1Mrs. McRac suffered for over two years, then two boxes' of Dodd’s Kidney Pills made a new woman of her. To save yourself suffering cure \your Kidneys at the ï¬rst sign of Itrouble. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are 1the one sure cure. 1 “Horse sick ‘2†asked the map in V‘the Buggy. “Far as I am concernedf’ said ï¬UncIe Jerry Peebles, “you girls can ‘go around with your arms bare plear up to the va'ccination markâ€" if that’s Where the mark is nowa- ;da,ys-but if you’ve got arms that {look like Esau’s, as some of ’em do, you ort to wear long sleeves for your own sakes." ‘ ‘A Remedy for Earache.~To have the earache is to endure torture. 'The ear is a delicate organ and few *care to deal with it, considering it ‘work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas’ (Eclectric Oil offers a, simple rem- ‘edy. A few drops upon a piece of "lint or medicated cotton and placed '11 the ear will work wonders in reâ€" !lieving pain. “My husband has never spoken ‘3. cross word to me.†“You lucky woman! How long have you been 1married?†“Nearly two weeks!†“For two years and seven months I was a sufferer from Kidney Dis- ease brought on by a strain and a. cold. My eyes were puffed and swollen, my muscles cramped and EI suffered from neuralgia. and Rheumatism. My back ached and I had pains in my joints. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. ~â€"Through lack of consideration of the body’s needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- .come chronic, ï¬lling days and nights ;with suï¬ering. To these a, course ;of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills is re- ,commended as a, sure and speedy may to regain health. Th’ese pills ,are specially compounded to c'om- rbat dyspepsia, and the many ills that ,follow in its train, and they are [successful always. There is plenty of room at the lop. This is due to the fact that; most people want to get in on the ‘ground floor. SAVED HERSELF “Foritwo yearsVIVwas under the doctor’s caret but she never seem~ ed to do me any lasting good. Two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills made a new woman of me.†f‘Ye’p,†replied the man with a. »spring-wagon. ‘ “Hard luck, ain’t it!†“Oh, I dunno. It’s getting so medicine is cheaper than hay!†Previl, Gaspe 00., Que., Oct. 23 (Specia1)â€"That she- might have es- caped two years and seven months .of suffering had she tried Dodd’s :Kidney Pills in the ï¬rst place is the ï¬rm conviction of Mrs. John Mc- Rea, an old and respected resident 9f this place. And this is the rea‘ ‘xon she gives for believing so: Minard's Linlment Cures Burns. Etc. Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tonsilitis begin with sore throat. How much better to cure a sore throat in 3:.» day or two than to be in bed for weeks with Diphtheria. Just keep Hamlin’s Wizard Oil in the house. Laughter at? the family table beats all the dyspepsia? tablets in the world as a. promoter of diges~ tion. 311E HAD USED DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS FIRST. NOT COMPLAINING. UNCLE JERRY. YEARS 0F PAIN ISSUE 42â€"41 A kitchen table was requisitioned, a heterogeneous collection of bedâ€" clothes was arranged upon it,â€"-into the exact nature of Wthh it was perhaps not well to inquire too closely, as it seemed to be compos- ed of contributions from the ward- robes of the hotel help,~â€"and the sportsman turned in. The pillow was an ' odd-shaped substance, emitting a. faint and strangely familiar odor; but the Master of the Galway Blazers was too weary to concern himself over such trifles, and he slept as soundly on his makeshift couch as if it had be_e_n a canopied bed of state. He was awakened in the morning by a gentle fumbling at the wrapâ€" pings beside his head, and started up to see a gleaming knife suspend~ ed above his head. ' When Beds Were at {3 Premium at An Irish Hotel. Sleeping on a. mat under the moon in a, cannibal country is a pale aavehtnre compared with a lodge in an oldâ€"time Irish inn at the height of the tourist season. A certain Master of the Galway Hunt, says a contributor to Cornhill, arâ€" rived at a small inn Where all the beds were already taken. “I’m sorry to be disturbin’ ye, sir,†said an apologetic voice, “but sure th’ house was out iv pillows intirely, an’ we put th’ side iv bacon undher y’r honor’.s head. I was just; conthrivin’ to get a, few rashers off for th’ quality’s break- fast without disturbin’ ye, whin y’r honor woke up.†ALLADIN MANTLE LAMP in each community to introduce this won- derful lamp. It burns coal oil, and is revolutionizing lighting every- where; is odorless, safe, economi- cal; needed in every home. Don’t fail to send them your name and address. According to all reports, the har- vest in 1911 in Denmark wnl surpass all records since 1868. Not in '43 years have weather, labor and other conditions proven so auspicious to the farmer, and. hereafter when the agricurturist wishes to point to an ideal harvest, he will refer to 1911. There is only one discordant note, that of the turnip and grass grow- e'rs, who have suffered on account of the long drought. It was fear~ ed that labor would be scarce, but the employment agencies did their work so well’that no shortage was felt and, with the exception of the large farms,'harvest was completed within three weeks. v Bear Island. Aug. 26, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co.,__Limit9d. .\_ mun-nun uAuALucuu UV“ unuwvu. Dear Sirs.â€"Your traveller is here today and we are getting a.1arge quantity of your MINARD’S LINIMENT. We ï¬nd it the best Liniment on the market, making no exception. We have been in business 13 years and have handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. W. A. HAGERMAN. The attention of our readers is called to an advertisement, in an- other column, of the Aladdin Mantle Lamp, which burns ordin- ary coal oil and gives a, more'bril- liant light than either gas or elec- tricity. It is another triumph for modern inventive genius that must be seen to be fully appreciated. The M antle" "ramp Company, Dept. 125, Montreal, Can., are giv- ing away absolutely FREE one A Sensible Merchant Mrs. Finefeatherâ€"Are you taking your husband abroad this year? Mrs. Bontonâ€"No. I decided las'n year when he insisted upon speak- ing of the Venetian gondolas as ea.- nal boats that the real charm of Europe is lost upon him. First Dinerâ€"How do you know whether that is chicken or veal you are eating? Second Dinerâ€"I don’t. All I know is that it’s chicken I’m paying for. Mlnard's Llnlmont RBIIOVO! Neuralgla. And the more you are willing to do for your friends the less time you will have to do things for your- self. vacation yet.†Recognized as the leading speci- ï¬c for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves’ Worm Extermina- tor has proved a‘boon ’90 suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails. ‘ Howellâ€"“How well you 100k!†Powellâ€"~“Yes; I haven’t had my AN IMPROVSED PILLOW. DENMARK’S HARVEST. A NEW INVENTION. GOOD REASON. - Mr. Jawbackâ€"I knew something like that would happen when 'mar- xiage made you and me one. ' Revive the Jaded Condition. â€"â€"- When energy flags and the cares of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. They will regulate the action of a de- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. ' Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandrufl. “A11 men are born free and equal)†said the: philosopher‘_ F‘I know,†said the matter-6fâ€"fact person. “But some of ’em get marâ€" ried afterwards.†. TRY ’MULNE EYE REMEDY H Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyed “Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Innâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Drugglsts Sell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 260. 60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve 1n Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago. “It’s the honest men in this world who need watching.†“How’s that?†‘ ‘Oh, the dishonest one will cheat you, anyhow, whether you watch them or not.†Johnnyâ€"“Mamma, I, wish I had a little sister.†Mammarâ€"“Why do you Wish that, dear?†Johnny â€"“ "Cause I’m tired of teasin’ the cat.†_ Some persons have periodical atâ€" tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use grea& precautions to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg’s Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a. few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. Timber is becoming scarce, but the family tree continues to flour:- ish. ‘ Mrs. Jawbackâ€"John, you’re a. perfect fool! - LAST YEAR’ S OVERCOAT. Once more I sadly take it down, And musingly I gaze upon it, I choke my pride, and then decide ’Twill do with a. new collar on it. Send for free sample to Dept. W. I... National Drug and chemlcal 00.. Toronto. PERFECT AFTER MARRIAGE. STO O K B R0 K E R Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited. The Johnson-Rxchardson 00.. anuted. Montreal H. H. NIGHTINGALE No chance ofuslng the WRONG Dye for (he Goods one has to color. All colors from your Druggist or Dealer FREEKQo‘lor ‘Card and Bp_0klet 19. an, L. Well, Well! CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. MELINDA ST., TORONTO LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. PLAUSABLE THEORY. Cnn be done perfectly by our French process. Try n. CLEANING LADIES’ WALKING on ounm: suns 'r CANADA BUSINES COLLEGE GHATHAM, NT. ONE OF AMERICA‘S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 oholca positions ï¬lled In past Four Years. Some others ‘ust flllod;â€" I. B. BARN, from Newfoundlm , placed with Seek. Milling 00., Moose Jaw, MSteno. FERN SMITH. Steve, Peabody Overall 00., Windsor. E; G. ROBINSON Bkkpr., with Bell Furniture 00.. Southampton, Ont. FLOSSIE ANDERSON. Steno. and Bkkpr, Can. Wolverine 00., Chatham. MILDRED AND- ERSON. 5166110., with De Laval Separator 00., Winnlpegï¬ R. J. SCOTT, teacher, with Drake College ewark, N. J. The salaries of the three shown la,“ week average over 3700 per unnum. The Ialarles of the 51:: here shown average close to .8700. Our students are strapared for the big g‘osxtiom where the Mg pay 3 offered. IT PAYS 0 ATTEND THE BEST. Catalogue 88 tells of thecwork at Chatham. Catalogue 84 tells of our home courses. Address, D‘ McLACflLAN db 00,. C. B. College; Chatham. ()nt. _ A man doesn’t have to know much to know how little he knows. Minard's Llnlment tor saloï¬gverywhera. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa: and'Quebec. University Expedition Will Visit a. South Sea Island. An expedition has set out from Oxford University with its objective a cannibal isle in the South seas, where it, expects to spend {year in studying the habits of the na- tives. . ‘ The party of scientists is headed by David Jenness, the anthropo- logical expert of Balliol college. The explorers will locate on Good- enou'gh Isand, which is situated in the extreme southeasterly corner of British New Guinea. .Little is known of the. interior ofvthis island, but it has been asserted that can- nibalism is practiced there on an extensive scale. Occasionally a government ofï¬cial pays avisit to the isle, but, being unwilling to provide the natives with a. banquet, wisely conï¬nes his investigations to the coast line. For this reason the interior remains unexplored. One or~two attempts have been made to map the in- land, but the explorers have never returned. Goodenough Island, which is of volcanic formation, is believed to be the highest island of its size in the world. It, is 40 miles long and 30 miles across, and its, highest mountain extends 8,000 feet above sea. level. Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway’s Corn Cure and get. relief. G H R IST MAS GLOE YOU CAN MAKE 15 CENTS II. J. nhhzmuuv1 ON EACH COPY YOU SILL Awash: 504-606 St. Paul Sh, Montreal 1-3: QHRgsTMAS GLOBE Bear in mind that you are dealing 709.0270; c.:m.n..._ _ with Wholesalers. BOYS AND GIRLS E? m not only by Wes“- monials or un- known per-om, ‘M 1- I0 clean mu in ndvortiqements, but by an expel-imam on your own bond of hair. Let us (in you absolutely (no on hummus of " LUXURINE ". only for the lake of proving '0 you what it our do on your own hm, and 17113.6 “has done on thousands of others. All there 1- to do to job tho Greatment isâ€"Sond u the colt of nailing and packing, which in 10 0%., with your address, and we will lend you one right "my. Write 00-day, address DR. PROSSB, Dept. 2, Montreal “ LUXURINE †Good Weekly lncomo Wonderlul Opportunlty Constant Employment Diplomas Granted ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE 358 Queen St. West Toronto, Canada HDME BOURSE Britlshï¬Amerlcgn Dyeing; cg. HUNTING CANNï¬sALs. Of DR. PRIOSSE. Paris, France SEND FOR PARTICULARS ABOUT THE , 0n Conga: m Give: Back the natural color to grey hair without my dye, and makel it grow, and We 00 n Provo It, SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTABLI _or heavy Lathe Mills," Shingle Mills. Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies. The E. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. We“ Street, Ox'illia. Ontario. Toronto. GENTS WANTED. â€" A STUDY 0}! other Agency propositions convince: us that, none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don't apply for par- tggrlars to Tjavellers' Depth, 228 Albert 81'... awa. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE RIGHTâ€" The Moler Bax-bel- College is the art: gma-l college; founded in 1893; graduate! are now successful barbers all over the world; you get expert. instruction; con- stant practice; write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East. commissionâ€"for local representaa tweag immediately; permanent position( expenence unnecessary; rapid. advance ment; spare time accepted. Nichols. Limited, Publishers, Toronto. ALEXANDOR’S V'HAVE some of the best. Eruit. Stock; Grain or Dairy Farms m Ontariq and prices right. NEMPLOYED MEN OR WOMEN. DQ you wish to make Five Dollars day for balance of year? If so, consult J. L Nichols 00., Limited. Toronto. GENTS WANTED. -â€" A LINE FQR every home. Write us for our choua mat of agents supplies. We have tht greatest agency proposition in Canadï¬i toâ€"day. No outlay necessary. App‘b' . C. I. 00., 228 Albert 812.. Ottawa. Prepare yourselves for the cold weather. We are offering for a few weeks on’ly‘ PEOI'ALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult I u: In regard to any dia‘easo. Lowest .prlces in drugs of all kinds. Trusses ï¬tted by mail. Send measure- ment. Glaqses ï¬tted by age. Write 10-day for anythmg sold 111 rgt-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman. Colmgwood. Ont. The ladies lining is 38 inches long and trimmed with Genuine Alaska. Sable Collar and Lapels. The Gents coats are trimmed with Otter‘or Persian Lamb Collars. If not satisfactory return at our- expense. ‘ terual and axternal. cured wgthou gain by our home treatment. W_nte u efo_re too late. Dr. Bellman MedlealCo. Limlted, Collingvpod. Ont. Ladles’ muskrat Lined (oats $50 Gent’s muskrat Llned (oats $50 Coats made to your own measura- ments, same price». > Upon receipt of the money we will ship to any part of Canada. r A. J. ALEXANDOR ASK DAWSON. HE KNOWS. F you want to sell a farm. consul! when buying your Piano insisr on having em I. F you want to buy a farm. consult ‘ ANGER, 'rUguogs. LpMPs. you.†71;: MONTREAL-0UEBEC-HALIFAX‘LONDON(ENG.) TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilsonl Beale Works, 9 Esplanade. TorontoS 'O'I'TO l'l IGEL" SECURITY AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson’l Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. FURS q Bonds are the safest investâ€" ment a person can make because they are secured by ï¬rst mort- gage on the whole assets of the Corporation issuing them. (1! Bonds are the best investment 21 person can make because no other investment offering the same security pays as high a rate of interest. - ' q Bonds offered by us are thor- oughly investigated as to their safety before being offered to our clients. BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING aroma AND QUEEN 31's. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Managor DAY SALARY AND I! Write us today for literature on Bond Investments and a list of those we recommend. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colbornl Street, Toronto. S E C U R l T l E S CORPORATION ROYAL Piano Action BONDS AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. IN 'BUYING LIMITED UPâ€"ALSC