Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jun 1911, p. 4

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GIBSéNâ€"Ab the Rectory, Thornhill. on Thursday, June 8, 1911. Eliza~ heth Gibson. widow of the Rev. John Gibson. in the 83rd year of her- age. Funeral at St." George’s Ohm-ch, Georgina, at 4 o’clock Saturday. MCDONALDâ€"In Richmond Hill, June. 12,1911, Henry McDonald, aged 37 years. beloved husband of Nellie Thomson, and snn of the late Ben- jamin McDonald. Funeral from his mnther’s residence to-day (Thursday) at 2 o‘clock. 'l‘OYE â€" GLASS â€"â€" At. the Methndist \ Church. Richmond Hill. on Wed- nvsday. June 14. 1911, by Rev. RFD- ben Tnye. B.A.. B.D.. father of the groom. assistpd by Rev. Dr. Smith, Rev. Thus. Czllmvhe'l. and Rev. A. P. Bruce, Ph.D.. Idu Lenore, second daughter of Mrs. \V. H. Glass, to Rev. E. Harold ’i‘oyp. BA. ‘IQBERâ€"CONNORâ€" At the residence ‘of the bride's father, by Rev. F. Elliott. r‘n \Ved‘nosdny. June 14. 1911, Misa Elsie May, daughter of Mr. James Uuunur of Victnrin Square. to Mr. Jacob R. Cuber, of Toronto. ' owns p MARRIAGES PEERâ€"LEGGEâ€"On Thursday. June as. 19“. at St. Anne’s church, Toron- tu. by the rector, Rev. Lawrence E. Slow. O. St. George Freer. snn 0f the late Benjamin Freer M. A.. and Mrs. Freer, m Clare- M.. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Legge. THOMPSON â€" MCGREGORâ€" At Thm-n' hill. 4m \Vvdm-tsdav. June 14. 1911, > hv Rev. E» O. Currie, Miss Mabel «Edna. (laughter of Philip McGregm-, Esq, (an Jnhn Arthur Thompsnn, of Thm-nhill. ANSABLEâ€"Jn Richmond Hill. rm the Fth nf Jnm-. 1911. to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. A. Annul-le, a daughter. Cured of Kidtey Trouble Mrs. Alux. Munro, of Jamr-s Street 0xl'uul. N.S., snys:-â€"“Bu0ll)’s Kidney Pills mer our little- dzmgliter. Chris- tian. age six ywu's, Hf nmnySVmptums ul' kidnvy weakness. She complained hf :1 snlu hack. the kidney secretions \wra frequent and mwnntrullable, especially HL night. lll‘l‘ stomach was 'wrak and 11m appetite poor. This (wuss-d her [4) lime frequent headâ€" 5 J aches. and the ' " " lvnst exertion would tire her. I “’8 had tried' â€" ' a, many mint-(live, ' -, but 5110 did not, improve. Final- -. ly we learns-d of » 3 Pills and p11)- - ('un'd a lmx. In a short time she was well and r‘rmq nr‘t, now ('Ulllplilll) about, 1191' back. Lllt‘ kidney svr'i‘vtiuns have lie- «mine lull'nlfll, “ml shu plays :n'nnnd Lh“ lmuse with no apparent fatigue. We always 'l‘k'CUl'lllllt‘lltl Buotll’s Kid- ll-Jv Pills.” Bnnlli’q Kidney Pills carry a gua ’lll‘l- tee that if vuu dexiw- no benefit yum" hlullP)‘ will hervl'nnilvd. Bnuth’s Kid-i NW Pille are :1 specific for all diseases of Lnr: Kidneys and luluddt'l’. Suld by “H (llllgglx‘ts. 50c. lmx, or pus-[paid frum Ihp R. 'l‘. Bumh 70. le.. Fm't, Eli“, Um. Snld and guaranteed by \V. A. Sni’xdux-Sun. Vaughan Council TNFSDAY, JUNE 20, 1911 rhe nexc meetmg Pf (139 Council of the Muni- cmalitv m Vauylxan will be held in the TLmn Hall. Yellow. an hum. Htonffrillv. Ulll1)ll\'lll9, Vandnrf, Rutlmmnd Hill and Toronto. The #pwnd was nf Lhz‘ lwst. the ladies paid Pver attvntiun to [he guests. and a luusvenjuynble time was spent. At the raising of Mr. R. Agur’s burn Unptam W. Scott WM] from his war- Hlynppzvnent, Mr. G. Fun-star. The rmwd was wry LII'Q‘P, men women 1! 'Id chi]de lwing pre-svnt fran Mark- On the l'ulluwing day. Sunday, June ’18. special services will he held. Rev. R. J. B. Silllpsun of Newmarket will address the children of the Sn!)th Huhunl at 2.30 pm” and will also pun-urn Lhe Iawning sermon at 7 (film k. Music at, huth services by the Maple Methodist, Church Choir. The Annual Garden Party of the Methodist, S. S. will he held on the grounds of Mr. Ross Klinck (m Sunr- day._ the 17th inst. At 3 o’clock a Football Tmn-munenb will commence for :1 prize of $18.00, nan to all organ- lZed teams. The Markham I. 0. 0. F. Band will furnish a chnice programme nf music afternnnn and evening. Ten will be served from 4- 130 8 o’clock. and im- cmam and other delicacies will he served from refreshment booths. A good programme consisting of band selections. solus. duets. quzutettes and chmnsos has hr-un arranged fur the mening emm-tainment. the chair to 1w taken by Rev. Dr. Smith. Admis- sion to grounds. Pntm-tainment, &c., 25 gents, children 15 cents. RICHMOND HILL. 0mm. JUNE 15. 1911 6 YEAR OLD GIRL In: ‘fl'ihemi. Victoria Square. at 10 u. m. BIRTHS. J. B. MCLEAN Clerk 48-] m Pumps, Repairs and Windmills Lax-as 5 E Maple Pump Works 45-tf 43-221) I :m. pleased to inform the public that. l lnu‘eon hand a. supply of coal. lime. lath, cement, land plaster, shingles, cedar posts, c1nd 25, 3 and 4 inch tile. Your patronage will be a reclined. pp S. J ARVIS. 29 if \Ve have still sume good farms for sale. A few vacant, lots in the village the mnsL desn'nhle fur building on. Money (01mm on first mortgage. Apply to ' H. A. NICHOLLS. Rioans Tnbules: pléasant laxative. Rimms Tabules assist digestion. A Choice Farm containing 100ncres. Apply to H. R. HEISE. Land. and Money 40%“?§'+++++++++$+++N+++++++ *%++++++++++H++ +++++ 1I+++ A, WILSON ?*H+H+Q++++~l~++++++$+++++ +H+++M+++¢~++++ §+7¥¢++++++ >Write for our private address. I H c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ‘ ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally tall at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Books Freé b‘iseases of IVâ€"Ien. If unable Qo call, write for a Que-lion Blank for Maple Pump Works. PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT Dias: KENN mm KENNEDY Wheels Hyslop DB. KENNEDY, MEchâ€"i Dmscron or DRS. K. & K. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detraif; Mich. For Sale VCONSULTATION FREE Notice HOME TREKTMENf gum: DISEASES OF MEN Real Esmtp Agent. Richmond Hill. C Sweet to Eat “Mysode Victoria. quuare. Maple Station. When you pinchase n Hyslop Bicycle you know for a fact let it is the very lwst, your mquy can possibly lmy. It could not; be anything vlsc and bear the Hyslop name. Your assurance is 21 yems of absolute reliability, and :l l-vspousilnlity behind it that eliminates every possible risk. Hyslop bicycles are intended to give the- greatest. amount. of all-round efficiech at, a p: Ipnlm prion, and are lmilb on lines of absolute: thoroughness. Send at oncv for Illustrated Folder. and see [he surpi isiup; value “’9 have to offer lit-fore investing in a wln-s-l of any sort. Shuier and Victoria Sts. HYSLOP BROTHERS 48-8 Hurses and cattle taken in Ln pasture on lot 24, 3rd can. Vaughan. Plenty of spring water. Apply to GEO. AREAMAN, PENNY‘ROYAL WAFERS. Owner can have same by proving prnpeI-tvand payin ex enses. 48-4 JOH ONEILL. On June 1. into the premises of John O’Neill, lot. 14, con. 4. Markham, an taged buy man-e with white stripe an ace. A Lady’s Fan, in the Village of Richmond Hill. ‘ Enquire at 49-1 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBIUTY. BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseue- and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. 49-2 ‘1 , , ,V "M- .m. vault-«HIV LunUB- nu mafler how many doctors have failed to benefit you; no matter how much money you have spent in vain; no matter how dis~ courage!) you may 1e, don‘t give up in des- pair until you get a free opinion from these master specialists. If you are at: resent within the clutches of any secret habit, which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suffering from the results of past indiscre- tions; it your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live infiread of symp. toms breakin out and exposmg your poet: it you are su ering as the result of a mise spent life-Du. K. & K. are youfiRefuge. Lay your case before them ponfidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. Strawberry Pickers. Prize given t0 one pmving the mnst satisfactory. Regular wages in addition. Apply tn HARRY MOYIE, Home-and lot, fun-sale on Mill street. Inquire of 41- H. A. NICHOLLS. Drs. K. & K. are favorably known through- out. Canada where theiz have done busi- .ness for over 20 years. '1 ouaands of patients have been treated and cured by their great skill and through the virtue of their New Method Treatment. When you treat with them you know you are dealing with respon- sible physicians as they own and occupy their own office building in Detroit, valued at $100,009. When they decide your case is curable, all your worry is removed for Eou know they Will not deceive you. T ey guarantee to cure glhcuralile cages. No L... L,..- __A.,, YOU, CAN PAY \VHEN CURED LIMITED CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Estraygd W°um§w£éfiéthafi°§ I. tell. ‘ OOKPANY. Dim, Um to restore um! regulofim tho manger producing tree, healthy and punleu diuuhargu. No when or palm on up roach Now uled by over 30,000 ladies. ncouaed wulusengun. Invigorne. these organ. Buy at your drum only those vrlth our signature naval face or label. Avoid iuhssimwea. Sealed Particulars mulled So abnmp‘= 81.00;)“- Pasture For Sale Wanted ibund Richmond St, Richmnnd Hill. TORONTO Buttonvillc P. 0. The Village. Also 100 acres on the 2nd ham. ‘RANGING FROM $800 To $5.000. 166 acre farm north of village. Buildings Al. Land in good state of cultivation 11011565 and Lots FOR. SALE REAL ESTKTE Farm and Dairy Busu Man’s Magazine The Weekly Sun Daily News .1. York 00. Daily Star, outside of Dag}; Main and Empire Daily Globe, York Co. â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" ‘. H. SANDERSON. v.5. Canadian Farm Farmer’s Advocate Faimily Herald and V‘Veekly . I A Star, 1 year ‘ gfic. F57 Weekly Globe 4 £529. ‘ PM , Weekly Mail and Empire {5C- Subscriptians {31' weekiy €115. daily papers taken with “The Liberal” at $3 a, year at the £013,431??ng mtes:-- RICHMOND HILL Every family should havé both theirlocal paper and a @1537 paper NOW ON HAND-â€" SIX VERY DESIRABLE towns and villages have all the good features known to modern musical science. WRIGHT BROS. WRITE FOR GATMOGUE MANAGER of Mark GOOD SUPPLY OF“ PIPES, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS COME AND SEE ME. Next door south of RECEE‘VE’GNB HRLL A. J. HUME FINE TAMRING BARBER SHOP . GRAINGER AND NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, E10. Sprain} nth-Minn given to PROPRIETOR Couveyanc'ing, E40 ‘ 900. 2.50 ire’ 2.50 Pressing Cleaning Repairing h of Trencb’s (‘mrriago Works. To PATENT liqu fleas ma beaeourod ourynid. Addresa’, THE "“ENT RECORD, Baltimore. I¢ 1.50 1.50 1.50 900. 75c.

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