoxwo OFFICE: 79 Spndixm A\ 9., cur. King St. HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICES TO THE KENT BUILDING, 156 YONGE STREET, 1‘. F. Mc- DR. E. J. WOODS {Dentist}, RICHMOND HILL ' WEDNESDAYS 9.3DAMT0 5 RM. DR, W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VQL. XXXIII. FH‘SL {Amuse mu-Lh u? Atkinsun & Swine-1’s sauna ‘d m P‘fi‘zsmsnmamvmm HURSDAY. MORNING VETERINARY SURGEON, Tl‘hornhill. .51 per annum, in advancej Gas and Cocaine fut extractinns. a. {SAME NEWTON, mgcmk Richmond Hill, Ont. bUSINE T S §_ fl u " @311: fiiheml J; H. Prentice I). G. BLOUGH. Eou‘os & Phl me NH. 2103. firttriuum ESIDENCE flszztal. Mimi. SS CAfiDS. Paoenm’ron MAHON, \ TORONTO. ' RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL . agent for the 9’ fRichmono. Hill Special course in “Myer-’s” Kinder- garten Method, purLiculal-ly helpful to beginners. Prepares pupils for the grade ex- aminations lwld at, Tumnbo Conserva- tory of Music and Univexsity of L‘U' 110nm. Glass recitals are given throughout phe year, 42-1y A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both places NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2%) KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Telophnno, Main Gable Address, “De-(10." CCXMlSSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER. ETC. to those who wish to get the best. Many students from the distant provinces and the United states att'énél the 1/7) ELLIOTT m Th1; Schofiovnrniasi nraithbâ€"nral reputation for high grade work Graduates wad- ily get, good pusxtiuns. Open” entile year. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Ere. annntn Office, Richmond St. \Vest, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office (“Lihm-al" Office), every Thursday fm-emmn. Maplv, Thursday aftnrmmn. \Vuodln'idgv, Saturday i'urennon. Money to hum at, Five Per Cvnt (5%) DISTANCE IS NO HINDRANCE; ;.‘ 4L-_, ingue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. . v w vu‘. .uwu Aumtanfliceâ€"Remm e< m the old post otboa one door west of (he eumauce to the Oununo Bunk Newmarkel alliesâ€"Three doors south of the p :sn nlliue 3233mm Lxxnox G ST ‘ Moxme \umra. A G.F'. Lawrence 1*“ J. Dunbar Barristers,301icitors. Notaries, 5.1. Home Life Building Cur. Adelaide. & Victoria Sis.. fut-onto. Muro t.o loan on land anoanabne Iowan runes (Jud ertakers dc Embaim ers LENNQX & MOWHN Organs Repaired mm Expert Work Guaranteed MISS MILLIE TRENCH PIANO TUNING REAL ES‘JJA'I'E. ETC. THORNHILL Ienton, Grover- .A Commissiunm, Cnnveyancer. e Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses. Lawrence 39 Dunbar, '. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Burl-{slum II In! Salk-lung. TORONTO; ONT. ’V’oxcmc AND. . . . ins-non REGULATING 595:! f7. 9auz‘a’son THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS Teacher of Piano Euter' uuw. \Vrirte fox mm- WILLIAM COOK Hum-ism 's. Sud-icuws, &t:. RICHMOND HILL‘ ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 15 NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL . N I’CHOLLS final. “In Essentim‘c, Unity,- in Phone Main 2984 n 'urtgages at Field '. etc. anim and children by the thou- sand use it, daily as a. dressing and no home is complete without it. MONEY BACK [‘5 IT FAIL? ‘ Druggists and stores everywheye guarantee Parisian Sage and will re- fund vnur money if it fails. Askymu‘ druggist \yhnb he thinks. of it.‘ He sells it at’50c per large bottleorvnu can Secure it by, nmil pustpxidih‘nm Gimnx Manufacturing (30.. _ FOIV‘tCEriF, ()nb. See that the Girkwith the-Au- burn Hair is (In each package. Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Saudersbn. Parisian Sage win stnp fufling hnil‘ in two weeksâ€"4mm dandruff in the same time and stnp scalp iLr‘h at nncv. It. makes the hair soft, silky and lux- uriant. ‘ Parisian Sage is Without. peer. It; con- LainR nothing thatcan harm the hail-=â€" it is net; sticky. 0in m- greasy. and prevents as well as cures diseases of the scalp. ’ In the evening an entertainment will be given by the Laskay Band. Miss Myrtle Saigenn of Maple. Mr. Ralph Andrews 0f Aurora, Willie Hniles of Hope, and short addresses will be given by local clergyman. Tickets 25 and 15 cents. On Sunday, June 18, special sermons will he preached at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev. G. VVplker of Brampton. The members and friends of the Teston Methodist Sunday School pur- pose holding their Annual Strawberry Festival on VVednosday next. the leb inst. A Football Tournmnent, will commence- at 6 o’clock for a prize of $15.00. Entries to he made on the evening-“f JuneZO. Tea served from 5 to 8 o'clock. Muiock, President. R. Ficlcuner (If the University of Toruntn, Pl‘OfPSSUI‘S G. H. G. Wright. and A. Baker, Sir G. Falcouhridgv, Hun. J. J. Fuy. Hon. Frank Cochrane, Mr. Justice Anglin, and, Coffee, owner of the Cntholié Record of Lund’nn, on which Dr. Tuefy was chief editorial writer. pl-itfstn Si: ong’fih’és~ MUSE,“ .‘éir “WHERE: [at graduation ‘the. University silver 3 modal in that department. Dr. ’I‘ec-fv was principal of the. High School at Port Rowan. and afterwards held a similar position at Beamsville. as well as teaching fora time in the Hamilton Collegiate Institute. He graduated from the University in 187i was ordained to the. priesthood in 1878, and spent much of his time. in coli- egiate work. He represented St. Mi- chael’s College on [he Univvrsity Sen- ate and afterwards became hy Govern- mentappointment a memher of the present hoard of Univeisity Gover- nors. In 1&6 the University conferred on him the honorary degree, of doctor of laws. He, Was prominent as a preacher and a platfonn speaker, and he was always popular with his fellow- graduates and widen-graduates. Bub (Ieserwdly popular as he was in mery circle. it, was in his parents’ 'home where he bestowed his greatest, love. and was dearly loved by father. moth- vl', sisters and hrolhers for his kind- ness of heart and anlmliilily of char- acter. 4 , The funeral on Monday was attend- ed by thousands of people who Viewed» the Iemaius which lay in state just (:uLside lhe- wlta'r [rails of SD. Basil’s Church. Requiem mass \\‘:.3 chanted at 10 o’clock, afterw'nieh [he lmdy was conveyed to Mount Hope Uenwtvery. where. it was Inter-red on the Basiliau Father’s plot. Tho deslinguished son is snnived by his father. Mrs. T. Mul- (tahy of Orillia, Mrs. Beck of Eilmon- ‘ ton. Miss Teefy at home, Mr. Baldwin 1 Teefyof Stockton. Cal., and Mr. Ar- mand Teefy of Chicago. Those pres- enl at the ‘luneral included the two brothers and thee sisters of the dead The Rm: Dr. J. R.._ Tepfy. ful‘nlpl' principal M813. Michael‘s Unllvgv, and eldest son hf M. Teefy Postmas- ter of this village, died at, St. Michael’s Huspilnl early Snlnrdav Morning. af- tm- :m illnesi extending over two yours, thvlnst twn wee-ks heng spent. in the hospital. Dr. Teefy was very pmmiuvut amnng the Rumnn Catholic di\ lines of Canada. and his death at a (-mupm-ulivrly early age removes n. fine St‘l‘lnlill‘, El. courteous gentleman and a damned member (if his Church. He rPce-ived a nun-0 than usually [hur- Hugh Pdncntinn in the Richmond Hill High Suhcml, and snbsr ~qut-ntly tank a more than usually brilliant; Al‘lS CullI'Sk' in the Uniwrsity of 'l‘ul'unt‘n. It is worthy uf imbe that while h». \vaq able. In his first year to W‘lll the Uni- vm'sity prizv far Greek VPI‘SP, he felt; constrained to devnte himself to math- o-umlinens his specialty, and he wun REV. DR. TEEFY’S DEATH. grisian Sage WILL GROW MORE HAIR AS A HAIR BRESSING Non-Essentials, Libwty; in all things, “Charity.” e is Without. peer. It con. ‘ Mr. Mur'gen, our Beef ring butcher, {thatcan harm the bah.“ is getting evenything in splendid shape .k . 0’ n, 9. ' .- or his spring dnvning. :51 alsbznuisgai$gseglzgl We are pleasrâ€"‘d to hear that Mr. » !Myers. \vhu received somewhat pain- nd children by the. than. full injuyies at Mr. Agm-‘s raising last any as a dres'gmg and no week. 18 making feu'umble progress plete without it. i "(L‘YM‘I I'ec‘WN-V' Teston, Mr; has been purchas- ing a somewhat, up-to-date driver. As ‘yec Mr. Yuke has not definitely de- ) cided whether he will enter in the Fall ‘ rages «.u not. Mrs. Vincent \Vagg has lwen visit- mg friends in T<:1_-unto for the past WUCK ' The miSing at Mr. VVilson’s Was well attended by ladies as well as by men, which no doubt accounts for no acci- dents. ____. - ._-_. _-‘.......- \._1\LA(I{ man: can“. MissGertmde'and Mr. Telfer \Vagg spent Sunday afternoon and evening at) Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nichols and lemilv of Victoria Squaw spent Stin- day with Mr. and Mrs. Hmnvr VVilsou of [:ncu_s_b Hedge _Fu_:'m. Lâ€"lkl. a. In. .. w.» W .5 A Mr. Lenar Yake of Claremnnt called on some at his old chums here on Mopfiay. Mr. and Mr-szichnrd Lewis nf Rich- moudv Hill me Visiting; with Mr. and Mrs: John‘I-qupckv 0f___eday Dale Fat-mi. Haying in this vicinity will linduubt edly he n‘lighb jgl_)._ ' Council tl'xre'xrxri'rl‘ajourued to the Tuwn Hall, Vellure, on' June 20, at 10 a.m. A number- of road accounts were ordered to be paid: WiLherspt)onâ€"-l\IcNailk-That grants for hauling gravel be made to the members of the Council as fullnwszâ€" ’l‘n Reeve (‘rum‘ernn $50, to Depubv- Reeve Manb $50, to Councillur \Vhitmore $l00, t0 Councillor Saigenn $50, and to Cnancillm‘ VVitherspnon $5U.â€"Cm 1 ied. Saigeonâ€"McNuir-â€"-Tha-t until funk ther notice this Ununcil shall pay 12130 per yard for gravel used on roads.â€" Carried. , __ _ w, w, farm laborer, who is unable tn pay.l said operation having been pelfm-med : by Drs. ankhart; of King and Hay of 3 Toronto. the Reew having guaranteed ' partial payment of said upemtion.â€"â€" ‘ Carried. Saigeunâ€"McNair~â€"â€"That the Treas- urer he and is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. G. D. Lockhart -0f King City the sum of $50, being fur pm- fessionnl services and operation per- formed nn John Mullen. lot; 32, con. 6, MuNnir â€". Wh‘i‘nh’ibx-e â€" That Mr. Henry Buwes he nppuinu-d path- muster fur Division No. 16, in place of '1‘. S. (Junk, who does not wish to act. â€"(‘m-1'ied. __,r -_.,... v.-..u\uul\rllca‘_v(llllru. \ViLherspuuuâ€"WhiLumreâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized tn pay to Arthur B0er for the Rich- nmnd Hill Agricultural Society the sum nf $20.â€"-(Jarried. Suigmmâ€"McNairâ€"That this Gguncil meet with the Council of the Town- ship of King, on Thursday. June 1, at 2 'p. 11).. at, lot 35, can. 10. to cunsider the advisability of opening up said rmvniiue between the townships of King and Vaughan, from the Nth to the illh concessions.â€"â€"Can-ied. Mr. Arthur 'Bifirlé the Council asking thv usual donation to the Richmond Hill Agricultural Snoiety. Mr. Frank Barber, 0. E., was also present, and made a final report; on the: r_)ew bridge at Elder‘s Mills. From, Richard Frv and 27 others. asking fur an open ditch in the Village of Sherwnnd. and if filled in to have at least, a 10-inch pipe‘tn carry 01f gwaper. Minutes of last'regula‘x meeting read and cunfirmed. ,I, The following petitions ‘Weré Ipx-e- sentpdzâ€" . V. . _ , From Wm. Mitchell and 390the'xjs, asking the Cnuneil to take steps along with King Council to upon the town- line hetwven said townships from the 10th to Lh_e llth concessions. The Council met for the transaction of business at 2p.m. The Reeve in the {:hnir. Membels a_ll present. .- ~« ~â€" v\ u \Il. UIIU Gallic. Mchairâ€"balgennâ€"â€"Thnt the assess: uwnt 1-011 as revised he now passed bv this Court. and shall be certified by the Clerk as passed, and that it shall he valid and binding on all persons cmmm-ned, notwithstanding any error ur defect in regard to said roll.â€"-Uetr- ried. ‘ n.4,, v A number of appeals cam: the Court. and the several 11: having been duly sworn, tm seats and diqused of the same. The Council of the Municipality of the Townshi ) of Vaughan met at the Town Hall, 'ellm‘e, on Friday. May 26, at 10 a.m., as a Court (If Revision of the assvssment rolls of the town- ship, fnr the year 1911, and at 2 p.m. for genn‘ral Business. _ The fullmving nmnbers constituted the said Cum'txâ€"Messxs. James A. ()mheron, J. S. McNair. Jnhn G. \Vhitnmre, J. T. Saigeon and A. J. VViLhex-sppo-m l VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Oashel. -â€"â€" {1ppeals came bnfore several mem hers, . 1911 v meet at Tuesday, took theii‘ Choice Confectionery always in stock. Hill’s All kinds of grain bought and ' highest possible pricen paid at the Elevator. NUT, STOVE. FU RNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle and hogs. Purity Flour always on hand. ' For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity‘:_- STEAM COAL 'J. H. RAMER +++++¢++++++++++++++&++++& °f'++'§‘+°§"§”i'\'~+‘i"i'$’§"i"§'w ‘fiéé‘fio-fi'tfiki Staple Groceries Sunkist Oranges Grood Lemons . HILL & 00., AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS». W. A. Sanderson Prepared Soupsâ€"- Foodsâ€"- Beef Extracts inâ€" BEST ORANGE S COAL. V 0x0, Boverell, Johnston’s. Liebig’s waâ€" TRY For threshing engines. Foods for .Invali‘ds and. Children GOOD STOCK 0 F [Single copies, _3 cts, Patent Barley Allenburr 's No. 1, 2, 3 Nestle’s ilk Fnod Horlick’s Malted Milk Ridge’s Fund Armwrout. Burmuda. Sago and Tapmca brugszist Chicken Chicken Gumbo Condensed Milk Condensed Cream LFORuâ€" Bakery RICHMOND H ILL No. 49 in the

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