Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1911, p. 7

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‘ Blisters from canoeing, ballâ€"play- ‘lng, or any other cause, painful punburn patches, stings of insects, and chafed places, are all eased in- astantlx by Zamâ€"Buk. Don’t have your vacation spoiled by pain from (my sore, which Zam-Buk could 4mm in quick time! This wonderful balm is made ‘from herbal juices and is highly an- ‘tiseptic. Poison from insect sting, barbed wire scratch, or thorn prick, is immediately rendered harmless as soon as Zamâ€"Buk touch- ‘es it. Mothers with young babies «should use it for chafing sores, etc. Also cures piles, ulcers, and fester- mg sores. All druggi‘sts and stores gel] at 50c. box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap! 25c. tablet. Pcrquisitas and Privileges Con- nectvd With Coronation. For months past men like the Duke of No"f01k, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chamberâ€" lain, the Earl of Granard as Masâ€" ,ter of the Horse, and the Dean of Westminster have been working man; hours every day, planning and settling the details of the Cor- ‘Dnation ceremony and procession. The Duke of Norfolk as Earl Marâ€" ahal and Chief Butler of England, 'is responsible for the successful or- ganizmg of the Coronation, and, as head of the Heralds’ College or DIRECTQRS 0F College of Arms, has had to deal with a hundred and one problems of dress and decoration in connec- tion with the ceremony. It is he who plans, on paper, the ‘marshaling of the procession, the pesitions taken by the great officers of State, the proper care of the Re- galia, and the crowning of: the ,King anti Queen, all strictly in ac- cordance with precedent. He is assisted largely in his labors by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who arâ€" ranges the religious part of the cerâ€" emony, while to the Dean of West- minster'falls .the task of preparing the Abbey for the historic occasion. Then, again, the Lord Chamber- lain is responsible for the housing of the foreign representatives at- tending the Coronation, while the Master of the Horse attends to the Royal equipage. â€""u "' v 4 And as a reward for this work these directors of the Coronation, as they may be termed, derive from their various offices perquisites which,’ apart from their intrinsic worth, are extremely valuabie on account of their historic associaâ€" tions. The Archbishop of Canterbury, for instance, will receive the velvet chair on which the King sat during the ceremony, and with it will go the cushibn and the footstool. The quaint erquisite of the Lord Great C amberlain used to be the King’s bed and bedding and the furniture of the room in which his Majesty slept the night before the Coronation in addition to forâ€" ty yards of crimson velvet and the Royal nightgown. He now con- tents himself with the forty yards of velvet and the profits and fees of his office. Robes for the Dean and three chaplains and for sixteen of the clergy are the perquisites of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and, most valuable of all, they claim the wood used for the stands and other erections in the Abbey, which is worth several thousand pounds. Perhaps the most valu- able perquisite of all connected with the crowning are the splen- did purple robes which form a BLISTERS AND SUNBURN? TRY ZAM-BUK. ' “The Memory Lingers” To The Last Mouthful Post Toasties Postam Cereal campany. lelled Harm creek. MIoh., U. S. A. one enjoys a bowl of crisp, delightful with orgam or stewed fruitâ€"or both. Some people make an antlre breakfast out of this combination. Try it! Sold by Groom-s. CORONATION. most important part of the Queen’s costume. These, once the «cereâ€" mony is concluded, become the ab~ solute property of the Mistress of the Robes. vuu .Lu v w v u . And talking/ of privileges, it might be mentioned that the Lord Mayor of London, from time im- memorial, has claimed as his right), nuuuuu.u~- “v... ~_,., 7 W 7 r - as chief ruler of the city, attend- dance upon the Sovereign, both in the procession and during the act- ual ceremony in the Abbey, where he stands on the left of the Coronaâ€" tion chair, holding the City scepâ€" tre and mace. This mace, which is sometimes called the Crystal Scep- tre, is one of great antiquity. The head is set with uncut rubies, large pearls, and sapphires, and is of fifteenthâ€"century workmanship. " - i- L-1.] .. Luuuu‘uuu ‘1‘,” .‘o_ When 11; was necessary to hold a Coronation banquet in Westmin- ster Hallâ€"a custom which was only discontinued by the late Queen Victoria and King Edwardâ€"the Lord Mayor had the right to atâ€" tend with twelve citizens, act a? hcuu wn/u Ilvulvv v--,,, assistant to the King’s butler, and present his Majesty with wine in a gold cup. After the King had drunk. the cup was returned to the Lord Mayor, who retained it as his fee. Corns cripple the feet and make walking a. torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holloway’s Corn Cure is within reach of all. Agnesâ€"A thing of beauty is a joy foreve‘r, isn’t it?” Gladysâ€"No. Only until some servant breaks it. Time Has Tested It. â€"â€" Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric_0il-hgs_ been on the market upwards of thirty years and in that time it has proved a. ble‘ssing to thousands. It is in high favor throughout Canada and its excellence has carried its fame beyond the seas. It has no equal . . .. . ,. “ruddy n yr; uuu emu. ~Vw,‘ in the whole list of linimentsf If it were double the price it. would be a. cheap liniment. “Jack, Dolly told me the most exciting secret, and made me vow never to breathe it to a. 'living soul.” w“V‘L-alâ€"IVJhurry up with it: I’m late for the oflice now.” Blobbsâ€"“I love the old songs best.” Slobbsâ€"“Why’l” Blobbs â€"“Be~cause no one sings them now.” No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dy‘ sentry Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysen‘oery, etc., in the market. One egg, white and yolk beaten i separately, to which add one and oneâ€"half cups granulated sugar and one glass purple grape jelly. If the jelly is stiff, warm it slightly first, so it will more easily blend with the other ingredients. Stir all to- gether with one quart of good fresh buttermilk. Then freeze the same as any ice cream, adding the juice of two lemons when partly frozen. The combination of buttermilk and grape jelly produces a most perâ€" fect violet shade, while the flavor of the “cream” is as pleasing to the palate as the color is to the eye. ‘ Violet or similar green leaves should decorate the base of the cream when it is served. This quantity will serve ten people. If buttermilk is not available, good sour milk will do. Cakeâ€"Bake any preferred simple white or sponge cake in a sheet. When cold, out in squares and frost on top and sides with a white icing. In one corner of each piece make a small loop of narrow stiff white paper, covering ezwh end with the frosting, and letting the loop pro- ject only enough to admit the stems of a few violets. just enough to decorate each piece daintil'y. If fresh violets are not available, a ertv decoration can be made with the candied violet leaves and slices of citron in the shape of leaves. mnard's Llnlment Cures Dlpmherla. “Mother’s compliments,” said the youngster to the butcher, “and she’s sent me t9_shpw you the big bone brought with the fiiece of beef this morning.” u»: u. .. , __ “Tell your mother next time I kills a bullock without bones in it I’ll make her a present of a joint,” said the man of meat, with a. grin. “Mother’s compliments,” con- tinued the boy, “and she says next time you find_a bit of {ix-loin with ;‘L§ng;lae;fi$f mutton bone in it she’d like to b}1_y the whole carcass as a. curiosity.” THE BONE OF CONTENTION. ATTRACTIVE DESSERT. "Has your husband an old suit that he ain’t usin’, ma’am'!” asked the tramp, respectfully removing from his head the shape-less rem- nant of a, hat. “No I” shortly answerede the W0- man of the house, eyeing him susâ€" piciously. “My husban’d has only one suit, and it’ll last him six months yet.” “All right, ma’am,” he rejoined, taking from an inside pocket 3 soiled scrap of gard’board and makâ€" ing a, memorandum on it with the stump of a lead pencil. “I’ll be round ag’in in six months from to-day. Afternoon, ma’am!” Pills of Attested Va.lue.â€"-Parmeâ€" lee’s Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the action of such ,as sedatives and laxatives on the digestive appara- tus. The success the; compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recognized for many years as the \best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellence was recognized from the first and they grow more popular daily. Judgeâ€"“It seems to me I’ve seen you before.” Prisonerâ€"“You have, indeed. I used to give your daughter singing lessons.” Judge â€"“Seven years I” Wilson’s Fly Pads, the best of all fly killers, kill both the flies and {he disease germs. “What’s the difference between a. hospital and a. sanatarium?” “About $20 a, week.” "I don’t believe she’ll ever get married.” “Why not?” “Her friends have started telâ€" ling what a good wife she’ll make for some man some day.” M115. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS b MXLLIONS o! MOTHERS for their CHIL REN WHILE TEE/THING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILI). SOFTENS‘tMQUMS ALLAYS an PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC. an is the best remedy for DIARRHGEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twentyâ€"five cents a bottle. ry,” replied the policeman. “He’s got three wives.” The Magistrate looked at the officer, evidently sur- prised by such ignorance. “Why, officer,” he claimed, “that’s not bigotryâ€"that’s trigonometry.” Boyâ€"“Come quick! There’s a. man been fighting my father mor’n half an hour.” Policemanâ€"“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Boy â€"“ ’Cause father was getting the best of it till a few minutes ago!” Mlnard's Linlment cures Garget In Cows. Mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying the best of remedies -â€" Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin- ator. “Have you anything to say, pris- oner?” Burglarâ€"“Yes, your hon- or. I was only we'tin’ on me doc- tor’s advice to take something be- fore going to bed 1” Don’t experiment with unsatisâ€" factory substitutes. Wilson’s Fly Pads kill many times more house flies than any other known article. Wifeyâ€"“D’ye know you’re grow- ing quite handsome, hubby?” Hubâ€" byâ€"‘ ‘Yes ; it’s a way I have when it gets anywhere near your birthâ€" day.” IT STIMULATES RECOVERY. Common yellow soap should al- ways be bought in large quantities and kept in a warm, dry place. If it is hard before being used, it will last much longer. REST AND HEALTH T0 MOTHER AND GHILD. Minard's Llnlmcnt Guru Golds. Etc. ED. 7 Judge (to burgl_ar Ion trial) :â€" BUSINESSLIKE. A BAD START. u w . 19m 28â€"11 Gun he done perfectly by our French process. Try it CLEANING LADIES' WALKING on ounuc suns Montreal, Toronto, ‘Oltaw; andâ€"Quebéc. a us igregard to any disease. Lowest prxces 1:] drugs of all kinds. I‘ruases fitted by mail. Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to-dny for anything sold in first-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood, Ont. They Cleanse While They Cure. â€"â€"The vegetable compounds of which Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious mat- ter and restore the deranged orâ€" gans to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for in- digestion available to-day. A trial of them will establish the truth of this assertion and do more to conâ€" vince the ailing than anything that can 'be written of these «pills. Tommyâ€"“Tell us a, fairy tale.” Guestâ€"“Once a man who had a 'baby that didn’t cry and a, dog that didn’t birbe went to live in a. suburb without mosquitoes.” ‘ GentlemenJâ€"Last August my horse was badly out In eleven Elaces by a barbed w1re fence. Three of t e cuts (small ones) healed soon. but the others became foul and rotten, and though I tried many kinds of medicine they had no beneficial result. At last a. doctor advised me to use MINARD‘S LINIMENT and in four weeks’ time every sore was healed and the hair has rown over each one in fine condition. T e Liniment 15 certainly wonderful in its workmg. JOHN R. HOLDEN. Minaljgl's Liniryenfi, Co” Limiie.‘ Witness. Perry Bakei. Visitor (who has been going for the last half-houryâ€"“You know, I’m not physically strong, but I’ve good staying powers.” The Manâ€""Madam, I’m the piano tuner.” 7 The Womanâ€"“I didn’t, send for a piano tuner.” The Ma~nâ€"â€"“I know it, lady; the neighbors did.” ' Hostes's (iéarily)â€" ticed that.” .TRV MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Bmartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Drugglsts Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 260, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books Ind Eye Advice Free by Man. OMurlne Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago. A WOMAN’S “NO.” Marksâ€"“I married my wife a month after she accepfied me.” Parksâ€"“That’s nthing. I marâ€" ried mine three days after she re- fused me.” The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government has revealed the fact that a house fly some- times carries thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson’s Fly Pads will prevent all danger of infection from that source by British_Amorlcgn nyolngA Go! killing both flies. FORTUN ATE ! There was a shivering sound of breaking glass heard in the drawâ€" ingjroom. “James! Have you 'broken another goblet?” "Yes, madam; but I was very fortunate this time. It orfly broke in two places.” PECIALISTS ADVICE EREE. Qonsult ‘;§;;:;1hd;.;nd; Vy'bu can’t imagine what a bother it to pick them up when they break into a, hundred pieces.” .. v"- r__--.V -"Well, and? you call that being ‘fortunate,’ _do you 'I” HInard'a Llnlmem cures Dlstemper. 25:. I box. If your MS! hfl “Of 10‘ Stocked (hem. aend 25c. and we will mail them. 25 National Dmg and Chemical Company of Canada, “mite-i, - Montreal. fithnnl nf mining For cumm- ofriha School and further information, npplyfio the Secretary. School of Mining, KingstomOnt. HAD TO BE DONE. A FAIR). TALE. A (501.1301; ol- Alr‘l'llll) men. Atlanta to Queen’s Unlvenfly, Kingainn, ($111, NO NEWS. the germs and the “Yes, we no- Digby, N.S. H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Oolborne street. Toronto. F going West to purchase Land in Maniv toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, or Brit. ish Columbia, consult me. I can .sell you any quantity from quarter sectmns to fifty thousand acres. Y address, Nights and Holidays, in Two Seven Two Wri ht Avenue. Phone Main 6990 and Park 5 I. BABKATOON A N 'I‘ S Agriculturists in all branches. Poultry Farmers, Mur- ket Gardeners, Dairy Earmers and Hon Raisers are badly required. rices are ve_ry_ high_;_ Idemand great, and supmy , ._._ _,_.._A....u« Brut»: ver high; uemana cream, aqu supply tri ins. This is, your opportumw. Betta write for articulars to COMMHS'AUNWR. BOARD E“ TRADE, stkatoon. dash- UUnAUu v. - __ tchewan. Western 6.2m ada. aim“, “m”--. ._ “77,7, Agency proposition convinces ul that. none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret. it. if on don't apply for particulars to ravellera' Depth. 220 Albert. Sn, Ottawa. TBronto. HAVE some of the best Stock, Grain, I and Dairy Farms in Ontario on my Ist. If you want one see me. UMBER, in_terior trim. doors. floorin . sash. Pnce quoted at your static Small or large orders. P. W. '1‘. Ross, SAWMILL MACHINERY, Portable or heavy, Lathe Mills. Shin lo Minn. Engines and Boilers. Mill Supp iea. ‘ Th0 E. Long Manufacturing 00., but, We“ Street, Orillla, Ontario. UT YOUR, GLASS AT HOMEâ€"Our new “Red Devil” Glass Cutter cuts wired glass, plate glass, smoked and window glass. By mail 2513. W. E. Potter & 00., 46 Benoit. Sn, Montreal. WRITE us to-da. for our choice list of Agents’ upplies. No outlay necessary. They are money makers. Az- ply B. C. I. Co. Ltd., 228 Albert S , Ottaw a. Ont. ternal and external, cured withom pain by our home treatment. Write ul before too late. Dr. Bellman Medtoal Co. Limited. Collingwood. Out. 0 ANGER, muons. LfifiPfl, etc. In- N FRUIT FARMS, Irrhave some ideal spots at. right prices. POWER PRESS FOR SALE For Sale at a great bargain, Crans’oon Printing Press. Bed will take on a six column quarto paper. This press has been run very little. and has just been thoroughly gone over by Westman & Baker, Print- ing Press Manufacturers of this City and is guaranteed to be in perfect order. It is practically as good as when it came from the hands of the makers. Speed, as fast as you can feed it., Will run up to 2,500 per hour and print any- thing from a. post card to a whole sheet poster. Fountain easily regulated and bed handy to get at. Cost unnew $2,500. Will sell for half price. Easy terms or a [liberal discount for spot cash. THE WILSON PUBLISHING COMPANY OF TORONTO, LTD. 73 Adelaide St. W. The most highly efficient application for the reduction of Swellinfs, Goitre, Thick Neck, Glandular En argemets. It"; Positive. IODINGL ofall kinds, in any and all stages, quickly relieved and positively cured. Cure your suffering and live quietly. “Common Sense” for Film; will do it. $1 a box. 35 for 8 boxes. Mailed on receipt of price. LYLE mm: TORONTO ARM smnmsfepeoisl price. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto” TON SCALE, 8 ecial pMce. Wilson’l Scale Works, splanade. Toronto. GENTS WANTEli._â€"â€"A atpdy of cum V'I’he Soul ofa. Plano lune Action. Ins!“ on the "OTTO HIGEL" #Anms FOR RENT AND SALE. W. DAWSON. 718 WEST QUEEN STREET AGENTS WANTED. Piano Action mu. indeeulhmgy. Chemisry and Minaalogy. Mincmlogy and Geology. M5,. "deeoIq Che A EM MISCELLANEOUS. Civil Engineering. Med-mien! Engineering. Eleun'cal Enginea'ing. Swim-y Engineering. Power Dcvclopmem. $1 a box 6 for $5

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