Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jun 1911, p. 8

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The Sunday School of St. Andrew’s hers- intend holding their annual pic» nic to Lake \Vilcox on Friday of this Week. 7 iMr; And Mrs. Jamés nf Thornhill spggt 93:61: Sundixyith Mr. J. ‘Rqss. ’ Misé Roberta Gillies returned home on sunday after spending a week at, ths‘kay. DH. 'A. L. Gillies of Toronto visited withfhis brothte arfejv days last: week. Mrs. A. J. McGaHum'spt-nt a. few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Dixon, of Richmond Hill last week. Quite a. number of our yuung people attended the Teston Gal-den Patty on \Vednesduy evening. and report a. good time. Our Union Band was al- so present. Mr. Norman Ireland. who has been Sick With the appendicitis is improving nicely. Campbell, with his family is moving this week to Eugenia where he has charge of the Methodist church. ‘ Mrsgkéiéfififl Miss Ella Hamilton Toronto visited over Sunday at Mr. lesins’ We are very sorry to state that Mr. Andrew Killough Was taken seriously ill on Saturday with hemmorrhage of thestomach. Miss Grace Egan and brother of Purple-ville visited on Sunday at Mr. Jns. Egan’g. MiSSPS Holly and Belle Martin of King City were guests at A. J. Mc- Callum’s “Maple Grange” last Thurs- dqy evenjng. fiev. Jofin Scott of Port Perry conducted the service in St. Andrew’s Church here on Sunday. v ,The children of St. Andrew’s S. S. enjoyed a picnic on the church grgunds last Sgturday afternoon. "u I- ‘ ,JI,!A Lu.‘ “'REGTWL'Ger'a’m pf-eached his faxe- well sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday morningw Mr. w. Rolling 0‘? King City is pre- siding over the entrance here, Mr. (J. M. Rowe at King City, and Mr. ’1‘. Mc- qu:mack is assisting at Aurora". Some farmers in 'lhis locality have started haying and report it a light crop. Nuw that the Camp Meetings are over. everyone will have an opportun- ityfiu get tested in fine shape for the Umon Picnic at Atha, on Saturday of this week. Several of our most eminent agri- culturists attende the annual East, York Farmers’ Institute excursion to the A. 0. last; F1 iday. Mr. Bub Yakes in company with several other Canadian Capitalists, contemplate guing West in the near future on speculation. M 1-. and Mrs. Harry of Toronto spent their wevk end with Mr'. and Mrs. J. Hnuch of Cedar Dale Farm. We are pleased to see Mm. Geo. Love out again. Mr. Stanley Sedore spont sunday with his parents at, Ravenshne. Mr. anfl Mrs. F. H. Qunntz, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jen nings and family of Victoria Square. Ziun Luther-an Sabhath School pur- pose hulding their annual picnic on the Church grnunds in the zlftcrnoun of Thursday, the GL1) of July. Free- will offering. All are welcome. Mxi. W. S. Wilson and Miss F. L. Lundy of Victoria. Square spent Sun- day in the vicinity of Aurora. The leading feature of the July MC- CLURE’S is Burton J. Hendrick’s urticlv “The IuiLiutive and ererendnm. and How Oregon Got'l‘hem.” The govern- mental ideas that now occupy su hugely the public mind have been in activeupemtinn 1n Oregon fur se-veml years. and in this article Mr. Hendrick shnws the practical workings (If p11» gressive legislation. {Sport Enew depart- ment has to Ede with the tC o u n t r y E Home and its surioundings. I Lax-em 5 ‘5 for and lar; i a periences of angler (mn ers and campers, c Adventure STREAM,” or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. .A large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A Terms: $4 a year, $2 for six months. We send ’ free on re- quest our catalogue of t h e b e s t bOuKS on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. his parents at, Havenshne. '. and MKS: F. HLQulntz! sgent ‘V HATS IN MCCLURE’S bherwood. .Maple. Strange. Cashel. like' to read of eriences of anglers, shootâ€" rs and campers, or yacht- mg; or I t if you 4}. “1'6 terested in country life, ask your newsdealer for “FOREST AND [3 Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel huh you a to d of of SOME OF THE FOLLOWING SEASONABE GOODS. A GOOD THENG TO TAKE A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO ALONG. NEW PERFECTION THE RIGHMUNB HIL'L HARDWARE 3038 GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill Melotte and Standard Cream Separators Paroid and. Branzford Asphalt; Ready Roofiugs Anthony Wire ,Fence, 8co- ‘3’” 00 N N O R m BALL-BEARING WASHING MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE PRICE ONLY $10.00 GET THE BEST THE RHJHMUND HILL HARDWARE CU; Lax-ets 5 Nefir Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles. based on the latest census returns. NewBiographical Dictionary containing the names of over 10,000 noted persons. date of birth, death. etc. Edited by W. T. HARRIS. P1131. LL.D.. United States Commissionerof Education. New rm“. 5000 Illustntlonl. inch mums. Needed flgAEyeryHongg 25,000 N ew word; FREE, I‘ninmnuywmm"muimdpmphm Publlahon. Springfield. Koo.- YORKTON Also Webltor’l Colleglate Dictiifmry 1116 Pizzas. 1400 Inn-trade”. Regular Edition 7310:!“ Indian. 8 bindings. De Luxe Edition flank!“ in. Printed from name plAMiqqiblblorpaperLlibegutlful binding; PHONE 18. For full information address G. H. Bradbmok, Sec. Board of Trade. G. 6 C. MERRIAM 00.. WEEKLY STORE NEWS 23807703211170 Page! Recently Enlarged WITH The Most Complete and Best; Working Steve Made. NO SMOKE. -:- NO SMELL. 3 Burners $11.00. Complete with large Oven $1400. Tinsmithing of all kinds Promptly Done at LoWest Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction. costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributing and Land Office centre of Eastern Safiatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Chuiches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. SCREEN WIN DOVVS Don’t You Think This is a Good Time to Buy >Tovs171it all sized windowsâ€"from 18 to 40e. each. SCREEN DOORS C ‘wec’, 29 El! A Cand" Bowel SOLE AGENTS FOR sizes from 900. to $2.15 each. BLUE FLAME OIL STDVES That Harness DriVe!‘ and horse both feel unmfm-t- able when the right kind nf Harness is used. handsomest harness there is made. Dusters, Plush and “7001 Lap Bugs. and other supplies always in stock. First-class goods at right prices. We’d like tn ShOW you the best and Twin: MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tlon may quickly ascertain our opinion tree w ether an invention is probably ntantnble. Communimv tions strictlyconfldent a]. HANDBOOK on Patents sent. free. Oldest agency for uecurmgcjgftenm. Patents taken t. rou h Munn & renal-w mega optics. [19:91“ me. inthg AEEdEoFuIéG 'ui‘iat'nfid'iéfil'y.‘ Lirééafl an. culntion of any seleuuflo journal. Terms for Canada, 53.75 a year use Id. Sold by all nowadealors. '1?“ mp“ MUHN & 00.36'Bmm New York Branch once. 615 F St. Wuhinfiton. D. c. 'Smfiééétiifié mam, There are many way. of fixing them. No two cases are alike. Dome and let us tell you “ How" and “Why” and “If.” We advlsé free. Health and app‘varance dopond upon your isoth. Give the matter cnreful thought ‘I SASK. The fullmving stulliuns will tram-l thrnugh this sectinn ht' cmmtry or stand HL their mvn stables during the season ()f19112'â€" TOWARD CHIEFâ€"Pure Brod lmpnrl‘vd Clydesdale. the prupvrty nt D. 0. Steele, Richumnd Hill. \rillstuml at, hisnwn stable. Terms $15. PROUD BARONâ€"«lnmm‘tvzl Clydesdale, ' the pmperty of W. Pnllutt, Daria. ville. \Vill gu to Lansing, Maple. Thurnhill, Guncurtl. 6w. Terms $12. MARQUIS 0F UOWALâ€"Impurted Clvd esâ€" dztle, the prhpvrty of FletcherThomp~ sun, Onk ltidgps. \Villgo tnSuhmu- berg, Nnhlvtnn, King City Summit Huusv. Oak Ridge-s, Aux-(Ira, Kettleâ€" by. TH'IUS $ll. LORD MORVENâ€"â€"lmportml Clytll‘sdilk‘. the prnperty ()l‘ T. H. Lt-gge, Tem- pPl'flllt'k‘VlllP. \Vill gm to King City. Maplv. Elgin Mills, \Vhitcllurch. Aurora, King, 810. Terms $15. ' ROYAL HATTONque Bred Imported Ulydesdalv, the pruperty of D. G. BluuglL, King: Clty. Will travel. through King City. anzlt-tun. Maple. Elgin Mille, Onk Ridges, \Vhitclmrch, Aurora. 3%. Terms $l2. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Aledesdule Stall- iun, the propmty (If \V. J. V’Ve‘lls, Tempm'nucm illv. Will go to Aururu. King. Vrlluro, &c. Terms $10. GREFFIERflImparted Pm-nlu-rnn. the rnpvrty of \V. Glass. Elgin Mills. Vill go to King City. W'hiluhurrh, Markham, Yunge street, 8w. Terms Glazier, Grainer ana Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. W. HEWISQN PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Pure bred, impm'ted Ulydesdulv‘ the Pl'Upt‘l'Ly of Rnht. Michael. Palmer House, Riohmnnd Hill. \Viil gm (0 Victoria Squaw, Hwidfnrd, Thm-nhill,’ Fishunille, Maple. Terms $15. MINTO CHIMESâ€"American-bred regis- tered trotting stallinn, the prupm-ty nf \Villium Gould, Richmond Hill. \Vill go In Uninnville Thursday. Victoria Square Fi-idav, and home the rest uf the wee-k. Tvi'msléBlO. Don’t place your ordn- for spring until you have had our prices. . Until we have an agent at, Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quote you direct. State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. Our trees are guaranteed strictly first grade, true to name, and to be delivered in first class conditlinn. \Ve can save you money in two ways. 19â€"3111 May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the‘ sort of information the Farmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal tress. A safe and pleasinééivrub;50¢. firfiggisté. THE STANDARD BM as avFfiairmer’s husiness Paper.“ Good farmers rely on it. For price see out clubbli offer. $1}. Thos. W. Bowman & Son (10., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. Savings Bank Begartmem at every Branch. RICHMGND E‘EELL BRANCH HOUSE PAINTER, The Fruit Tree Specialists. W 1-873 Branches also Available for Manufactaring and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuals. :30 Stallon Register. FARM PROFITS L873 OF CANADA I A Complete Banking Service RICHMOND stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop‘s Cmnp Remedy. 0116 test will surely prove. No vomrifingj no 3115- L. E HAND, Manager. ' V a: MAPLE. MAKEEEéM. S’Z‘OUFFVILLE am: LOCG§T Hug... 1111‘. if. 1. WEWARB C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian Pub- lishing Company The monthly magazines of the: above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearfy subsu'ip ion at low rates. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE S’J‘RIU’I‘LY ATTENDED TU. It is not necessmy send to foreign COU.)U'IC 1 )1 maga- zines. Read the followingâ€"- Cnssel’s Magazine, per mmum . $1 The Story Teller .7 l The Quiver . . . . 1 Musical Home Journal . l The Gil-15’ Realm . ’ . 1 Little Folks . . , . 1 Chums . . . . . . 1 GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN I‘vIILLS Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent [0 CASSELLS & COM PANV 42 Adelmde St. “7 Toronto ++++++++é~+++~§++++++++i~+ +401! E » study at Hgme A ++++$+++M+++~§M$+ ‘i'++‘!"§"!"!"h Wiilowflale 38-tf PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SA'L‘ISFAC"‘ION GUARANTEE!) SHOEING LAKE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARD. EHGHT TAR/[WORTH SOWS and qualify for a good situation in business life. IL will custlittle to do this. Get our plans. Write The Shaw 0 o 1- r e s p n n d e n ce Schoui. 391 Xunge Sn, Toronto. Some bred and others ready to breed. - HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES also Stock Farm J. IMCKEN ZIE 80 Branches 1.5‘ 70 50 so 7m

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