I [s wmasflmnmmm .L' HU'RSD A‘Y MORNING ‘ A1? THE UIEML PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RIOHMQND HILL.ONT. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. '1‘. F.‘ MGMAHON. THORNHILLâ€"Tuesday, 9 nan. ta 12. RICHMOND HILLâ€"‘Vednesday. 9.30 Llcanud Auctioneer for nhe County at York. Good: sold on consignment. Genaral sales of Hookah). promptly attended to at; ratsonaole taguk ï¬esiï¬once Unionville . .. At, T Batman. J K McEwen Maple Weston Salgeon a: NlcEwen. Manned Auctioneers for the County of York. Balm “tended to on shortest notice and at rem- uoryble rates Patronage solicited Van. tn 3 pm. M'LINTONâ€"‘m Cnstlefleld Ave» the {uni the week JOHN R. CAMPBELL} Phone: N. 4593. "(i733 Gouldmg. N ewton Brook. agent for the theta [doomed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- Ipecttully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales “traded on the shortest not ice sad at untenable rates I‘ 0 address King Von. XXXIV. 51 per annum, in advance. " me gamma" SPIANO TUNING Prpparps pupils for the graded ex- aminations lwld at Tmonto Conserva- tory of Music and Univezsity of 1‘0- ronm. ' Special course in “Myer’s" Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to 'heginnms. _ Class recitals are given throughnnt the year 42-1V The Newton School of Music DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL First, [muse hurth uf Atkinson & Switzer’s stnrv. Gas! and Gucuiue fin extractions. MISS MILLIE TEEN CH VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Phornhill. hUSINESS CARDS. DR. E. J. WOODS J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR Richmond Hill, Ont. Mourns a Pmmuxwon 9TH SEASONâ€"1913412 RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J, H. Prentice Dentist, D. G. BLflUGH. Phone No. 2402. Mammary RESIDENCE medial. awful. Lawrence is Dunbar, i l . anrrisursï¬oncitommtcï¬a. Jae. ' ’Hnme [ï¬fe Building 00:. Adi-hide ‘ 85 Victoria. 81.8.. I‘m-onto. Organs Repaired and Expen Wcrk Guaranle A. 6.1“. Luwmm 1‘". J. Dunbar NATIONA L TRUST ()HA M BERS 20 KING S')‘ E. TORONTO, (‘amwdu Tel! plume, Main Cable Adm-93s. “Duh.†LED Monov to loan 01: [and anocname- mortgngusat lowast races Antoraofl'iceâ€"Remmeu to ma old post 0mm one door west at the entrance to the Ontario Bulk wamarkex cameâ€"Three doors south of the p m; 013166 T HERBERTLENNOX G 81V Kantian \urnra Tel. M. 3631. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce, Room 328 Confedem Hun Life Bldg, Nu. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal ()flice), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Wnudbx-idqe, Saturday fore-noon. Mouev to loan at? Five Per Cent. (5%) Riohmono. Iâ€"Iill Under‘takers & Ell-balmcrs. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY ANâ€ER. ETC. Alarge stock of Funma] Fumishirg kep at, both places Danton, Grover & Field H. A. NICHOLLS ERICHSEN BROWN & MACNAUGHTGN Become Independent. Our gradu- ates $1 and hold good pasitions owing to their superior training. The Commissioner, Conyeyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. is doing the highest grade of work in Busi- ness and Shorthand Education. Students of this year are now in positions worth from ‘50 to $100 per month. Enter now. our 1110qu free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Princlpsl Cor. Ynnge and Alexander Sts. ROOM 4s CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42-46 KING ST. WEST, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CONVhYANCERS, ETC. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL Balrl-istcra and Sollltllorh. 30511 .7. ?avz'dson THORNHILL NNOX & MORGAN NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Salicturs. &«.§. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. Fme Lama‘s}! Hnawx. A. UAMEMoN uAcsAuuHTou. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 191.1 ELLIOTT TORONTO. “In Essentiaic, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." Emil. Phone Main 2984 51-611! Th9 Annual cnnvenï¬nn of the ‘ “’u‘umn’s Chrislinn Temperance Union I at ank and Peel cmnnies, held in the ; Methodist Ohm-ch. Richmond Hill. on ‘thotird and 4th inst. was une of the Jul-st, successful yet. held. Ahuut 4U «Irlvgatvé wvw present. The proceed- ings upede Tuesday morning hy Mus. G. F. Allml conducting devotiunal I exerciSt-s. Rppurts frnm different, de» punnwnts were then read. The (lurle mudng St-cretary-‘s report shmw [0 Unions. with a membelship ‘ of 286. an increase over last yHu- of 94. 'I‘hv summit, uf mmwy raised was $690.47. A Iww Uninn was organizvd in Aux-um with 53 members. and a. Y.VV.O.T.U. in Mimico with 15 mem- hrrs. Tlu- Treasuiu- reported tntal liwteipls $225. and $76. was sent for f Lumber gimp Missions. Miss Gun-«tr. gave a tt‘uching dwcriptmn uf her wnrk in connection with the Fluwor Mission Department in Tumntu. Theaddress shuwvd the mend that, Is being done by visiting Inid helping ‘he suck. - ..-. ._. A nn'xssumeeting of chikhvn with domnnnlmtvixms by Mrs. OI-mehy nf Mimicn. was iqtereftiug and l‘elpflll. 0n \Vednesdny fort-71mm the Pms- idonl. Mrs. Mchdick, gave a resume of the year’s work which shuwed pru- gx-oss in the several depm-tuwms. The ulet-t-inn nf ufflcers which fullth-(l ne- sultrd as fc:lluwszâ€"President. Mrs He» ï¬nrdick. Keswick: View-Pres“ Mrs. Cumberland. Brampton: hpl'. Sway, Mrs. McMahon. Ric-hmnnd Hill: Rec. Secy. Mrs. Maw. Newmmkel; ‘Trens., Mrs. Abbott. stt, Tumnm. In the umthm-‘s meeting, cmnducted \Vvdnvsday :Ifte'rmmu by M N. Gum- hc-rlaud nf Bramptnn. Dr. Lillian Langsmff gave u very helpful and in- tegjsting midi-955 (In “Filst Aid." “naughth the cnnvvmiun solos Wc-re rendered by Mrs. Oven-m1. Sultan; Miss Min-tun, Keswick: Mr. Green. Tumnm; Miss McDonald and Miss Switzer nf Richmund Hill. and “Unable service was render by the clmir. Bo-fum‘ ndjnm-ning resnlzqiuus: nf thanks ws-l-r- tendered to Dr. Lillian Lungx‘tnï¬, the soloists and choir. and all whu helped to make the cmn‘eutiuu a success. le cnm'vntiuu closed by all juining hands and N‘iligiflg “Biest, he’ the Tie. that. Binds.†'l‘he painful news reached Mr. H. J. \Vinch a few days ago, announcing the death of his daughter Adelia, wife of Mr. Melvin Sheppard, leaving a baby girl only». few hours old. De- ceased left here, a year ago last month and shortly afterwards was married at Rimbey. Alberta. The sudden news was a great shock to many friends and acquaintances. and we. are sure that. the husband and Mr. and Mrs. Winch have the sympathy of the community. Mrs. Sheppard, formerly Miss Winch. attended the Richmond Hill High School. and after securing a certiï¬cate, attended the Normal School, and taught, the. school at pattersou for 2; yeaxs. She was an earnest worker in the Sabbath School and Epwm-Lh League. and her last, work outside her own home was organizing a Sabbath School in the West. A rupan uf Tuesdav pvvning‘s inn meeting was given In The Lihenql last week. Mr. Alberta Hyslop who spent the summer in Alberta. Saskatchewan and British Columbia. is hume for the winter. Cured ol Kidney Trouble Mrs. Alex. Moore, of James Street, Oxford, N.S., savszâ€"“Booth’s Kidney Pills cured our little daughter, Chris- tian, age six years. of many symptom: of kidney weakness. She complained of a sore back, the kidney secretions were frequent and uncontrollable. especially at night. Her stomach “as weak and her agpetite poor. This caused her to ave frequent head- Bnnth’s Kidnev Pills can'v n guaran- tee that if you derive no hnneï¬r. your money will he refunded. Bnnth’s Kld- ney Pills are H speciï¬c for all diseases of [hp kidnvys and bladder. Sold by all dI-nggists. 500. box, or postpaid frnm the R. T.’ Booth‘ Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. ‘ caused her to lmve fret-quell: head- . aches, and the least exertion would tire her. We had tried many remedies. but she did not improve. Final- ly we lem 119d of Booth's Kidney Pills and pm, curedalzox. In a shnrt time she was well and does not now complain about her back. the kidney secretions have he- cnme normal. and she plays around the house with no apparent fatigue. We always recommend Bouth’s Kid- ney Pillsfl r r YORK AND PEEL UNION. " 6 YEAR OLD GIRL Headford. Th9 Comic“ met, on Oct. 4, in the Council Chamber. All the members px-ffent._ ‘ The minutes of the previuus meeting were read and conï¬rmed. The following accounts wem passed and payment nrdered:â€"-â€" F. Lecce. work on park H. Blanchard, work on street. . . . 2 45 Repairs to hand instruments. . . . .27 go) 0‘ N A. Mnodie, teaming. . . . . . . . . .11 G.-Ailison, Gravel etc . . . . . . . . . . 31 15 Jno. Shem-dawn. Gravel & team- ing . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 75 80 The Finance Committee of the Old Boy’s Reunion presented a re rt shmving a deï¬cit of $16.23 w ich amount on motion the treasurer was instructed to pay over to the treasurer nfihe Eatepayer’g Agencigtion. Mr. Dsuiond of the Dymund Gas and Engine. 00. addressed the Council relative to the removal of their plant- tn Richmond Hill. The Reevenssured Mr. Dymond that upon receipt. of a. pmpositinn in proper form giving neccessnry detailed information the Council would give the matter their serious consideration. A grant, uf $511) was made by motion of Councillor Palmer secnnded by‘ pnnqcill‘or Tygdall. Mr. McLean uddmswed the Council with a View to obtain a grant fur the King and Vaughan plowmen‘s As- sociation. Mow-d By 'Oouncillor T ndall. seconded by Councillor San arson. that a reward of $10.00 he offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the party or pat-ties who break windows or commit other acts of vandalism on ulylic property in the Village.»â€"Gn§-ri Mr. J. 'l‘. Pollock has sold his mill and house to Mr. S. Jarvis. who is mm-ing in and taking possession this Week. Mr. Pullnck retains the eleva- tnrand is going to live in the house lately (magpie-(l by Jag-via). On Sunday the'pulpit, of the Method- ist. church wasuccu ied by Mr. Skin- ner. a membPr n the Ecumenical Council, from» England._ The lllllSlCal part, of the anniversary services at. (Jan-ville, on Sunday after- Iuinn and evening, was furnished by the chair of the Maple Methodist chm-ch. MI. and Mls. T. Cousins visited friinds in 'lln‘onjn ovgr Sunday. Harvest Thanksgiving services will he hQ'ld in the St. Stephen’s church lwxb Sunday at, 1! mm. and 7 p.m. Ven. Archdeacon Wan-en of Toronto will preach at, bulb gel-vices. Co'mmuniun services were held in St. Andrew’s church last. Sunday morning. Increasing difficulty is being found in obtaining an adequate supply of haidwood lumber for the industries of Canada. The hardwood tracts of the eastern provinces for a long time have not been able to meet the demand,‘ and in 1910. 60 per cent of the hard- ‘ wood used in Canada, was im orted‘ from the United States. The uited States, although with a much larger supply of hardwood on hand is alsoi seeing that the annual consumption far exceeds the annual growth and ‘that the virgin supply is being rapidly reduced. By practical demonstration it has been proveu that waste land if planted in young hardwuods. will prove». proï¬table investment at the: end of twenty-ï¬ve years or more, and will improve the productiveness of the surrounding farm land. In the east- H n provinces of Canada and in Ontar- io. particularly, are large tracts of such land. covered at present with an unproï¬table tree growth, which though being sandy. rocky or low ly- Ving, cannot be treated as agricultural lands. The Forestry branch of the Departmentof the Interior is taking a practical interest in the farmer’s woodlnls of Ontario, in an effort to make otherwise useless land supply hardwood lumber to an eager market. with proï¬tahle returns to the wand lot owner. Parties interested in this matter should correspond with the De- ‘ partment at. Ottawa, which is already giving practical assistance on impor- ‘ taut tracts. Foresters will be supplied by the Department to look over tracts of timbered land. estimate the quan- tity of timber, advise as to what spe- lcies to encourage or plant according ‘ to the locality and general conditions, and suggest a general working plan. _ Such scientific knowlege, the result of former investigations, will he of great hone-tit to private owners and should he sought after at once. Newmarkeb ..: . . . . . .. Woodhv-Idge . . . . . . . . . Schomberg. .. '... . Uuil'ncil adjourned. WOODLOT INSPECTION BY 60V- ERNMEN 1‘. ' VILLAGE COUNCIL. FALL FAIRS. Maple. do- . . . Oct. 24-26 .. Oct. l7~18 d 0 .Oct. {Hui-mwwa-HMMHMQ *++H+WW*NMW STIVER &. RAMEB Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, WOOd, 860. AT THE C.N.O. STATION AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneï¬cial to both buyer and seller, have decided, We thank the public for the generous patronage in the past, and will earn- estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. STAND OVER A STOVE IN HOT WEATHER WHEN YOU (JAN GET Best Bread Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits Hill’s D. HILL 8: 00., Choice Confectionery alway in stock. ' w. A. Sanderson AT BEST PRICES AND GUARANTEED PURE Staple Groceries BEST ORANGES Good Lemons AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. GOOD STOCK OF AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses‘ [Single copies, 3 cts. Bordeaux Mixture Arsenate of Lgad Paris Green Hellebore Insect Powder . Drugeist. STIVER & RAMER. Blue Vitriol DEALERS IN RICHMOND HILL ; __A'1‘__ Bakery No. I 5