“One day I told my wife to go fand get me a box of Dodd’s Kidney lPills and that would be the last medicine I would try. After using "about half the box I began to feel fbetter, so I kept on taking them. {When I had taken two boxes I was able to get up, and ten boxes cured me completely.†Also the Queen thinks that all trains should be made of some heavy material like velvet or very rich satin rather than the gold and silver tissues and real laces which have been used of late years, the reason for this being that the de- butante in her hurry to withdraw after her obseiance to the King and Queen crumples her train over her arm in an ugly manner when it is flimsy and light, whereas when it is heavy it falls in graeeful folds no matter how cirelessly she grasp it. If a, man does not seek wisdom he will never be very w1se. To have the children sound and healthy is the ï¬rst care of a. mo- ther. They cannot be healthy if troubled wit-h worms. Use Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Whatever you swallow down your “Sunday†throat or your wind- pipe, be sure it is not a peanut, for If you do there is grave danger of death. So declared Dr. Chevalier Jackson, of Pittsburg, at the re- cent congress of the American Laryngological Association. He asserted that while it was possible to remove some foreign bodies from these two organs with comparative ease and safety, the majority of cases where particles of a peanut were lodged were fatal. Tippins P. 0., Que., June 12 (Special).â€"If Dodd’s Kidney Pills have a, more enthusiastic friend anywhere in Canada than Mr. F. lTippins, postmaster here, we would {like to hear from him. And Mr.- iTippins is always ready to tell why {he praises the great Kidney Remâ€" ledy. Besides the edict practically forâ€" bidding ultra-tight or hobble skirts at court which was issued recently, she has made several practical suggestions. One is that young girls should have their court dresses made slightly shorter in front, as in their nervousness they often trip over trailing skirts as they rise from the required courtesy and make very graceful exits in conâ€" sequence. (F. Tippins had suffered for years and spent hundreds on doctors and medicines, but found the real cure at last. Suggests That the Presentation Dresses Be Made Shorter. Queen Mary is anxious that de- butantes who are being presented at court this season should appear to the greatest advantage, any with that in view she has given sev- eral hints to dressmakers regard- ing the fashioning of presentation gowns. ‘AND DQDD’S KIDNEY PILLS _CURED THE POS’I‘MASTER. Dodd’s Kitiney Pills cure where B11 other medicines fail. {IRIED M lASI WHEN OTHERS All FAILED “After recovering from an attack of Grippe,†the postmaster says, “I took a pain in my back. I suf- fered for nearly “three years and it kept growing worse all the time. I lwas attended by all the doctors laround, but got no relief. and I got so bad I had to keep to my bed. After spending about $200 on doctors and medicines I gave up all hope. Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. BE CAREFUL OF PEANUTS. QUEEN AND DEBUTANTES. ISSUE NO. 24â€"11 The boy was amazed. Looking back he excleimed: “Which horn did she blow, grandpa 'l†head?†“Horns.’ said his grandpa. The two walked on. Presently the cow mooed loud and long. 7 "Did you iell your sister I was here?†asked the calhr. “Yes, sir.†“Good boy. And what did she say?†She said: ‘Oh, dear?" A little, cityâ€"bred boy who had never seen a cow, while on a visit to his uncle’s in the country walked out across the ï¬elds with his grandâ€" pa. Seeing a cow, he was greatly excited, and asked: “What is that, grandpa?†“Why, that is only a cow,†was the reply. “What are those things on her For Sprains and Bruises.â€" There is nothing better for sprains and contusions than Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain as if 1)) magic. It will take the ache out of a bruise and prevent. the flesh from discoloring. It seems as if there was magic in it, so speedily does the injury disâ€" appear under treatment. “That man said he never forgets a. favor.†“He speaks truly,†an- swered Bings. “He did me a fav- or ï¬fteen years ago and has been talking about it ever since.†Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is prepared from drugs known to the profession as thor- oughly reliable for the cure of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pains and summer com- plaints. It has been used success- fully by medical practitioners for a number of years with gratifying results. If suffering from any sum- mer complaint it is just the medi~ cine that will cure you. Try a bot- tle. It sells for 25 cents. Young Manâ€"“Why do you advise Miss Smith to go abroad to study music? You know she has no ta1~ ent.†Old Manâ€"“I live next door to Miss Smith.†Charles~â€"“When is the best time to see your father, Dorothy 2†“In the evening, sweetheart. He wears his slippers then!†Maudâ€"“Are you going to p] cut-e that horrid Jack Dare stealing a» kiss?†Ethelâ€"“N0; property has been returned.†“What!†exélaimed the 01d gen- tleman. “And my sister married one of them!†sTRY MURINE EYE REMEDY‘ for Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelidl. Murine Doesn’t Bmartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250. 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. 1') QMurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Mlnard's Llnlmont Lumberman's Friend. The old gentleman on a visit to the Zoo paused before a cage conâ€" taining kangaroos. “WHat aï¬imal is that?†he in- quired of a keeper. “That is a naiive of Australia,†replied the keeper. Unmarried and having an inâ€" come of $2,680 a year in Norway, your income tax payment would be $421.22; married, with one child, $389.94; married, with six child- ren, $355.17. All that you would get off your income tax (married) for having six children would be $66; all that you would 'get off by having ï¬ve more children would be $44 and six bits. Married or unâ€" married in Norway, you would esâ€" cape paying an income tax only by having an income less than $83.08 a year. Think of paying an income tax out of $7 a- month! How should you like to pay an in- come tax on next to nothing? If you were a Norwegian living at home and earning $134 a year you would be taxed on oneâ€"tenth of it if you were unmarried; on about oneâ€"twentieth of it if you were marâ€" ried and had no children. If you had children you still would be taxed on one-ï¬ftieth of it. Rate highâ€"17.2 per cent. With an in- come of $536 a year you would be taxed, if unmarried, on more than half of your income; if married and having no children, on about 40 per cent. of your income; having one child, about 37 per cent; two children, on about 31 per cent. Married Men Are Favored, But Everybody Must Pay Something. Keep Minard’s Llnlment In the house. NORWAY’S INCOME TAX. A POINTED QUESTION. AT THE ZOO. to prose- Dare for “No; the The Beauty of a, Clear Skin.â€" The condition of the liver regu- lates the condition of the blood. A disordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these show them- selves in blemishes on the skin. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills‘ in act- ing upon the liver act upon the blood and a clear, healthy skin will follow intelligent use of this standard medicine. Ladies, who will fully appreciate this prime quality of these pills, can use them with the certainty that the effect will be most gratifying. "I wonder,†said the Sweet Young Thing, “why a manlisl alâ€" ways so frightened when he .‘pxo- poses ’1†“That,†said the Chi‘onic Bachelor, “is his guardian angel trying to hold him back.†l “Mamma,†shouted little Wiflie from the nursery, “Johnnie wants half the bed.†“Well,†queried his mother, “isn’t; he entitled to half of it?†“Yes,†replied Willie, “but he wants his half in the mid- dle.†“Can we,†began the facetious schoolâ€"inspector--â€"“can we ever im- agine anything worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?†Up shot Jimmy Smith’s hand. “Yes, sir,’ he cried. “What, then, my boy ’1†“Please, sir, a centipede with “Why did your cook leave so suddenly?†“She made two cakes last Saturdayâ€"one for us and one to take to her married sister. When she wasn’t looking I exchanged them, and took for our use the one she had intended to give away.†corns !†“And how is your husband d0â€" ing now, Mrs. Smith?†“011, he’s doing well! He’s got a, job in a. glue factory.†“I’m very sorry. I hope he’ll stick there†Do you ever have Headache, Toothache, or Earache? Most; peo- ple do. Hamlins Wizard Oil is the best household remedy and lini- ment for these everyday troubles. BEST AND HEALTH TD MOTHER AND CHILD. st.Wmsnow’s SOOTHING Svnuv has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN \VHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOO’I‘HES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES ‘WIND COLIC‘ and is the best remedy for DIARRI-ICEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents a bottle. Mlnard's Llnlment used by Physicians. VWriic ï¬giioï¬Ã©lwï¬rvï¬g & Chemical Co. (Dept. W. L.), Toronto, for free sample. Regular size at dealers, 500. a. box, 6 for $2.50. As Mrs. Pettigl‘ew put it, “I was all crippled up. I saw Gin Pills advm‘tised and sent for some, and after taking only two boxes, am a. different woman. Gin Pills are the only thing that helped me, and I cannot say too much for them." If you have that dreadful pain in the ‘back Mif you are tortured with rheumatlsmM get, Gin gills atronce. Mrs. John Pcttigrew, of Central Econ- omy, N.S., was practically helpless from rheumatism. She could not stoop, and her limbs 'achcd so that it was torture for her to be up and around the house. “It looks rather soiléd,†remark- ed the lady, snifï¬ng suspiciously. But Jimmy was equal to the occa- sion. “That, madam,†he replied, “is where it struck the ground when it fell off the tree.†Viggiine “Are you sure this is real alli- gator-skin?†she inquired. “Positive,†replied Jimmy. "I shot that alligator myself.†The ï¬rst customer was an old lady who was out to buy a present for her son. She was very difï¬cult to please, and Jimmy began to get impatient. At last the lady picked up a little satchel. Johnson, the fancy dealer, had left his boy Jimmy in charge of his shop. A Valu a bl e Remedy for‘Catarrh. IZ’Vaseline Remedies InTubes. Camphorlce. Mentholated. Carboiatedï¬arhphorated. Whiteridc of Zinc .Caésiciiï¬. ézcEachfor‘specialpurposes.’ Write for FreeVaselineBook to Okinawa." Mn. ('0 (can-'41 mo cum A.an SOMETHING WORSE. A SITUATION VACANT. CURED HER KIDNEYS. Holloway’s Corn Cure takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and prove it. Suddenly the razor slipped, mak~ ing a great gash in the man’s face, and he sprang to his feet with a yell of pain and anger. “Shut up, man!†said the bar- ber, holding up his hand. “Can’t you see I’ve cut my thumb?†A man entered a, barber’s shop for the purpose of being shaved. As he was somewhat, hollow-check- ed, the barber put his thumb in the customer’s mouth in order to press out the cheek- Leap year would be all right if the dear girls were not so timid. “Oh,†replied 'the landlady, “that’s nothing sir! The music teacher has eleven children and they make so much noise that you can’t hear the piano at all.†Ladyâ€""I want a pair of boots for my little boy.†Assistant â€"â€" “French kid?†Lady~â€"“Don’t be impertinent.†“Did you say,†asked a, gentle- man who was looking for roomsâ€"-- “did you say that; a music teacher occupies the next apartment? That cannot be very pleasant.†A Pill for Brain Workers.â€"â€"The man who works with his brains is more liable to deungement of the digestive system than the man who works with his hands, because the one calls upon his nervous energy while the other applies only his muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomach and liver, and the best remedy that can be used is Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills. They are specially compounded for such cases and all those who use them can certify to their superior power. Elsieâ€"“Papa. says he thinks he gave you quite a start when you asked for my hand.†Jack ~â€" “Huh, I don’t call that a start; he reached me before I got to the door.†MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Lini- ment asked for at my store and the only onejye _keep fo_r sale.“ Pleasant Bay, 0.13. Cleanin and Curling and Kid Gloves cleancd ' )ese can be sent by post, lc per 01. The be place is BRITISH mggmm'hvamc co: FEATHER DYEING ofall kinds,v'n any and all stages, quickly relieved and positively cured. Cure your suffering and live quietly. “Common Sense" for Piles will do it. 81 a box, 85 for 6 boxes. Mailed on receipt of price. The most highly efï¬cient application for the reduction of Swellings, Goilre, Thick Neck, Glandular Eniargemels. It's Positive. IODINDL u >All ithe Vï¬eoï¬ie VuSé it: when buying your Piano insist on havmg on Io A COUNTER IRRITATION. OTTO HEGEL" LYLE Id“! I'ua'w 25¢. a box. If yodr druggi'st has not 9:: stocked them. send 250‘ will mail thcm. - National Drug ï¬rhnnl nf mining For Calendnr o! the School and further inhalation. :pply to the Secretary, School of Mining, Kingston,0nt. 118 WEST QUEEN STIR? Piano Action A MILLEGE 0' APPLIED SOURCE. Allth to Ilioen’n llnlvonny. IEDICIIE COMPANY. Kingatnn, @111. CHEEK. MONTREAL. nd Chemical Company of Canada. Limited. H'ARLIN FULTON. TORONTO $1 a box 6 for $5 The miner’s wife answered the door, and on being told by the shoemaker that he had called for the money for the boots, she shout- ed into the house and told her good man what was required. “What!†exclaimed the miner. "He wants the pay for soling the boots? Tell him it’s not his turn. Why. the chap that made them hasn’t got paid yet!†~ A miner took his boots to get; soled, but was not in a. hurry to pay for them. After a, few weeks had elapsed, the shoemaker called to ask for his money. “7 E pay the express in Ontario. Forty, 8 weeks Yorkshires, registered. ten dollars each. Write for what you want. Thos. N. Havens & Son. Aldboro P.O.. Ont. f.o.b. Montreal, equals pianos sol elsewhere $300.00 on payments. Wri Wholesale Department, The Leach Planq 00., Ltd., Montreal. EW UPRIGH’I‘ PIANOS, $165.00 we}! 17 U teinii éï¬d’éiï¬Ã©i'nizlfc’uiled 'thhou’t pain by our home treatment. Wnte us before too late. Dr. Bellman MedxcalCo, Limited, Collingwood, Ont. '7 Spare ï¬ime, no expenence necelr sary. Our lmea especially used by; mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A, Brier; 1811 Canadian Industrial Company. Albert Sm, Ottawa. QPECIALIS’I‘S ADVICE FREE. Consuli Ly. us m.regard to any disease. Lowest prlces m drugs of all kinds. Trusses ï¬tted by mail. Send measure- ment“ Glasses ï¬tted by age. Write toâ€"duy for anything sold 111 ï¬rst-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood, Ont. UT YOUR GLASS AT HOME.~Our new "Red Devil†Glass Gunter cuts wire glass, plate glass, smoked and windo glass. By mail 250. W. E. Potter & 00.. 46 Benoit St... Montreal. {5â€"be'aix'riâ€" Léiife' M1175: ' 'Sh'iri‘ ié'ï¬dm}, Engines and Boilers, Mill Supp les. Th '11]: ang‘ lli‘a'mufgc‘tur‘ing Co., Ltd., Wes UMBER. interior trim, doors. flooring. sash. Price quoted at. your station. Small or large orders. P. W. '1‘. Ross. Toronto. tercst, and excite everybody! 500. in stamps, or postal order, brings, postpaid. 4 of our latest puzzles and amusing nov- gties. ‘:The Idea,†32 St. Catherine East. Street, brillia, Ontario: OMEN WANTED to take orders in gparertime, no expemence necelr W9 will guarantee large returns ana solid Investments. Correspondence spl- icited. Edmonton Locators, Lulu Fm- ancial Agents. Edmonton, Alta. Montreal. GENTS WANTED.~A study of other Agency propositions convinces m that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don’t apply for particulars to Travellers' Dept". 220 Albert St" Ottawa. IOUUU.UUU 740' 07335.. _~'Wer;1-éxv‘, Northpark Ave., Chicago, Illinois. _â€"â€"â€"â€"_ leACE your money with us in trusg _WW§ \Vl“ guarantee large returns anc 18¢": QTOQK. GRAIN OR BAIRY FARMS. II k wxll pay you to consult me if you want to buy onel A The best mixed farming district in Alberta. The oldest. land company in Alberta. Write for catalogue. 'Depart- ment “A,†The Saskatchewan Land and Homestead Company, Limited, Red Deer. Alberta. 1.000.000 H W..DAWSON, Phone Main 6990, or _ . mghts and holidays at Two Hun- dred and Seventy-two Wright Avenue. Phone Park 527. RUIT FARMS, all sizes, from 5 acres up to 200, at prices that are reason- able. L W. DAWSON, Nlnety Colborno Street. . Toronto. ‘ ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ptc._ _ In, AWMILL _ M‘ACHIEERY,M rorgablgmpr TON SCALE, 3 ecial price. Wilson’- Scale Works. splanade, Toronto. UN AT PIC-NICS, SOCIAL EVENINGS. pr BIRTHDAY Immune: Amy‘se. i_m ARM SCALES, special price. Wilsoxï¬ Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. LEEQRTA FARM ‘LHAND'S FOR. SALE; FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ESTERN LANDS any quantity WAITING HIS TURN. AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. mains and Mealkm. Chemistry and Mineralogy. Mineulozy and Geology. Chemical Enginecring. Chi Easing-ins. Engineen’ng. Electrical ' Sanitary Enginea‘ing. Power Development. 10 ENVELOPES, Thousun‘ Mauro-I. :. and we