Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1911, p. 3

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flow HER Ill RESI * ‘ BuI SHE BlllllllN’I l “I suffered from Rheumatism, xNeuralgia, Violent Headaches and iPalpitation of the Heart,” Mrs.‘ Cheff states. “My back ached. I was always tired and nervous and 'I had weak spells. My doctor told me to just rest, but that was just ‘What I couldn’t; do, till reading of Tthe cures of others led me to try lDodd’s Kidney Pills. l_ From the first dose they helped me. I soon left my bed and star-t- ed to do my ordinary housework. “I all twelve boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and now my Ihealth is excellent. I recommend (Dodd’s Kidney Pills to all suffering women.” l Thousands of Canadian women '.will tell you that Dodd’s Kidney lPills are the one sure relief for suf- There is no end to the absurdity of acts which may be occasioned by these persistent ideas of fear. Those that possess the fear of riding on a. ‘train find no plea-sure in travelling: [{those that have fear of closed places do not enjoy going to church. and generally always sit near the door ,ready to fly at the first sign of danger. ; VThuys there is the fear of open or nlosed places, says the Medical Re- nord, fear of highmiaces, {ear of men or women, fear of crowds and bi solitudes, fear of animals, fear Iof insects, fearrof darkness, fear ‘of accidents, fear of fire,,fear of 'trgngel, and in fac§ fearpf apythiyg. "ed serious attention until recent ears. Now it *9 xecogmzed by the edical profession that there is a whole list of pbn} 1'33, as they are ialled, which are quite distinct from )normal and legitimate condition of fear due to some natural cause. Physicians Now Recognize Manny and Strange Phobias. Fear as a. disease had not receiv- BUT MRS. CHEFF FOUND A CURE IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS She suffered from Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other symptoms of Diseased Kidneysâ€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills made her strong and healthy. Peveril, Vaudreuil 00., Que, Oct. 2 (Special)â€"One more of the tired, pain-wrecked women of Canâ€" ada, has found relief and new life in Dodd’s Kidney Pills. She is Mrs. Jos. Chefi, of this place, and she never tires of telling her neigh- bors of her wonderful cure or sing- ing the praises of the good old re- medy that brought it about. toting women. Among women especially there occurs the fear of dirt. contagion or linfection. The countless bacteria always present in the air are the chief source of annoyance. The patients are always complaining of bad air and are always throwing ‘open the windows. Books are es- pecially avoided as a. possible. source of contagion. In patients with fear of injury they~will throw away all needles in the house or they will no more wash windows Various fears may also develop in connection with the occupation 'of the patient; for instance. barbers sometimes suffer these attacks whenever they see a razor. o'r tele- graphers when they catch sinht of their instruments, which finally necessitates giving up the occupa- tion Well. Well! N0 chlnce of using the WRONG Dye for the Good- one has to color. All colors from your Druggisl or Dvaler. V FREEqulnr Curd 1nd Bgloklft 1.9, uvaucr. rnun uuun buluullu u.un- llvvnl-c‘ ""’~e Johnson-Richardson Co.V Limited, Montre- OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. FEAR AS A DISEASE. The intellect in these cases is not only undistmbed but may be un- usually good. Patients exhibit throughout apronounced feeling of mental illness and frequently a, clear insight into the morbidity of the individual symptoms. fof fear that the glass might break and cut them. The more common of the various phobias as classified by Beard are as follows: Claustrophobia, fear of narrow or closed place-s; agora- phobia, fear of open places; astraâ€" phobia, fear of lightning; mono- phobia, fear of being alone ; pathoâ€" phobia, fear of disease; my-soâ€" phobia. fear of contamination; siderodromophobia, fear of railâ€" road travel: acrophobia, fear of be- ing at a height or looking over precipices;thanatophobia, fear of death. It is to be emphasized that the pho bias in question are not normal fears, based, as normal or natural fears ye, on some reasonable and justifying experience. A' reasonable {mid justifiable normal fear of lightn- mg might arise after the experience of having been at some time in a. honse -str_uck by lgihtning. ,Viu. tho Chicago, Union Pacific and North West- orn Line, daily from September 15th to Octobor 16th from all points in Canada. Pullman tourist sleeping cars dail{. Personally conducted Califor- nia tours in Pul man tourist sleeping cars on through 0min: leave Chicago Tuesday and Thurs- day of each week. For rates. folder! and full particulars up ly to B. H. Bennett, Gonl. Azt, £6 Yongo Sh, oronco, Ontario. Other fears, such as the fear of riding in a, buggy after having been in a runaway, or the fear of a voy- age at sea. or railway after a fright- ful shipwreck or railway accident, is a more or less natural or reasonâ€" able fear, as the fear of hoodoo-s and ghosts is among the superstitious or those accustomed to ghost stories 32nd tradition of goblin visitation, c. These fears do not require a warped brain for their lodgment, though the weakened brain may be more vividly impressed by them. To be regarded as symptoms of dis- ease these fears must be groundless so far as influences external to the brain are concerned. They must proceed from a morbid state of the brain and not from properly excit- ing external causes. They must be fears peculiar to the individual un- der peculiar circumstances of cerebral disturbance and not fear common to others and due to causes that naturally cause alarm and frighten. NTRY‘ MURINE EYE REMEDY ht Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyel and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Innâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggiatl Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25:3. 600, “.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250. $1.00. Eye Book! and Eye édvige Frge yr N931}. LOW COLONIST FARES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. If the drain in the sink becomes stopped up, remove all water from sink and'pour in a, pint or more gasoline and let stand; this will cut the cause of stoppage in a. liitle while. Cholera morbus, cramps and kin- dred complaints annually make their appearance at the same time as the hot weather, green fruit, cucumbers, melon-s, etc., and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. We would not care to be a steeple- jack or premier of Russia. The habit of verbosity is a. standâ€" ard characteristic of human nature. We have all met people who are fond of using high-sounding speech. A gentleman said to his servant Pat: “I am going to town at 10 o’clock, and shall weed out the cu- cumber bed in the interim.” “Interim,” thought Pat, "that’s a quare name for a garden, any- how.” AFTER MATURE REFLECTION. “ties, sir; ye’ll find him at work in his interim, there beyant,” an- nounced Pat. “Is Mr. Smith at home?” asked a. visitor who came shortly after- wards. ' Little Turkeys.â€"â€"Take pork ten- derloins and cut lengthwise through the middle. being careful not to cut in half; fill with dressing you would use for turkey; saw or pin together with boothpicks; bake for twenty minutes in a pan in which there is enough water to cover the bottom When‘baked. Make a: gravy of water left in pan. Nice to add strip of bacon over top. Mlnard's LIHIMIHI {or BRIO OVOI'VUHOPC ‘Murfne Eye Remodx 00.. Chicago. PADDY “IN THE INTERIM.” lam.” Ounces of the Qulekut, Bum! Cough Remedy for 600. Monty - Refund“! If It FIIIO. Sfiihs fiflhugh MW '--EvenWhnening WE“ I! you have an obstinate, deepâ€"seated- eough, which refuses to be guredget a 50- ’on bottle of P1 mix 3 wt home} made I syrup a stub 131: :13 it. In- side of hoursy rem) hwm gone, or. v nearly so. ven w coping-chug}: is con uered in {$13 my. 60-0921: this of lnex. when mixed with homeâ€"made sugar ‘ 9, gives you 16 ouncesâ€"a fanny supp yâ€"o‘f the finest ogugh rel-nednggt gin-my 001115; guy, at a “wâ€" -vâ€"vw vâ€"«v -_- am of”. V , mail-Bet! QB in Pinex sopfihes and en. the inflamed membranes with remnant 1am idity. It stimulate: the a. ti , is en’s c kn- tlve, and has a p t m ' dren take it willing . Scfildndid 1Q: cmup asthma, Mom :15, rout tlok‘le, ohes‘ pains em, and a throng: successful y for incipient 111;; an. inc: 1: a spook} MI co_ :- tmhed compound of Horny ‘ ige lino extract, rqu in Tulane! and? other :1 n6 dementia. has elm been unit-tag 0113!: never succesntully to: nothing 61“ will produoe‘the same resu’lta. Six-n 1y mix with augm- rup or strained rug, in a' 16-91mm bot _ 3, {mg “:33 ready or use _ ' $1.1“ wu'fiu, lufifli 1m, unset. k1, yonewo on uexw uc understand why it is used in morghomes In flie U. S. ani‘gnada any 0011911 on rem . numb, gum-an to vo ahso nte uflfiwflon ormoney funded. Certificate of mm Comfort for the Dyspeptic. - There is no ailment so harassing and exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee’s Ve- getable Pills, a preparation that has establishml itself by years of effective use. There are pills that are widely advertised as the great~ 'est ever compounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Par- melee’ s. to '1‘ oronto, Ont. in Yohr'dmg'" has ‘V orfilglgfit'toryou. Sanctuml inex o. The “Angel” (about to give beg- gar a. dimeâ€"Poor man! And are yap marrieg’l A “Are you going to start‘a gar- den next year 2” “I am not,”- reâ€" plied the luckless amateur. f’N-ext year, instead of burying gdod sbufi, I’m going to eat it. Beggarâ€"Pardon me, madam! D’ye think I’d be relyn’ on total strangers for support if I had a wife? It Bids Pain Begone.â€"When neu- ralgia. racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the back is the time to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas’ Ec- lecbric Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce a sensa- tion of ease and test. There is no- thing like if. as a liniment for its curative properties are great. A trial of it will establish faith in it. Mrs. O’Flanneryâ€"“Whatever are ya doing, Pat, sitting in front av the glass with your eyes shut ‘2” Patâ€"“Sure, I’m just looking to see how Oi shall look when I’m dead}: You can tell when a woman is growing stout by how she talks as if she were afraid of wasting away. New Bags.â€"â€"Make bags of some heavy material such as cretonne or denim, and place your hammocks in them. Use stout rings on the top to close it or even button one side over with a lap. Make similar ones for your summer paras‘ols. Never make your pieces bags of any- thing except firm mosquito netting. You can see in and save time. Mlnard's Linlmc‘nt cures Burns, Etc. “Does your wife go to services to see what other women wear 'I” “No,” replied Mr. Cumrox. “We are now sufficiently prosperous fo’r her to go in order to let other wo- men see what she wears.” Mlnard‘s Llnlmont Cures Dandruff. Corns cause much suffering, but, Holloway’s Corn que offers a, speedy, sure, and satlsfact-ory re- lief, ED. 7 HIS INTENTIONS. NOT HE. ISSUE 40â€"11 Fried Chicken.â€"â€"Cut one or two small chickens in half and dredge with flour. Heat some lard until smoking hot, then lay in the chick- en. After the first few minutes cook slowly, turning so it can brown on“ all sides. When done take up and place on a. platter, pour off all the lard excepting one tablespoon- ful, place this over the fire again and add a heaping tablespoonful of flour, stir until it is brown, then add slowly one cup of milk, some butter, pepper, and salt, and let cook five minutes; pour over the chicken and serve immediately. \ Spanish Steakâ€"Take a. flank of‘ steak; Cut off all the fat and fry1 it brown in plenty of butter, lift out and put in a. baking, pan. Sprinkle with saw and pepper and fry a, sliced onion brown in the butter remaining in the frying pan. Spread onions over the steak and cover it with can of tomatoes, juice and all. Cover and bake an hour in a slow oven, basting frequently. Make gravy of drippings remaining in the pan and serve piping hot. I a, bay leaf, small piece of red pep- per. salt and six whole cloves. Boil slowly till meat falls off bones. Take out the meat, strain liquid and let it cool while the meat is picked into small pieces. Remove grease from the liquid, add to the meat, put into bowls to cool. Serve on lettuce leaves» with mayonnaise dressing. Be sure to have plenty of liquid. Jellied Veal.â€"-â€"Buy a, veal shank for 20 cents, cover with, cold water, let come to a boil and skim care- fully. Add one _mec_lium sjze onion, The Best Liver Pill.-â€"The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over-indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, are a,few of the causes. But whatever may be the cause, Parme- lee’s Vegetable Pills can be relied upon as the best corrective thrlt can be taken. They are the leading liver pills and they have no super- iors among such preparations. Mr. Homebodyâ€"I see .you keep copies of all the letters you write to your wife. Do you do it t70 avoid repeating yourself? Mr. Faraway â€"â€"No. To avoid contradicting {nyâ€" CON TRARY. Gibbsâ€"Your wife seems to be a contrary sprt of wgman. Minard's Liniment 00.. Limited.. Gamerâ€"A customer of ours cured avery bad case of distemper in, a valuable horse by the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. Your» truly, VILANDIE FRERES. vaibbsLContrary! Why, when- ever I ask her to darn my stockâ€" ings she knits her brows. Pain and Swelling seldom indiâ€" cate internal organic trouble. They are usually the result of local cold or inflammation which can be quickly removed by Hamlins Wizard Oil. FREQUENTLY THE CASE. “What does your husband like for his breakfast, 2” . 1 If a. man’s hope of a. future life misses. fire he has no kick coming. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminâ€" ator, and there is nothing better for driving worms from the system. self. Mlnard's Linlmont Relieves Neuralala. LUA u”: y- u...__.._ “Anything I Haven’t got in the house.” $192 Iuv VBEk ostrxcn're'niner a... Dent. M, 513-515 May, M. 8T0 c K B R O K E R Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED 0N MAIGIN Correspondence invited. H. H. NIGHTINGALE 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO This ' _ plume : 7 in Just the kind for which you woqld have to Pay 25.00 at an retell store. It I extra wide. ully lfilnoheo long. in all colon. with willowy flue: of great length that do not lose their curl ens“); Send us $1.00 to-dny. for this In an oppor- tunlty not to be mill . We ofl’er also an ext: large an handsome 37.50 plume a: .50. nd mono b mull. express gal-money 0rd: . Remember t I your money w_1ll ha re. tun ed 1! the plume 19 not 99ther smsfnctory. MEAT RECIPES. "-â€" GANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM. ONT. ONE OF AMERICA’S GREATER BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 choice poeltlons filled |n put Four Years. Some other: ‘ust (med;â€" I. B. BA‘IN, from Newfoundlan , placed with Sash. Milling 00., Moose Jaw. as Storm. FERN. SMITH. Hteno. Peabody Overall 00., Windsor. E. 0. R0 BINSOfi Bkkpr., with Bell Furniture 00., Southampton. Ont. FLOSSIE ANDERSON. Stone. and Bkk 1', Can. Wolverine Gm, Chahham. MILDRED A D- ERSON. Steam, with De Level Separator 00.. \Vinnlpe‘r. R. J. SCOTT teacher, wlth Drake Collegefivawm, N. J. The salaries of the three shown last week average over 8700 per unnum. 'lhe salaries of the six hone shown evemge clone to 370‘). Our students are reputed for the big g‘osltions where the bi; pay a offered. IT PAY 0 ATTEND THE B csT. Catalogue a}; belle of WWW.“ mum, my u. w... .. ‘...-.-_. _- _.__,,, o ATTEND THE BEST. Catalogue as mu. of themork at Chatham Catalogue toll: 010m home courses. Address, D. McLACHLAN da 00.. C. B. College, Chatham, Ont. HAVE some of the best Fruit,.Stock. Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontario. and prices right. gum TEA ROUTE TO-DAY. Send postal “for circulars or 100 for sam- ples and terms. Alfred 8. Tyler, London, Ont. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTABLE or heavy Lathe Mills, Shingle Mills. Engines and Boilers. Mill Supplies. The E. Long Mgnufgcturing 00.. MAL. Ween GENTS WANTEDâ€"A study of other Agency propositions convinces no wat none can equal ours. You will al. ways regret. it if you don'g apply to! particulars «,0 Travellers Dept" 22! Albert St... Ottawa. OY AND GIRL AGENTS!‘ SELL twenty-four packages of postcard- for us at 100. each and receive an Air Gun or Dell free. L. Bottomley 5; 00., Mar- éhailrl; Sask. Eireâ€"éET-brillla, Ontario. T ONCEâ€"MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade. expert instruction, constant practice, tools free. always sure employ- ment for a barber. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto. U ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- rernal and external. cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limned, Calling-wood. Ont.‘ GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOB. ‘ every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies‘ We have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to-day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I. 00., 228 Albert BL, Ottawa. ‘LuvAnuLu;u 0-.-”. _.._._. -‘_.___V b us in_ regard to any diseuso. Lowell prices In drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write today for anything sold m first-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman. Collmgwood. Ont. CLEANING LADIES‘ WALKING an ounm: sum Can be (101m perfectly by our French process. Try it. Montreal. Toronto, iOitaw; and-Quebec. Visitor (to little girl)â€"â€"“And were you born in India?” “I wu." “What part?” “All .of me. of course 1’; *PEUIALISTS ADVICE Qopsult ‘ A MONTREAL-ouEa:câ€"HALIFAX¢0ND0N(EN¢) 561v SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson’l ) Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ASK DAWSON. HE KNOWS. 1“ you want to sell a. farm. consult F you want to buy a. farm, 06115111: BANKS AND BONDS iii-ltlsfi Anior'ioan Dyalngfiq. AYiand FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. I] Bonds have the preference as safe and profitable investments. 1] Formerly Banks, Insurance Companies and other financial concerns invested their cash sur. pluses largely in Real Estate Mortgages, to-day they are purchasing the Bond issues of established and prosperous cor- porations considering that they ofi‘er the greatest security and best interest returns. 1] There is no reasonable argu- ment to offset the fact that what is the best investment for the Bank surplus is the best invest- ment for the individual investor. (1 Write to-day for our booklet on Bonds, and Bond issues we recommend. . ROYAL BANK OF MONTREAL 8:."qu YONGE AND QUEEN 3T3. T 0 R O N T O R.M.WH1TE - MW FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. S E C U R l T l E S CORPORATION W. DAWSON. Ninety Colqu‘no Street. Toronto. The Soul ofa. Planolntho Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL" AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Actibn LIMITED

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