Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. LéaERAL PflflNTlNG & PUBLISHING HGUSE mommy, HZILL,0NT‘. ~ Linensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales Intended to on shortest notice and ab rea- aorwble rates Patronage solicited Licensed Auccioneex for tha (.ounty of York. re- spenhfully solicms your patronage and friendly inflnauce sales attended on the shortest notice and at reaionable mime I‘ 0 address King Licensed Auctioneer for we County of York. GUJJS sold on consignment. Gensrul sales of stockecc. promptly attended to at reasonable rites Residence Uniouville 7 "G, 11 (iodiéliï¬Ã©: fiaflo'ï¬â€˜livmok. agent for the above 1‘ . F . MC. JOHN R, CAMPBELL, “ @113 '†Is PUBLISHED EVERY L‘- EU RSDAY MORNING Prppnres pupils for the gmde PX- aminations held at Tmuntn ()nnserva- tm-y of Music and Univmsitv of '1‘0- ronto. ' Special course in “Myor’s†Kind/w- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. Class recitals are given thmugbnut the year 42-1V The Newton School of Music I)euti.~:t, RICHMON D HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 AM To 5. RM. ’1‘ Saizeou, Maple V’QL, XXXW’ DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH W ESI per mnum, in adw'anCeJ Gas and Cucaine fut extractions [ï¬rst house north uf Atkinsun & Switzer’s stm-v. VETERINARY SURGEON, bUSINE J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR DR. E. J. WOODS 129011, J K McEwen Maple Wesbon Saigeon a: McEwen. Richmond Hill, Ont. 8TH SEASONâ€"1910411 RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano ’l‘horuhill. Emma 81 J'; H. Prentice D. G. BLOUGII. Phune NH. 2403. s'tï¬â€™eteriuam RESIDENCE gamut. 923mm. SS CAIRDS . MAHONP ROPBXETOB. ’a’v'“ 1 lowest runes Auroraofï¬ceâ€"Rumm‘cu u, the old post ofllea one door west of the entmncc co the Outurm Bunk Nuwmarkm guiseâ€"Three doors south 0! Che pmuwï¬ce T HERBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Aumm NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada, Richmono. Hill LENNOX 65 MORGAN T01. M. 34531. Bar Mouuy no loan on land amtcnauel mortuch riders and Solichurs. Barristers,'3311citors. Notaries, 3m. Home Life-Building Cor. Adelaide. & Victoria 81.8.. l‘nl'Untu. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce, Runm 1-328 Confedera- tiun Lift- Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. (“Libel-u)" Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fm-emmn. Muplv, Thursday nftPrnunn. \Vumlhridue, Saturday fm-enmm. Telvphnne, Main Cable Address, “Dedo.†A large stock of F1 new! F111 nibhir g kep an both places .7052: f}. 9avz'dson THO RNHILL Organs Rapnired and Expert, Work Guaranteed RICHMOND H1LL& THORNHIU. Munev to hum at, Five Per Cent (5%) CCMM’ISSIONER. (TONVEYAN"ER. ETCA PIANO TUNING ‘ TORONTO. ONT. â€" [mam-takers & Emhaimcrs This school ranks high among me best business (Meg‘s of this continent. Prï¬of of this statement. is found in our large cam- logue. Write to-xaytu o 19.. Salaries offered our graduates talus year larger the»: ever before. It pays to get the best, pr clical ed .- cation. Benton, rover x W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Mexander Sts. Gal". Lawrence J. Dunbar H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE. THORNH Commissioner, Cnnveyancer, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer (If Marriage Licenses. Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC IfRICI-ISEN BROWN & MACNAUGIITON‘ . BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CONVLYANCERS, E] C. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42â€"45 KING ST. WEST, In the Popular ind Progres‘eiv: Burris hers, Sr :licturs. &(5. WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK VOICiNG AND .‘ .‘. . ASTEON REGULATING Fme Emuuucx RB 'WN. n. UAMnfllcvn' )iACNALGH’i‘ON RICHMOND HILL, ONT.., THURSDAY, AUG. 10. 1911 TORONTO. “In Essentiaic, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity £25m. L uc nabbel mortgages at Phone Main 2984 . ETC. Field 51-6m grader. Lutv's 15 8:16.001). 6. . .5 “0 To Wm. Mullin repairing culvvut nn Gravel mud . . . . . , . . . l . . . . . 4 80 Tu Wm. Mllllin,1'9p:|ir race bring :It Klt-iuhurg . . . . . . . ‘ . . . ‘ . . . . 3 2.!) Tu‘Jnhn McBride, 30 hrs. .01) grader @l7écents . .4...‘."3..‘.5 25 To Unm. A. Millm', work 81 dmtmial (m Ilth crab, , . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 15 To Pvter Mitchell, work & material an 11th. can. ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 00 Tu W. J. McAllister. Work on 11th. cm: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 65 To Albert St*Hl‘lt’. team 1% days on llth.cnn.4...... . . . . . . . . . 52.5 To John Mitchell, 1% days work on 11th. enu, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 40 To Jns. Hudsun. 61% yds. of gmvel.7 65 To John A. VVMsmn, final estimntp nn Elders mills bridge ..- . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 50 To Trens. uf King Tw’p. fur half cmt, \vm'k (m 'I‘uwn-line con. 8 . . . . . . 2L 37 3â€"Fred3A. 01561:, Headfnrd, $1,000, 81‘p0i_uts.» 1907.....4..' ....... ' ...... {9(‘0 â€"Cnrried W'illu-rspnnnâ€"VVhitmoreâ€"That, the Treasure! pay the following mad ac- counts»â€" “VLChRVI’JE'SJunf‘S, 46 loads of grave] Tn \Vm. Tn l). Nl)l't(lll,ful sewer pipe.. 129 00 Tu ()hus. Hosp. 5111‘s. \vikh engine on grader. Lntvs 1-5 8:16.001). 6.. . . .5 (i0 TQ Wm. Mullin repairing culvout‘nAn â€"G;u‘ried ‘Cnlmoil adjnumed to meet at The Town Hall, Vellan, on Tuesday, Aug- ust 8th., at 1 u’clnck P. M. We have before us the official report of the standing Field Urop Competition in Oats, fin-1911, for this section of the County of York. Mr. Juhu Campbell, woudville. was judge. The following are t-ligprize fl'll-IDE'I‘S! Highli7 commended, Jno. Brillingm‘ Richmond Hill, Sheffield’s Stand, 78 points. - Commended, Jacob Lunau. Vic Square. White Cluster. 74;; points. Cured by Boolh’s Kidney Pills T. E. Foster, of St. John St., Fred- ericton. N.B., says: I have found more actual relief from Booth’s Kidney Pills than 1n all else I have ever ï¬led for rheumatism, The pains in my limbs h a v e lessened greatlv a nd I ' am» better a. n d stronger than in 4 years previous, ~ My appetite has built up a n d I .> eat and s l e e p ‘ better than I have in over three years. My general health is \ greatly improved and I can credit this vnly to Buuth’s Kidney Pills.†Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists and dealers. 500. hux. or pnslpaid from The R. T. Bunth. 00.. Ltd., Fort Erie. Ont, Suld and guah nntved by W. A. Sanderson. Memth presentâ€"Reeve Cameron, Dt-pufy-Reeve McNai1-, and Cnuncil- lors \Vhitmm'v, Saiguon and VVither- Splint]. Minutes of 1:st meeting read and cnnï¬l'med. A cnmmunicntiun was read by the elm-k from Mr. A. Knights, lot 44, con. 1, Yong? Stu cumpluining of a ditch nppusite said pmpvrty, and asking Ummcil tu attend to the. same. Div. No.6 , .. .1575 T()('Jl_1_a1-I_vs Jpnps, damages Lt‘ (11‘an while drawing grave-1 .. Z 01) TanhnBarger, lepairing lu-idgu at lnt2.cnu.5 . . . . . . . . . . .. , ...1610 To James Gal-ton, répairing hridgu, Int, 8. con. 5 ‘ . 5 60 Tu Jas. Gnrttm. 7%(1aysnt33, digging ditch at, Edgeleyï¬n water) . . .22 50 To Julm H. VVntson. 80 yds. gravel, Div. N026, flit'1910 . . . . . . .. .8 00 Tu Dun DLneralJ‘t-pairing culvert, In: 30,cnn.7... .. . . ‘ . . . 275 land’s Best. 92; poinï¬s. 2â€"0. M. Palmer,‘ Richmond Hill, Pyjncg pr:_xl. §3§ points. h <fâ€"Jas. McLean, Richmond Hill, 80 [)ojnt§. This 19 the Booths Kidney pills Way. These wonderful Pills are sold undvl a gum antee to refund the. money if they fail to relieve any sufferer from Rheumatism or any trouble having its origin in the" Kidneys. They cure Buckache. dull shunting pains. thick and cloudy mine, gravel and stone, rheumatism and all diseasi‘s of the kidneys and bladder. - Snigennâ€"â€"M(~N;â€"That the Treas- urer pay the fullowing general :Ic’tszâ€" Tn \V. S. Gibson, surveying farm nf J. \‘V. Breakev, and attending Judge’s Court. $ 10 00 Tu G. J. Lmvrie. for burial of child of Frvdm-ick Duke, lot 31, con. 5. in i 5â€"Jns. Burnett, Elgin Mills. Sensa- ti<_n_1j 7_9_ points. The nbnve Council met at the Town H131}, Yellow, 0n the 1_lth of July. :r \Vm. Hnrwex, 30 yds. grave-1. Div.Nn.5()..... ..., . . . . . . . 375 VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Field Crop Competition. RHEUMATISM anbme, Thornhill, Scut- Philipsâ€"Lemonâ€"Dr. Kay of Schmu- berg he paid the sum of $50.00 fur pm- fessional SPL‘ViCGS. (m condition that he giv e u clem- receipt. \Vellsâ€"Philips'â€"That \Vl’u.Keefer be paid the sum of $10.00 for loss of pro- d u'geï¬uring qmu-zu’ltiue. PhHipsâ€"Deaconâ€"That the Reeve he appointed tn see the Solicitor with re- gard to what action should be taken Ln have llll'l'fllf‘l’ and logs t'elnnvpd from} in from; of :1 person’s properly who has asked to have same removed. Bvâ€"Law N0 247 re Overhead Bridge 0n 0011- 2, King Tn, Byâ€"Luw read a first and second time. on motion of \V. J. “76113 seed. by R. J. Deucnn. that the Bnyaw be not read a third time this day. but that the third reading be laid over until the next meeting of Council pending action tn be taken by the Reeve re clansv 2 of said hy-Iuw. The Council met August 156 in the Council Chamber. All the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. The following ac- counts were read and payment, of the same ordered. Tyndall â€"Sims â€"â€" Moved that, Mr. Blmchurd be notiï¬ed that as soon as he has completed the work on the test, well to the satisfaction of the Council, settlement for the same will be made. â€"Carried. Aug. 3rdâ€"Pursuant to adjmnnment the Cnuncil met in the Clerk’s ofï¬ce. All the nwmhers present. An account 1mm Mr. T. F. McMahon for printing and stationery was presented, u-mount- ing to $31.70, also (me from L. Innes & Suns for $4.13 for lumber. Pay- ment. of these was ordered. 7 Wellsâ€"Deaconâ€"Thab clause 2. in Byâ€"Lzuv No 247. he so nnmnded that in executing the conveyance of said lands the Grand Trunk Ry. Co. will agree to provide a. right, of way on nriginnl meld allowance in event of the rebuilding, 01' repairing, of the Over- head Bridge, (Jun. 2. as fi)ii0\\'s:-Yt‘;ts, \Velis, Philip, and McMm‘chy. Nays, Lemon and Deacun. \Vells~Lemunâ€"-’ ‘hnt. the acunuut of J. M. \Valtun re. alleged excess of dis- bursements, while township Treasurer during the year 1903 be hub entertain- ed by this Ununcil. \Vellsâ€"Dwiconâ€"That the Clerk notify Mrs. Street that actiuu has been deferred uuLiIl next meeting re her grievance. . ‘ Philips~VVellsâ€"â€"Tlmt Wm. Williams be given the contract/ fm' making Llle fulluwing cenwnb Tile at W ens. each. â€"â€"]8l)â€"10. in. 125â€"42 in. 50â€"45 in. 25â€" 18 in, 20~24 in. , pipe .. . . . . . . . 640 Jos. Blanchard, mixing tar . . . . . 2 00 H. Blanchard, Work or. streets.. 32 55 F. Lvece.wm-k and lamplight- 7 in};r . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . , . . , 39 85 Tyndallâ€"Simsâ€"On motion Coun- cillor Palmer was instructed to settle with Mr. Hosheil for trees. procured for the park. Meeting adjourned till Thursday, August-@131. _ SiuxS»â€"Tyndnllâ€"â€"By law No 236 for rates and taxes for the current, vwn' was passed, ï¬xing the rate [or all pnranPsut 21 mills. On motion the Ouuncil decided to take steps for the culluctinn of certain outstandng bux- es. Council adjourned The :xlmve Council met at Nlllses' Hotel, King City. on saturday. July 29th. Members all present. Minutes of last, meeting read and adupted. Philipsâ€"Deacrmâ€"That the clerk be authorized to issue to Frank For-an of Sclmmbez'g. a. License to run two Pool Tablest having paid the required foe. Philipsâ€"\Vellsâ€"Thab the Salary-an the Clerk & Treasurer be increased by 1 $100.00 per. annum comnwncing with ‘ 1911.- On motion ()0mwillm- Lemon de- manded Yeas and Nays, which resulted ‘ Lennonâ€"Wellsâ€"â€"That the Clerk be instructed to notify W. H. Rogers to fil in ditch made or cause-d tn be made by him, on Townline North. rear Suc- (md Um). King. and that; he be served with a. copy of this resnluLinn. Ov'v'ing t'o thug hot weather several uf our entmens are (m the sick list. Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Tm-Ptc. . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . $ British American Oil 00, Road oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . On teu'io Li me Association, sewer- A large nï¬mber of bills \Ivereuppmv ed and ordered to he paid. On motion Council adjuu‘rned to nwet at Temperance Hull, Kettluby, on Saturday, August 26le. Mr. 'and Mrs. Spurvis Ritter and family spent. over Sunday under the pa_r_en§al {no}: - Mr.“;md Mrs. J. Klinck of Elgin Mills visited with the lutter's aunt, N. limpet, on Sunday. The raspberï¬y crop ha's dnne ox- cee-dingly wpll this Season, the berries being very laygq. Quite a‘ number of fdlks in this neighbor-hand hm e ï¬nished harvesting :Llyeja'dy. VILLAGE COUNCIL. KING COUNCIL. (u‘ adford. .70 25 f+++$++¢++i~i~§~$+++$+$+$+¢+f D. HILL & 00., STAND OVER A STOVE IN HOT WEATHER \VHEN YOU (JAN GET Best Bread , Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits For sale at the C. Station, or delivared village and vicinity-â€" Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle and hogs. hand. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible pricen paid at the Elevatbr. Choice Confectionery alway in stock. ~ ++++§~++++++++++$+++M++¢+~b STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE. FU RNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Hill’s J. H. RAMER Purity Flour always on W. A. Sanderson Staple Groceries BEST CHANGES Good Lemons AND OTHER S EASONABLE FRUITS. GOOD STOCK OF AT BEST PRICES AND GUARANTEED PURE COAL Issuer of Marriage Licenses For threshing engines. Bordeaux Mixture [Single copies, 3 cts. Arsenate of Lead Hellebore Insect dice†63.50., Drugaist 3:; RICHMOND HILL 3' Paris Green Blue Vitriol Powder _AT._ Bakery in the No. 6