“Who-11m earth can be writing to us here? Am Eulenburger billet! as far as I can e," said the Princess, who had turned a note round, "therelis ‘Hirsch- thal' 01;; the seal. TQM would mean that it is ing‘ the Duke.’ "Heav guard us from an invitation said Illgm to herself. But tt-wa-s an invitation. The Duke, who haï¬ often met the Szentmers in Vi- enna. heard of their interrupted jour- ney an requested their presence at a "Mona-EN" to-morrow afternoon, at his -w-vâ€" w-.. summe gresidence. Hirschthal. _ “Of a me we must go,’ ‘said the [Erin- eels, a‘idittle exaltedâ€. I»; i. 3 “Of glue!†repeated mom“; wï¬â€™gj a p» touch ‘ bitterness. " _ "But t will give me a whole"lb"7"01 things 0 think of. Ma baiflre e154?! 9 es “652er adkedvxamg ea .10 , Dr-e s - 7-; nu“? 1m Iznvé Easels; 310%: Dresses 130%“ .uuymfluw.._.-. y," n M ordered, and then to leave dlaela alone .1! evaninz. Illona, why don’t, you help MIL What shall we doP". In: uvvu. *uc .unun‘y muuwwv. .-.... Benâ€"n» a more vivid hue by contrast, and the dark eyes looked all the darker. They were strange, those eyes; they betrayed nothing of youthful vivaeity, rather there was to be read in their depth a. spirit of world-weariuess which accorded but ill with her years. And verily, it was no great wonder if Illona, now in her twenty-seventh year, had grown weary of the world. The plea- sures which to most girls are ladled out in spoonfuls she had drunk of in full draughts. Since her seventeenth year the queen in every ball-room, surrounded with suitors, led, orâ€"as she herself called itâ€" dragged in triumph from one fashionable watering-place to another, paraded in every Vienna. saloon, for ever dressed ae- cordlng to the newest fashion, admired. adored and envied on all sidesâ€"â€"what could the world still contain tor her that was new? There were moments in which 11- lona put the question to herself, and there were moments, too. in which she would have been almost ready to change places with her younger sister, who, being far less pretty, was also far less persecuted‘ Her early triumphs she had naturally enjoyed, but very soon this universal ad- miration which was, so to say, hurled at her head, had begun to stir disgust with- in her. It was several years now since the mo~ ment 01"(111‘1tt'ing a ball-room had become to her much pleasanter than that of set ting foot‘ Within it. The mere sight of a. camelia bouquet was an irritant, and as tor hot~hm1§e violets she found their scent unbearable. Nothing seemed capable of attracting her attention. With her beau- tiful, tire eyes she looked at all her suitors a ' “locked past them. It was a gaze which appeared to be always search- ing andknever ï¬nding, and which grow ever more“’tlred with the fruitless search. The poor Princess could not under- stand her daughter. Was Illona deter- mined aitout prix to remain an old maid? Was it {or this end that this self-sacriï¬c- ing mother had for ten whole years borne such huge fatigues? For this end that she had kept. so strict a lookout upon her daughter’s sta-ylaces, and had :actually achieveds the triumph of ‘hs‘m‘mg Illonaésl waist spoken of as the smallest in‘ Vi? arms? 4. . ‘ ' u’ntnu, Dunn:- These 'pathetic reflections were inter- rupted by the entrance of a. maid with a perfumed note. All three ladies gazed at it tug-astonis‘hment. L ‘ __. A-“ A “mun... 1;. un' "176313112353." {BEES}? ï¬ié'nï¬â€™t so fri- volous! And there was Count Stumfenspor -â€"his hair wasn‘t, dyed.â€_ va-.~' ...... .. . Illona, made no reply, but stared out 1!} meme through the streaming pane. She was not. unnke a. fair statue of ice as she leant. there, immovable, in her white draperies. lllona. was tall and. slender, with soft. brown ban, a. well- pmsed head and delicaté, clear-cub fea- tures. her complexion was of that, color- less sort whlch late hours and town-life are apt, to produce, but. in this case the dead-white tint did not lack a. charm of its own. The; ï¬nely‘ moulded lips g‘a‘msd With your millions of caprices it will come to that. I cannot. yet understand why you refused the Marquis Fleuretto.†"Because he dyes his hair, mamma, and I don’t want a painted husband. It might come of! when ihe’g kissing me. you knoy.f’ “Another of your caprices! But. you can’t say the same of his rich cousin. That man’s bouquets during the Carnival must have post. a formulaâ€. “Poisibly,†said Illona, quietly.“‘I know that greatly preferred his bouquets to himself.†- “But what objection had you to him?†hflwne, except that I didn’t. care for m.†V “But, an mom (in ceil! There is nothing in the wotjd that ypu care (or, claim. Kore-:“Bï¬'ewfxegï¬â€˜iaifuflg yaï¬ aboï¬t forâ€" how many years is it? I shudder at the tnquzhtj' "If Count Stumfenspor had had as many brains as he had horses. I might pos- sibly have taken him into consideration." "And Prince Schnappingen?" Illona. laughed a. little wearily. “Count Schuappingen was in love With my gold-bags. not, with me. and I don't want a, bought husband any more than a pgipt-ed_ one."_ . n,. 7.“ “In-Vibe winter it will be ten years singe my flrsp ball, ngamwrga.†",jA‘L; L‘ mnw u... u.“ ......, ._. ______ “Don't speak so loud. There might be people listening. Verily, ten years! And on the 50th of this month you will be -â€"" < “Twentyâ€"seven,†said lllona. "Twenty-seven! C'est terrible. Ten Car- nivals, ten summer-seasons, half of the Vmuna ariatrocracy at. your feet, and nothing moves you! Are you made of stone, Illona, or of ice?â€_ "Ostendl That means travelling over half Euroye in order to see the same 10910 that are to be met on the Vienna mgnrasse.†“And the lawn tennis suitsâ€"†"I never cared for lawn tennis.†"And the English yachting costumesâ€"3’ “Yachting always makes me sea-sick.†“But you are not sick the whole time; and think of the opportunities! The high eat, titles and the largest; fortunes are to be found on board of yachts. 0h, Illona, Illona, another summer will have passed and you__nre spillâ€"i "7.3,; '31d'"fna:{&," ï¬nished Illona, com- D‘Lflï¬dly; . 'Vfliï¬Eâ€"Iï¬rincess sank back in her chair wï¬pflq groan. "And to be brought up just. in this wretched hole of a place! And all your new toilettes for Baden-Baden lying in the boxes. And I had counted so much upon the Girondiste hats!" '7inékiéh-B'Aa'én"'x 7 always dreadfully monotonous." remarked Illona, stifling a yawn. 713d the Plage costumes for Qstende.†went, on the Princess, despondenfly. “The Frepch bgthiflg-dreases." Guarameed to conmn no morphine. opium or oihe Nation-l Drug and Chomioul Company of Can-4a. Limited. The Blue Croquet - Ball ; Why let that headache spoil your day‘s work or pleasure? Take Or, Illona’s Two >Escapes. 25c. a Box 23 your druggisi‘s. WES . opium or oiher poisonous drugs, by the 30 Ian-4|. Limited. . o o . Mound. “damn ‘:I have heard of this rose pavilion,’_’ sauj Illona. “The Duke told me about. it last wtnter.†'. ""1194 so did I." responded Count Ram- bert. “During the ootillon on Carnival Tuesday I gave you a. complete picture Ont/he Hirschmal pix-1:3. Sggely you must o a. " ‘ ‘ï¬i'vahe"‘co€illon'i music was too mid?" s gge’acbd Biron BtrQboI, showing himmvhm c mssflmmbleewgrm“, , “You must. ‘know_ that. ‘wegflulgrglï¬ur There» followed a. volley of apologies yon. Lhe\part'oi the ‘Princess. waved aside; bl. the amiable Duke to whom that. ledy’s‘no- torious nnpunctuality was nothing new. then a series of introductions, and finally, at the end of a. quarter of an hour 01‘ bowing and smiling, Illona found herself moving along one of the gravel walks in company of some dozen or so of her‘ new acquaintances. On one side of her“ walked Mimi‘Engelsbrecht. on the other; side,;the' Duke’s _~adjï¬tant, Count Ram- bert, with whom she had danced fre- qnen 1y,“ not only- during the~past Cairâ€"1 Inlva_~_~.~but; during; many pass Usrnivals.’ Count Rambert had the goldenest. and silkiest moustache, the bluest eyes and the whitest teeth that it would have been possible to imagine, and yet Illona. paid a very divided attention to the re- marks uttered by his flute-like voice. To the inexperienced Mimi it seemed utterly incomprehensible that such open adore.» tion should beso coolly received. The stragsly procession moved onwards, until-a l-the entrance to a fairydike Dar Vilion, u‘ilp‘ entirely of birche‘uema and. smothered rm climbing roses, a belt was made. _ . Luvnua; 5 gun, a»... .. ., t _ o'frwhe Hirgcm a1 park. Surely you must reflgmbér riï¬cess'ull‘lo 9' ‘ ‘ - my“; ,f'; , ,u x, T's} am: raiï¬ï¬l zfla‘fe mfgoig‘gn,†guild V “Ydu must. ‘kiiow that. ‘we’Eulen'bnrg'i‘ era are very proud of leschthal," put in Captain Kunmel. Just now Countess Ballaban comes sail- ing over the vast expanse of gravel which lies stretched before the doors of Hirsch- thal. For an inexperienced or diï¬ldent person the solemnitiea attending an ar- rival at Hirschthal were unquestionably trying. To step easily, and, if possible. gracefully over a stage, conscious the while that the eyes of earlier arrivals are following your movements with an any- thing but charitable closeness, to hit off the right moment for your curtsey, and last, but not least, to ï¬nd your way into your own legitimate group, where aim-e you will be in your proper place, all this constitutes an ordeal of which nervous or inexperienced Eulenburgers have been known to dream, more than one night in advance. An old gentleman was seen to jump out. an elderly lady followed him, and ï¬nally a tall, slender ï¬gure in pale pink. There could be no doubt that she was magni- ï¬cently built, but the features were not at once recognizable. Every step that brought her nearer more distinctly re- vealed the delicacy of tint. the softness of outline, and by the time she made her curtsey to the Duke there could be no more doubt remaining that, the cele- brated beauty was equal to her reputa- tion. ' - ' The carriages had almost ceased arriv- ing; every eligible Eulenburger was al- ready within the sacred precincts, and still these agonies? -â€" or was it de- lights â€" of expectation trailed on. The iced Macedoine had been dis- posed of, and the younger portion of the guests, giving up all hope, had left their chairs at the suggestion of a. stroll in the park, when once again carriage wheels were heard. Among the ladies th’ere were some who looked‘anxiously from their fresh toil- ettes to the thunder clouds over in the west. and from the thunder clouds back again to their toilettes, but. on the whole, it was a. quite passable sort of summer’s day for a. mountainous climate like Eu- lenburg. The group of bnght dresses under the trees was diversiï¬ed by dra- goon uniforms and by a. plentiful sprink- ling‘ of black, for it is needless to say that at this ducal garden-party all the non-military gentlemen were in full even- ing dress. - , _ .. . W, 7,†But Countess Ballaban was neither in- experienced nor nervous. The ï¬ne Hirsch- thal gravel had crunched several hundred times, at the very least, under her state- ly shoe soles. She always was very sure of her business, and appeared to-day to be even more so than usual. Scarcely had she reached the haven than she turned to her next. neighbor. and said, still somewhat breathlessly, for the day was hot: wu uu Auu1/A‘uyv “A - It took but a. few mina’EeE't; épread the news throughout all the groups. and. now all eyes turned, more or less furtwely, towards the entrance gate. The amiable, elderly gentleman, who bore the title of Duke of Hirschkron. was, if possible, more amiable than ever, while receivingxhis guests next. day in the gzmrdens 9f__his ggateau. “We are going to have an addition to our circle to-day." “Really? Who?†was eagerly inquirgd: "The Szentmers. They have been oblig- ed to interruptt their journey." ,3 LL- "'mona smiled a little inattentively. but her answer was the same as before. "As you like. mamma." "Perhaps [stay at home.†“No. that is impossible. But I shall have no time again for my letters, and then there is the long driveâ€"Don’t you think we had better telegraph to Vienna for your (ug- cloak?" 'Ma pauvre tete! That is true. But go we must. There is no chances for yOu. for of course there are no marriageable Eulenburgers, and the Duke's adjutant is in love with you already and you won't have him; but at least you can show a toilette. What will you wear. men on- taut?" “I don’t know, mamma." "Perhaps the new torchon dress with the Russian embrondery?†“As you like, momma.†“Or else the blue with the Mousque- taire hat. although it is almost too good for Eulenburg." “As you like, mamma." “No.~I have it! The pale pinkâ€"that is the dress for the occasion. Illona, you will wear the feuilles de roses ecrasees to-morrow, and of course the new corset de Paris.†“Aé you like, mamma, only it; will pro- bably reach us after the garden party is gver.†CHAPTER III.â€"â€"(Cont’d) goi_ng ye have an addition to CHAPTER III. When presently the. straggly procesnion moved on again. the temper of the Eulen- burger ladies still had no chance of im- proving. It. is true that all the gentlemen could not simultaneously walk beside the new beauty. but what consolation could be derived from this circumstance, seeing that their eyes and their attention alike remained ï¬xed upon that pink ï¬gure in advance? It. was not until the Thiergarten (pre- served shooting-ground) was reached that the company broke up into smaller groups and Illona. thus ceased to be the central objggt. rof attention. V“I hairieujlis‘t:‘Vférieï¬ï¬ergzi'ï¬lat we left the gate open,†said Count Rambert. and he hurried back to close it. “Ah, now it, has disappeared! But from that mound up there we shall be sure to see it. Aren’t you coming?" And Mimi, in her anxiety not. to miss the deer, too§__to rqnning. LEADING PAPERS DISPLAY THE DANGER SIGNAL AGAINST ALUM. IN FOOD. Thousands have no doubt read the commendable articles recently ap- pearing in some o£ the leading American and Canadian papers on the use of alum in baking. Until the Dominion Government follows the lead of England, France and Germany and prohibits the use of alum in foods, there is but one safeâ€" guard against alum, and that is to buy only \ a, bakingâ€"powder which has the ingredients plainly stated on the label. "Oh. lbokfihat was a. deer!" cried Mimi Enzelsbrecht, excitedly. “Did you not see it?__ Irheretbetween the trees!" Illbna follorwredrinugï¬ more slowly. She felt no curiosity about the deer, but. Mi- mi’s childish interest. did, [after all, in- Yes, all except one, but this one be- longed to nobody in particular. It was the same young man who had played so passive a part the other day in the Cur- garten. He alone had not, approached Illona. The celebrated beauty seemed to have made no impression whatever upon him. The exception was conspicuous enough to attract; Illona’s attention. A faint curiosity stirred within her; she wanted to know why this one man dis- regarded her so completely. However in- different she might be to the universal admiration lllona was not used to being passed over in this way, and she found that: she did not. like it. “Whatv at}, 90x1" til-{11kâ€"6§~'f12>}u?’;w€viï¬Â§ï¬er- ed Lili‘E}}_gelsbrecht.~of Emmy Bosen. “v “Her hat is de icious!†sighed Baroness Lebra, who was feeling too pensive even to giggle, “I wonder if I could manage to_ pop] _it?†“And I wonder whether it would suit you as well as it does her," retorted Lili, a trifle sharply. Strangely enough a. slight feeling of irritation seemed to have tap/{ung- up. among the ladies. â€" “Oh. -those mrén!’u’V murmured Baroness %e1b?ra.. “Have they all proved unfaith- ur †She was certainly worth looking at as she stood there in the deep tree shade. Her wide straw hat set, off her face to advantage. At the ï¬rst glance her dress appeared to savor of an almost \childlike simplicity; but the artlessness was in re- ality nothing but higher development of art. Princess Szentmer knew very well that the untrimmed skirt of pink jacoâ€" nat would serve to show off Illona’s per- fect build far better than more intricate draperies could have done. The belt. and broad silk sash might have been pro- nounced suitable for a. child of six years. and yet, each fold and each turn of the ribbon had been closely studied and care- fully adquted by _ther Prineess herself. .w .. , .. “Lovely!†answered the good-natured Fanny, but she said it somewhat sorrow- fully, for her cousin Fritz Strobl formed om: of the cirgle around Illona. “It “is ‘étranééw vVï¬htmvï¬Ã©Wnesa d092," pllilgsoplgised Fanny. "I WOEHOI'VWSilâ€"e‘ EiflméEaIâ€"Ih‘wing'ing laced soilighy,†rgmqued Mimi. Illoï¬a, stood now surrounded by men. and on every face admiration was more orï¬less plalnly rwrritten. 7"Anrd thewï¬iï¬iévgives splendid dinners," said the fat lieutenant. “You W111 enjoy they), 110 >dolxbt, in autumn." V "No, I shall certainly not enjoy them.†replied Illona. “In autumn we shall pro- bably be at the other end of Europe. You forget that we are only on the way 13111911311." “Hugely proud,†emphasized the ju- venile lieutenant. ea to each Province. These prizes’ will ’be divided“ into tour groups, consisting of: PRIZE “Aâ€â€"â€"$100.00 to be given “the farmer in each. Province who wili use during 1911 the b r-reil of “CANADA†Cement. PRIZE“ -â€"$100.00 to be 3i.“ to the farmer in each Province who nus “CANADA†‘ men: for the greatest number of purposes. . PRIZE .“0â€â€" . 100.00 to be given to the urnishel u with the photograph showing the best of any ' ‘ "kind of work done on his farm during 1911 with “CANADA†Cement. PRIZE “Dâ€â€" agnoo to be given to the farmer in each roviuce who submit; the but and most complete ducription of how my p,“- ticuiu. piece of w :1: __(ehown by photograph sent inc) w}: done. L ,_ eligible. Therefore» do not ' b from enter- ggeetest number of - i. n farmer in each Province who . for not. Every farmer in Coneda is ,3 _ I H dress thereto and mail -“"ï¬â€œy teeiimr that . ' As a matter of fact, your success in this con. test will depend to a great extent on your cuequ reading 0: our ISO-page book, "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete." In this boob-sent (no on request to any farmer, full instructions no givenai to the uses of concrete, and plans for e'very‘kind of farm buildings and farm utility. V You’ll see the needvof thin book, whethei‘ you are going to try for 2. prize If you have not got your copy yet, write tor r'it to-night. Simply cut off the attached cou- ponâ€"or a postcard will do- vpign your name and ad- it to-rnight. A Priben miss? M26 06‘ Canada; (ï¬nals Confeth Company, Limited EAID the conditions R of the (Prize Con- test we are con- ducting for the farm- ers of Canada.rv $400.00 in prizes will ï¬eaward- $3.931) terest her a little. How long was it since she had felt. so harmless, and spontane- ous an emotion? 0h, surely very long, and Illona. walked on meditatively‘ under the trees. It was not till several minutes had passed that she discovered how com- pletely she had lost sight of Mimi. Nei- ther were any other members of the com- pany visible. But after all, what matter was that? Either she would overtake Mimi within the next. few minutes or else Cguut, Ramhert wgurldi overtake her. It was "33 ‘Bééuï¬â€˜tï¬i'héié "1'2? "thiEï¬'istant portion of the park that even the world- weary Illona could not resist, the magic in Cash Prizes for Farmers Sugar is one of the best. and most widely used foods. Would you risk your health for flu: sake of a few cents on a. hundred pounds of sugar? Buy only Its Purity and Quality cannot be questioned Compare it with any other and note the difference in color. When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps .on in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. CORPORATION-LIMITED The Canada Sugar Refining 00., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited TORONTO .1 MONTREAL . LONDON.EHG. BONDS the security in which your money is ‘ now invested? Haw you some Bonds secured by ï¬rst mortgage as well as preferred and common stocks? And is your average of income on these investments as good as it should be? Of the Government, Municipal, Cor- poration and Industrial Bond issues of~ fared by this organizationâ€"safety of principal is the fundamental considera- tionâ€"while we endeavor always to select or aid in the selection of a secur- ity best adapted to special needs and giving the best obtainable income return. Ask us to submit a list of Bonds for your approval. Dommnf SECURITIES EXTRA GRANULA TED SUGAR HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR ï¬re you “satisfied with the quality of you would have. little W chance against your neighbor. For remem- ber, Prizes "C" and "D" have no bearing . » 'whatever _upon the quantity of cement used. Estaylished in I854 by John Redpath PARIS LUMPSS of the forest. Brilliantly green scraps of] meadow-land contrasted vividly with the: da-rk tree-shade. The midsummer flowers’ were in full bloom; thick moss spread carpet under Illona’s feet, while here andl there an opening in the trees afforded a’ glimpse of the yet wider depths of the_ woods. With every step the forest seemed to be growing more entrancing, but also: darker. : “Can the dusk have fallen so soon?“ thought Illona standing still at last under’ a. giant pine-tree. (To be continued.)