Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1911, p. 7

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’SUMMER MONTHS FATAL T0 SMALL CHILDREN The summer months are the mrdest of the year on small childâ€" 'en. Cholera. infantum, diar- rhoea, dysentry and stomach trou- bles are all common at this time and many a precious life is snuf- 'fed out after only a few hours’ ill- ness. As a. safeguard mothers should keep Baby’s Own Tablets in the house. An occasional dose of 3the Tablets will prevent stomach ‘and bowel troubles, or if the trouâ€" hle comes on suddenly will bring the little one through safely. Mrs. Larry DeGrace, Mizonette, N. B., writes: “Last summer my baby suf- fered greatly from her stomach and bowels and nothing helped her till .I began giving her Baby’s Own Tablets. They regulated her how- els, sweetened her stomach. and now she is a big, healthy, happy child.” The Tablets are sold by jmedicine dealers or by mail at 25 'vents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ ~Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The other day a, company of them was drawn up outside the railway station for the arrival of a royal 'prince. The prince appeared at the idoor of the station and all hands iwere raised in salute when a cara- 1bineer felt a little tug at his pockâ€" et. Then he felt another stronger pull, and remembered with anâ€" };guish that all his pay and horded ‘wealth was in a purse in his trouâ€" ys‘e-r’s pocket which was being insid- ‘ionsly attacked, having been exâ€" posed by the raising of his arm.‘ Carabineoi- Is Robbed While Stand- ing at Salute. A good story is {old in Rome, Itâ€" aly, to illustrate the discipline and self-control. of the famous ca‘rabin- eers, that ancient body of military :policemen who had their origin in iPiedmont and about whom so much ,has been said during the Camorâ€" lrist trial. What should he do? The foreign (prince was just- opposite, and to gput down his hand and not salute 'was unthinkable, but at the same )time could flesh and blood. and an )ofiicer of the law, too, deliberately gauow himself to be robbed and h‘uined 1 ‘ His desperate state of mind was fihown in the trembling 0f that shand, which, however, stayed glued lto the forehead while the: precious ipurse was slowly and surely abâ€" Qetracted. At last the agonizing moment came when he felt that the [pulling had stopped and knew that lthe thief had made off. Fortunately, the theft: had taken rtome time, as the thief evidently was not very bold, and just as he got the coveted prize in his hand ithe captain of the Carabineers {turned to give an order, the salut- ing being over, and saw what had lhapp'ened. The order for pursuit gwas given and the Cal‘ahineer who had proved the power of discipline over human nature was the one who caught the thief and recovered his property intact. “Always remember, Ferdinand,” maid his loving parent, “that ‘a. 50ft answer turneth away wrath.’ So if any little boy 01- girl hits you, 1be your mother’s own sweet dar- ling, and don’t lose your temper.” hen Ferdinamd ’twtted off. to school, and when helcame home to lunch his mother’fi’ské’fi him: "“And did my boy remember what he was told ?" “Yes, ma. A boy caHed me a fan}. but I did as you said.” “And what soft answer Kid you make?” “I hit- him in the e“ye with a tomato I" “Hallo? Chumley, where did you get that. black eye?” “Oh! Only [a lover’s quarrel.” “A lover’s quarrel! You don’t mean to say your girl did that to you?” “Oh. line! It was her old lover, I no! 1 mean.” TRAININ G IS COS'I‘LY. A SOFT ANSWER. ISSUE 33â€"11 soft “The most striking .example of the utility of sour milk is afforded by Dr. Robert; Gray, of Mexico,” says a writer in the Dietetic and Hy- gienic Gazette. “On a diet of but- termilk and clabber this remark- able man,‘ over 80 years old and practising in a climate not conduâ€" cive to physical or mental activity, is doing a practise that would be burdensome to a man in his prime. A daily walk of twenty~five miles is usual to Dr. Gray, and he travels many more miles over the Mexican excuses for roads on muleback. "The secret lies in the fact that Dr. Gray has always craved these foods. This craving is not a matter of appetite, but its roots go deeper into the physiological needs of the body. I do not believe that these articles would prove as useful to one who disliked them and could not taste them without a shudder, even after faithfully partaking of them daily ’for weeks to get the palate and digestion aceustomed to them. “But if such a one felt the sane craving for sweet milk or cream, a craving existing from infancy and never sated, I fully believe that these should prove better fitâ€" ted to his needs than the articles that were distasteful. The fact that the administration of arsenic favâ€" ors the formation of lactic acid and maintains the acidity of the blood may be one reason Why it has proved useful in the treatment of the aged.” Doctor Advises It for Those Who Crave It. If so, remember these facts~ Zamâ€"Buk is by far the most widely used balm in Canada? Why has it become so popular? Because it; heals sores, cures skin diseases, and does what is claimed for it. Remember that Zam-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and all harmful germs; It is suit- able alike for recent; injuries and diseases, and for Chronic sores, uIâ€" cers, etc. Test how different» and superior Zamâ€"Bnk really is. All druggists and stores at 500. box. Use also Zamâ€"Buk Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents freckles. Best for baby’s bath. 25c tablet. When Holloway’s Corn Cure is applied to a corn 01' wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh. ,Daisyâ€"â€"“I shall write Afice this afternoon. .Have you any mesâ€" sage?" Of course it is all right for a. bride to wait until her husband is sound asleep, then wake him up and ask him if he’s asleep yet. Dollyâ€"“What! Writing to that horrid cat?/Oh, give her my‘love.” Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Garget In Cows. on your ship.” “Listen to me_,” said the‘cross- examining counsel. “Ydu must answer my questions definitely. I don’t want to know what- yon sup- posed, I sup-posed I had my purse in my pocket when 1 left home this morning, but, as a matter of fact, I left it on the dreSsingâ€"table. Now, sir, get, on with your evi- dence.” A sailor had just shown a lady over the ship. In thanking him, she said: “I am sorry to see by the rules that tips are forbidden “‘Lor’ bléss you, ma’am,” re- plied the sallor, “so were apples in the Garden of Eden.” The case proceeded without fur- ther trouble, but when the lawyer arrived home that qX'ening he got a nasty shock, for his wife said: “Ofvcour'se I did. I géve it. to the first man who called. He told me exactly where you had left it.” “170;! must have wanted your purse very badly to send three men one after the; other for it.” “What?” roared the barrister “Did you give it to anybody?” “Does your new baby cry much at night 2” “Lam's! 1t cries at anything.’,’ “There is may be sure scandal. ’ ’ “When they ed breath.” WArgirrl doesn’t have to go to col- lege to be a smart dresser. THE WORST OF SUPPOSING. Mlnard's Linlment Cures Colds, Etc. HAVE YOU A BAD SORE? llmard's LlnIment cures Distlmpar. THE SOUR MILK DIET. NO' DISCRIMINATION. FORBIDDEN FRUIT. OH, YOU GIRLS I one time when you people are fishing for “What is that?” are talking with batâ€" London Expert Also Warns Against Alcohol and Curries. One of the interesting statements in Dr. E. F. Bashford's (London. England), report to the imperial cancer research fund is that peculâ€" iar customs render persons espec- ially liable to cancer. Dr. Bashâ€" ford mentions specifically the pracâ€" tice of eating very hot. rice in Chiâ€" na, the use of kangri in Kashmir, and the chewing of the betel nut. It is not only in the East, howâ€" ever, that customs conducive to cancer prevail. Inquiring at the laboratories of the imperial cancer research fund a correspondent was to ‘that the smoking of clay pipes was one danger. “Such pipes get very hot and the clay often sticks to the lips,” it was stated. “Any smoker who wishes to run the least possible risk of this dread disease should taboo such pipes, especially short ones. There. are trades which render the Workers more liable than usuâ€" al to cancer. The workman who runs most risk is the hhimncy sweep, whose body is covered with soot. _ Unless the sweep is extremeâ€" ly careful to keep his skin thorâ€" oughly clean the aniline products in the soot will cause irritation, which may end in cancer. In the same way workers in aniline fac- tories run considerable risk and all persons who make use'of X rays are particularly liable to cancer. pipes, especially short ones. “Alcoholic. excesses which may lead to irritation of the stomach also introduces the risk of cancer. Curries and highly seasoned food generally, if taken habitually, are also a source of danger.” W'se mothers who know the vir‘ tues of Mother Graves’ Worm Exâ€" terminator always have it: at hand, because it proves its value. “Mr. Slocum,” the young woman said, “you must not mind Tommy tying your gloves together. He doesn’t know that yOn will be wanting to put them on in a few minutes.” According to advertisements all summer resorts are alike. They are the best ever Whut- if fishing is better anywhere else than it is in “Georgian Bay” we do not know where it isi There is a greater var- iety of fish in this water than unyWhere else, and they are always hun r-y. ‘ The. only place where you can affor to fish is where the fish are numerous. big and de- licious in flavor, and that place is Georg- ian Baywso the fishermen say. Suppose you send for booklet issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System free, telling about the home of the bass, pickerel, pike, and the noble trout family. Address A. E. DUFF, Union Station, Toronto. Sexton of the Brighton Cemetery, England, and for many years verr- ger at the finish Church, Mr. Wil- liam Shelly has officiated at 30,000 funerals, 1,000 baptisms, and 600 weddings. It's Virtue Cannot be Described. â€"No one can explain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil possesses. The originator was himself surprised by the wonderful qualities that his compound pos- sessed. That. he was the benefac- tor of humanity is shown by the myriads that rise in praise of this wonderful Oil. So familiar is evâ€" eryone with it that it is prized as a household medicine everywhere. >TRV'MUMNE EYE REMEDY ' (or Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes udGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't fimartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggista Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free 13:] Mid}. ’Usually a man who would rat-her be right; than be president soon ac- quires a reputation of being poor but honest. _ An American, who was entere‘rzin- ing a distinguished English gentle- man, was showing his Visitor round Newport. ;. “You observe,” remarked the host, “that when we Americans deâ€" vote ourselves to pleasure, we do so regardless of expense.” ‘) ‘I’d hardly put; it that way,’ re- sponded the witty foreigner. “Ra‘ ther, you devote yourselves to ex- pense regardless of pleasure.” The Foe of Indigestionâ€"Indiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a- most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most seâ€" vere. The very best remedy is Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- tify the irregular action of the sto- mach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteemed for their qualities. CONVEYING IT TA CTFULLY. Hut-Ina Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. HOW IT IMPRESSED HIM. CANCER IN CLAY PIPE. AN ANGLER'S ELYSIUM. Pam-“Because she is forever get- ting a black eye, my son.” A BANDAGE. Little. Willieâ€"“Say, Pa, why is Justice always blindfolded ‘?” This isltq certify that I hm‘é used MIN- ARD‘S lemeut in my'family for years. and consider it the best liniment on the market. 'I have found it excellent for norseflesh. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Gentleman (entering)â€"~“Do sou “'Of'k here, boy ‘1” Office Boy â€" "‘OnVy when the governor is lookâ€" ing.” “What is the hardest thing to learn about farming?” inquired the summer boarder. “Gett-in’ up at 5 o’clock in the mornin, ,, repl‘ed Farmer Curntossel. We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dy- sentery, diarrhoea, cholera, and all summer complain-ts, sea sick- ness, etc. It promptly gives reâ€" lief and never fails to effect a posiâ€" tive’cure. Mothers should neyer be without a b'otb‘le'when their chil- dren are teething. “Pa, what's tetanus?” “Oh, he was a Roman Senator 01' somethingâ€"I forget just what. Now don’t bother me any more.” MRS. WINSLow’s SOOTHING SVRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MIILIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE ’lltli’l‘HlNG, with PERFECT SUCCESS. ll SOOTHES the CHICK), SOFTE 'S the G UMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES Wh D CULIC, and : the best remedy for DIARKHGEA It 1'5 9!» soluter harmless. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. \Viuslow’s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Hubâ€"“You don’t need another new dress, dear.” Wifeâ€"“No, darling, but I must have one.” ' Dr. Gordon Hewitt, Domin- ion Entomologist. says, referring to the infantile death rate from intestinal diseases and diarrhoea spread by the house fly, he believes that the soâ€"called harmless fly is yearly causing the death, of thou- sands of infants, as well as spreading the germs of typhoid fever. Wilson’s Fly Pads are the only thing that will rid your house of these dangerous pests. Affiliated with the University of Toronto, and )Inder the control of the Depart- lnolt of Agriculture of Ontario. Infirmary for Slck Animals at the College. W. ‘S. PINEO, “Woodlands,” Middleton, N.S.: Mlnard's Llniment Cures Diphthnrla. RESIN") HEALTH T0 MOTHER AND BHILD. TEACHING THE YOUNG. SHE’LL GET IT. COLLEGE RIC-OPENS OCTOBER 2nd. 1911. TOO TRUE. (Signed) Temperance Street, Toronto N.B.â€"Cn-1endarv on applicnliou. E. A. A. CHANGE. V.S., M.s.. Prlnolpll. HE WANTED TO LEARN HOW. Bul'glariJMn‘t shoot me, sir. HouseholderfiOn one condition, that you tell me how you got in without Waking; my wife. A Sure Corrective of Flatalency. â€"When the undigested food lie"; in the stomach it throws ofi' gases, causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belch- ing or eructation of these gases is offensive and the only way to pre- vent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee’s Ve- getable Pilis will do this. Simple directions go with each packet and a course of them taken systemati- cally is certain to effect- a cure. house,” said the pedlar. “I’m sorv 1'y,” replied. Mrs. Minus, “but the baby is asleep just now.” Wilson's Fly Pads are sold by practically all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores throughout Canada. They ‘kill many times more flies than any other article. ASKATOON, V Sankatchewan, requires Five Thousand Harvesters to take in enormous ul‘op. Come up and help. ‘Good wages. Splendid chance to see country and at the same time secure a Homestead. On arrival. call on The Commissioner, Board of Trade Oflives. Saskatoon, he will HAVE some of the best Fruit. Stock, Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontario. and prices right.’ GENTS WANTEDrA study of other Agency )a‘opomtiuns convinces ul that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don't apply for particuiars to ’l‘mvellers‘ Dept.. 228 Albert Sn, Ottawa. place you QAWMILL MACHINERY. Portable or k heavy, Lathe Mllls. Shin 1e Mills, Engines and Boilers. Mill Supp ies. Th! E. Long Manufacturing 00.. Ltd.. West Street, Orillia, Ontario. ‘ ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. etc. In. L ternal and external. cured witho‘uK pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman MedicalCo.. Limited, Colliugwood. Ont. RITE us toâ€"dav for our rhoice list of Agents’ Supplies. Nu outlay necessary. They are money makera. Ap- Qly B. UL I. Co. Lt-cL, 228 Albert St., btutawx. Ont PECIALIS’I‘S ADVICE FREE. Consult 5% us m. regard to any disepsv. Lowest pnces m drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Sang] measure- ment. Glasses fitted by .age. W rite to-duy for anything sold m first-class drug stores to Dr. Bellmnn. Colliugwood. Ont. Cleaning and Curling and Kid Ginvei clemnd Tha can tie sent Evy 'r w FEATHER DYEING cams" Amnzchn' 0mm: co. MON'ULEAL. 3 TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's D Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto, ASK DAWSON. HE F you want to sell a F you want to buy a “I want to see the head of the AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Turonté. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborno Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. KNOWS. farm, consult farm. consult.

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