Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Nov 1911, p. 6

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Herr von Berningen seemed. however. not immediately to grasp the situation. He stood immovable, intently gazing upwards, for Illona, poised on the point of rock. stood there like some wonderful silhou- ette. sharply outlined against, the sky. The perfecrt figure, the grace of attitude-- all gained a. new value seen thus from a distance. , Then came the moment in which the count so unexpectedly sank'upon his knees. and this sight it was that rudely agakoned Herr von Berningen (run his dreams. The blood shot. to his temples; he realized suddenly that he had no right to be here. If those two up there had not. been so deeply engrossed with their own thoughts they could not'have failed to notice his vicinity. They might notice it yet, any moment and what else could they think but that he had come here to spy upon them? Count Rambert was only just safely landed on his knees when Herr von Ber- ninzen had alzjeva turned hastily round, and was seeking, as- fast. as he could, to retrace his stops along the slippery path which he hard till now _been follqwing. All this took but a couple of seconds to dart through his head. But he did not get far. At the same moment. a sharp cry rang out behind him. followed immediately by a violent plunge in the water. Once again he faced about. and, with a fearful presenvtimem, looked “E‘Yu‘lfi- " “She is in danger of death and I am rgoing to save her, I can save her with 'God’s help. It is I who will save her, not that yellow-haired puppet up there." The poor Count still knelt as though otrified, and with wide open eyes and a ace of deadly pallor stared down at 11- lona's straw hat as it rocked gently to and fro upon the water. Then, all at once, something brown pop- ped up upon the green surface, at some distance from the shore. and at the same moment Herr von Berningen had swung himself from oil“ the rock, and almost without a sound, had glided into the water. Very soon he had reached her, for his light summer coat scarcely hinder- ed. his movements. Illona had lost con- sciousness during the fall. so that for- tunately there were none of those des- perate movements of the arms, which gen- erally double the difficulty of the rescu- er’s task. The Count still knelt on the same spot. and still held his hands stretched outâ€" but towards what? It was the empty air alone which he. was seeking to embrace, for the spot where Illona had stood. but a minute ago, was empty. Down there, the green water still foamed and zurgled, andk lapped uneasily against the wall of too . It was not dimcult to understand what had happened; and under the influence of so immediate a danger Herr von Bernin- gen’s calmness returned. His ideas ranged themselves, his peculiarly cool habit of thought asserted itself. It was for this reason, too. that he did not immediately fling himself into the water, for he had rapidly concluded that in order to catch the first glimpse of that vanished figure. heought rather to occupy a higher po- sltion. Mounting upon a stone he waited, under a. terrible tension of nerves, though to all appearance unmoved. for the re- a pesrence of Illona. he {all had been high and the water was deep. The pause of forced inaction lasted. therefore, an appreciable time. which in reality was not more than about twenty seconds, though these seemed end- less. Strangely enough, the feeling which ulckened the young man’s heartbeats dur- ug these fearful seconds was not so ’much a, feeling of fear, as one or triumph. he was sure of his strength and of his agili- ty. for from his childhood upwards he had few rivals in everything that came within the scope of physical exercise, and now he said to himself: Seeing her thus immovable a nameless fear seized upon the young man. He had sav'ed her from drowningâ€"but there on her white temple*what was that dark blue stain? It could only be that, she had struck against, some point of rock in her fall. “No, no, it cannot be," he told him- self, “she cannot be dead; but. how am I to revive her?" He cast an inquiring glance around him and perceived that Count Rambert was climbing down the rocks towards him. A few more minutes, and she was lying ,on the shore, white as death and with closed eyes. Her long brown hair had lost its hold. and wound about her neck and arms like some clinging water plqnt. “Callwé'omebodyvfetch some help!” he called out. “But quick, quick; I cannot bljjpg her: back 30 consciousness." ... .- ' The unhappy Count would have prefer red to lend what assistance he could in the work of reviving Iliona, but the 9ther's imperious tone did not fail to do nts Work. Without a. word of protest he did as he was bid. And thus it. came about that the com- pany peacefully seated around the impro- vise table of rock, and on the very point of distributing the cold capon, was start/- led by the sudden appearance of the half distracted. Count. His hat had fallen from his head. his face was still of a ghastly L‘iLUOI‘, and his golden hair stood up upon his forehead about as straight as the fea- thers of a. newly fledged chicken. “In Heaven’s name what has happened?" cried Countess Engelsbi'echt, springing to her feet with a lightness of movement which nothing short of a. crisis was cap- ableflof calling for'gh. . .. .1, "Lilia cannot bring her back to conscious :gess,” he stammered at last with an e_f« ort. "He? Who? Illona unconscious?" shriek- the Princess. A':She_must_have £51}qu over . 'screamed the girls, thless. 1””: Ln“... 4A .m" .r ~ 7 r The poor Princess had begun to cry without. waiting to hear the news. All the gentlemen were still pressing round the Count, who still struggled for words, without succeeding in being coher- ent. a precmlce. Oh, those insupportable A1- peurosen! I said all along that something would happen. Why doesn‘t somebody force the man go speakP‘Z' H ‘ N "it: was into tie Water? said the Count rehxp‘tanfihn eo much befier then ordinery physics. While thoroughly effective, they never gripe, purge orpnusennusel. and never lose melt effectiveness, One 0! the best of the NA-DRU-Cohline. That ts ten times worse? she is certain 25¢. a 5:1: 'if‘ yVoGrV-égfigglst has no‘ yet stocked them, send 25c. and we will mtil them. . ’ I 2 NM ind Handed Company of Candi. limited. 7- o - Manual. The Blue Croquet - Ball ; CHAPTER VII. , Illona’s Two Escapes”. to catch her death of_ c0111.. manna-fl: [u uqu uvl uumuu u; vre tete! What am I to do?" And the Princess dashed off. blinded with tears. stumbling at every'step, and without any idea of whelje ghe was to 1001}. for‘Illgna. Aucn v1 "uvnu Iii-v u... -v .--__ The rest of the company followed. Even the fat lieutenant tore himself away from the capon‘s wing which he had been about to discuss. and ran over rocks with his napkin tucked under his chin. The next few hours were passed in fear- and excitement. It was long before Illona slowly opened her eyes and threw :1 won- dering glance around her. Even then per- fect consciousness did not return; an ex- nresslon of astonishment, remained on her face, and she made no attempt to speak. not even when with many urecm‘ltious she was raised. from the ground and carried to the beam. The most urgent nevuss‘ly, obviously. was to reach the nearest. pea- Sam-hut. Fortunart-ely Cbunt Humbert still poa- seesed autflcient presence of mind to act as guide, and to find again the spot where Illona still lay unconscious on the shore. With one fell swoop the company; good saints had been dashed to the ground. The baskets which had been unpacked so def'cly and amid so many playful smiles and innocent giggles. were now gathered together anyhow, by some startled looking men, while the sobbing Princess and Coun- tess Enzelsbrecht took their places in the boat in which Illona had been laid. "I don’t in the least comprehend how the thing took place," said Captain Kym-n91 to the juvenile Aimheuam, while both gentlemen with military rnergy were ram- ming glasses and mates into a basket. “How did she tumble in?” “Yes, and who pulled her out?" “It is not difilcult to guess who pulled her out,” laughed the bansam. ‘ A glance M, that. dripping retriever down there ought to be suificient answer. The Captain indicated Herr Von Bernin- gen who, with his hands in his pockets, was standing at some little distance. and about, Whom-besides his extreme mz-xst- nessâ€"‘there was nothing specid‘y to be obiserved. except that he baked rather pa 6. "But how he happened to be there at all,” added the, Captain. "is What beats me. .At the momem that we turned back there was no more trace of Berninzen anywhere than there was a fiery-headed dragon. Perhaps Rambert can clear up matters a. 1mm? But that, was just what Rambert could not. or would not do. In reply to all quea- biona he appeared to be capable of no more definite action than sorrowfully to shake his head. 'For the rest the ex re5~ sion of his countenance would have can enough to soften a heart of stone. The poor wretch knew that his part was play- ed out, and than; Illona who for one ec- static moment had appeared to be almost within his grasp, was now lost to him for ever.‘ 7 “u u Illona had been taken to a. solitary house on the edge of the lake. Only half- conscious she was here laid on the pri- mitive bed, and remained thus for long with closed eyelids, while her mother and the good-natured Countess Engelsbrecht held watch heside her. “w... u... v“ ~~_ _ (o The hours dragged on slowly; afternoon was waning into evening and still Illona scarcely moved. The doctor who had been sent for had not arrived. At. last Coun- tess Engelsbrocht rose softly and left the room in order to look after her own daughters. Illou'a and her mother were alone. nu uw Now at length the heavy white. eyelids were raised and 111mm looked long at her mother, then stretched out her hand and whispered: “Why am I lying here, Mammal?” The Princess’s tears had flowed. continu‘ ally since the first moment of fright, and her voice was still muffled with Bobs as she _replied: ' . . Ln Am 1L_ _-,1_ :uu . Vy..m.~ “Ah, mon enfant, you fell off the rock into the water." "Off the rock?” repeated Illona siowly. “Yes, I remember nowâ€"Ehe Alpenrosen and Coupt Rambert~dt is all. coming back n » . . . .A,‘ 1__ “WA”; ......h1 WEN... She closed her eyes and lay silent again for a while; "So it was the water I fell into? It seemed to me like an endless precipice. But whoâ€"who saved me?" “That. kind next you Befngqgenurlt was uuu uuu "nu u; “That. kind Her von Berningen. It was really very oblinging of him to swim after you. I shall make your father give him something handsome; perhaps a set of diamondrstudgz” - - r a”. shun" U1 uLa/LuUuu Dhuuu. Illona said nothing, but on her deadly pale face the first. faint streak of color showed itself. A long time passed in silence, but when she spoke again her voice regained strength. ' "Why are you crying, Mamma? Don't you know that I am saved?” “Yes, and saved from such a terrible danger!" sobbed the excited Princess. “That awful rock! That awful water!" “No, it is not the rock,” Illona dreamlly replied. “The danger was quite differ- ent." we in my um. The Princess obviously believed that was the delirium beginning, for she gravely shook her head, and certainly there could be no doubt that Illona’s eyes were fev- eris‘hly bright, and that a burning red shone on her cheeks. “Keep quiet, mon enfant," she implored in growing agitation. “Don’t talk so much, you are overrmting your strength. Keep quiet, and thank God that you are saved." "01]. yes. I am saved, saved from two dangers. How hapnv I am that I have not got to die. I am only beginning to live. How foolish I was when I’sald the world was tiresome, it has never been so beautiful as to-day.:' ur‘ L- ~_.:Asl 1 Deallullu nu uu-uau. ‘ ‘Illona, an nom (111 0181, be qmet! I don’t understand you at all. I have never see}; yo}; so excited ” ... . 7,,_A AL H "AAA nccu J m V..~._ . “Yes,ui"willlvge quiet. quite quiet,” arrid Illona. with a happy smile, and sighed. a no less ha,pr “sigh from the bottom 61 her heart. , The evening sun poured in through the little square window. glorifying the bum- ble room. Outside a. light breeze bummed m the crowns of the pine treat. thh. a far 01? dreamy sound. 0n the whrte- gashed wall a. rustic clock ticked on stead- Y- ' “Do you feel unwell?" she began ten- tatively. “No. Mamma. I feel very well." ‘ “And don‘t. you think that it is a good ideaabout the diamond studs?” "’I, thought you were“ only joking." "Not in the least. I was speaking per- fectly seriously. The poor young man has probably got no fortune. and a thing of that sort will be of use. to him all his life. One is bound to show oneself grate- ful, you know. and what just reminds me that I have not said a word to him. Your gratitude must be expressed to hing at the very earliest opportunity. that 15 more urgent than anytllipg else." 1.110113, was silent for so long that the Princess’s alarm took a fresh turn. induc- inw_hel‘ to Ije-gpen conggrsaytioq. “No. not a word from me, do you hear. Mummy, not. a word.” Said Illona, vehe' memly, and turned her face to the wall. “But Illoua, can you be so ungrateful?" “I cannot thank him to-day, perhaps sogge o_th_er timeâ€"perhaps neyer_.” The Princess was prevented from an- swering by the arrival of the doctor. At sight of Illoua’s burning cheeks he looked grave, and his first words prescribed that most unartt-ainablo of all medicines “ab. solute qn-ie't.” “1-133: iYnâ€"Ipelliate removal to Eulenburg was likewme recommended. since care and mgnfort would be much reqpired._ .It was late that night. when the invan [id at length reached the Hotel Ameri- que, and she fell immediately lnto an exhausted sleep. But the consequences of the accident were not to be so lightly s’haken 03‘. On the following day a. nerv- ous fever declared itself. a slight concus» slon of the brain had taken place, and for several days Illona. hung between life and death. The Hotel Amerique was daily and at all hours besieged by inquiries, for all Eulenburg sympathized with the poor distracted Princess. Lili and Mimi En- gelsbrecht trembled as though the life of a. sister was in the'question, and even Baroness Lebra forgot how often her ad- mirers had deserted her, for Illona’g sage. The uncertainty lasted for a. week. The day of the crisis came at last, and soon after the news was first whispered and proolaimedâ€"Illona was out of all danger. CHAPTER, V111. There was to be a croquet-party at the Enzelsbrechbs, for, in this part of the world, croquet is still nlayed, and played, too, with a splendid indifference to the constitution of the soil. If you have a. flat piece of ground to play it on, so much the better; if not you will find that a little practice will soon teach you the knack of hitting hard uphill and tapping gently downhill. Fastidious people some- times have the grass cut, but the gen- eral run of players are quite indifferent to isuch_ petty details. wwup. A crisp September day smiled benign- antly upon the little entertainment, which for at least a. week had been looked for- ward to by all Eulenburg. Several weeks had passed since the day on which Illona. had fallen from the rock. To-duy. for the first time since her illnese. she was to reappear in societyâ€"for the first, but also for the last time, for the day of depar- ture from Eulenburgl was at length irre- vocably fixed. Her appearance was'looked for now with a certain touch of exciteâ€" ment, very much as it had been looked for at Hirschthal, when the Eulenburgera had had their first glimpse of her. Everyone felt honestly glad of the pres- pect of seeing her againâ€"for the cele- brated beauty who for three months had been ‘on the way through,‘ had gained a. corner of almost every heart. but the pleasure to-day was not unmixed with curiosity. It would be so interesting to know whether her illness had changed herâ€"perhaps even aged her~Such cases were, after all._not uncommon; And then. _-. ALh“+ were, quA' nu, uuu «nu/unuuv.” .0... w" might not a close observer detect about her some sign‘ of depression or disappoint- ment, which of course could easily be brought i, to conneot-ion with the sudden departuro}f Count Rambert. who immedi- ately afte the Sternensee picnic had left Eulenburg on a three months’ lea-ye? “If only Illona does not find the au- tumn air too cool and end by not coming." said Lili Engelsbreeht, who, together with her sister and one or two of the early arrivals, was employed in placing the hoops. ‘ "Illona will not, find that," replied Minn "but her mother is the danger. Herr Von Berningen why are you not helping me with the iloops?”_ - ‘ 7v_.__ _.,‘.. DA», The Engelabrechts' croquet-ground was something between a field and an orchard â€"spangled with autumn crocuses and fur- nished with apple-trees, whose broad stemu formed, on occasion. excessively conveni- gn’il shelters from the attacks of inimical a s. “I beg your pardon.” said Herr von Ber- ningen, awaking with a slight. start out of something that looked suspiciously like t} day-_dream, and seizing upon half-aw aozéiiu hoops. RANGE“, TEE FALL. nvu wall ""0 _. --___._ , Direct From The Largest Malleable Range Works In Canada F u want to save from $25 tn $30, and at the same time get the most satisfactory kitchen image made, write I or our Catalogue and look into the merits of the “DOMINION PRIDE,” at from $41 to $49. If we sold you identically the same range in the usual way, through a d'euler, you would ha e to pay from $69 to $78 for it. You would be paying two extra profits-to wholesaler and retailerâ€"which w uld add $25 to $30 to the cost of your range, but absolutely nothing to W - - 1ts value. - banadâ€"gâ€"li’lalleable &_ ngel nggiMfg‘ 'mm FALL. %,Wfi\m\\\\\§finwn mm FREIGHT You Can Buy “DOMINIONilfgIIfiZ” RANEE ‘1“ Factory Price _, 7 __ .â€" .. _ rguugfln Wu writinz it Mama? mfifiéimmmm "They don’t need to be in a straight. line, do they? For. if so, I should have first to cut down a. few of mega angleltgq'esfl “Do you know, Mimi,” said Lili, still following her own train of thought. "I am almost sure that the Princess won’t let her come. Just now. before the jour- ne_y_, ghe has johe bes§_ excusq."_ _ "Before the journey,” repeated Herr von Berningen, speaking rather quicker than was his wont. “It is really settled that the_ Szentngerrs are» going to legvp?" ,” laughed Baron Strobl. with a. flash of. his white ’teeth, "a box can be unpacked, and a. day can be unfixed. The Szentmers have started so often in theory that. I begin to disbelieve its ever turning into Dractice.” \ . “And yet you will'have to believe thls time,” sighed Mimi. “The Princess de< clares that she has nowhere had so many misfortunes as at, Eulenburg. and now that both her daughters are transportable she is determined not to let. slip the op- portunity for flight, for she says who knows what new misfortune may be lylpg in wait for her if she tempts fate by 1111- gering herelqnger.” _ viii-revocany settle-:1. 13a; aid hour are fixed. the coupe has been reserved: I be- lieye {shag even the hoxeg a_re illegal.” """fifiéif stBR'EéiFWehBe’sday at two o'clock.” "An?! which {Effx'e day fixed for the de- mszre?" asked IIerr_vo_n Bgrninggn.‘ “3533; four days more." he said to him- self. .and put. in the next hoop so badly that it had to be immediately_ gagtgjactpd‘. "Your fears were groundless, Lill,’ cried Mimi suddenly. "There comes 11101141., in spite of the September air, but, of course her Mammn. has smotheredyher in furl” Everybody pressed forward to greet the convalescent. Illona came somewhat slowly along the grave] oath. No doubt the heavy fur cloak in which her mother had insisted on wrapping her. was a hm- drance to rapid walking. Light, as fea- thers the snow-white fur lay in a. cape on her shoulders. while a band of the NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, umngp As a rule ion; clients get the benefit of all the "certainties" we control; Today we are making use of “An Absolute Certainty" ‘for the purpose of extending Our clientelegHere'e the proposition in a. nutshellâ€"â€" ' -a 7% prom-sharing preference steak on much dlvldende are paid Moe a yearâ€"a eteek Issued by n concern with e reeerd 7%- “EMPERZVO we guarantee 7% on this investment. We are prwticdly certain that this stock will pay higher profits. It's the beat industrial stock, at par, on the market. will be a distinct favor to Furthermore. to guarantu to buy It back at par, plus 1% . In am you tram data or lnvntmont. It desirud. wm. at once to, ’ Cont-duration L". Ildlu. T0 RON T0 303 Bond 01' Trade Ildflq MONTREAL Sugar is one of the hast, and most widely used foods. Would you risk you health for :he sake of a few cents on a. hundred pound: of sugar? Buy only - Its Purity and Quality cannot. be questioned Compare it with any other and note the difference in color. ,1 When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Parls Lumps gold RED SEAL dust. proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining 00., - MONTREAL, CANADA. :4de 3T5; ‘3};5'wsu-ccuflul and progressive 'bus‘lnm upon-no.4 concern It pnunt controlling Natural nuourocs’uh'lch are Bound to doublo flu yaluo ol‘ lts'ucurlllu baton long.» - ' » AL: vsuuu. Besides coating much less than other ranges in its clue, the "DOMINION PRIDE” is much more satisfactory. It is made of to“. strong. malleable iron and the bent laluo poll-heel stoolâ€"Mateflfls Which wil not warp, cruel! or break. I The “shed steel does not need buckingâ€"simply rub it nver wlth n cloth. W t‘h its cold rolled steel plate ovenâ€"section :1 erIl fire-box llnlng; with air chambersâ€"dud double-walled flue; lined with asbestosâ€"the "DOMINION PRIDE" is the most economic-1 range you can Actual tests hlave proved that it avg. over 301; of fuel, burning cit ex wood or co: . A “DOMHIXON PRIDE" tank or flush reservoir, with blue polished steel pipe and in Ontario, Quebec 0: the Mar}! A “DOMHIXON PRIDE" Range, with high‘dosek Ihelfund elevated tank or flush reservoir, with zinc sheet to go under range, I sections blue polished steel pipe and two elbows. will be delivered to any union in Ontario, Quebec or the Maritime Provinces (or 34!. or to any station in the four Western Province; for $49-45 to be Sent yith order tnd balance to be paid when the Range is dellvcrcd at your sullen. 11 ac: “madam to puy cub we will manage to nee-pt your nuke. EXTRA GRANULA TED SUGAR And a Share in the Profits HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR Established in I854 b! w; you will mention this war. PARIS LUMPS WE PAY THE FREIGHT Co., Limited, Oshawa, £113: 10;; :;;hxfmig;a;a.._ "Yes, he is changed.” was the :rel‘lec-.l tiou of more than one member of the: company, as Illona slowly drew nearer.l Her whole appearance bore the stamp of something new. but she was 'not areas-4. lndeed it. would be truer to say that with-' m these last weeks she had Brown younzo, er. A tender pink shone upon her usuallyl so colorless cheeks. and from her eyes; every trans of world-wearinese had van- lshed. They looked about them with a: sort of joyful surprise. as though ham lng only now discovered all that the world has to show. Soon she was surrounded by the girls: Questions and answers followed each other rapidly; congratulations on her .re-‘ covery and condolences on her impendmm deniartfnre streamed _in_ from all sides.' spmg costly: _trimming formed the edze of “771.513 quite settledâ€"What you Vaiéwgoing 2p Wednesday?" was asked for the fiftieth xme. 'Quiw aettlnd,” said Illona. and as she' said it. her eyes met those of Herr vonI‘ Berninzen,, who stood a. little apart, and, showed no sign of wiehin to draw near.) er. The situation remin ed her of that first. day at. Hirschthal. There also she .had been the centre of a circle. and only1 Hen- von Berninzen had kept apart. On: that day she had felt nothing but a faint; 1y indignant surprise at. finding herself thus disregarded, but. to-day she was conscious of a sharp pan]: _9f_paiu._ “But. it is my own fault." she said to herself, "I have never even thanked him." "The hoops are all in.” called out. Lm; “now for the distribution of the playersl'o (To be oontinued.’ A girl usually thinks that her voice harmonizes with the pianoâ€"« and the chances are that the piana needs tuning, Jghn Rodin“!

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