Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. 81105 Lbcended no on shortest: notice and at res.- aormble rates Patronage solicited Licensed Auotionee: for thq (.ounty of York, re- spectfully solicxts your patronage and friendly influ 81109 Sales attpdded on the shortest notice and at: reasonable rates 1‘ 0 address King Licensed Auctioneer for she County of York. Goods sold on consignment, General 55102 of Hooker-c. urompciy attended to at reasonable rageaA Residence Uniouville G R Gouldiï¬Ã©: Ngwtozz-‘Erook. agent for the above Class recitals are given throughout the year 42-137 Prepares pupils for the gmde PX- nminations helld at Tmontu ()unserva- bury 01'- Music and University of 1‘0- 11mm. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Melhod, particularly helpful to beginners. The Newton School of Music JOHN R, CAMPBELL,‘ AT TBE USERAL PRIHHNQ & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHNIOND dILL,0m‘. EGLINTONâ€"ZO Caelleï¬ohl Ana. the n-sL uf the week. ' Phone: N. 4593. THORN HILLâ€"Tuesday. 9 mm. [‘0 12. RKJHMQNp- HI LLâ€"-\V(sdncsduy. 9.30 <7 teeth 'x’ " “ (Lulu: ï¬gment} [S PUBLISHED EVERY L'B'URSDAY MORNING T Smigeon, Maple 1‘. F. McMAHON. MISS MILLEE TRENCH DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMUND HILL VOL. XXXIV‘ $I per annum, in advance.] Fu‘st lmu<e ith u? Atkinson & vaitzer’s store. 1nd Guanine fut extractions. VETERINARY SURGEON, . EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR bUSINESS CAflDS . Saigeon a: NlcEwen . Richmond Hill, Ont. .m. to 5 p.111. DR. E. J. WOODS 9TH SEASONâ€"1911412 RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Tl‘hornhill . J; H. Prentice D. G. BLOUGH. on'rou & Pnomm'roa I) e n ti set, Phune Nu eteriazury RESIDENCE Warm. mam. HJ' ‘ J K McEwen Weston Richmona Hill RICHMOND H1LL& THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishh-g kep at both places Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, 85:. 7 Home 'Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. fut-onto. A. GP. Lawrence 14‘. J. Dunbar Barristers mu! ï¬ctional-a. Mouuv to 10a 21 on land anuunaLDe-uwrtgagesat lowest rates Auroraotï¬coâ€"Iwmm an no the old post, 01110.: one door west of the entrance to the Oubuno Bunk Newmurket crimeâ€"Three doors south of the past urï¬ce 'I‘ HERBERT LENNOX G STV MORGAN BARRISTER. Sumcx'mn, NOTARY, ETC. 'l‘nrnntu Ofï¬ce, Runm 1'28 C(mf’odm'n. Hun Life Bldg†Nu. 12 Nix-Imde St. E Richmond Hill Oflit-e (“Liberal Oï¬ice), every Thursday fnx'enuun. Mupkg Thursday afternuoh. “’mn‘uhriduv, Saturday flu-9mm)", Muuev to 1mm at Five Per Ut-nt (5%) J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN'TIR. ETC Tel. M. LENNOX Sc MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2U KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Organ.†R‘BIY‘Li‘S‘! mm H Telvphmw. Main Gable Addwss, "Dvdn." . TORONTO. ONT. PIANO TUNING Will prepare you for an excellent position in the Business World. The ï¬rst, step is im- portauthUUfl. CHOICE OF A SCHOOL. Oua catalogue explnins why this allege ranks among thu best on this continent. Write for one tuâ€"day. Emer now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexande. Sts‘ (linden-takers d: Flnbnlmers. H.†A;'NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE. ETC. Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Llcenses. Lawrence & Dunbar, THORNHILL Benton, Grover & Field ERICHSEN BROWN & MACNAUGhTON ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42-48 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. BARRIST ERS, SOLICITORS, CUNVhYANCtRS, E'I C. MAKE YOUR DECISION between Success and Failure. A courSe In the Popular 305:: f7. 9avz’dsan THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS. Barristers, Snliclurs. &c. WILLIAM COOK VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 3631 . b‘uANK ERICHSHN thwN. A. UAMmmN MAUNAIGHTUN. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 7. 191.1 Aurora Emmi. “In Essentials, Unity; in sxpmt. Work G\mruuleed Phone Main 2984 51â€"61!) Snvuge refvrrud to the large number of home-comers who had nehieved suc- Reaching the fairgrounds Mr. \Vm. Pratt, President of the Rutepnyers’ Association, welcomed the guests in a neat address. saying that though youthful ambition had led many sonsnf Richmond Hill to seek their future in pastures new, he was glad to know they were pleased to come hack. and on behalf at the town he extended them a hearty welcome. He. then call- ed upon Mia P. G. Savage, chairman of the Reception Gunnnittee, who read an address nf welcome. Mr. ed in the school grounds, probably the handsomest in the county. Mr. Wm. E. Wiley, President of the Toronto Old Boys’ Association, expressed the pleasure of the Boys in letnrning to the old town. They were anxmus to leave some memorial, and thought that a flagstal’f at the old school where they had reCeived their early education. would be appropriate. He then called upon Mr. G. H. Ellstun. secretary, who presented the flugstaff in an eloquent speech. Councillor J. H. Sanderson, accepted the present with thanks on hehalfuf the Conncil, saying that as the. staff pointed upwards he hoped the. motto of each and every one would be “Upward and Onward." Mr. Frank \Viley. one of the oldest resi- dents, lhen raised the new flag to the summit of the flugstai'f, the Queen’s Own played “God Save the King,†and the home. band contributed "Rule Britanniaâ€. The parade was then con- tinued to the north part of the town, and returned to the Park, passing under the evergreen arch which had been erected at the comer of Yonge St. and Lorne Ave. About 2 o‘clock a prucessinn was fornwd under Marshals Trench and Nicholls, and with the Queen‘s Own and the VIHHgP Baud marched In the shuthern boundary uf the villagv [n lIlH‘t the (:nritingeut fmm thi- Tity. The prmmssinn was again fm‘med and man-de north, turning in an the Public School where. an impm-ssive (191111“le tunk place, the Tumutu ()ld Buys fmmally presenting: the Tuwn with a flagstafl'. which had been él'vcb as much as over.†The Public th'ml building was draped with red, whit» and blue hunting, and how the lllul,tn "\Vek-nmv. weary glad “.599 you hume um't- mme,†nlsu the dates 1845â€"1911. Pruhuhly the Village never Innkml as pwtty as it did that murniwg at 10 (JR-lurk, hutalthuugh the heavy rain which dusr-vnded afterwards SH‘iUllSly disnI-runged Lhe (lemma-minus. it did nut dampen the spirits 0f the citizvns and \‘isitvms. The spirit of huspilality was everywhere prnnounced‘ and the home comers WPIP received with open arms. Rivhmond Hill opened its arms last. Saturday. and. notwithstanding the heavv rain in the foreno'm which con- tinur'd until the noon hour, recrivwl hundreds of old friends that, had not before visitvd the place for many years. Decorations in profusion adorned most of the business places and dwellings on Yonge Street. and not a fmv residences on sill» streets showed a. wax [ll \Vt'lCUmP hy lln‘il' flags. hunting and othm- adornmmits skil- fully arrangvd. The molt,in suspendâ€" ed across [he SU‘PPi; included "God Save the King," “For Anld Lang SYHP." "Old 80%, the Town is Yours, Use it, \Vell,†"VVelcomv, we like you RICHMOND HILL OLD BOYS. Non-ESSentials, Liberty; in alltkings, Charity.†PRESENTATION OF PURSE TO MR. A HAPPY TIME TOGETHER. Re=uni0n and Picnic. Mr. James Shaw of VVh'tbv Mfr-m1- ed the Rte-union. He left this place 43 years agu; Mr. David Robinson was probably the oldest; visitor at the re-union on Saturday. Buys’ Racv. under 10 yumâ€"Chester Curtis, Baden invll, W. Dickinson. Boys’ Race, under 8 ye:u-sâ€"-Chester Curtis, W. Dickinson, H. Jnnes. Married Lndies’ Raceâ€"Mrs. Albin, Mrs. Darling. M rs. Jnnes. Young Lndies‘ Raceâ€"Ruby Darling. 0. Burns, M. Jam-s. Married Men’s Raceâ€"W. Kells. W. Shaw. Boot, Raceâ€"F. Huppei, L. Doris. A. Salvage. Melagama Tea Raceâ€"Edith Clement. Irene. W'alder. Maud Jone-s. Girls’ Rncv, under 15 yP;lI‘Sâ€"-E. Cleâ€" ment, L. Jones, Ruby Darling. LANDMARKS If any of the ()1d B )yS felt a little strange whpn they wiLnesse-d the changes and improvements, they cer- tainly Knew they were in the right; place when in the procession they 01): serve-d Thompson’s Buss with Tom Riley and Dam Benson on the driver’s seat. contests. The judges awarded the prize to Mr. T. F. McMahon for the best decorated store front, and MI'. J. H. Br'ydun fur the best, decorated res- idence. The following are the prize winners in the various contests in the afternoon:â€" Foot, Race, girls under 7 vearsâ€"lst. Ella Jones; 211d, Hazel Dal-ling; 3rd, Irene llil‘t. , Girls’ Race. under 10 yearsâ€"Ella Btu-1'. Susie Blanchard. Lillie Jones. The Old Boys from TUI'OHtO and “they places won from the home teams in baseball and lacrosse after sharp The afternoon was pleasantly spent in handshakng and renewing acquain- tanceship, and everything passvd off without a hitch, although the (wheat by the Queen’s Own Band in the even- ing was interfered with by the unsat- isfactory electric light. â€"secund prize. thving travvelléd Grind Forks. 2,600 miles. About. 2,000 people were on the grounds in the afternoon. and nearly all remained for tea which was served by the ladies in the. spacious skating rink. 350 being able to sit down to. gather at each Lahle. Many of the visitors came hundreds of miles Mr. Jnhu McCague, Vancouver. B.C., win- ning first prize for longest distance traveled, 2.700 miles, and Mrs. M. P. Fraserâ€"formerly Miss Mary quctnr Annther pleasant feature of the af- ternoon pmgramme was the presen~ cation on behqu of the citizens. by Mr. Arthur Boyle, of $100in gold to Mr. W. J. Cliffqrd. winner of the King’s Prize and thP Prince of Wales prize at Bisley. Mr. Clifford thanked the don- ors for their kind remembrance. say- ing he had lived 22 years in Richmond Hill hefme removing to Toronto. Telvgrmns were read from Reeve Pugsley. who is in the West; Dr. Cnulter, Deputy Postmaster General; Mr. Jnhn D. Patterson, and others, regletting their inability to he_ present. cess in othet lands and in the name of the citizens placed the town at the dispusal of the guests. The address of \Velcnme was suitably replled tu by Mr. Wm. E. Wiley. ,. W. J. CLIFFORD. ‘D. HILL 8c 00., Choice Confectionery alway in stock. STAND OVER A STOVE IN HOT WEATHER WHEN YOU CAN GET Best Bread Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits Hill’s All kinds of grain bought and highest possible priced paid at the Elevator. Purity Flour always on hand. Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle and hogs. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:-â€" STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE. FU RNACE +++++++++++++++++++++++++é f+++$~§++®§ 4‘°§~+'§~+++++++++*++ Staple Groceties J. H. RAMER BEST ORANGES Good Lemons AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. GOOD STOCK O F W. A. Sanderson? AT BEST PRICES AND GUARANTEED PURE COAL Issuer of Marriage Licenses For threshing engines. Bordeaux Mixture [Single copies, 3 cts. Arsenate of Lead Drugaist. Hellebore Insect Paris Green Blue Vitriol Bakery Powder RICHMOND HILL 3 . No. 10 in the