an; "gum, u-uumuu w u..- . ..-.,-_... . urk Nicholson & Batu, aging. . Wooé, Trust 00., Cheboygan, Mich. Ei ht calls just received for Monograph- ora, eachers' and Audit/ore. for opening. worth from two to $1500 will give you some idea, of the demands. BOLLEGE REOPENS FOR 361'“ YEAI SEPTEMBER 5TH. catalo us as tells of work at Ghatham. Gun oguo 34 tells of work by mall ,(Either Free.) D. loLAOHLAN a ‘60. c. I. collect. chamam. 6m cHATHAM, ONT. In a class by Itself Among America's Schools of Buslness Training. 414 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1988 385 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1909 475 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1910 We publish the lists annually. We pay full faté up to $8.00, and bring long jdistunce students for half fare. Good board and room. 3.00 per week. I! you cannot come to acham, we can truin you by 111311., Here are some students Elwood recently: flute Eng?! flannel-op 3 any. ‘Regina. 1,, T’Well, Well! ,RI'I'ISH AMERICAN DYEING 00.. Box158.yMonb-oal CHENILLE CURTAINS Eanada Business College Without leaving a scratch gflCE CURTNNS Has. KATE MCCMNE. or Mow- ‘muw. Mn†wntes: “‘Please send me'a bottle bl ‘ or Silver Pine Healing Oil. I Ed a 69!: cut last winter with rb wlreiâ€"I used half a bétdeaud It healed up and didn't leave a scratch. Now I have anothgmolt that has gogcu-t that I caléulate to heal th'what is lcft, ‘But I would like to have you send me mother bottle if I should happen to need it, for I think I could not yet on without it." Silver Pi'ne Healing Oil He'aled a Barbi-Wire Cut ingéii is a quick, safe and % wonderful healer. Keep a bottle on hand, for times of need. In.25c., 50c and $1.00 bottles, at {our dealer‘s or from the awn-titan! Sto‘nl: Foul! Bo..limilell.lnronto. Bun. For all kinds of wounds, bruises, bums and sores on animals "d'r human beings, Sih‘iér‘Pine _Heal- u ~.~.....â€"_ -.. Lauula, bug's uuv uvuuu .The company is said I to be now laying down the line at th; rate of sixteen miles a mouth, so 'that it would reach Tabora. in the spring of next year, or nearly two years earlier than was expected when the scheme came beforé‘the Reichstag in Ih’e Enterprise of the Germans on the West Coast. » The Deutsche'Kolonialblatt, print- ed in Germany, publishes the in- formation thab the Central African Railway, starting from Darâ€"es- Selaam on the West 00551;, has now reached the station of Tura. and is now only eightyâ€"three miles from Tabora, says the_L0nf19n Stendmd. No chance ofnolng the WRONG Bye for the Goods one has to color. Allcolors from your Drugglst or anlc5._ FREE7Colorpard 1nd SIORX Bppklet 1 Q, iii; 76h3;0nâ€"Rich-rdsailâ€" 60.. Ulï¬it‘e-dilkonucafl CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. RAILWLYS IN AFRICA. and all kinds of houle hangings. Ilso Write to ua about yours. DVED “N0 CLEANED LIKE NEW. ISSUE 88â€"11 1904. At that time, it may be re- membered the concession was ap- p’roved as far as Morogoro-, and the line_ ï¬rst {eached this place in Oct- ober, 1909. It was then decided to prolong it for another 460 miles to Tabora. The ï¬rst part of the new section was difï¬cult, and at the beginnmg of 1910 the work had only got as far as Kide’oen, a, little more than eighty miles. From here onward, however, a vast tabléland stretches almost to Lake Tanganyika, and the 330th mile is now under construcâ€" tion. There is little doubt that when Tabora is reached the line will be further prolonged to Oujidi, on the lake, as soon as the Reichstag has approved the extension. llthou‘gh the line has a certain commercial value, its principal object is politi- cal, and it must be looked at in con- juhction with the great scheme of the late King of the Belgians for a transafrican' line which he placed before the Geographical Congress of Brussels in 1876. It lay dormant for many years, but has lately been taken up again seriously. At present the Belgian-Congo Railway runs from {Matadi to Leoâ€" poldville, and from there a, steam- er service goes up the Sankuru River 1,124 miles from the Atlantic coast to Lussambo. There remains a little more than 460 miles between Lussambo and Lake ' Tanganyika. A Belgian company, styled the Company of the Upper Congo and African Lake'sfhas alreadycom- mencedOperations by surveying for a line from 'Lukuga,~ to the lake at Cabalo, and is applying For a new concession to join Cabalo and Mutombo, thus completing the Bel- gianâ€"German chain of railway and steamer services across the contin- ent. ' ' ' It is calculated in Belgium that the line from Cabalo to Mutombo could be ï¬nished; in 1914, which is about the date the German line line should reach Oujidi. That this is no “wildcat†scheme is proved by a recent announcement in the Kolnische Zeitung that the capital of the above named company was to be‘ raised from £2,000,000 to £3,- 000,000, in order to bring the-ter- minus at Tanganyika opposite the German one: It is more than pro- b Lble that in the negotiations V now proceeding at Berlin this, tran- african railway project of Germany will be taken into conSiderat-ion. less subjeét to-diarthoéa and such complaints while teething, and as this period of theipr lives is the most critical. mgthers‘ should' not be without a. bottle of Dr. J. D. Kelâ€" Iogg’s' Dysentery Cerial. . This‘ medicine ,iafa. speciï¬c for such com~ plaints an&- is highly spoken ,of by; those who have used it. The proï¬ prietors claim it will cure any case of cholera. or summer complaint. Nearly all infants‘are more or Thousands of country people know the value of Hamlins Wizard Oil, the best family medicine in case‘of accident or sudden illness: For the safety of your family buy a bottle now. . Don’t-hate the: manléc'r’hp slaps-you, Is busy skinning him. . And while we’re on the subject, Consider this much, too: You’re probably skinning someone, While someone else skins you. With more than passing vim; Somebody, somewhere, surely, Motherâ€"“Where are those or- anges. that were on the table ‘2†Tommyâ€"“With the tarts that were in the cupboard, I suppose.†This night we had our ï¬rst ex- perience in a Japanese sleeping car, says a. writer in the Railway Gaz- ette. The track is narrow gauge and the standard sleeping cars have six seats running lengthwise. each seating two passengers, with a centre aisle. The upper berth is the‘ regular Pullman style and a section will accommodate two pas- sengers. The nietht was during the extreme heat of midsummer. the car was crowded, and in addition to‘the regular curtains each berth was nrcvided with a mosquito bar, which added. to the general discom- fort. Passengers were taken on and let down at all stops, so there was constant procession through the aisle all night. Part of the car was reserved for local accommodation, and those who sat up smoked incesâ€" santlv. so that long before morning imIr the atmosphere became intoler- able. The cheapness of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggist’s. Mlnard’s Llnlment for sale everywhere. A JAPANESE SLEEPING CAR. QUITE" TRUE. r« The telephone girl was on her vacation and ï¬shing. Some one in another boat called, “Hello!†Just then she got a bite. “Line’s‘ busy!“ she answered. . The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government has revealed the fact that a housefly some- times carries thousands oidisease germs attaehed to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson’s Fly Pads will prevent all danger of infection from that source by killing both the germs ,and the flies. “I vent to leaf ï¬ve tousand (lolâ€" lars to each‘of my clerks dot haf peer: in my employ, twenyy years,†said p. Jewish merchant to the‘ law- yer who was drafting his will. “Why, that’s very liberal.1â€~re- ‘sponded the solicitor. “N 01; at all! None of tem haf peen mit me, ofer von year, und it vill yok'vgo‘bdz, von’t it?†* l I Mrs. Kinder (reflectively)V-â€" “I wonder why a man. never pays his Wife any complinients after they are married?†Kind‘er (briskly)â€".“Hé does betterkmy deanâ€"he pays her bills.†‘ ‘ v . ~ - ‘ Always Serviceable.â€"-Most pills lose their properties with age. Not so with Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effective- ness is preserved and the pills can be carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency. This is a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not so with Parmelee’s. They will main.- ‘tain their freshness and potency ‘for a long time. , l ‘ Stranger (after an ekamination') â€"“Well, doctor, what do you think? ’Have I the goutfl†Great Physiâ€" cianâ€"“Hem! Erâ€"what is your in- come ?†“One thousand a year.†“No. You have [a sore foot.†Don’t experiment with unsatis- factor’y substitutes. .Wilson’s Fly Pads kill many times more house flies than any other known_ article. Mrs. White (sympathetically) - “So your husband “is in trouble again, Maud ’2†Mrs. Black (cheer- ily)+“No, mum; he’s out o’ trou- ble just now. The scoundrel’s in Mlnard's Llnlmont cures Dandruff. jail."- rthere are times when it is easier to ï¬nd a four-leave-d clover than the keyhole in a front; door. No man or woman should bobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Holloway’s Corn Cure. Minérd's Llnlment Cures Burns, Etc. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murlne Doesn’t Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Paln. Drugglsts Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 256, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advige Free 'gy Mail. Don’t cryâ€"unless there’s some one around w1th a tear mop. THE SAFETY OF A “157111;an Eg'éifiemedy 06., Chicago. Maï¬yxan honest dollar acquires taint through association. I] Bonds are the-most attractive investment because of the secu- rity they afford the investor, principal and interest being a ï¬rst.charge on all the assets of the corporation issuing them. q Because of general prosperity, development and expansion of the business of Corporations or concerns-«ï¬nancial and indus- trial--â€"the material assets natur- ally increase, and so year by year the security to the bond investor becomes greater and the safety of bond investments more certain. I] Bonds yield a very liberal rate of interest when one takes into consideration the high degree of security they offer. 1] Write for our booklet on Bond investments. >ROYALI é BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. T O R O N T 0 S E C U R [T l E S CORPORATION INVESTMENT FORCE OF HABIT. ‘ BOND ' LIMITED mngï¬pattménts A're Peeuriarly Fit- } ‘- ted Up. ‘ ‘ ' The guest room contained aï¬nar- rof'bed, a. big round table, and an organ. Our host produced ., the usual box of snuff, and with its, box ofï¬good cigars. The host and hostess then show- ed us all over the house. It,,is "a turf structure, and is typical of the older farm-house, ' with narrow, dark, windowless corridors, wind- ing in labyrinthian maze from room to room. One passageway leads to a large open mound, where a. ï¬re is made to smoke meat and ï¬sh, and incidentally the whole house and everything in it. 'Another passage leads to another kitchen with a modern stove. The walls are all of turf, as-is the roof, with just en- ough drifthod in the roof to make. a. framework to hold it in place. ‘Very steep stairs lead up to the ‘badstofa, or sleeping apartment. lThe badstofa frequently forms the sitting and common work room of the family, especially in winter, as well as the sleeping room of the en- tire household. Bunks built into the wall extend arouI/‘ld the room and are often ï¬ll- ed with seaweed or feathers, over which is ‘thrown a. fold or two of wadmal and a thick cov'erlet of eiderdown: The floors are some times covered with boards, but more often consist of damp earth. From the ceiling are suspended numerous articles of domestic economy, while large chests containing-clothing and valuables are scattered throughout the house. Mr. Wibbl-esâ€"What ï¬ne dark hair you have, Miss Knox. My wife, who is younger than you are,,has her hair quite gray. Miss Krioxâ€"-Yes: and if I’d been your wife no doubt my hair would have been gray, too. It is Wise to Prevent Disorder.~â€"~ Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few are free from them. At'the ï¬rst manifestations that the stoma-ch and liver- are not performing their functions, a course of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills should be tried; and it will be found that the digestive organs will speedily resume healthy ac- tion. Laxatives and sedatives are so blend-ed in these pills that no other preparation could be so ef- fective as they. Dear Sirs.â€"Whfle in the ‘countryt last sunmer -I was badly bitten by mosqui- t‘bea, so badly that I thought. I would be disï¬gured for a. couple of weeks. I was advihed to try your Liniment to allay the irritation. and did so. The efl’ect was more th I: IAexpected. a few applications complete y cu‘ring the irritation. and preventing the bites froanecoming sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is alsma. good article to keep ofl the mosquitoes. Yours truly: Storekeeperâ€"“I want a boy to be partly indoors and partly out- doors.†Boyâ€"J‘What becomes of me when the door slams ’2†Minard’syniniileiant 09.. hinted. The ave‘iage man doesn’t think he is having a good time unless he makes a. fool of himself. Mothers Value This Oil.â€"â€"Mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize their children and how necessary prompt action is in ap-' plying relief, always keep at hand' a supply of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, because experience has taught them that there is no better pre~ pariation toflbe \had for the treat- ment" of this ailment. And they are wise, for its various uses renâ€" der it a valuable medicine. “If you marry Grace,†exclaim- ed an irate father toyhis son, “I’ll cut you off without/a peimy, and you won’t have so much as a piece of pork to boil in the pot.†“Well,†said the young man, “Grace before meat,†and he immediately went in search of a, clergyman. Mrs. Skinnumâ€"“Why are you all hiding from Tommy '2†Littlé Liz- zieâ€"“We are playing {grown-ups,’ and Tommy- is the butcher come with his bill.†_ Wilson’sFly Pads, tye best of all fly killers, kill both the flies and the‘ disease germs. Some 'people’s idea of a. helping hand is one that is lined with sil- ver. Consider the running expense of a fast young man. ’Mrd's Llnlment Relleves Neuralgla. AN ICELAND FARVMHOUSE. \. TAKING NO CHANCES. UNKIND ANSWER. Carterhgll, Nfld. ELF-SUPPORTING HOMES IN TH] k. glorious fruit district of Southerl British Columbia. for $10 cash and $11 monthly. without. interest; annual proï¬t $500 to $1,000 per acre; orchard, garden poultry; scenery; hunting. ï¬shing, boa! ing; delightful warm climate; school postoï¬ice, store; big sawmill. daily trains close to markets; qulimited demand fol products. Write quick for maps, photos free information. West Kootenay Fruii Lands Company, Dept. W., Drawer 1087. Nelson, B. C. > ‘ HAVE some of the best Eruit, Stoq]: Grain or Dairy Farms m Ontarm and prices right. 0. FRUIT LAND. FOR. SALE. 32! acres. Prairie land, having a. dar] sandy soil. with some gravel, and under lald with a. clay sub-soil. 0n part of thit farm there are some surface stones, bu{ most of the land can be plowed with 1 gang plow. Small frame house, 10‘ stable and ‘never failing well. Farm it about, half fenced with post and wir 20 acres under cultivation, balance 31 good land. Price $10,000. One-half cash; balance to suit at 8 per cent. Fred A. Russell, Cranbrook, B._ C. S WMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLE or heavy Lathe Mills, Shingle Mills. Engines and Boilers. Mill Supplies. The E. Long Manufacturing 00.. Ltd., West Street, Orillia. Ontario. GENTS WANTED¢A study of other Agency propositxona convince‘s ul that none can e ual ours. You will al~ ways regret. it i you don't apply to! particulars to Travellers’ Dept... 22. Albert St... Ottawa. ‘ PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consul! us 1:) regard to any disease. Lowest vices in drugs of all kinds. rnsses ï¬tted by mall. Send measuro ment. Glasses ï¬tted by 11%8. Write to-day for anytlling_u91d m rs drug n," Ono oi the latest prominent 1on- tlomen to speak highly in lam Bnk’l favour in Mt. C. E. Sanford of Woltou, King's Co» N.S. Mr. $3an is a Justice of the Peace Io: the County. and a member of the Board of School Commiuionon. He is also Demon of the Baptist Church in Berwick. Indeed it would be diflicult to ï¬nd a man more widel known and {ï¬qu highly regpgcteclz {{eYo is his u). an, an... "v... "V. i“. stores to Dr.†Bellman-.flcéilingwdéd. 661’: GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. We have the greatest, agency proposition in Canada bo-day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I. 00.. 228 Albert St.., Ottawa. wood. {flora highlzy respected. ne‘ie o‘gjgion of, nm:Buk.'_,'H9 gay; :4 opinion of an‘iBuk. mile gays :râ€" )“1 never use anyt‘ 113‘ but on me such satisfaction as Zam-Buk.‘ 5 had .g ï¬nch ot Eczema. on my ankle which had can there. for oven 30 cars. Sometimes also the disease would rank on: on m . shoulders. I had applied. various oin ments and tried all sort: of tbinzl to obtain acuro, but in vain. an-Buk, un- like everything else I had. tried, I‘OYOd highl satisfactory and cured the s linens. “I ave also used Zam-Buk for itching piles, and it has cured them completely also. I take comfort in helpin my brother ‘men, and it the publication 0 my opinion of the healing value of Zam-Buk will lend lather sufferers to tr it, I should be lad. For the relief or an ering caused by Pi ea or lSkin Diaoams I know at nothing to equal I an-Bulg." . “an. n u... Zsm-Buk cures ulcers, abscess», blood-1301mm†ring-worm festering or running sores, bad leg, vancoso u can on"; rheum, rairie itch cuts, burns. bruiael. 'Inby': notes, 0 c. Purely Lethal, 500 box,†druggistg nndatorea. Refuse imitnbionl. 8T 0 c K B R O K E R Member standard Stock and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN F you want to buy a farm. consul TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. The Heart of; Plano Is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO’ HIGEL†L H. NIGHTINGALE ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS. you want to sail a farm. consul W. DAWSON, Ninety Street. Toronto. MELINDA ST., TORONTO Y and FXRM, SCALES. Wilson’l Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. FARMS FOR sALE 0R RENT. Plano Action Correspondence invited. AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. Colborm Wil 3011’! Toronto.