Drs. Ralph and Lillian Lang'sth purpose leaving Saturday far a, month’s holidays at Gordon~Bay. Thelrwmk will be taken by Dr. Pent- land \y ho will see patients at his own «@ï¬ice. A regular meeting of Court Rich- mond, A. O. F., will be held to-mor- a.qu (Friday) evening. The business will ihclude the appointment of a. delegéttre Lo the coming High Cuurt meeting. The life 01' our editor was saved the other day by a silver dollar in his poc- ket. A crank shot, at him and the ball struck the dollar. Now should we happen to get shot before you pay up your subscription and there is m) adul- lar to stop the ball, We shall always presume you might have saved our lifeâ€"Exchange. Tenders for cnnsu-uclingm mites of goud roads in the southern part of the C(MMy of Yoflrâ€"nnt. Yunze streetâ€"â€" will he opened at the County Build» .ings, Adelaide, street. next Monday. Boys’ white outing Shit ts, with soft collar“ attached. sizes 13 and 13;, each 50c; boys’ athletic jerseys, each 25c; hovs‘ negligee shirts, assorted pat- .lmrns, each 50c. Atkmson & Switzer. Mr.‘James E. S-kede and Mr. Percy Hill left Toronto on Tuesday night via the G. T. P. for Edmonton. Before mheir return they willvspend a few days in \Vinnipeg. Yorktnn, Saskatoon and Regina. and visit friends in Minneapo- iis and Chicago. Mr._ Reginald Cooper and Mr. EI- more Remnan. left Monday night for Montreal. From there they sailed (m Wednesday by the Canadian Northel n Linvr “Royal George†fur Bristnl, England. Mr. Cooper intends spend- ing same few months wiLh his parents in Bath. England. Aftei a trip through the British Isles, Mr. Roaman hopes to locate about, the lst, nf Octo- ber in Leipzig, Germany, intending to take ‘semesbex at the University there. Concluding with :1 trip through Southern Europe. he expects urreLurn home in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and M r. Hmhmd ‘Hem'ynf Morrishm-g and Mr. Hunt.â€- ‘Hvlu'y of Kingston, were guests of Dr. Laugsbafl’ nver Sunday. Swiblér. ‘ M15. W. A. ï¬andmcm stepped on a «nil which punctured the hull of his foot. He was not able tn bear any weight on it for s'evernl'days, but he ‘18 now able to Walk a. little. Rev. ‘Mc. Rmnm, pastor «of the Baptist Church at East Toronto, was the guest, ‘of Mr. W. Storey and Miss Stm'ey far at few days. ‘ Miss Agnes anle and Miss Laura Innes vimth a flaw da 8 with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Newton w m are spending {Mil-honeymoon m a cottage at Got- don Bay. Golden Sling pure cane syrup, 12c tin; Edwards!)ng ‘cmtn syrup 15c tin: Ayhner tomatoes, l5: ~tin; Aylmer gwgen‘corn. licv‘tin. Atkinson & Markham Economist â€"â€" Mr. John Isaac and niece. Miss Russell, sailed a féw days a n to visit friends in Scot- land. Mrs. saac is visiting her 5brother at'Richmond Hill during their absence‘ Between ï¬fteen and twenty thou- sand electric lights mg what the Hy- dro-Electric people are using tn make the Canadian National Exhibition Park a blaze of light during the cum- ing exhibition. This is exclusive uf the Lungsten lamps used for lighting the various buildings. ~ . -Mi§s anlilch of Orange. ML. and Miss Mrï¬aimu nf Aural-h, are guests of Mrs. Hun-y Gnmhle this week. Mré. Norris of North Toronto, visit- HA friends In the \‘illugu and Was the guest, of Mrs. Jerry Smith. The ï¬remen are practising sevm-nl evenings of the week for a tom-na- ment m be held at Brampton (m the 9th of August. 'Lea’s swvet mixvd pickles. im'ge ’hnt- tle 15¢ each; Ayhue'r Scntch max-mu.- hdp, per jau- 15c; Manzanilla olives 10:: bottle. Atkinsnn & Switzer. {19“ the Htizens of Rirzhlmmd Hifl all jniu in the chm-r fur "Billy" Ulil‘furd. ‘ A cad-(and of Slam-maker Feed. also :u mu- (If gourd iamlnck slabs at, the U. N,-~SIM=1 inn-4.. Huiï¬eunm. _ Mrs. ‘V. D. Atkinson is nmking a V'sit with fl'it'llds in WmIdStm-k. Surely Julyjn 1911 has broken thv recon] fur the hum-st and the coldest day ii} the histm-y uf the world. Misé.Beu1uh_ Brydan has gone tn VVial-Luu. and will cmnp with a party of friends on the Guru-giant Bay. menu‘me HILL, 0m, JULY 27, 1911 MM: Gvrtrndv (f Tm-nnto is visiting with Miss Nam M‘cM'nh-cm. Mrnand Mrs. .L H. Rainer spent :1 day or two at. Pun Union mad re- anm-d Monday. Miss Mm-den of Niagara Falls was}! guest_ nver Su‘uday of the Misses EM giibml. TWENTY THOUSAND LIGHTS. poo Ans ny. The. crowd of people at the Lemwx Picnic held at Jackson‘s Point; last Thursday broke all previous records. Some half dozen bands were present and provide-d excellent music. The speakers were J. A. M. Armstmu . the Conservative candidate; Dr. Go - frey, M.L.A.; G. H. Bradbury, M.P.; Alex. Fergusmn, M.L.A.; Capt. \Val- .._ nth I’I ‘uv r v- Authorize-d Capital, $100.0“). 1000 shares uf $100 each. DIREc'roas: Pres. and Managing Diwctnrâ€" ' \Vm. Pratt, Richmnnd Hill. ViceJ’: esideutâ€" W. J .‘Bassitt. Aurora. Sec.-Treas.â€"â€"C. B. Himk'. Tut-auto. Maj. A. G. Nicul. Aux-um. \V. H. Pugsley, Richmond Hill. “7. H. Legge. Jc-tferson. W. D. Scmt‘ 'fhtwnhizfl. Hend Wee-«Trmmm. Batxkers~~Stalxdamd Bunk, Richmond I'!I' It. is pmpnsed m bald an Old B‘WS‘ and Girls' Rmniun in Richmund Hill on the Saturday uf the ï¬rst, week «If the Tux-unto Exhibition. Arrange- mean are bPing wade fur «meeting at the pitv and. a cnmmittve will he formed here, and afterwards a meeting 9} the: joint, committees will be held. ,7 _. _-. _ ...........,. MW" of Farmer-8’ and anen's; Institutes. Toronto, and W. E; J. Edwards, B. S. A. of the Inca! branch of the Dep’t, naf agriculture. addressed the meeting. 13:; Sandie gave a very in- tervsting mark on medical inspection of school chfldren. After the addresses the large gathering sat, down' to a. sumptuous r9 ast such as only the hr dies of North ork can prvpare and all went home feeling that. they had spent; a. very pruï¬mia'le afternoon. Our Nurseries are Open to inspection at, any. time. Those interested in the subject of fruit growing will do well to inspect, ï¬ur immense blocks of gmwinz Peach. Apple, Plum and Cherry Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. If um- Luca-l Agent has not called upon you. write us. Catalogues nr terms to Agents sent 1m application. Brown Bros, Bmwns’ Nurseries, \Vel- land Gummy, On‘b. lace, M.P.: Hon. W. J. Humâ€; Major Sharp. M.P.; Dr. Pleston, and W. H. Hoyle, M.L.A. During the afternoon there were races uf various kinds, and baseball, football and lacrosse matches. A pleasant feature was the presenta- tion to Mr. '1‘. ll. Leunux of u life size‘ oil paintng (If himself, the work of Mr. W. R. Shaw of Aurora. W The address was mad by Mr. '1‘. H. Bx’untun. On Tuesday insuthe members and friends of the North Ym‘k \Vumeh’s’ Institute enjnyed a very lensnnt. and mï¬tulde dating at Bum;I Lukeu Dr. gmeliean(l,lv1r.‘(}. Puttm-antsSupt. “6' EL. ...-..._-_,. n We have received from J. ankie Wilson, Esq, secretary, a cnpy of the constitution of the newly organ- ized Ontario Plnwmén’s Association. The folder gives the object-s of the Association. the duties of the oï¬cers, hints (informing brunch associiitieus. &c. Any person may become a mem- ber by the payment of $1 per annum. Mr. Wilson will be pleased to furnish interested parties with further in- furmatinn regarding the Association. The raising at a large 1mm ’82 ft. h 40 ft. on thu funnflfihlu Caleb (Ix-(m of Hupv. was an intowstinï¬â€˜euï¬rt. last, Friday uftei‘nuon. The captains were Mr. J. Umuvrnn and Mr. J. McLean. the side nt‘ use fut-mm- [wing \ icloriuus. A. in“? "number 0f «mï¬mkm‘g WPI'P 'p‘wsent, frum Tumult“. “Begum, King and nthm- places. Sulut' nf, whnm had never sue-n a burn raising hefnw. Large tnhies we-n- sin-«Jud m: the lawn and everyone did justice to the s len- did supper pn-puu-d by Mrs. ‘(myok «ml her assistants. 3115. J. Pm‘kius who ISWVem‘s nf age and the «ï¬rst. amide-min the Vicinity wniked “war and illï¬hyed (119 plm-eedings. The stone-walk was dune by G'luver and mm of Richmuud Hill, and Mr. J. Mc- Laughlin uf Tt-stxm, framed and is hujldiqgjhe barn. _~_.._-_.v... "nun, 4v! Hill. Solicitorsâ€"Lemma: & Lennox. VV-nr‘den Bull, ()(mnnissinner-s Hen- ry and Pugsley, accompanied by ‘therir engineer. NH. E. A. James, paid a, visa- it tn New York and Ohio last week with a view to inspecting: the high- ways and highway machiuexy m those states. Tht-y purchased an outï¬t, and the work willvhe stm‘tod at once at the lowerend of Yongu street. near. the city. The. cnunuissiouers were well satisï¬ed with their inspectinn. and {may believe that in the near future th‘. cost, of road construcciun will be considerably reduced by the use of Him Myrtle Saigenn and Miss Lama lï¬cï¬amdsmi are spending a Week at Niagara Fans mm! Mï¬aho and are guests of Mrs. Du Lugau. ' , ,7 , ‘7 _ ‘ . . y ‘ - . .1 WI 0 "Cu "1' IICIU1 Our citizens are enthusiastic, wnd look forwgu-d to a successful and happy reumon. gasoline rollers and grad steam. y .-.n “kn, \u ers in place of Mr. \V. Uunliffe hasgh 911 up his p0â€" sitinn in Mr. Bailey’s sun-e and ls», s'uc- ceeded by Mr. Admusun nf Tan-(mm. Mi-isvs Pearl and Edna anelzuv. nf Tuman un- spending part of their '\':Imt-im1 at {he hmue uf M1; Chas. Stflphvnsqn._ Mr. and Mrs. Speu ks. Miss Lelia Shnnk, and Miss Shvppnrd nf Toronto viqited at Ml. Bailey’s on Friday, and attended the burn misng in the after- mum. WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE PICNIC. Wilcox lake Brick'Co. Limited. PLOVVMEN‘S ASSOCIATION. GONSERVATIVE PICNIC. ()LD BOYS’ REUNION. TRIP TO THE STATES. FRUIT TREES. M 34318. The North Ton-(mm ngress. ‘ ted «at. last week that a I! ate: fmm‘ Stmiï¬ville, printed in e World. which claimed that Shuffville’s water supply was limited during the dry spun. and that. the supply was obtained from the Lomouville wdls, was mis- leading. The Progress has produced severin phutus showing the immense volume of water produced (rum the wells «wu- Lmuinville which have been fluwing .fm- eleven years without variation. Experts have assured North Tor-(mm limb the infle supply has no effect or connection with the wells at Lemnnville. Many young men and men would iike to gut gtmd‘pnsitions in the busi- ntss world, but. cannot, owing to luck' of practical education. One school that places mth of its graduates in gnod positions is the Elliott Business College of Tamale. Write to the Col- lege fur a Catalogue. It is sure to interest. any ambitious young an or wmmm. A cnmnmiï¬cuwsn from the manage- ment of the Toronto and York Radial Railway Umnpany was brought, tn our notice this week wherein it. was that it was the intentinn of the com- pany. almust immediately. to makean investigation ‘as m the nature of the country between Richmond Hill and Stuuï¬ville with the View «(building a branch line to Stnuflville and perhaps t‘arther.â€"Smutfville Tribune. FRIDAY, July 28â€"Auction sale of fresh milk cows, springers. smokers and horses. at. the Queen’s Hotel, Au- lom, the property of H. H. Hopper. Sale at, l u’cluck. Terms 3 months. D. Gr. Bluugh, Auct. SATURDAY, July 29~Auction sale of horse. vehicles, safe, piano, oats, ranges and other hardware, the property of J acob Eyer 85 Son. Rich- mond Hill. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tex-ms 2 m‘nntbs. Snig’eon and ,Prebï¬ce. Aucts’.* ' - The mkï¬-lmflxip awarded liv the Richmond Hill Board nf Education to the pupil in this district iaki'hg the highl-st marks an the entrance exam- ination was won by Marjorie Wright of the Richmund Hill Public School. Sixteen candidates from this school wrote on the exmninatinn, all were successful, ten secured honors. The fullowing fum- candidates tank the highvst. standing res ectively in North ank: Marjorie right. Irene Mc- Mahnn. Elsie Knights, Grace-Pratt. The cmnpletelist is:â€"Hnnm-s: M ~ orie \Vrigm (scholars-hip), Irene McM u. Elsie Knights, Gum: Pratt. Mary Gamer, Bertha Hardin . George Grant. Bessie Bruckin. \ alter Van- derhurgh, Gertrude Harding. Pass: Fullerton Gibson, Wilbert Redditt. Ronald McLeod. Norman Tyndall, Men-y Topper, Mun-fly Kirkland. SANDnmwâ€"ln Rkhmond Hill, on Tuesday, July 25, 1911, tu Mr. and M1s,‘Harl-v Sanderson. a daughter. BOYNTONâ€"At. Victnvia.. Sgume, on Sundu . July 21, 1911. to Mr. and Mrs. \ eslvy Buymxm. a son. Arrangements have been cmnpleted by the Melhndist and Presbyterian Sabina! Scimuls «(have their annual rmursinn (Wei' the Mom-apolitan Rail- way and picnic» at, Lake Wilcnx next Tuesday. the first of August. Ours. leaving Richmond Hill at 12.45.~wil1 reach the picnic ‘grnunds by running an the switch. north side of Lake. and returning at 7.30 pm). Tickets: adults 25 cents: children. not. members of the schnals. {0 cents. Take ymn- baskets. Everybody invited. A good pm» gramme 0f spurts will be provided. DEATHS ' \VIDEMANâ€"At Ringwocxi, on, Mon- day. July '24, 1911. Lydia Ruth \Videman, second daughter of the late Philip Wideman. Funeral on W’ednesday afternoon. Interment at. Dixon Hill Cemetery; May be largely increased by thn exact co'ndition of} themmu'l market, and by learning 'of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of infqrmation the Farmers’ Weekly saggiveaineveryissue. ,Ithunoequal as a Farmer’s Business Paper." Good farmersrelyonit. Forprlclmout dube oï¬ex. ++$¢++++§¢W$H$++W$+i§+$i E Central Businhss College _ .. .1. .s. ma¢é+’§+é~§'~§-'§°ï¬jé‘w'§"§'flé'i‘éé‘i' - i-M++M*+MH+$§+W-t *é'é'é‘i' Â¥M.W*%W+*****+****M*ï¬i Lax-ets 5 I I (W [ï¬ll-0'â€th I CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Group, Coughs and or money back. Sold and matted by Toronto, invites yuu tn write for its handsome Catalogue. Nowa- cations. Summer Term from July 3. W. H. Shaw. President, You'gc and Gerrard 3%.. Toronto. RICHMOND I-HLL P. S. ELECTRIC RAIL‘VAY. FARM PROFITS A GOOD POSITION. Auction Sales . UNION PICNIC. M [S LEADING. BIRTHS. C ï¬weef an Eat A cw. szl :31:- A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. Few remnants on hand suitablé far small rooms at a bargain. H ,WQ carry a large Sample Book with morg “expensive papers, at 4----L1__ _, , greatly reduced†prices} EAtkiï¬son & ‘ Switzer mw++++Â¥+m+e++m+ m owoo+wo§3iiioho§$ Mï¬Ã©+§éé~$¢+¢$é++¢ï¬$+é~§~~i~$+4° $¢+é+®++++~§§¢+~fr+¢+49++4~§++1 :Mï¬ï¬‚++ï¬+iï¬ï¬ï¬‚m+iï¬ WW 2M+é++++é~¢€~$ï¬4fl5 The Richmond Hill Furnishings Stare at $4.00 and $4.50, to clear at Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes and Slippers at reduced prices. ’ ‘ ' pair - . '. V . . . ' Men’s CottanVorking Sox, 2 p'airsrfor . 250 Men’s Tack Ties, nice assortméntof patterns, each 25c Men’s Four-i-n-Hand Ties, large» range of patterns, each , . ‘ . . . . 20c Men's Wash Ties, each Men’s President Suspenders, per pair Men’s Straw Hats, extra quality, at $2.00, to clear $1.25 Men’s Tan and Patent ShOeS,'extra good Value terns, stayed back seams,_ pair V 5 Men’s Medium ‘Weight Blue Overalls Men’s Heavy Black Denim Overafls, with or Without bib, copper riveted throughout, riveted buttons, openl'atboth sides, detachable brace, 4 pOCkets, pair . . . . . . $1.10 Smocks to match above, each . $1.10 Men’s Blue Stripe Overalls, with/bib, Open both sides, \detachable brace vwith elastic piece in back;.front, hip, rule'and safety watchpockets, pair . $1.10 Smocks to match above, each . . $1.10 Men’s CarhartOveraHs, made of 'extra heavy black or blue denim, with bib, reinforced throughout; 2 hip, 2 front, match, watch and rule pockets; patent riveted brass buttons, extra large and rbomy; pair .' t ." .: r - $1.40 Men’s Carhart smacks to match above, each: .4 $1.40 Meï¬'s Cottonade Pants, 3 pockets, medium dark plat- 51117 13, 191]. NORMAN Jr GLASS PROPRIETOR oncre’te-Store ' News 3% m¢+m£§ ++++++++ .' SAVAG E “ooowwggonoooooo $1.10 with bib, ' 75c . 25c Phone 17 3-25