Elm g’giheml. RICHMOND HILL, 0m. OCT. 26, 1911 MI. T. H. 'I‘m-nch WaN jung (m In"llllfilfltllll‘l'd M'Kiulcs at, Newmzu-ket Fair this; wvuk. THE LIBERAL will lw. slmt to new suhsnrihm-s frmu this date until Janu- ary l. 1913 for $1.90. Thanksgiving post cards at THE Lam-mu. mace. Miss Luella Johnston nf Hmulfmd spvnt Saturday and Sunduv with hm" friend, Mia's Alice Cooper. The lwunl son-via» will nut. he Zinn‘s Ev. Lutheran Chm-c3 \chd, on next Sunday. Putiï¬nns are being cirruhtod in Markham Viilngu with a view of Val,- ing fur Lucul ()pLiOn (m the ï¬rSt, nf Jmnnzu-y. Principal wa'itt of Newm-u-‘(vt high schnnl was at nne time an assist.- nnt of Mr. Davidson’s in Nurwnnd high scllUuL \vgitvcnfï¬-e: it makosua. delightful bov- vmge. 30 10 45c. lb. Atkinson 8; Switzer The annual mileting of the Curling Club will he hold in the Cnumsil Cham- lmr this (Thursday) evening at 8 o’clock. Umu-t Richmond, A. O. F.. will mot-t tnâ€"mm-x-nw (Friday) evening. whvn the delegate tn the High Court, meeting will give his repnrt. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Aminsnn attend- ed the funvml of the fm‘nwr’s aunt. widow of LlwlMe Edward \Vhi! worth. at. Aurora Cemetery on Mnnday after- noon. Proserved ginger, 40c 11).; Lau’s sweet mixed pickle-s. 15(: bottle; HPinz’s ttmmtns‘nup. 150 tin; Mnnzm nilln Olives, 10:: bottle. Atkinson & Switzexz Th9 Tot-onto VVm-ld is $3.00 a ymu‘. Thé Liberal is $1.00 a yPar. \Ve can give both [tapers from now till Jan. 1. 1913 for $4.00. Suhscriptiuns taken at this ofï¬ce. Be kind to vnut'self, and by so ï¬ning rPlieve your w1fe of worry concerning ynn. Wear that warm underwear you admired in Atkinson & Switzer's window. Free‘VVill Offering services will he held in the. Methodist Church next Sunday. Oct. 29. Sermons will he reached at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. by Rev. . R. Aikenhead of Mimicn. A steam roller is at Work this Week in the north and ot the town in con- nection with the Good Roads system. The crusth stone is bving brought. from \‘Vashngo by the O. N. O. The Weeklv Sun, which goes into 18,000 farm homes in Ontario. will he clubbed with THE LIBERAL at 75 cents. Balance nf this year flee tn new sub- scribers. Order at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. A Pumpkin Pie Social under the ampices of the Maple Epworth Leagup, will he hPld on Monday, Oct. 30th at Sn’clock. A good program provide and a good time expected. Admission 10 cents. Mr. Lehman. principal of the public school and Miss Trench and Mrs. Mc- Conaghv of the 2nd and 3rd depart- ments attended the Teachers’ Conven- tion it! Tun-um Thursday and inday of last. week. MN. E. H. Sislt-y of Edmn, Alberta, unking a visit with Iriends here. Mr. H. B. Stirling a few days ago ï¬icked from hashes in his garden a undful uf ripe ms berries of excel- lent. flavor. Even r. Kipling wnuld he forced to admit this IS good for “The Lady of the Snows.†The Presbyterian Church and the caretaker, Mr. R. Amanda, are to be complimented on the beautiful flowers and plants around the «Muskie of the church. Many Hi the flowers are chuice and rat-e, sand the care and ar- rangement. reflects much credit “pun It: Aunahle.- Try smne nf our ground \V11i19Ȥ'nll- The annual nlnwing match at King a Vaughan Assnciadcn will he held in the farms of Mr. Wm. Ferguson and Mrs. B. Rmigexs, lot. l2. con. 3. King. near Eversle . on Friday. the 3nd of November. ere are seven classes, and the gins are large in each class. The spec l prices are also very gener- ous. A special cat will leave Schum- hem It [1 amt. tn meet. the Metropoli- tan car at the Schmnlw ' Junction above Bond Lakv, which eaves Tn- mnm at 11.8). Dinner will be provided far all qomem M. the farm house. For full particulars see bills. or hp ly to glut granary. Mr. J. '1‘. 83 eon, Maple; PLOW’IN G MATCH. he‘d in , Shvr The famuus girls’ basket ball team of Newnmrket. tngethex with their fnotlmli team Mighted from a. special car on Friday afternoon and made a. pleasing stir in our quiet village. Among those present were Mayor Pmrsun. Chairlmm Bugart uf the high schun‘, Principal Merritt. and nther Invmhel's 015 the. high schtml stuff. Be- sidvs many other prominent. citizens from the north town. At 2.30 p.m. the rival teams of girls lined up on the schcml ground before a crmvd uf upwands of 300. It could be seen at a glance that. Newumrket had a decided advantage in size. age and weight of their )laym-s all but (me be- ing from farms in and IV \\ hile every member of the local team was from forms I and II. Added to that. was the fantl-hnt our girls hml only nne practice under the rulvs pluved (m Fri- duv. This can-59d them (he lnss of mtu pmnts by fuuls in [he lst. half. By making a change in the line up after half tinw, placing W'innie Simp‘ sun and Nellie Page (In dvl’ence~ the hume team out played the visitors, n-cngnizing their lust ground and mak- ing the some a tie at, full time. In the play off, vamm-ket won by a points NEWMARKET Vs. RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL CONTESTS. making the snow. 22 to 20. For that hoin team Edith Glemeutnnd \Vinuie l Simpson were the stars, while all play- l c-d well. Edith Clement by he: throw- ing to basket won rounds of applause from Ihe spectators. Miss Smith of the Newmtu-kot staff refereed the game holding the plays-rs Strictly to the rules. The game of basket, ball is one of the mole strenuous and excit- ing gnmvs playedâ€"equal at least. to hockey. and the match on Friday was most exciting, and much enjoyed by the large crowd of spectators. FOOTBALL. All adjourned to the Park to witness the return and ï¬nal game of football for the season betWeen the teams. Nowmuxkvl; llrld the advantage- in size and weight but they showed luck of pmvlice and little cmnlï¬nation. The Richmond Hill boys played a heady team game and outplayed their 0p- poncnts atall points. The score 9nd ed 3â€"0 f11V01'0f Richmond Hill. The teams have played home and home games, our hoys winning the round by 4 to 0. The duty7 of rvferoe was pert‘mmed on Friday by Mayor Pear- son most acceptuhlv to both teams. The Ne‘vmm-kot students are a ï¬ne lot and the best of fer-ling prevails between both Schools. Such friendlv icontosts have an excellent effect on l the pupils in creating a proper spirit decnrps, so essential to the life of any public institution. The Liberal Conservative Associa- tion of Richmond Hill will meet in the Council Chamber Friday evenlng. Oct. 27, at 8 o’clock, fur the election of ofï¬cers and other business of import~ auce. J. H. Sandeisun, Cunvener. The Epwoxth League vtumm-mm' evening, will be in charge of the Christian Endeaver Department. Mrs. Allen will give a short address. Let all members come. and respond to their name at this roll call meeting. Every- bole Welcome. Friday evening Oct. 27L 1. Many friends were sorry to hear on Monday of the death of Miss Elizabeth Pollock at the home of her nephew, Mr. Fred. H. Seal-1e. 31 Nanton avenue, Rosedale, Sunday mght. Deceased had suffered from nervnu breakdown since the death of her late nephew. Stephen Seal-la, less than two months ago. and sank rapile during the last few days. She Is survived by her sis- ter. Mrs. E. M. Searle. Deceased lived thh the famin in Richmond Hill fur a number of years and was highly esteemed in a. large circle of friends. The following pamphlets for supple; mentary reading in the schools are in stock at. THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce:â€" Rnhinsun Crusoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ate. Esops Fable-s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ King of the Golden River. . . . . . 10 “ Rab and His Friends . . . . . . . . 10 “ The Cricket on the Hearth . . . 10 “ Selections from Canadian Poets l5 “ Enoch Arden . 15 “ Longer Narrative Poems . . . . . l5 “ Lady of the Lake . . . . . . . . . . .. . l5 “ Selectinnsfrom Tennfson . . . . 15 “ Lougfellnw’s Evange iue . . . . . . . l5 “ To-monow (Friday) at 1.30. a special our will leave here for Aurora. Our now celebrated girls’ basket ball team which defeated Aux-om hem recently by a score of 8-4) will pin the return match. while the tooth 1 team will la off immediately after the basket _ a! game. 91": boys my hsagdicnppg-J by one goal in the round. and awe. ‘de~ terminal to win out. The games will he very exciting. Let everybody go who can and cheer the teams to v1c~ $017. This WI" be the last matches of (he season. and the Richmond Hill School taunt! have made 9 splendod wand thus far. Reluru tickets unly 2k- and nuadtuissium to the gmuud‘u. Cmme all and enjoy an afternoon'l Ian. DAIRY FARM. Mr. P. 6. Savage a few days ago sold m Mr. Lawrence of Bobcaygeun Mrs. Graham‘s farm of 125 acres. being the rm parts of lots 43 and 44. in “a ï¬rst cnncessiu- nl’ Vaughan. Th» price aid is $10,100. ï¬ne inter: a mating onto the pmpedy his. self and will run it Its 5 3.517191% There is an excellent, stream nf gutfl running through the place. which add: much to its value as a fun. Se|d0m~ du tau-ms not fmn in; on Yonge Street bring so high a price ' ougfellnw’s Evangeline . . . . . . . l “ RICHMOND HILL Vs. AURORA DEATH OF MISS POLLOCK. EP‘VORTH LEAGUE. NOTICE. ï¬cts 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 la n u 0‘ u I. d. M It 0‘ Cl The high school teachers. scholars. trustees and other citizens to the number of HO nmotnpnniml the [1.8. girls Basket Ball team to NPWUNH ket, yesterday afternoon by piivute car. when our H.S. girls played the New- market [1.5. girls [ram for a silver shield which had 'hw-u offered by ,the Newmm‘ket Agricultural Society. After’a lu-en and oxviling contest the ‘rophf was Won by the Richmond Hill team Iy :1 score of 26â€"19. The shivld will be engraved with Richmond Hill as winners for 1911. and h9letlflt'l‘ it willlw competed for yearly by Rich,- moml Hill, Amom and Newnmrket. In all pmlmhility, next year. Rich- mond Hill and ‘Aurnm will also offer trophies in football and hesehall to he compde for hy the mule students of the above schools. The tnp yesterday and the match was thoroughly enjoy- ed by sprctators and players. An interesting meeting nf the \V. C. T. U. was held at [.h» hnme l-f Mrs. J. H. Sanderson last Tuesday utternnon. 'l‘hn- San. of flower miSsiun gavenan t-xm‘llent, report of the work done in this (h-pnrtnwnt. showing that the nm-ds of the pum- and sick had been \VP“ lnuked after. yenl' armâ€"â€" Presâ€"M re. Switzma Vice-Prt-sâ€"Mrs. E. 0. Curry. Our-Secâ€"â€"-Mrs. T. F. McMahon. Rec-Secâ€"Mrs. McDongall. Transâ€".Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. The fullnwing Superintendents were also :lppnintediâ€"FXUWPK' Mission. Mrs. Ha rris; Missimmry and Lumber Camp, Mrs. Mm-tsun; Parlor Meeting<. Mrs. J. H. Sanderson; Evangelistic, Mrs. D. \Videmun; Antl-Nm-cnties and Medal )unlest. Mrs. J. P. Glass; Purity and Mnther’s Meetings, Mrs. Switzer. Three new nu-mhers were received into Lhe Union and at the close of the meeting a suciul hour was spent. Don’t, forget the illustrated talk with lantern slides to be given In the lmsmnenb, under the auspicvs uf the Guild. (m Fridav evening. at 8 o’cluck. by Rev. K. J. MacDonald, lute. minis- ter of St. Matthew’s Church. Mum,- I'PHL No charge but the usual monthly collectinu. Next Sunday will be our Thanks- giving Day and the services of appro- priate charactvr. It, is hode that all our people may be present, at least at one service that, day. The cnngI'PgnLion is appxeciative of the gnml wurk so faithfully done all yen! by the Floral Committee of the Guild; also by the Janitor. Mr. Anna- ble. in the floral decoratiuns uulside. The Presbyterian Rally to be held in Aurora on Nov. 2 promises to be full 0f interest. in Sunday Schunl workers and members nt‘ Young Pen les’ 01-- ganizu.tiuus. Keep the date In viPw. Aftm‘nmm session at 2.30 and evening session“; at, 7.30. Rev. Dr. John Gray, who canvassed the congregation last, Week in the in- terest uf Knox College new building, received a generous response to hxs appeal. and desires to thunk all con- tributors for their gent‘msity. VANDERBURGHâ€"â€"RUMBLEâ€"~At Patter. sun church, hv Rev. W. L. Trench, on \Vednesday. October 25, 1911, Alicv. daughter of Wm. Rumble Esq. to Gem-go, Vanda-burgh, both of Richmond Hill. POLLOCKâ€"On Oct. 22. 1911. at the? residvnce at her nephew. Mr. Fred. H. Searle. 31 Nantnn avenue. Tu- mntn. Margaret; Elizabeth Pollock. Funeral nn VVPansdav. Oct. 25, to Mnunb Pleasant Cemetery. Wm'nvon'rHâ€"â€"On Thursday. October 19. 1911, June \Vhitwurth. Widow of the late Rev. Edward \Vhitworth. aged 67 years. Funeral from 618 Ontario street. Tu- rnnLn. (m Mnnduy afternoon. Inter- ment in Aurora Cemetery. SPEERâ€"At. the Methodist parsonage. 246 High Park Ave. West Toronto. on Tuesday. October 24. 19H. Eliza Harriet, wife». of Rev. J. 0. Spam; D.D.. aged 50 years. Funeral Thursday at 2 p.m. to Mount ~ Pleasant Germ-teary. The ulï¬cexs elected for the, Coming Evely moms-r shuuld see that her children’s hair is duest with Puriaiau Sage, the. wonderful hair mum! and germicide. A little ne'glect nu yuur gnl‘t now may nae-an much In†uf eamty when yum girl grows up. Prevention Better Than Cum. Parisian Sage is u rigidly lgum-am- teed hair realm-er and can!!! I 1!;qu diseases. prevents hair from out and cat-ates a rich luxuriyutgmw of hair. a glory to Woman wad the pride. pf n3an._ R. H. H. S. \VON THE SHIELD. ‘ A pleasing hair amusingâ€"Indie. like it. and bottle t mr da-uggixt minimum en" {1 ‘1, he 1w“! M. 5012. and stand! rend, {:7 "nui- Hiéné}?! ii tiï¬i tn do in work. y mull pull, id {mm Qinmgflmgufmgm-ing (:91. _ 0ft Eyio. 9m. 'Hst-ie gm “19.65;? with me An; mm a l’ u an ac pm: me. and sausage“! by W. A. Studenle PENNV ROYAL WAFBRS. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preserve Your Children’s flair. \V. C. '1‘. U. MEETING. MOTHERS ! MARRIAGES. DEATHS a Can. $ 11y “gun-a“; 53m 'hutgmw MI and the â€"lndiu like when entry and that ney if it has an id {mm . orl. Erie. lh the Ark :klï¬‚ï¬ Sunder-(WT Vâ€"AFBRS. ‘ =? “'7' ‘ ‘ 0'. ~++++é+++mm++m++ . {wt-+4"!- Mm%W+++i-H+HW¢**H* If you want the best choice in Winter underwear NOW is your time to buy before the lines are broken. ‘ ‘ .You will ï¬nd these goods extra. good value. Wdfl-“i'Hi-MI ROOM %% ROOM PAPER PAPER :l-‘i'+++++++++'I-++ §°++W “+6â€? +~§++++++$+¢ ++~§+++°§°§°¥W “TEQoQ’oooéooowooo A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. Few remnants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain. We carry a. large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatly reduced prices. WWW+M+++++M 1~++4~++++++++++++++4+W P. G. SAVAGE Atkinson & SWitzer§ Men's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, good weight, per garment 55c. Men’s Plain Scotch Wool Underwear,shirts are double- breasted, shirts and drawers sateen faced, 50c per garment. Men’s Elastic Ribbed Unshrinkable Heavyweight Wool Underwear, doublebreasted shirts, sateen facing on shirts and drawers, per garment 75c. Men’s Plain Knit Wool Shirts and Drawers, extra value. per garment $1.00. Men’s Plain Wool Underwear, double back and front, drawers to match, per garment $I.I5. Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, white and natural color, 25c and 350 per garment. Ladies’ Plain Knit Vests, unshrinkable. natural color, drawers to match, per garment 50c. ‘ Ladies’ Plain Knit Vests, 75% wool, shaped, and but- toned front, drawers to match, per garment 75c. Ladies’ White Unshrinkable Vests, 75c each. Ladies’ Plain Natural wool Vests and Drawers (Pen- man’s). per garment $1.25. Ladies’ Plain Elastic Knit Corset Covers, pure white, 250 each. Oct. 19, 1911. Men’s Boots in gun metal and patent, a very nifty line, and extra value, at $4.00. Men’s Sweater Coats, a“ wool and extra quality, at $2 00 to $4 50. ' , We also have a full line of Rubbers for all at better grices than we have ever been able to offer before. We now have the most cpmplctc and up-to-date stockof Boots and 8th and Men’s Furnishings we have ever had. .,_-________\§ Evaâ€"RVMVAVNZJTG LA 88 § The Richmond Hill Boot, Shoe and Furnishings RICHMOND HILL ++MH++ ï¬dï¬-‘lflï¬ï¬‚-iï¬- t-MMM-Mï¬g-bMH-wé gigggqggwwwoooo Phone 17