FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS and conditions of sale apply to Lennox 85 Lennux. Solicitor-s for Lhe Imperial Trusts Co. of Ozumda, Administrators of the Estate of James Shel-mun, de- ce’ased. Dated at: Tnmntu this ~â€"- day of gully}, A.D. 1911. ‘ snh'ent to a resm-ved hid. T RMS:â€"Ten per cent». of the pur- chase mane-y to -he paid down at the time of the sale, balance to be patid within thirty days thereafter with interest at Six per cerinpez- ahnumL» just, act-055 the road from the said farm and is well sitlmted. On the property are a 10;; house. alsu u frame barn about; 30 feet square with shed at~ tached. also agund Orchard said to contain about ninety trees. A top buggv nearly npw, a cow and some hens will be sold at same time and 111109.. ‘ The properties will he sold separately subject to a resm-ved hid. ‘ yearly membership fee is One Dollar for hich you get all above. and you may with- draw any time within three month. It you want to r! 0 So and get your dollar buck. I! yon don't care to span $1.00. send 25 cents tor three months membership. Nobody can afford to an this offer by. You will at, our money bee in value man times over. ul particulars will be sent tree 0 charge. but it you are wise you wlll send in your request: for membership wiih the groper fee at once. The 25 cts. three months mam-l ershlp oifer will soonrchange. Write at once ad- V‘J‘esslngyour letter and enclosing $1.00 for full‘ Luau-R1 mfmbershin or nwenty-flve cents for three ‘mon . s o , . l MUTUAL LITERARY M 1mm CLUB ‘ N9. 150 r." nSt..N. J mi: - PARCEL TWOâ€"Beingcom used of part of the Front part of Lot umber Twenty-six in the Fuuith Concession of the said Township of Vaughan. which is butted and bounded as fol- lows: that: is to say, Sitlmte on the Southeast, corner of said Lot number Twenty-six and bounded on the north and west. sides by. lands heretofore conveyed by Richard Mitchell, and on the east side by the allowance for road in front of the said Concession, and on the south by the allowance for road between Lot Number Twenty-ï¬ve and Twenty-six containing by udnieasure- went one square acre more or less. iextrs churge- 72 'ieces ln'one GEE-Vin all. IL 0 CAN GET A THESE B was FOR 1123']? NQ’I‘HING. ‘ There will be offered for sale by Public ‘Auction. by John '1‘. Saigenn, Esq. Auctioneer, at the Palmer House, in the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of ank, at, Eleven o'clock in the fm'enoon, on Tuesday, the 29th day of August, A.D. 1911, ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- tain parcels m" tracts of land and premises situntr‘. lying and being in the said Township of Vaughan and described as follows:â€" The above fax-m lies about one and a quarter (1%) miles north of the Village of Maple. It; is mostly cleared and under cultivation. Has a. number of white pine trees on it valuable for lumber. The buildings consist of a brick-clad two-storey residence. main part, about 23x27 ft.., and kitchen 17x18 ft. V Two good frame hams about 38x78 and 30x50 ft. respect- ively. Two stables, one being frame with driving shed attached: PARGEL Nfï¬MBER ONE will be sold subject: to a lease to one Rubert. J. Gray which will expire April lsb next. The purchaser will have the usual privileggi go do FallPlnghing. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN IN THE GOUNTY OF YORK. Lot; number Twenty-six, in the Third Concession of the said Township of Vaughan. containing one hundred acres mnre or less. ‘ Mr. Wm. Sliney has rented his farm above Elgin Mills to Mr, J. H. Bril- Iinger, the well known cattle dealer. Mr. Bi‘lllinger takes pcsession this fall. Mr. Sllney has purchased the St. George Hotel propel-lav in the village nf Scbnmberg. and is already in posses- sion. The buildings are good and there m-eflve acres of land in connection with pi-opgi-ty. The price paid is $8.000. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF VALUABLE FREEâ€" HULD LAND Sevenil of the young men of the Village left on Saturday on the halvest excursion to the \Vest. Miss Edith Kéï¬ex' of Toronto visited from Friday till Tuesday with her friend Miss A nes McNeil. Miss Kefl’er sang a beauti a} solo 1n St. Andrew’s Clan-Chan _Su_nday mqrqing. Mrs. (Dr.) Rouflley left; 5n Tuesday fog a. t1-ip_ to‘qutreal. The 'b'iiilé ‘éié'ésés' "6i" iï¬Ã© 'Métï¬6di‘ét Sabbath School held a picnic at Bond’s Lag? orLgugsday atbmjxlgon. There was a good attendance at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. W. Mylks. on Wednesday afternoon 01 last, week; :A paper on the subject "Is aCollege Education a. Beneï¬t, in the Home?†was read by Miss Grace Mor- gan, and was followed by a lively dis- cu,§_si0n_ lp which nearly :yll 'tgpk paylz.“ THIS PXRCEL NUMBER TWO is PARCEL ONEâ€"~The west half of CHANGE O F BUSINESS. Maple. After Sept. 4 shop will clnsv. at, 9 p.m., and Saturday at, 11.30 p.m. Come and see me. Next door south uf Trench’s Carriage Works. GOOD SUPPLY OF CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND PIPES V blink-(71 A!) Aurora this 4th day of August A. D. 1911. ‘ NOTICE is herehv given pursuant to Section 28 Cup. 129 R. S. O. that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Ann Jackson late of the Town- ship of Vaughan in the County of York, Married woman, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-seventh day of June 1911, are to send b . regis- tered letter or deliver to T. ex'bel't Lennox, solicitor for the Executor-s of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the Twenty-eighth day of August 1911. their names and address- es and full particulars of' their claims duly veriï¬ed and the nature of the se- cnrity (if any) held by them, and that nfter the said..TWenty-eighth day of August 191I the executors Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which they shall then have no; tice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereto so distributed to any per- son or- peI-snns of whoSe claim notice has not been received by them at the time for such distribution. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANN JACKSON. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. MARRIED WOMAN. . Notice to Creditors. NEW PERFECTION Melotte and Standard Cream Separators * Paroid and Brantford Asphalt Ready Rooï¬ngs Anthony VVire,Eence, &c- SOME OF THE FOLLOWING SEASONABE GOODS. A GOOD THING TO TAKE A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO ALONG. , W C O N N O R “a BALL-BEARING WASHI‘M} MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE - PRICE ONLY $1000 THE RIBHMONDHILL HARï¬WABE 0038 GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill .~..BARBER SHOP... THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. NOAH HOILES, E39. ‘1‘. HERBERT LENNOX. MRS. SARAH ANN DOAN, E. GRATNGER PHONE 18. WEEKLY STORE NEWS 3“ Burners $11.00. Complete with large Oven $14.00. Tinsmithing of all kinds Promptiy Done at Lowest Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Solicitor fur Executors. PROPRIETOR. SCREEN WINDOWS The Most Complete and Best: Working Stéve Made. NO SMOKE. -:- NO SMELL. To suit all sized windowsâ€"from 18 to 400. each. is a. Good Time to Buy Don’t You Think This SCREEN DOORS SOLE AGENTS FOR 3 sizes from 900. to $2.15 each. Execu tor, Executrix, Glenville. BLUE FLAME OIL STDVES Aurora. Mélple. Exquisiter printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-known people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non-political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please‘and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents acupy. One dollar a year. The Pie- tmial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. . 21-tf THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE The Next Sitting of Divnsxon Court to: No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. “CANADIAN P ICTORIAL†6-3 The highest or any tender not nee- bssarily accepted. For further purâ€" ticulm-s, terms and conditions of sale, apply to F. 0.7L. JONES, DIVISION - BUUHT. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until the First day of Sep- tember, 1911, for the purchase of the valuable. fxeehold fzu'm being the West half of Lot Number Twelve in the Ninth Concession of the annshi of Vaughan. containing one hun red acres more 0'1- less. The soil is clay loam; about fourteen acres in mendâ€" mv and about four- acres in bush. The buildings consist of two frame dwell- ings, main part of the larger 36 ft x24 ft with cellar and kitchen addition 18 ft x 21 ft; the smaller dwelling suit- able for hired help; hat-n ’72 ft x 50 ft with stone basement have stable ac- commodation for about ten hurses and tWenty cattle. In additign there is u shed and pig pen and implement house. Thereisa. never failing well onihegroperty. - Sale of Valuable Freehold Farm. Dusters, Plush and “7001 Lap Rugs. and other supplivs always in stock. Firstclass goods at right prices. We’d like tn Shnw you the best, and handsmnest harness there is made. Drive-r and hm-se both feel comfort- able when the. right kind of Harness is used. That Harness Monday, Oct. 2, 1911, RICHMOND HILL ()nmmencmq at 10 m m. 18 Toronto Stazeet, Tax-onto, Sulicitm‘ fur the Vendors. '. F. MCMAHON CLERK 5-3111 55mm) STREET, RICHMOND HILL Left» the premises of the undersigned 7th. Con. Markham. about, noon on Monday, August 7th., 3. Hampshire Dawn Ram. The ï¬nder will please (:nmnmnicate with the owner, 7-3 DAVID HOOVER. 6-2 JOHN ELLIS 7-t. f. Our list. cnmpl-isvs two of the best hundred acre farm; in the Township. of Markham on the second Concession A forLyJive acre farm an' ancmd Statinn, in the Township of Vaughan. Several vacant, Village lots, an eleven and one half acm- parcel on Mill street, this Village, a house and Int on‘ same slreetmlsn a house and other buildings in rear of lot 37, lst. con. of Vaughan. to be x-eumved ofl‘ the prongs s._ Elaziw', Grainer and Paper- ‘ Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HIL V. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, B ritish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING, GRAINING, GLAZING, KALSOMINING. &'C. Ten choice beef-ringers; ‘ App‘l‘yjï¬) A good work horse. RICHMOND EXILE, BRANCH Estray Notice AUG. 3 Li'rws in Ont‘minsmith (-f G. 'I‘. Rq Tux-until tn Sarniu and from stations in tiw I’mvince nf quhm'. ' . . AUG. l2 Nm-lh of Tul‘uthSnl’Uiu lino including all branches and the (Jan. Nnr. Ont. Ry. AUG. l6. Pnints in Enslwrn Ontario. AUG. 23. Phints VVe-‘it of 'l‘nrnntn in Ontario. AUG. All points East of Tnmntn in Ontario and Quebec. The demand to: flavvesters aiong the Can. Nor. Lines is very h.a y and the wag-s good. I.“ PORTANTâ€"«Tu roach Cummim Nm'ihern points it wiin necvssar to trmwi by Canadian Paciï¬c Railway m VVi'tmi‘pvgr. ' For full infm-nmlinn apply in Agenss vi the ()unndiam lehern Rail- way, Canadian Puniiâ€"‘w’ Railway, Central Ontario, Bay of Quinte and Brmik \‘iiiP.A\VPStpnrt and North Westurn-Rn,ilways. THE SWDARD BANK M \Vinnipvg. ()lluiue nf (lesllnntinn left, tn the excï¬mim» ist and fx-HP transportation granted frnm W'innipb-g ‘Vesb m RPglllu, Sélhkutulnl. \Vlu-mun, Swan Him-r and interim-(lin puints. Numnml rates in all ulhvr pnints m) the Canadian Nm-thmn Railway. \Vrite fur HUmeseo-km-s’ Guide, shuwing 25,000f1'ee hnnmstmds await; ing the setlh-r. ' mumnml rum-s [u all m hvr pnmts m) the Unnndian Nm-thmn Runway. ()1: return juunwy, tickuts “$125.00. contlitir-nal (m 30 days’ wurk, “‘l†he issued mul'igilml starting pnint. us shnwn on gning tickvl. .Fainter and 1339013th Canadian Northern RailWay L. E HAND. P‘ianager. Branches 3151; .e MAPLE. MARKHAM. srovrrvmnn and LOCUST rum†@493: 50.060 Hamsters Wanted Eamblishcd1873 magnet.†MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low' co§t unite to make Money Orders issued by this_Baï¬k a most satisfactory Way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 . . . 3c. $IOto $30 . . . l0c. $5to$10...6c. $30to$50...l5c., Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. For Sale For Sale For Sale Residence : H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent LEWIS CLEMENT. Hope P. Q. Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cent better Shorthand, and Mattie. Booklet Free. GEO. FORESTER R. L. FAIRBAIRN, Asst Gen'l Pass. Ag ., Can. Nor. Ry., T romo. om. EXGURSIQNS DATES OF SALE. R. A. Farquharson, B. A., ’Prin‘. Cor. Youge & Bloor Sts. Gormley 38-t-f Willomlale ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. F. J. WUGDWAHH GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILL Some bred and others ready to breed. PATRONAGE SOLICITED . AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HOLSTEIN ' BULL CALVES SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. 3. WUUDWARD. EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS A speciï¬c monthly modicum (or ladle. to restore and regulate the manner producing tree, healthy And mules: dlachargu. No aches or palm on up ranch No»! by over 30,000I3dlea nce used w_ aim again. luvlzomte. muse organs. Buy of your drugglst only those with our signature Ac [we of labeL Avoiqaubstltuwa, Ben! FROM Er‘STh‘RN CANADA ruoulars mailéd zciiriimp. 1.30 W; m Aggreu. EUREKA on M; AL also Stock Farm J. MCKENZIE for Businessi