Allulwuwy V.--V_ Roman Cachnu‘é' Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sunduyg M 9 _a.. 123. my} 10.30 a. m. ,_A ,Lunm, -. -__x umuw vuu .. Methmush Gtflrych â€"§éf§icos in 10.30 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer Augetjng Thpfsdfly. eyeingg.) . n: n1--1.- It-.. momma “m. ,__,. _ . ._,,,0, Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dav on or before full moon Court Richmond A O F -â€"- Meets fourth Fri- day '- Ivy Lodge.A0 U W-«Meets third We Deadly of each month Camp Elgm, S 0 S â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday Hill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes= duv gldjsllird Friday of 923.011. mgmh. _ .. .u_;__--.1._.. mun uuuu . uou v- “Mâ€. w-.. __. u." R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst: Wednesday of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday. of every month Public lerary and Beading Boom-6pm Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. EDWOHJJ Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Friday. Junior Epwor'uh League meets every Fri- day aftemopn at 4.__ _ __ . ....,,, AL!) Church of EnglandaServien at 3p. m. 1st. 2nd and 4m Sunday. Thml Sunday at 11 mm. Bresuywrmu Churchâ€"Services at 11 9.. 111., and p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursdavquuigg. m ,J. n‘.‘_:4_.. A_ ‘u._A_ uuv mum...qu .w .. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets everv Fridgy at 8 p.m. in the Church. Strangers mu be ngen '6 cordial welcome .' " MORNING! .. .sm EVENING .609 . ,, N. B.â€"Regisbered letters must; be handed in It. least Fifteen Minutes oarlie)‘ than the abo‘ye mentioned hours for closing. Printing 1 Stationery , School Books Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Bill Post Ofï¬ce as follows;â€" Mail Closes Ior 0116 Son?!) MORNING ..... .880 §++++++++++++++++a¢+++*+++ Bi" Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &C. School Books, 7 Standard Novels, SOuvenir Post Cards, Post arj X' ) u‘ms, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. The Next Sitting 0f Div1smn Cmuttm N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Ronni. DIVISION '- IIIIIIIIT. 3+++¢+++++++++++++++++++éi earned nvnr SG‘Iiu a day Eit mu mwul-‘nl‘. Vm are Mane-l a mum“: sure at GBLD Go to The iberal Office for with 3; ma new depart- ment has to o with the o u n t r y HEY-e and its surr \undings. Te‘ ms: $4 ayear, $2 for six m nths. ~We_ nd free en‘sfge- quest 0 _r catalogue of t h e b e s t x . books on outï¬t-or hfe and recreation. ' fng; or Adventure :13: and FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadviay, New York. 1519011 POST OFFICE NOTICE omszr i533;ng Money Orders:â€" Monday, july 10, 1911, MORNING". . . MORNING.. Eï¬iï¬me OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster GCOD STOCK OF RICHMOND HILL Village Directory )ummencmg at 10 a. m. Morning Mail arrives 8.15 Evemng Mail arrives 6.15 MONEY ORDERS Mail Closes for Aurora.â€" ï¬elds "a ucnrce. ha! than who write sunson & Co..Pornnnd, Mainsyill receive free, full information Iboul work which |hev mu do. and live)“ homeflufl will pay .hem from Sf- 10 $35 in" day. Some have in a day Either uoz. young at old. Clpilll are Mane-1 free Thou! aha!!th It on“ $+é++~§°++ 'I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yachtâ€" 81ml mm Innuuci. All i: new. terested in country life, ask your newchaler for are in- you : to SOME OF THE FOLLOWING SEASONABE GOODS. A GOOD THING TO TAKE A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO ALONG. NEW PERFECTEON GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill THE RIBHMBND HILL HARBWflRE 8333 E†00 N N O R a BALL-BEARING 'WASHING MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE PRICE ONLY $10 00 Melotte and Standard Cream Separators _ Paroid and Branzford Asphalt Heady Pooï¬ugs Anthony Wire Fence, (Sec. GET THE BEST THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. Lax-ets 5 25,000 New. Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles based on the latest Census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of over 10.000 noted persons, date of birth. death. etc. New mm. 5000 Illustrations. fuck 13mm Edited by W. '1‘. HARRIS, Ph.D.. LL.D.. United States Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Page: Needed in Every Home FREE, “DiotionLrny-inkhs." muitmud'pmphio: Publishers. Springï¬eld. Mica. YORKTON Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 1116 Pages. 1100 Illustration. a Regular Edition 7x10xÂ£Â§ï¬ inchea. 8 bindings. De Luxe Edition “(:8an In. Printed from name rintel, on bible paper. 2 beautiful bindings. PHONE 18. Fur full information address G. H. Bradbruok G. 6 C. MERRIAM CO..‘ WEEKLY STORE NEWS Recently Enlarged wrm TheAMost Complete and Bvest. Working Stove Made. NO SMOKE. NO SMELL. 3 Burners $1.00. Complete with large Oven $14.00. Tinsmithing of all kinds Promptly Done at Lowest Prices am: Satisfaction GuaranteeJ. A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction. costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributing and. Land Ofï¬ce centre of Eastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. SCREEN WINDOWS Don’t You Think This {s a Good Time to Buy To suit; all sized windowsâ€"from 18 to 400,. each. SCREEN DOORS C Qweeflzytat I ACanw'Bowd’ an. . SOLE AGENTS FOR 3 sizes from 900. to $2.15 each. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES That Harness Driver‘and horse buth fee-l (-mnfnrt able when the right kind nf Harm-$5 i; used. ‘ VVQ’fl like tn'shmv you the Best and handhmnest harness there is made. Dusters, Plixah and “’00! Imp Rngs‘. and uthe’r supplies always in stock. First-class goods at right prices. 73AM, MARKS Dssmns v Cowman-11's ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descflgtlon may nulckl ascertain our oplnlon free w ether an lnveut on to probably Patents.le mmunlcn. none strictly conï¬dent al. HANDBDO on Patents sent tree. Oldest army for securlng atents. Patents taken 1; rough Mann b 0. ma mica! gotta. Vining“ a use. In 611 AKaEaEJnIe'x} ’nixï¬ï¬achEEBilf Erase In:- oulatlon of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms for Canada. $3.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by qt] newadoalers. 5M $0.361“va New York 6% F St... Washington. D. C. Sï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬iiéjfliiigricam There use many ways of ï¬xing them. No two cases are alike. Come and let us tell you “ How†and .“Why†and “If.†We advise free. Health and appearance depend upon your tooth. mvajhe matior careful thought? Sec. Board of Trade. 8A8 K. The fullmving slalliuns will travel through this section of (:mmtry ur stand at their uwn stables during the season of 1911: â€" TOWARD CHIEFâ€"Pï¬rt’ Brod Impnrllvd Ulydesdalw, the properly «if D. O. Steely. Hichumnd Hill, will sLaud at his mvn stahlu; Terms $15. PROUD BARONâ€"imported Clydesdalv. the pmlwrly of \V. Palln-m, Davis- villr. Will gu tn Lansing, Maple, Thnrnhill, Ouncm-(l, &c. Terms $12. M ARQUIS 0F COWALâ€"lInpm'tedUl \‘dvs- dale, I be prop-Arty of Fletcher Thump- smn, Oak Ridges. \Villgu tn Schumâ€" herg. Nnhlvtun, King City, Smumil Hausa, Oak Ridges, Aurora, Kettle- hy. Terms $14. LORD MonvEN-â€"Impm-tvd Clydesdale. the pruperty of '1‘. HILnge, THU- peranrevillr. \Vill go to King (lily. Maplr, Elgin Mills, \Vhiwhurch. Aurnra, King, &c. Tin-ms $15. ROYAL HATTONâ€"Pme 13rle Imported Ulydvsdale. (he pruprrly (If I). G. Bluugh. King City. \Vill trawl thrhngh KingUily, Noblvt’un, Mapie‘. Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges. \Vhitcllurch, Aurora, 610. Terms $l2. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdalv Stall- inu. the prnpm-ty nf \V. J. \Vvlls, 'l‘vmpx-ranevvillv. “’1†go In Aurora. King. Vr‘llnrt‘, 801:. Terms 8510. GREFFIERâ€"Imp:Irtrd Pvrgzhl-rnn. the pmm-rty ul"\V. Glass. Elgin Mills. \Nill go to King Oily. \Vhitchuw-h, Markham, Yungu street, 851:. Terms Glazier, Grainer and Paper-- Hanger. ‘ W. HEVWSON RESIDENCE. RICH MONF) HIT}. $14. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Purc bred, imported Clydesdale. tho pruperly (-f Rnlvt. Mighm-l. Pullul'l' Hunsu, Riohumnd Hill. \Vill gt) t0 Victoria Squaw, HPndfnl'd, Thumhill, FlShL‘l‘Vlllt‘, Maple. Terms 531’). MINTO CRIMESâ€"American-ln‘ed regis- tered trotting stallion, [he pruperty nf \Villiam (J‘rnuld. Richmond Hill. “’ill go L0 Unionville Thursday, Victoria Square Fridav. and home the rest, of the we: k. Terms $10. Don’t place your“ m-dvr for spring until you have had mu- prices. Until we have an agent, at Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quote you direct». State quantity (if stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. THE BANK Our tl‘ees are guaranteed strictly ï¬rst, grade, true to name. and to be delivered in ï¬rst class condition. We can save you money in two. ways. 19-3111 May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of 'tha farmer’s market, and by leaning 'of the bést method in farm practice. This is precisely thé sort of information the Farmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has n?) equal gs a Farmer‘s Busine’sa Papér.‘ Good fgme'u my on it Fo'r pdc‘e see on: clubbihi 'oï¬e'r. stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Group Remedy. One test will surely prove. V I No vomiting. no 'dis- tress. A safe and pleasmg syrupâ€"500. Druggxsts. Thos; W. Bowman 8: Son (20., ' - Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. RICHMQND EMMLL‘ BRANCH HOUSE PAINTER, B ri t i sh CANADIAN BUSINESS. COLLEGE TORONTO The Fruit Tree Specialists. L. E- ‘EEANB, Fianag'er. _ Branch-ea also 35 M’A'ï¬iygï¬lg _ MA ï¬KHABI. STOUE‘FVILLE For sums up to $50 out Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. ‘ For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. ‘ Money sent at once to any banking point in the World by Teiegtapiiic or Cable Transfer. . ' Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. Established 1873 SbaII FARM PROFITS 10D. ms 'OF CANADA TRANSMITTING MQNE‘ Register. Tum percent chénper, ten par cent hotter fur Business. bhm-thugl‘, and Natalie. Buuklet. Flt-e. and LOCUh‘ET 31 IL?" R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bluor Sts. if. 1. W353 Canadian Pubâ€" lishing Company CASSELLS’ The monthly magazines 0}. the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Canâ€" ada by yearly subsaxiption a! low rates. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED '10; If is not necessary send to foreign couatrie ! >1 maga. zines. Read the following:â€" Cnssel‘s Magazine, perann'um . $ . The Stm‘y Tulle)- . . Thu Quiver . . . . Musical Home Jam-nu] . . The Girls’ Realm . . . . Little, Fulks . . . . Chums . . . . . . l-iHIâ€"‘hâ€"‘Hkâ€"dhâ€"l GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PANV - 42 Adelalde St. W Toronto ++++~Â¥$+++++++°¥+++++++++ +4"!- 3’ _ Stpdy at Hpme _ + *++*W‘BM++ ++H +ï¬+++4°$°lfllub Willowdale 38-tf PATRONAGE Snmcrmn ANI) SATISFAC"‘IUN GUARANTEED SHDEING LAME AND IN F. i. WUUDWARD. and qualify fur :1 good situation in business life. It, will costlittle to do this. Get mu- plzms. Write The Shaw Correspondence School. 391 X Hugo SL, Tut-unto. Some bred and others ready to breech. H6LSTEIN BULL CALVES . ‘ EEGHT TAR/{WORTH sows :G Lam-E AND IIETE-RFERZIIG HQRSES A £PECI3L'EY a! U Stock Farm if. MCKEN 80 Branch: 86 1.2:) 1.51) 1.50 1.50