Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jul 1911, p. 5

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“11'! d \ Mrs. Switzm-and Mis< Olive Swilzer haw» gmw in Grim~;hv Park In spend the summer in their cottage. h'xtnsi(.._1gp‘ Himfszéiu: JULY 6, 1911 The FireJ Briendp will gh'o a Gnu-den Party‘in the Park, Saturday, July 15. bu: Eustms. :‘ Mr. anph Butkhuldm‘ of Alum“, and Miss Francis Shirk, nt' Swhfiville \isilvd wilh Mr. and Mrs. Dillnmu \Vide'n'nm nn Dnlninim) Day. ‘ Bev. E. U. Gun-iv. has lm-n nppuintml nmdumtur nt" the ('H-SIH'H Chan-m- pf King toyliship hm)“- Tumntu Presâ€" bytery. ___H ‘ Spvciul Humming of (‘murt Richmnud, A. 0. F” tu-mnrrmv (Friday) in viking. Members are 11-qlu--sted [u utmnd.‘ Miss RIHI'V Tl-mw'h and )liss Nm-n MtMuhnn are in \Vlfilhy tnr «week rt'ending a Summer Sc'html in runner:- tjuu \VlLu Elmunh l4.‘ilgllv‘\\ful‘ki. Th? nwroury smug! at 104 in shady. And yet] um- Gili'u-ns wvrc all? In gm, a dish Hf ice cream hnttest. day known’ hwrv. FihvSL Itul’iux’rmficafi-mni. 120 H»: Dnl- nn‘ssp -e-i;22g(~.zi:1. gI-n‘md rice, 5(: pkg: Puye _G5vld jvhy pnwdelj, "smut-ed fiav'niéx. 3 pkgs. {’m- 251:. A(kinsn'n7& Switzer. . Mr. and Mrs. David Burns of Vaughan and their (lnughtm' Mrs. John Darling spent a fuw days with 1h» fm'nwr’s lu-uther Mr, Thus. Burns u-f Gudt‘l‘lch. Mr. \Vm. Cnnk, barrister. will take a month’s liulidays after this wm-k. His palmns whn cull un him at his Rich- mnnd Hill office will plvu-se make a uutc (If Lhis. v Mr. VV, E. J. Edwardi, B. S. A., district repri-sentntivenf the Ontario Department of Agriculture. \vhnse ‘hea'dquurt'ers are in Newmm-k’nt. was in the. Village Thursday, and gave The. Liberal 21. call. ‘Members of the Fire Brigade are re'qyestr-d to attend practice for the tournament on the following dates:â€" Jnly 7. 11. 14, 18, 21. 24:. 26, 31, and August 1,2, 3, 4 and 7. at 7.30 sharp. Vaughan Council will nwvt at Vel- lorqnext Tuesday, July 11, at 1 p.m.â€"4 m-‘bjfl mm. as stated in {he pnstet's. Parties interested will please note the abng change of hour. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Williams and three children of Kingston, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. \V. Hewi- sun,and are nmv viqiting Mr. \Vill- ium’s parents at. Sutthn. Hun. Mr. Justice Beck, of Edmonton spent last Thursday evening with Mrs. Beck. Mr. Teefv and family. Mr. Beck sailed from New ank on Mon- day to make a. tour in ‘Italy, France and Germany. ‘ . )Wm' 'S'esteaiinijn’fturuunn .wlllus {Vt'l!tll,_ll)l‘,,' : ' , Rev. Mr. Rowe. a student at; Vic- tnria. College. who preached in the Methodist Church. Sunday evening. will in all probability he the supply'on this circmt, during the present con- ference year. TheRev. John Gihsma 19ft last Mon- day for a: two weeks’ visit to Stony Lake. 'He will be away on July 9, but the service of the Ghux'ch will be taken hy_a, Licensed Lay Reader, Mr. V. T. Church, of Toronto. '- Albert Sardines, extra choice, per tin 150.; Davies’ veal loaf. 2 tins for 25c; Davins’ spiced cooked beef,‘ per {in 17c; Castle brand lobster, extra good. 30c tin; Davie's’ lunch tongue, 30c tin. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss'H‘E'dén 32mm“ \‘i'site-(T for u few I_\"S with-friends at, Lefn:y. ' A very sudden death occurred at Keswick on Friday night). Mr. Wm. H. Rose was taken ill while at, dinner on Thursdle and after severe suffer- ing succumbed to’peritonitis. He was a. niam’of 66 years, and leaves -:1 wife only, Rev. E. T. Douglas will preach the annual- sermon tn the members of L. ’0. gL., N0. 9!, in theMethudist. Chm-ch. Thbmhill, on‘Sunduy e’ven- ing. July 9, at. 7 p. m. The \V. M. and members extend a hearty invitauon to fill. sunxnle’filug neux- J'fi‘ckson’s Point, was out on horseback, and the. horse, being frightened by an auto; threw ‘tner, trampling her to such an‘extent that no hopes are given for her recovery." On Sunday last the governess in Mr. Cawthm Mqlqu’s family, now Heing's tomato: ketchup made from tbe'whole ripe tomato 150 per bottle; Heinzfs tomato soup 15c tin; Heinzés baked beans, with pork, and'bomat’p sauce, 150 tin; Heiuz’s preserved sweetgherkins, lar e bottle. 35¢ each; If you Want goo s -’()f quality try Heiuz’s.. Atkinson & Switzer. 1i I J L s-s the nut the X'CilLdidHLvS are rmtuml‘i'v Huxiuns tn hem‘lhereSuiLs 0f the mtrunm- Ex- aminations." As the repurLs have to lwsent tn the Ed'umt'inn Dr‘pnljtlut-‘nt fur uppmml “’9 are imt'ulm‘ed the results will not. he pulvlislwd “in the nempuper Lilluftgr the lniddle,anulv. The Aleandt-l' Choir Hf Turnntn plll'ptISP huldiug lhr-ir :mnuu-l picnic in [he Hichmund 'llill Puik. Sapm'du-y- uftermmn ul’ this \ve-e'k.i"'-l‘livy"' have mnmnmwd- an (me-n vza'u- (mum-rt in the evening {rum 7 Ln 8 n‘cluvk. Thu cun- that will he frma. unit a ('Ul'dial llu'i- 19:147th is extended In all. ‘ “'9 l-ng-et to have ltd m-[wrt this‘ Work. [he drulh uf‘Mr. H. U. Aijoe, a. : fnrmn' accountant. in thv Standard! Bunk hwl-b. Mr. Aljm’ \\ hm hm} been ill fur sm'm'nl nanh~z din-d at his hnme! in Diulmm lust. Snlnldny. He was :L meth nf Uuurt Fain ivw, I. ‘ 0.‘ F., in this Village. ' le Rinhmund “in Band plnyvd d svleckiun m- twn uppusite th'll ‘muncil _‘/h:unh§-r hefme. they stalled fur the Gul'dt‘ll Party at' Zion Mdthodist Church, East, Ylfl'k, Monday after- nmm. This the citizens enjoyed. as WP” as the music they gave (m their return hunw in the wee sma’ hour-s. Diliaic hath chm-mm. At flvvu’vltmk \Ve-dhwdayafternoon. June 23, the ’nnuw (:f-Mr. and Mrs. A. .l. Holmkuy was thv some of n rrlnsb llibPl'i-Strll)g \vvd‘ling when their eldest du'lglllcr L'lflil N. was unilml in mar- riage tn Mr." A. E. Vundm-Imrgh of Elsmw. Susrk. le cm-rmrmy 'wns per- 'ful'nlfltl by Rev. Dr. G; Sidney Smith, pusmH-f- the Richmond Hill Metho- (lliL Ohm-h. in the drawing room. which was artistically (lecm'atud will1 mses and Cutalpfl; and banks of ferns. The Wedding march wins played by Miss Maude Helmkay, sister of the lu-ide. Them-id? whn was given away hv her father. wnsunuttvnde-d and wore agrhcvfnl gown uf Rajah Silk with blue. trimmings ziinl embroidered silk yoke. ' ‘ .1 She carried a; shower bouquet uf Cnrnntiuns‘ and wore the groom’s gift. a lll'OUCh of pmu-Isnnd nmethysts. After A sumptuous wedding break- fast. and twists in which all the guests participated. the happy young couple left for Buffalo and other American cities. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderhurgh who are fulluwod by the best wishesuf their many friends will make their home at Elstmv, Snsk. The bride was well rememhm-ed by friends far and man'ns her gifts will signify. These included a linen shower from her ftivnds of the M ethn- dist ()hmch, Headfm'd. at, which Miss Hehnkav, was an unLiring worker. Mr. \anle’r Eyor while standing on a piecnof timber at Mr. H. Fisher’s ham-misng (m \Vednesday of last- Weekfell about, twelve feet. and got a rather severe shakin‘g up. A brace which he tnok hold of Came out of its place, and Mr. Eyer was forced to jump. He alfghted on his feet on the plank flow. and although no bones were broken he has suffered since with ,pain in his back. He wn's afterwards driven home in Mr. J. H. Prentice’s autoczw, and was confined to his mom several (lays'. He is Able to walk out again. hubit, will he sntlle\.ti|ne before he will be able to take HR? place at. another raising. Notwithstanding the many counter atpractions m} VVedfiPSday of last. week a. large number of men and women attende the raising uf Mr. Henry Fisher’s hank barn near Concord in Vaughan township; The new barn is 40x85 feet with good stabling for hm-ses and cattle, and when completed will have all Lhe muderu improvements. ' The framework Was done by Mr. Frank Smith and his competent work- men. The captains selected for the final contestab the raising were. Mr. James McLean and Mr. Riddell, the for-mer- winning out ‘in good form. After the work was over about 400 people sat down to a tempting a read which was served in the lawn. any of the visitorsispent the evening with Mr. Fisher and family, and renewed acquaintance with old friends. Un- fnrtunately there was an accident, during the contest. Mr. Eyer of Rich- mond Hill falling about twelve feet. HOTTEST DAY ON RECORD Last S'urlday, July 2. 1911, went on record as the hottest day in Ontario. Reliable thermometers recorded 104° in the shade in Richmond Hill. The 'same figure was recorded in Toronto though the official reading was 101° and this was nearly 2° higher than the previous highest, olficial record in Toronto in 1854, which was 992°. The exceptional heat was general throu h- .out the province. and at Stonecli a. small station in the Nipissing district 109° was officially reported to the Mefereological Ofiice. The mercury 1 on Monday reached 103°. VANDERBURGHAâ€"HELMKAY 5 Mr. E. Casely and his hired man were at the bum, 5th Con. Markham during the. electrical storm yesterday. The man was struck by a. bolt and in- stantly kllled. Mr. Gasely also re» ceived a severe shock, his onaside being burnt andparalyzed. ,The barn took fire, but the flames were extin- guished by Mr. Richard Casely who was present. ’ ' ‘5 MR. FISHER’S BANK‘BARN STRUCK BY 7 LIGHTNING FELL 12 FEET l' “Braeside.” the. home nf Mr. and - Mrs‘ Juha'N. Boyle. was the scene of a Very pretty myrtle and marguerite Lwedding which took place \Vednvs- day. July 5, 1911, when their eldest .dnughtér. Georgi-a, “his .mun'ied to Imle.‘ the Sun of Mr, and Mrs. An- 'drew Newtnn, of “Ruckhzweu,” Richmond Hill. f The tel-engony was per-fanned by the Rev. E. G.’ Cum-We fit the eustfend 053 the. cum‘nmdinus-Aliving room. under a flux-n1 hull Suspended from the ceilingha and attached to the :‘Idjnihing‘ wall? 15ny chains of myrtles and max-guerites, ' ahcutsixty mint/Ives and friends being present. ++fi~+m+~m l The dainty bride. lnnking exceed- ineg pretty in a gown of white em- hmidered chiffon m‘er duchess satin. with veil held in place by a wrmth ut mange hlussmm, her only ornament heing a~hmu1tifnl cameo pendant, the gift of (the groom. and carrying a shower huuquet of lilies-ofâ€"theâ€"valley, entered the room escorted by her father, while her aunt, Miss Maud Spraggv of Owon Sound, played the bl'i'gnl chm-us from the‘nng_xl. The s‘istqrs of the inidalMiss Jean as maid of humor, {Ind Misses Marjorie and Agnes :lsrhridesmaids, looked very pretty in lingerie gowns uf white marquisette, and sashes of white tulle finisth at the ends with sprays uf tiny msehuds, and “waving in their hair fillets of the samecaughp together V’VlLll pink roselmds. and carrying a shgiver bouquet of pink pause. The groom was ' suppmte‘d by 'his cousur, Dr; Brydim, of Brampton. The ushers wm'e Mr. Reginald Cooper and Mr. Norman Boyle, the groom’s g'ift to each of whom was a_sigxwt, pin, while the bride's uttendafits received dainty catseye‘ pins. Miss' Maud pr‘:igge was the .neci ient‘of five beautiful volumes con aining‘a‘ll of Mendelssuhn’s piano music. 3-: The \Veddiné breakfast wasvsex-ved _in»a large marquee on the lawn, the tables being decorated with sweet per-35¢,- gnd wreath of myrtle. The bride was the récipienb of many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Newton left m the (L N. R. for some weeks in Musknkn, the bride wearing a suit. of navy blue serge with chic straw hat to match. S’Vith $5000.00 added to the prize money for horses, and the display of aristocratic hm'seflesh at the Canadian National Exhibition, this year promises to eclipse anvthing in its history. Every class from the pony to the draft, animals. promise to fill exceptionally well, and the result can only be the great?le display of horses ever seen in Canada. > " DUNCAN-~01] Thursday. June 29! 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Duncan, Richmond Hill, a daughter. ' NEWTON-BOYLEâ€"On July 5, 1911, in "Richmond Hill. at, "Braeside." the home of the bride’s parents, by Rev. E. 0. Currie, Emma Georgia. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mvs'. John N. Boyle, to John Earle. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newton of “Rockhaven.” Richmondrl-lill. THORNLOE~LOVEâ€"On Wednesday, June 28, 1911, at, the home of the bride’s‘ parents,‘ by Rev. J. W. Ste-wart. Abbie Love of Aurora. to Frank D. T'hoz'nloe, of Toronto. LAYING HENS FOR SALE - 0ne-Yean01d ~ Hens _ FOR BREEDING PURPOSES, - From Trap Nested Stock. GOOD LAYING STRAIN. LEGHORNS - ’- 75C WYANDUTTES - $1.00 lnducements Tha Should Make C. N. E. Horse ' Show Glcatest Ever WHITE WYANDUTTE . PULLETS For Sale in Sept and Oct. l-tf *%WW*Q+M¢WM¢***%M4 ’i‘ E Central Business College 3: WWééMrkMiWQ-éé WhiiAglgghom wmte wyanuotte H. B. STIRLING RICHMOND HILL Toronto, invites you to write for its handsome Catnlo ue. NQ va- cations. ~ Summer ., , erm_ from J (11y 3. W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge and Gerrard Sm. Tin-onto. NEWTONâ€"BOYLE. $5000 ADDED MONEY MARRIAGES BIRTHS. ‘ -MM-éwwwwa-MMvéww‘M-r w+++w+++®3w+w+w+w+ww Ta... *i' W ’2‘ ~i-I"!'M'I'-I“!' AtkinSOn & Switzer ' CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL Wéflfiéw'i'w'M“ ROOM% 300M PAPER I PAPER A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest. designs. Few remnants on hand suitablé forsmall rooms at a bargain. * we earry a large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatly reduced prices. I ' QQQOOӤOO§§¢§O§O§§O *W+ 4“! *+$+M*‘94‘++-fi*é $'§“§"€'+ +%%¢%+%+%%# $®+¢$+M4~M $%¢M+~§é%¢+¢$%é~+%+ޢ+~§~+3'4"? +*§~°§++%++~§'+++++Ԥ~++‘i b+én§~§~§°+§ Now is the time of year we iike to have the newi MQWPQ'H thing in Shirts, Collars, T‘ies,-Caps, Eto. And we have § ga good assortment of the real new thing. Come, and * + . y 'I‘ gyou W111 find just the one you were iooking for. 3i P. G. SAVAGE WMWW-zvfldim MM-e wasfi'bwwwfiwflma Albert Sardines, very choiCe, . . I 150 tin‘ Cabot Mixed Pickles, in puremalt vinegar, bottle 20c Maconobhie’s Chow Chow, ’ _._,. 17c bottle Rnngoon Rice, 6 lbs. for 0 O Finest Java Rice, . . . . 80 lb. Besthearl Tapioca, . ' . . 8c lb. Pure Gold Jelly Powder, assorted flavors, New Cheese, _ . . . . 16c 1b. Old Cheese, ; . . . 18c lb. Ingersoll Cream Cheese, . . I . 15c'pkg. Wheat Granules, in 6V-lb. bags,“ '. 3_oc'bag Tqasted Cornflakes, PostToastie-s, Wheatberries, June 29, 1911. Malta Vita, 3 pkgs. for Choice-Coffees, groun‘d fresh, from , Ffuit jarsÂ¥pints, quarts and"half‘gallons. Fruit Jar Rubbers, all sizes, Pattersonfé' Butter Cream Sodas‘, s The Richmond Hill Boot and ShoeStore NOR M ‘ G L A s‘s * v PROPfiiETOR éiwwygggwwwfi k~§+M+¢¢+$fi3§+~$M+~+~W oi6m3goowqwoo¢+o+ 3 pkgs. for 2 5c 16c 1b. 0.! 50 doz. . 30c pail ’ IOC pkg; _ 325C 3o-45c lb. Phone 17

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