Mr. and Mls. J. H. Rumor Splint. mer Sunday! with friends in the City. Flags. (‘hmvse Luntmns and uthm‘ (h-(‘ui‘nlitnus at the Liberal uflicr. Mr. J. H. N. Mnrgnn. of Kingston \‘isilPd Mr. H. A. Nix-hulls 1-“ Tuesday. le Elevator will hp (:lnsvd Saturday nflerlumu of this week â€"-Old Buys’ Day. Mrs. \V. V. Bruce nf Ann Arhnr. Mich, was :1 glwsL (It Mrs. Ske-elte fur a fmv days. Rlcammn HILL. ONE, AUG._ 31, 1911 The High and tlw Public svlnml will l-c-npen next Tuesday, Lllk‘ 51h. wt" Sep« tember. Mrs. A. J. Paul and children hf Sud- bury are \isiLing with Mr. and Mrs. Mason. Muster Slow“) L and Cyril Briilingzm of Uunr'urd sple nvel Sunday as; Mr. Thus. \Vhitnmru‘s. MN. \ViH. Bn-wn nfTumnfn. fm-m- mï¬y uf Riuhmuml Hill, spvnt Friday at Mr. Thus. \'\ hiLnnu-v’s. Drs. Ralph and Lilinn Langslnff, 1-0- lurlwd Tuesday Honing :thor a plmsuut mouth spent. at Gordan Buy. Musknku. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin VVingPt' hf Bt’l'lit‘ Uisll‘iut ul‘c‘ \ isiLing th forms-P’s pnl-ents and other friends at, thhesdn. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Drmer from Stuylwl are \‘ixiaing friends through Markham and Vaughan for :L couple ut’ weeks. Large bar Custilo Snap 25cm, 31b. carton of Imperial starch @, 190. Mack’s N0 Rub Laundry TubIBLQQSC. Atkinson & Switzer. (Elie gaggilmnl. Miss Mabel Brillingernf (Et-ncord has returned hnuw nflvr tape-ming three weeks holidays with her friend Miss Edith \Vhitmure. Men’s neglpgee shirts, white ground with neat panel-n, special price 980. Boys snap fmm straw huts, special 480 Atkinson & Switzer. Get all yuur shopping dune Saturday fort-noon and give every person a chance to attend the Old Buys’ Re- union in the afternoon. Miss Gladys McFarland and Miss Ruby Hague of 158 Burden Street. Tur- nutu are staying at the home of Mr. Christopher Horner, Hendt’uml. Mr. Armand Savage, delegate from Cuurb Rlchmond, A. O. E, reports in- tvresting sessions at. the High Court meeting in Pete! box'o last week. The Canadian National Exhibition is now in full swing in Toronto. \Vitl) ï¬ne weather the unmagers expect the attendance to break all former records. Many old friends will be pleased to meetab the Richm'md Hill Old Boys’ lie-union Mr. Wm. Olile-d who dis- tinguished himself at Bisley a. few weeks ago. The W. G. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Switzer next Tuesday afternoon at 30’cluck. The members are urged tn attend this meeting as matters of importance will be discuss- ed. The choir of the Methodist Church Thm-nhil), are giving a. “Service of Pmise†on Sunday Evening September 3rd. An excellent program of music will be rendered. Everybody we]- came. Mr. Horace Gohn, V.S., of Sb. J ohn’s. Mich., who had been attending a con- vention of the American Veterinary Association in Toronto, called on old friends here Saturday. Mr. Gohn has pleasant. recollections of High School days in Richmond Hill. Ladies White Lingerie waists with Kimona sleeve @ 75c. Good quality lace and embroidery insertion 2 sleeVe, lace trimmed @ 98c. Fine all-over embroidery, collar and sleeves neatly trimmed with baby Irish lace @ $1.48. A few house dresses and wrappers, size 36. Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. McCordick. Roach’s ,Point; M rs. Cumberland, Brampton; and Mrs. Abbott. West. Toronto, ofï¬cers of York and Feel County W. C. T. U. spent Thursday afternoon at the home of the On. Our. Sec. Mrs. ’1‘. F. McMahon. completing arrangements for the Gnuntv Convention to be held here Oct. 3rd. and 4th. A very enjoyable time was spent on Monday evening on Mr. W. A. Fuller's lawn when u. very large number of the school section gathered, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lehman. who are about. to leave this communit and take up their abode at, Richmon Hill. where Mr. Lehman is to be principal of the public school. They presented them With a handsome writing desk and :bonk‘case', combined. Tea. was served, after which a program was rendered. ’éo'ns‘iéstfng of songs and rec- imtions, also 'speeches from e trh‘stees of theschonl and aghgg-{f' V ‘ wMarkham Sum . , v ,- 1" |,()‘CA‘|AS MR. LEI-IMAN HONORED A min-ting of tlw Ratepayers was hPld In the Unulwil Chamber Tuesday evening Ln make final urn-augments for [he Riclnnmul Hill Old Boys Hm-uninn mud Picnic un Saturday nf this week. The l’nn‘lslnn Umnuxile, the Sports Uummiuvv, thr Dunn-Minn (.‘nmmiltee zlndmlwr cmmniILm-s l’Pphi‘lk‘d good wm-k dune. :md itis‘ huprd everything will he in readiness fur Lhe reception of old blends Sulurduy. Mr. (it-u. Umviv \vusnrltlud in the Baum Unm- Inluee \vlm will lmvk ufu-r a supply of icu cl't-nm. sensmmhlu fruit. suxnnwr drinks and nLhm- delurruï¬es. The Spurts ()mmuiuee lepane-(l that be- sides :1 program of rag-(Is there would lw a lulu-«use Ill'll,(:ll and a baseball mulch luvaeeu the Old Buys and pleâ€" SK‘HL "' ‘zt-ns of this \‘illngt‘. Mr. Wm. E. \‘v'illy and Mi. 0. H. l‘illsunn report.- ud everything satisfactory in Tummtu. The Queen’s Own Band will give a Imuicnl prugnuxmw in {1:0 I’m-k in the nth-Hum“, and :umthel‘ in the evening. ian-spmm-d wiLh songs and shun. spw-ches. ’l‘hr- parade will start uhnnt 2.30. on the animal llf lhe'l‘m-m‘n.†cnulingent. \Vhrn llu- Park is reached a reception will be hulll, and [his will be fulluwed by a. presentatixm tn \V. J. Clifford. a ltichumml Hill Old Boy. wiuuernf The King’s and Prince ul’ \Vales’ pl‘lZl‘S in .lCnglnnd. Let, t-\ Pry l'vsin’lence have. iLs (ll'ClIl‘thlUlh‘, and ivL every I'V/Sldt‘nl’z hibhin :L radius Hf smorul miles help LU mnke 1h;- Rtr-unluu A grand success. Many Ulll friends hwn‘d with regret nf the death uf Mr. 35. b'. Smile at; his htnnv, 3i Nnnu-n Ann, ROSeedalP, last Saturday evening. Pievinus to leav- ing liichnmml Hill (incensed had been fm-mnun in The Ht‘rald printing ofï¬ce, and latterly until two years ago when hvsuï¬'H-e-d from heart. trouble he was city (I‘HVPllel' for Douglas & Rntclil‘fe. Mr. Smrlu who was one uf the stars in the victm-iuus Young Canadian 121 01-0539. team was :1 general favorite with all who knew him. Interment took place Tuesday in Mount, Pleasant Cemetery, Rev. .AlClMlPHCUn \Van'en. recLur of Si. Sininn’s Church. ofï¬ciatâ€" ing. Deccnsrd is survived by bus HIULl’H‘I‘, a brotherâ€"Mr. Fred. H. Seui'le (If the Bi-mvnâ€"Seurle 00., and an aunt. Miss Pollock who resides with the fumin The Full term at the Newton School of Music opens \Vednesdnv, Sept. 6. Indications point to a very bilsy sensnn at that, institution. This year. in addi- tion to the exuminaiinns uf the Toron- to Conservatory nf Music and the Uni- versity of 'l‘muutn, candidates will be piepzu'ed fur the local exmninatinns of the Associated Board nf Lhe Royal Academv of Music and the Rnyal Cul- lege of Music, London, England. CLEAN UP. In order that vis1tnrs at the Old Buys lieâ€"union may return tn theix hmnes impressed with the fact that Richmnud Hill is thr' prettivst Village in the Province, every hnusehnlder should see that no 10039 paper 01- other rubbish is allowed in" the street near their residences next Saturday. We hope to sue most of the residences and business places suitably decm-ated fur the occasion. May clean streets he made to correspond with the dPCUX'flt' inns, 'And we would suggest that the Village caretaker see that louse papers are. nut thrown in the street near the door of the Post Ofï¬ce. Our Nurseries me open to inspection at any time. Those interested in the subject. of fruit, growing will do well to inspect our immense blocks 0f growing Peach. Apple, Plum and Cherry Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. If our Local Agent has not, called upon you. write us. Catalogues or terms to Agents sen t, on application. Brown 31-09., Browns’ Nurseries, W'el- land Ouunw. Ont, Earl Grey formally opened the Can- adian National Exhibition on Monday, Wednesday evening of last week Wm. Bowen, ugloungzman in the em- ployment of m. ess at Dollar. drove to Elgin Mills and bought a. pair of boots for $3.50. He then drove to Richmond Hill and tied his horse in the Methodist Church |shed. \Vhen he returned he found that. his u‘ew boots had been taken from the buggy, and an old pair substituted. If the new boots are returned to THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce Mr. Bowen is willing to look upon the trick as a joke. As the young man has to work for his living it is hoped the person who took the boots will return them without further trouble. No questions will be asked. “79 have frequently reminded our correspondents and friends that the Libel 31 goes to press Thursday morn- ings. Last week a number of items for the paper were handed in late Wednesday evening. and others Thus- day morning. Consequently we had not the time nor the space to deal with them. We would ask our friends to send in news as early as possible so that our paper may be published at the usual time. We know that our ub- scribers do not enjoy getting their paper at 11 o’clock, one week and 4 o’clock the following week. SEARLEâ€"On Saturday. Au ust m 1911, at 31 Nanton Avenue, osedale. Stephen S. Searle. Funeral on Tuesday, August 29. at, 2 * p.m. to Mount Pleasant Cemetery: DEATH OF STEPHEN SEARLE. PLEASE RETURN THE BOOTS PLE ASE SEND EARLIER. OLD BOYS' RE-U‘MON. News N otes. FRUIT TREES. FA LL TERM. DEATHS Late our will lrm‘q- Nurth 'l‘ornnto Station at 11 p.111. and 11.45 p.111. fur Newman-ket and internwdiute points on August 30 and 211. Suptvmlwr l, 2. 4, 5. 6, 7, 8 and 9. 0n Munduy, Sept. 4, Labor Day. a hnlf hmu' service will he npt‘l‘Hted during llw din between Tol “mm and Nl'\x=nmrkr‘f. The usual hullllny SPI'VlUO between Tut-unto and .lexcksun’s PninL and Sut- ton will not be operate-d rm Labor Day. Sept. 4. le fullmving special S('l'\‘i(‘.(â€"‘ will he upemwd on the Metlwpnlitan Divisinn of [he 'l‘(mmt,u& Ym k Radial Railway in connection with the Canadian Na- timml Exhibitinn ML Tor-mt“:â€" KILLED BY LIGHTNING. During lh» Plt‘CLl‘iI‘Hl storm Sunday nfternuun u hm se bvlnuginp to Mr (a‘mu. Hart, 2nd. cum. nem- the town-line he. hvcen Vaughan and King. was strunk by lightning and instantly killed. The animqu hml hwn standing at [he slahle dum- with its bend nutside. Passeï¬gers are wquvstvd Ln secure their return tickets at L-hv. )mnpnny’s Ticket Oflices before. hum ding the cars. 8â€"2 Students are earnestly requested to be present on the ï¬rst day. HIGH SCHOOL ‘Vill Re-()pen Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1911 Second and Third Term. For the ensuing year full courses in the Lowe-r and Middle School will be taught. Special attention will he givvn tn pupils preparing for entrance to Nnrmal and Junior Mutricnlutinn in all the faculties, including the Latin, French. German and Science upbions. J. DAVIDSON, M.A., L. L. B. :‘rincipal. G. A. MCDONALD, Sec‘y-Treas. Firstï¬i'ferm, and $3 00 for This May Interest You jJCH 3-H )N D H ILL “79 want a reliable man to sell our WP“ known spwiulties in fruit, trees. small fluits. seed potatoes, flowering shrubs. roses, etc., in Richmond Hill and county during fall and winter; Outï¬t free exclusive territory. 'puy weekly. 600 ACRES OF NURSERY STOCK. 9-4m. Clean. well grown trees and shrubs that: will satisfy your customers. Earl and good delivery guaranteed. Esta )lished (\V‘el‘35 years. Write for whole or part time terms. Building 62 x 44 ft. With a lean-to 14 x 48 ft. Barn on 20 ft. posts with stone foundation. 0n lot, 53. con. 1, Tp. of Vaughan. Fm: terms and particuiars. Apply to E. LEFEUVER, 142 an St., Toronto. Sales Manager, 01- on the premises. 9-3 On August 24 four white pigs “two sows and two hogs." were impounded. One of them has a. black mark behind the right ear. They will average one hundred and sixty pounds apiece. The owner may have his mperty by identifying and paying amuges. If not clmmed will be sold at the pound Wednesday: Sept. 6. at 9 a..m. --h.._--- --..- ' Av.~“ 9-2 A two year old dark Brindle Heifer strayed away nearly two weeks ago. Reward. . HENRY THORNBACK. Special Car Service. PELHAM NURSERY (10., TORONTO. Full Staï¬lt: Teachers The Fées are $4 00 for the mm Central Business Col- lege of Toronto invites you to write for a copy of its curriculum if you are in any way interested in a training which will lead you into a good business ap pointmenc at a good salary. The Fall Term opens on Aug. 28th. Address W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge and Gerrard 8113., Toronto, and mention this this paper. Barn For Sale Pound Notice ANDREW KILLOUGH. Lost Pound Keeper Lot. 21. Concession 4 Mapvle Post; Oflice. Elgin Mills. flu}é-+H++++++++%M++'b++++i' *M+*++'§"§'++':++%+°§+%+~§¢++%°§#Â¥ $+tt§2tfl EAtkinson & Switzer ! 1 I '3' %W++d~+M$M“+M+J-+ M+N+4-++++++MQ+4¢+++$s£v°31+2€ ROOM %% ROOM PAPER PAPER A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. Few remnants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain. O‘QO§â€Â§Â§Â§QN§§O§§OO We carry a. large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatly reduced prices. ' § The Richmond Hill Furnishings Store W+H++WW§+¢++M +MNH++MM+WHWW P. G. SAVAGE wwmwwwum i‘MQ WWH'I'fl'kHMMH Richmond Hill Old Boys’ Reunion Aug. 24, 1911. Men’s Straw Hats, extra quality, at $2.00, to clear $1.2 5 Men's Tan and Patent Shoes, extra good value at $4.00 and $4.50, to clear at . ’. . Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes and Slippers at reduced prices. Canadian, Irish and Scotch NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Q§§§§§§§ Red, White and Blue Make the Town Gay UNION J AOKS bf§m+§§§§+§§§§§fl§9¢§§§§ >§§§§§§§§§§§¢§O§§§§§H§§I§§ HAVE IN STOCK BUNTING Pennants www.m- g‘g’gwe-Me-M MMM++§§+++++..§.+.§. FLAGSE -â€" FOR THE â€"â€" -â€"-â€"ANDâ€"â€"- 999'9979.9999999 999999 9906009 Phone 17 3-25