Now is thv time to subscribe. for the limit subscriber in Canada Will receive 1': 86:. from the time his $2.00 is received all tlw issues for the remaining weeks Of 1911, containing the opening chap- ters of Ralph D. Paine’s great serial stury 0f the Buxel' Rebellion, “The Gross and the Dragun.†And there is the gift of The Companiun Calendar far 1912, “On the New England Coast,†lithogx-nphed in twelve colors and gold. Only $2.00 now to Canadian subscrib- ers. but; on January 1. 1912. the sub- scription price will be advanced in $2.25. . If your family is wm-th the best you can «Hand in hnuse and food and clothes; is it not worth the best rend- ing as Well? And the best readingâ€"- but, for boys and girls. best for nwn and womenâ€"is to be found in The Youth’s Compunian, 0f stories alone The Corn union will print. nearly 300 in 1912, V ith all the rest (if the paper thrnwn in. and count.- ing the glut-ions long serial stm-ies, they cost the subscriber less than a. cent apiece. Moreover, you will look long before you will ï¬nd stories so varied and intei ostlng; stories of 0001- news in the face of peril. strange ad- ventures with ereutm-es of the fnrvst and the sen; moving stories of lift-’3 obscure hernism; stories breezy with gnod-tmtuIe-(l humor. quaint and curi- ous character sketches.‘ THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. 144 Bet-keiy Sh. Buston, Mass. New Subscriptinns Received at. this Olï¬ce. The annual Thanksgiving Services of the Methodist Church will be held next Sunday, Oct. 29. For sevmal years the cungregntmn has aimed at cuntrihuting one hundred dollars as a thank-offering. and although the church has suffered very materially by removals from the community the ï¬nancial nhlignï¬mls have not grown less, but, have increasvd, and no doubt, Rxcm'mlm HILL. Ohm. A quiet put; pretty wedding took place on Tuesday Oct. 17, at the hum» of Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Piiteison, Cedar Grove. Garrville. whrn their daughter, Ethel J., was unith in marriage to Mr. William J. Baker. of Grand an~ ley. formerly of Cnrrville. Rrv. Dr. Gilmy of Toronto, cnnsin of the bride, ofï¬ciated. The bride. entered the parlor on the arm of the father, wear- im: a beautiful gown of white Liberty Satin with bodice of lace, and tulle bridal veil, and carried a shower linu- qurt cl cream roses and climax. her only ornamont bring a sunburst of curls. the gift of the groom. Mrs. .ns. Fisher. of Vrllore. sister of the bride. was maid of honor. and wore- a. very pretty (lrrss of white silk. Carl he flihml. lraa, um; um“: nun-Mm“. nu“ .u. u‘. “v- .1: heroic effort will he put, forth next, b’ahbath that, the record of former years ma y be maintained. Rev. John Oak of Toronto will preach at, 10.30 mm, and 7 .m. As the pastor, Rev. E. T. Doug as. will he exchanging pulpits with Rev. Mr. Oak, Mr. F. Gmhum, Can-ville, 8. Victoria. 00119 8 student. will preach at But- tnnvi 19 at 10.30 and ab Mt. Zion He will also address the Epwm-th League Rally ut Buttonville in \Lhe eve-fling. After the ceremony the guests rec paired to the dining-mom. to partake uf thv wedding breakfast. The table was bvnutifully dram-Med with Lillies nf the Valley and stalks. . Immediately after dejenm-r the happy couple lel‘ t amid showrrs nf rice. fm- then-home in Grand Valley, the bride travelling in a suit of navy blue Sun Fay. with silk waist. and hat to mulch. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. This community at the preSent time is mourning lhe loss of ureapected citi- zen, a kind friend and a sympathetic lprolher in the person 0f Mr. David Yakes. Althnugh he was a mun sixty- four years old he mu working» “9qu until a week «gm. when he became somewhat. ill, keeping about the hunse must of the time suffer-in with a law fever. and appearing to gradually recm-ering. until a late hour Friday ni ht when he. becume critically ill. gym“ about 2 o'clock SMuxday morn- mg. Mr. Bubimon And Glendandu‘. mu- gen~met~chnntm report Mum wink. and are now rad, to patent to their cumulus no. stock at. 0 30. price. lJ-ing moat. ably cnndnctod hy Rev. Geo. H. Waugh 0! ,Ummwillor After the service thv remains were mmreyed to the [maily'u priv-m- burying gnumd no Altomt where any wn‘e fawn-9d. Mr. Henry Arnold is waning a 2mm! grin these (lg-ya. (or its anothmf 0y. One of our yang m . is fu- more industrious than 1- ‘rest. “ t think†to drive All the way from all»! to a mile below lat-khan nhn‘ut three nights a; week to roam inns-actions on Methying. The. funeral which tank place an Monday morning was well attended ‘_hy_ relating a‘n‘d frieng nqgice What is Your Family Worth? BAKERâ€"PATERSON. Thornhill. Cashel. OCT. 26. 1911 *W+WH*+*Â¥MW* *Wm+~l-H+M++H+'P++Mf e++++++++++++++++++~u~+++++0 H¢é¥$Â¥4~+¢$¢96+*+ ï¬ï¬-I-h H I ++++av++mm+wm++¢w++ béMorflï¬d-H-bw-hM-rAr-M» «Hut N0 NAMES ‘USED WITHOUT CONSENT. No nun-o on box“ or unl- ro. {Everytth Confidential. Question Lu! and Co» of Tun-non! FREE FOR Hon: Dns.KENNEDY&KENNEDY I | c All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you denim to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient. in our Windsor oflioes which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follow: 0R3. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windaor. 0M. :Write for our private address. Electrolene coal oil, paints oils, turpentine, glass. putty and gasoline. ' J ABOB EYEB, Opposite Dr. Langstaff’s. +M+$+M+~P+‘F++ ‘l The undersigned Wishes to thank the public. for past natrom ; age, and inform them that he keeps a full line of STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMP: ERS, WIRE. 860. Also HARD- WARE of all kinds. ‘- +++++++++++++++++H Tinsmithing dOne in all its branches, grinding, ï¬ling, repair- ing, 860. NERVOUS, LIFELES‘S Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit. Mich. DEBILITATED MEN TO THE PUBLIC II. s. Howunn. Sous a 00., Liam-lb. Tan-rd When you buy Farm Tools stamped with Samson Brand, you can be absolutely sure that you are getting big value for your money. Hon- -~«estly constructed of the best_uiatc- rial, :cieutiï¬cally detigned so as to do the most work with the least exertion. Go to your dealer and ask to see Samson Brand Faun Tools. Try them in your wotk. You wilt ï¬nd them all you expect of high: grade tools. giver utiafaction Samson Brand Farm Tools F arm Taols that earn money the building it covers. YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. the uctlms of earlx mdiscreuons and later ex» oesses, who are failures in liteâ€"you are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and. vitality. Don't give u in despair because on have treated with 0 her doctors, used eectrlc belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snath hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men of those who were "down and out." We rescribe speciï¬c rem- edies for each individua case according to the symptoms and complications-we have no patent medicines. This Is one of the secrets of our Wonderful successas our treatment can- not fail for we prescribe remedies adapted to each Inéividuel case. Only curable cases noâ€" cepted. We Inve done busineu Clinch for over 20 Years. Ask your Denier CURABLE CASB GUARAm OR NO PAY E Are you a. victim! Have you we hope? Are on intending to marry? as your blood been iseased! Have you» weakness? Our New Method Trume l cure you. What it has done for other! it w“! do for you. Comultnlion Fm. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest o inion Free of Charge. Boob Fmâ€" “ oyhood. Manhood. Fatherhood." (mum:- ed) on Diseases of. Men. E!th are called upon to exnmine the said lists. and if any on ions at other "mm are found the. to take- immediate Winn-s to hue said errors corrected_accm-ding tn Inw. Clerk at the said municipality. Dated at. Unionvmo. this 17th (My u! Octobe‘r. 19“. I33 NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the or- sona mentioned in Sections 5 and 0f the Voters’ Lists Act. the copies rep quil‘ed by said sections t0 he so trans- mitted m-deiivered 0f the lists made pursuant to suit! Act of all persons appearing by the last rmiswi Assess- ment Roll of the said mnniciguiity to he ontitled tn vute in the sand muni- cipality MD the piections fur members at the legislative Assembly and at Municipal Eivctinns, and that said list was ï¬rst posted up in my nfï¬cv at Uninm'iile «m Monday. the 16th day "t Octnher. 1811. find remains the-re fur impaction. J. B. McLEAN. Clank nf the said Municipality. Dated at Maple this 25th day of Ou- tober. 1911. 17-2 THE 10TH DAY bF’ NOVEMBER, 1911.nt9.30a.m.. to hear and deter- mine the several complaints of vrrnrs and umissinnsin the Vutvrs’ List of the Municipality of the Tuwnship of Vu_u_ghan for the year 519113 Al'l‘persnns hmzing business at the Cuurt are required to attend at said time and place. aniCP is hereby gin-n that a Cnnrt will he held pursuant tn the Ontario Vuters’ List. Act. by. His Honor Judge Morgan, Judge uf the County Court, of the County of Yul-k. at the Masonic Hull, Maplp, on FRIDAY. ++++++++w¢~+q>+++ +~h4l+++>r~2niu§ 0 :â€"+-+ 4am»++++w++m++++i~++i~ï¬Â§Â°++ WE Wéiï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ RICHMOND HILL Court of Revision A. J. HUME TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York. VOTERS’ LIST, I911 AND ï¬ygiap $25 Wheels VAUGHAN NOTARY PUBL IO Leases. VVflls, Etc. Special attentiun given to â€"Municipnlity of the-â€" MUNICIPALITY OF Pressing {Eleanmg Repairing Conveyancing, 0.7“. sm'VER. \Ylwn yun pmrhnse a Hyslc-p flicyciv you knmv fur z. fuel that it. is thr- vm-y but yum' mva can pnssihly buy. It cuuld Hot, In- anything vlsu and hem- !hu- Hyslup flame. Ymn- nssm-amw ia 21 ye-als nf uhwluu‘ leliuhilitv. and n respnnsihilily lvnhind it that (-Iiminntos own-y pussihle‘ risk. Hyslup hivyclvn )II'P inLe'nde-d [u gin tlw greats-st amount of nil-mum] Pï¬iCiPHCV at u pupuim prim», and are built. on lines uf nlnsnlutm thnnmghnvss. Sun! at once for Illustrated Folder. and SW (he sm-prhiug mth we have It.» ofl'w ht‘ffll'ï¬â€˜ inn-sting in a wth of any sm-l. Shuter and Victoria Sts. {3 YS§J(L)P BRGTEE iii: S LI MITED Every graduate of" last ymr found a position waiting. \Vrite I'm- particnlars of our bushes. “I an» ogrnphic emu-s9. every The Rinhmnml Hill Creamery Cider Mill will run every Tuesday, Phone 2203 Cider Mill Tuesda.‘ October 15, 1911 After that. date the mill will run were received; but month for ofï¬ce helpâ€"37 were left an- fllled. Demands f0! trained. help are so great that we can afl’ord to "guarantee a maiden to every graduate or remnd tn. Mon money." If you are an:- ious to succeed write for all? beautiful catalogue toâ€"day. roam. W. H. Shaw, Pri'nélpal. 83 CALLS Cenmu Busiï¬ess Cofleie. To- up to the end of the season. have all the good features known to modern musical science. WRIGHT BROS. IIIITI F08 “TM! Thursday And _ Saturday -â€"ANDâ€"â€"- TORON TO UP TO Thursday 14-4