Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1911, p. 5

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Musztm- Emm'pm Smith is spvnfihag a. ’cmmle uf fiw‘n-ks-W‘xt‘h his sixtm-s in T0- Mr. and Mrs. U. P. \N'iley and two c-hiMu-t-u are spending :1 week at, Onch- «ard Beach ‘ RICHMnND HILL, Own, AUG. 17, 1911 Mr. :ind MN. 1'. P. Grth and two ‘c'hildren' left Monday for :\ Week’s visit with friends at Trenton. l'UlHU. Acariluud of Munitolm Oats just arrived. For Snle ‘at The Elmntnr. Stivet- 81 Runwr. Miss MahelSmiLh is in tlw list: of snnct-szul umtriculunts published a, few days Hg“. Mrs. .h-hn \lesh of Detroit is: [nuk- ing a Visit; \vi'fh Mrs. A.VL. Skye-18. Rev. 'W. L. Inmwh of High Park Churrh; \Vest 'Tm-mmy. spent (‘Vt‘l' Sunduyfint his home. Mr. L‘p'v“: VIClIinQ. Unndnctm- on the Turuntrv’SL1-w:tRui-lway. paid a flying Visit at his home last, Saturday. Mr. Harry Vandal lung 1ch Tuesday for a bra) to the VVw‘t, and Ln visit, his father A '. Muses Vanda-lung. Miss Murgwrvt-flthl: 7-8. A.. Spunt, frnm Sh‘tuI-dnv until Monday evening with Mrs. T. F. McMuhnn. Mr. and M 1:51. Luck and daughter 01" Edgeley made a short wisit with Mr. and Mm. Jucul) Rumor on Sunday. Rev. J. \V. McIntosh M. A. of Thr- onto, will occupy the pulpiL of the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. Mr. Wm. Cnnk, harristm‘. who has returned from a trip tn the. (mast, will ’be in his Richmond Hill office ususlml. Miss Myrtle Cumisky and Miss Gladys Helmkuy are spvnding n um- pie 01’ weeks at Oreemore amd Smynmg MI". and Mrs. Dil‘mmu \‘Vidom'm attended the funeral of the late Daniel Bm‘khtdfler in Unionville last Sunday. Mrs. W. Smith of \Vest Virgina and Airs." John Anderson of Bruce-bridge spent a week with their brother Mr. M. Patton. Mr. George Smith has pnrchnsm‘. Mr. '3. Mason’s two houses on Richmnnd Street; and intends moving into one of them soon. Saturday. Mr. J. C. Smith of Toronto and Mr. J. H. Rumer anvnded the burn misng of Mr. \Vf-esley Sleckley in Markham last, Miss Miller from Grand Forks, Da- 1mm. Mfiiss Read nf Toronto. and Miss Miller of Stnuffville are guests of Mrs. J. H. Ramer. Mr. Harold \V. Smith of Headfm'd left on Wednesday for Regina, Sask. To attend a. session of the Nmmal School at Regina. A Band Cnncert will be held in the Park. Saturday evening. Ice cream and cool drinks will be served. Ev- Ierylmdy welcome. THESUVfiIEfiEiP Trflune, aha MlS.’ Mal- lny, spent. a few days with Mrs. Page and fine Misses Page. Large bar Castile Snap 25c.. 31h. carton of Imperial starch ‘@ 190. Mack’s N0 Rub Laundry Tnbleb @ 5c. Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. A. Mood‘ie, Miss Bell Moodie and M]. G. Maudie left yesterday to make a. visit with Mr. R. Mondie and Miss flessie Moodie at St. Mary’s. Mrs. D. O. Smith and danghtn‘r Blanche of Blytheswnud. Egsex County. spent a few days with Mrs. Smith‘s brother, Mr. Thus. Hopper. Men‘s neglegee shirts, white ground. with neat, pattern, special price 980. Boys snap from straw hats, special 480 Atkinson 85 Switzer. Mr. A. J. Hume is: acting as Librar- ian at the Public Librmy in the ab- sence of Mn. Gen. szvie who is taking 9. flip through the Canadian \Vest. Mrs. Gunson and daughter of Hamil- ton spent :1 few days with Mr. P. Bus- sing‘thwaitP the farmer’s uncle. Mr. Gunson was also here over Sunday. Mr. P. Bassin thwaite mirth of this village: has sol his property for a good figure. He is having an auction sale on the 26th. inst. and will move to the North-West. ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ Miss Com and Ruby Bvam and Erie ’Bymuof Maple, accompanied by their elster Mrs. R. ank Cook. Pan-y Sound, have been spending theil vaca- tion at Lake Joseph, Musko‘ka. 3112 flihcwl. My. Wm. Manny, B. A., puklishff qf l‘()C A1333 .‘I y- That, The Globe considers Richmond iiill H suburb of Tm-ontn. or vice. Vtfl'fifl, may be judged by Lhe hub that .the i-t-pm-t of the meeting of “~19. Old Buys in Richmond Hill indlay evening; was given mman the ()in mels. . How- ever Riclnuund Hill dues nut ohjeu, to a little feunilizu'iLV ulnng tlwsc lines. A numle rif Richumm‘. Hill Buys went to the City Mundny evuning to join in the \thcnme to their funnel- fellow tn“'nsmm). Mr. \V. J. (Mitford. the winner of ‘hv King’s and Prince of \Vales’ prizes in England. ' ' Ladies .white Linng waists with Kinmna sleeve (q; 75c. Gnud quality lace and embrmdmy ina‘e-rtion 2 sleeve. Laue uimmvd @934; Fine. all-over emhx-(aidm-y, Colin: and sleeves neatly u-immwd with baby Irish lace @ $1.43. A fr“; [muse dressesand wrappers. size {46. Atkinson & Swilzn'. At Lhr, thothpr evening one (Ifnurcilizenssuggustedlhntthvuoming event nu the secunti (If September he knmvnas "Richmond Hill Old ans’ â€"--2md Girlsâ€"Associnbinn,” One of the wisu [wads remarkin that it was scarcely necessary to add the wmvd "Girls." because the I'm-mew embrace the latter. ' Private \Vm. J. Clifford of the 10th Royal Gwnudiers was ancordvd an‘ enthusiaslic WHlUHlltâ€"B Monday m‘t'ning on his arrival from England where he wmi the King’s Prize and the Prince of \VitlES Prize, competing against the best shot-s in the BritishEmpire. At the U. P. R. station. North Tormntn, he was met byUn-lorml Pellutt and other memlwm of the Regiment, and 05- (tul'Lt‘tl by a decorated carriage to a. point whi-re a procession was formed. The procession was down Yonge Street and [lll‘I-lct‘ to Queen’s Park. Bands played, and 3. general good time fol- lowud. Mayor Gvnry addressed the crowd and referred to the honor brought across We ouvan by one of their citizens, Mayor Gem-y pointed out that this was the. first time on rec- ord that one man had carried off in the same season both the King’s Prize and the Prince of W'ules’ Prize. lle then mildc the presentation in lmhnlf of the city. It Consists of El. handsome case of silver. standing about lonr feet high. A plate on the: cuss; Liv-en's the following inscription; Present-ed by tho Mayor and Council of the Corpor- ation ofTi-uontn-tn \Villium J. ClilfouL winner ofthe King’s Prize and the Prince of \anes‘ Pl‘th’ at Bisley. Mr. Clifford modestly replied, re- Lux nng his sincere. thanks. - Mrs. PeterBurklmz-dt has returned to the fzum again after spending some Lime in Tnmmun RLLLE‘DdilIg to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hamilton and bhlee daughters of Ukmulget’. 0km. started fur Lhuix' home yesterday. after spendmg the hut, weather with Mr. Haunlmn’s mother. He will spend a few days at. St. Louis on his way home purchasing dry guods fur the finn’s sture. Rev. E. O. Currie visited some of trhehvmeson the second (:(nucessiou, Tuesday and his visit was very much appreciated. 'Mrs. Jerry Smith and little daugh- ter Ivy were guesLs of 31118. Aller \V‘iyinn‘xg, Tuesday. Miss Men-y McNh‘any of anontn is staying an indefiniLe Lime at the home of‘lylr. V’va. Uosgyove. Mrs. James C(‘vsgr'ove entertained the young people Tuesday evemng when a. pleas-(but, t’ me was spent: Charles Connor, sun of James Cun- nm‘, 3rd con Markham, East of Elgin Mills, had an unpleasant experience a few days ago. \Vhile drawing in grain the front of the rack gave way letting the load down. The horses begun kicking and ran away. The wagon ran aver Mr. Connor’s hand, but, no “bones were broken. Miss Carrie Williams rétumed to that/pity yeisjterday after a short; visit. THEODORE READ DEAD. Theodore Read, who was burn on the Pugsley farm two lots south of this village :50 years agu, died at his home 592 Uullege 5L, Tm-(mtn, on \Vednes- day. the 9th. of August. Deceased was interred in Prospch Cemetery. He \Vflsa lifelong Methodist). He is survived by a wife, 4 daughters, and 1 Don‘t let, that Imld spot grmv. G0 to your druggist at once and get a bottle of Parisian Sage and if that doesn’t check the falling hair and cause new hai1"l;r)gt'()w, nothing will. Dandruff is the cause of baldness. Dandx-utf germs cause baldness. Pa- risian Sage kills the germs, ei-adicntes dandruff, Stnps falling hair and itching scalp. \Ve will refund wkur money if it fails to du this in two weeks. Pu- risiau Sage will care the hair to grow if Lhe hair root he not dead. It causes the hair to grow thicker, mm-e lux- Uliflnt, {mid pu‘ts new life imp ii. _ The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package-of Parisian) Sage. If, is sold for 50c by all druggists or sent; pnstpnid hy the Giroux Mfg. CO. Fort Erie, Out, on receipt of price. Sold and gunmmeed bv W. A. Sanderson. I Auction Sale SATURDAY. Aug. 26â€"Auctim) sale of stock, implements, &c., on lot 49. con. 1,- Vaughan). half way between Richmond Hilland Elgiu Mills. the property of P. Bassingmnwaite. Saie at if o’clock. Terms 6 wwnths. j! H.‘ Prentice, Auct. MR. CLIFFORD’S REUP'I‘ION That Bald Spot ngin 1V1 ills. The World's Norih Toronto corres~ pondent seems disappointed because their Fire Brigade did not win any of the firrmen‘s races at Brampton last week, and particularly so because they were beaten by Richmond Hill. The correspondent after pointing out that, their firemen captured the cup for their good appearance, says that they “came. within an ace, of tw.) or three other impn'rtant events.” They came Within an acel The. fact of the matter is they never finished in the. hunk-and- ladder race at all. They nlIoWed the ladder to fall before the unfortunate c‘limbur reached the top round. Again the correspondent says:â€"â€"“Chief Col- lins has every reason to be gratified at the good start.” Yes, the North To- rzmtn men made a good start. but it is the finish that counts, And lastly it is stated in the \Vorld: “In the hose coupling. Richmond Hill beat out the local men by a fifth of a second.” By the official time, the. difference was three-fifths. The difference may not Seem much to North Toronto. but they nmst‘ remember that the Richmond Hill firemen can cover ronsiderahle ground in two-fifths ofa second. North Toronto must not he jealous of Rich- mond Hill. The town must he s ntis~ lied because their men wear nice uni‘ ‘ meS and look well in a parade. To those who say that the Canadian Government; A nnuities Scheme is of benefit to those only who can take ud- vzmtuge nf it \vhi'le they are ynun . it may he pointed out that the bene "t, is equally as great for old people. The fulluwing example will illustrate this. A widnw. seventy-five years of age,’ who had been spending a portion of hercnpitalench year (which was de- posited in the Post Office Savings Bank) as well as her interest. found to her horror that; she had but $i,5()0 left. She was without relatives and she suddenly realized What, her- fate Wuuld ultimatehv be if life we're spared to her :1 fpw years longer. But; when the cloud was darkest. the silver lin- ing appeared. A friend told her of the Canadian Government Annuities Scheme, and her feelings nle be im- agined when she was informed that, her $1.500 would yield her-fur the rmnainderuf hei'life- nu matter how long she might, lixe an income (if Full information cancernfng this great. Schenm may he had on applica- 1itnn m the Supm'intendent of Can- adian G(We~muaent Annuities, Ottawa. Postage free. * A special moot)ng of the Village Council was held in tho Clerk’s office Tnvsdnyevening. In the absence of the Reeve Mr. J. H. Sanderson pre- sided. Other councillors present, wére J. PulmFl', J. Tyndali and G.Sims., Mr. Pratt, president of the. Ratepay- ers Association, addressed the Council relative to expenses which may he in- curred in commotion with the Old Boys’ Reunion. By resolution the )ouncil agreed to [my $20.00 to the Treasurer othe Ratopayers Assoninâ€" tion to meet. current expenses, and to be responsible for any other logitiumte expense in connection with" the re- union. Mr. Daniel Burkhoidor divd at his hmnein Uninnville on the 11th. inst. in his 7Ist. year. Funeral from his late residence Sunday to the Lutheran Cemetery. Deceased was well known in this place 30 years ago being for a number of years agent fm‘ the Putter- son firm at Patterson. PUBLIC M EETING A Public Meeting if) the interest of Mr. H. H. Dewart K. C., Libs-ml Can- didate for Centre York, will be held in the Masonic Hall, Wednesday even- ing. August 23. Mr. Dewart, and other prominent speakers will be. present. Capt. Wauace or his representative is invited tn speak. Ladies specially in- vited. For particulars see bills. FRUIT TREES. Om' Nurseries are (man to inspection at any time. Those interested in the subject. of fruit; growing will do well to inspect our immense blocks of growing: Peach. Apple, Plum and Cherry Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. If our Local Agent has not; called upon you. write us. Oatnlngues or terms to Agents sent on application. Brown Bros., Browns’ Nurseries, ‘Vel- land Countv. Ont. LEARâ€"At 14 Tyndall Ave., Toronto, Monday. 14th. August. 1911, to Mr. ad Mrs. W. E. Lear, a daughter. 1225.90 a y en DOERRâ€"At Hendfurd, nn Mmmd-ay, Aug. 14th. 1911. Mrs. Robert; Doerr, aged 83 yrs. 5 mos. Funeral on Wednesay, Aug. 16th, at, 2 p.m. from the residence nf her son- in-lnw. Wm. Richards, Headford, to Thumhill Cemetery. @The Central Business Col- lege of Toronto invites you to write for a copy of its curriculum if you are in any way interested in a training which will lead you into a good business ap- pointment at a good salary. The Fall Term opens on Aug. 28th. Address W.‘ H. Shaw, President, Yonge and Gerrard Sus, Toronto, and mention this en's paper. | , . DIED AT UNIONVII. SPECIAL MEETING. GOOD LOOKERS. IT {5 FOR YGU. DEATHS B‘l RTHS. LLE. E WE WANT YOUR TRADEâ€"~WE QUOTE: ++$~i+++++++++*+~%‘+i‘++++‘¥++% “+Ԥ'+%+++'§°W'~'§"§"§"§--§°°§"§‘++'§"§“§“§"§'+'F §Atkinson _& Switzer Â¥+W++4 +4~Â¥+M++++4~+++ 4"§'-§~-£'+ QԎҤ~++~§°++°§'+é +~$~§4§°++¢~§°++fi ROOM' 5% ROOM PAPER PAPER , A choice of many” new patterns for this spring in latest designs. ' Few remnants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain. 09909999099999999999 We carry a large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at; greatly reduced prices. *%+$§%+++++§'§"M§~%%W+~§»fl"§'+ é++++++++++$éé++++4 §n§n§u§~MM P. G SAVAGE ziw-ivMHm-I-«MM §«§--§"M He-HMMMMM-zomwi-MM Ifi-in. Turkish Toweling, with red and white stripe, per yd. 1'30. 22-in. Huck Toweling, per yd. 16c. ‘ 24-in. Checked Glass Toweling, per yd. [2%0. 22-in. Linen Tea Cloth, per yd. 1275c. V 18-m. Linen Tea Cloth, per yd.. 10c. Hemmed and Fringed Damask Towels, 18x36, per pair 30c and 35c. llemstit‘ched Huck Towels, per‘pair 30c. Pure Linen, Huck Towels, 22x40, per-pair 90c. Unbleached Damask Table Linen, 60 and 72 in. wide, 30, 40, 50c yd. I r ' 72 in. Bleached Damask Table ' Linen, floral border, dot design, per yd. $100. ' ' ' 64-in. (Mercerized Cotton Damask Table Linen,- per yd. 75c. ’ Circular Pillow canon, 40, 42, 44 in. wide, at 20c, 22c, 25c yd. 8[4 and 9/4 Bleached Twill Sheeting, at 30c, 350, 50c vd. 4 White Crochet Quilts, soft finish, at $1.00 and $I.35. Towels, Table Linen, Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Quilts, Etc. Aug. 17, 1911. The Richmond HiH Furnishings Store Men’s Straw Hats, extra quality, at $2.00, to clear $51.25 Men’s Tan and Patent Shoes, extra good value at $4.00 and $4.50, to dear at Ladies" and Children’s Shoes and Slippers at reduce-d prices. N o R MA N 'J.» G LASS PROPRIETOR ' 4" SOMEONEMUST BE IN THE LEAD THIS APPLIES BUSINESS HOUSES AS WELL AS INDIVIDUALS : : : ‘ +++Mne++$§£§ amMMM-z- MM+MM£§§MM+~§~M goofifivovwno "999+ Phone 17 3-25

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