Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Nov 1911, p. 7

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Adjacent to the ruins of that his- toric monument "Old Fort Garry," memorable in the early history cf Canada’s now Western metropolis is being erected “The Fort Garry.” truly representative of greater “in- nipeg-21." magnificent edifice â€"« to rank with the world’s finest; hotels, embodying in its construction the most advanced, scientific and archi- tectural ideals. Located in the very heart of the city, to which all lines of traflic converge, it is readily ac- cessible to the railroads and elec- tric car lines and Within a radius of “THE FORT GARRY” HOTEL, WINNII’EG. “The Fort Garry” to be conâ€" structed by the Grand Trunk Paci- fic will be built of the finest of Ca.~ nadian granite and buff lime stone, in the style of the old French Chateaux of Normandy and Four. nine and will rear its stately heights to fourteen stories. The building is to have approximately three hun- dred and fifty sleeping chambers and will be richly furnished in faultâ€" less taste. All its bedrooms are to a. few minutes’ walk will place one among the largest and most pu- tentious of the great stores in the center of the shopping districts, or enable one to reach the great: new terminal station of the Grand Trunk Pacific. ‘ Eev. Dr. Workman was awarded by Mr. Justice Weir $3,500 damages "be equipped with every approved modern appointment. "Nothing that would in any way contribute to the comfort and welfare of its guests has been overlooked in the pre- paration of the plans and interior arrangements. 1 Sir Max Ai-tken is reported to be directing a merger of the several 32.. Lawrence power companies into n hundredâ€"mi}lion-dollar combina- The main “entrance of the hotel faces on Winnipeg’s most beautiful thoroughfare, “Broadway,” and opens upon a. spacious and imposing rotunda, which will suggest in its decoration and refinement the cheer and comfort provided within its walls, and from which one may en.- ter the spacious dining, tea, rooms $5: The Rayb Lamp is an insurance against eye troubles, alike for young and Old. ~WMM¢3 The Rayo is a low-priced lamp, but i_t is constructed on the soundest scientific principles, and there is not a better lamp made at any price. .It is easy on the eye because Its light‘is so soft and white and widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never flickers. ____ .- .1--- -«A “mini: E'asily lighted without removing shade or chim Solid brass throughout, with handsome nickel finish; a] Ask yun' dale! to show you his line of Raye lamps; __.V__V to any agency 0 ' l The Quéén City Oil Company, Limited .--_-.r , shade or chimney: easy to clean and rewick. nickel finish; also in many other’stylcs and finishes. and cafe. The bentral feature of the main'floor is the circular. tea room of impressive andbeautiful design, unbroken by column, loft-y in heighth, and finely lighted by broad windows and circular .domed ceiling. The ball -room, banquet hall and foyer have been located on the sev- enth floor. These rooms are of the richest of the public rooms, and have been so arranged with separâ€" ate kitchen service, reception and dressing rooms, so as to in no’way intei‘fere with the privileges of the guests of the hotel. The ball room is designed in the Louis Quartorize period, and will be beyond all quen- tion one of the most strik'ng of its kind in Canada. The building, as a, whole, will form a fine example of what mudâ€" ern science can do in the euminw tion of fire risk. Every girder, beam and rafter is to‘be of nonâ€"expansive steel, every partition of terra cotta, every floor. of marble tile or ce- ment, and the stairways of iron. It is to be absolutely fireproof, and while every precaption has been taken to insure absolute protection to life and property, an equal mea- sure of attention has been devoted to its sanitation and the safeguard- ing of health. The bathrooms are to be models of sanitation and simplicity and are to be equipped with porcelain fit- tings and finished in exquisite tile work. They are of comfort-ane size, and so placed as to be in direct communication with every bed- chamber in the hotel. There is not to be a dark or unin- viting chamber in the entire build- ing, and'comfort and spaciousness have not been sacrificed to. secure a maximum of accommodation. Large closets have been provided in every bedchamber, and in the suites there are'commodious clothes presses equipped throughout with every modern device. against the Board of Governors of the Wesleyan Theological College for dismissal from his professorship on alleged grounds of heterodoxy. A rivetor named Lougheed was severely injured at Belleville by the barrel of an air gun blowing off. or write for descriptive circuht 50,000,000 Bushels of Grain Still Unthreshed in Northwest. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Further details of the North-West Grain Dealers’ Association report on the crop situation tend to make the outlook not only foi‘ this year, but also for next year, anything but bright. The report says that only 70 per cent. of the grain has yet been threshed, and about 50,000.000 bushels (estimated) remain in‘the stack with no immediate prospect of seeing a separator. The setting in of a thaw would almost ruin it, or at least reduce it several grades. The report is not hopeful of the grain threshed, saying that 60 per cent. of it is four or under. Of the 50,000000 bushels remaining in the West, half will be needed for seed and feed. The prospect is darkenâ€" ed by the announcement that very little Fall plowing has been done, owing to the sudden setting in of Winter, and that means delay in the Spring. Over Six Thousand Deaths Were Recorded Last Week. A despatch from London says: Latest reports from Bombay tell of serious plague conditions. The last weekly report accounts for 6,667 deaths from the plague throughout India, 4,700 of which were'in fihe Presidency of Bombay itself. Re- ports from all the southern districts indicate that the plague is increas- ing rapidly. As Dangerous as the Tobacco or ' Whiskey Heart. “Coffee heart” is common to many coffee users and is liable to send the owner to his or her long home if the drug is persisted in. You can run 30 or 40 yards and find out if your heart is troubled. A lady who was once a victim of the “cof~ fee heart” writes from; Oregon: “I have been a, habitual user of coffee all my life and have sufiered very much in recent years from ail- ments which I became satisfied were directly due to the poison in the beverage, such as torpid liver and indigestion, which in turn made'my‘ cumplexion b10tchy_ and muddy. 'v ‘ “Then my heart became afiected. It would beat most rapidly just after I drank my coffee, and go be‘ low normal as the coffee effect were off. Sometimes my pulse would go as high as 137 beats to the minute. My family were greatly alarmed at my condition and at last mother persuaded me to begin the use of Postum. “I gave up coffee entirely and" absolutely, and made Postum my sole table beverage. This was 6 months ago, and all my ills, the m- digestion, inactive liver and rickety heart action, have passed away. and my complexion has become clear and natural. The improvement set in very soon after I made the change, just as soo‘n as the coffee poison had time to work out of my system. Eve}: iead the abové letter? K new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true and full of human Interest. “My husband has also been greatly benefited by the use of Pos- tum, and we find that a simple breakfast with Postum, is as satisfyâ€" ing and more strengthening than the old heavier meal we used to have with coffee.’ ’ WNéLme given by Postum 00., Bat- tle Creek, Mich. “There’s a reason,” and it is ex- plained in the little book, “The Road to WeI-lville,’f in pkgs. Payment by Federal Government Will Increase Next Year. A despatch from Toronto says: Ontario’s subsidy from the Federal Government will be increased by $270,000 as a result of the growth of population shown by the recent cen- sus. As the population noWexceeds 2,500,000, however, the rate of pay- ment will be reduced from 80 cents to 60 cents a head. Until 1907 the subsidy was paid at the rate of 80 cents a head on the basis of the po- pulation in 1861. At the Provin- cial Conference of 1907, however, it was arranged that the subsidy should always be calculated upon the population as indicated by the last previous census. Until the present” it has been paid on the number of people in Ontario in 1901. The increased subsidy will 'be paid for the first time next year. The. King and Queen left Ply- mouth on Saturdav afternom for the Durbar at Delhi- A Michigan Central special train ran 211 miles from Welland to Windsor, in 172% minutes. ONTARIO’S SUBSIDY GROWS. WINTER BRINGS WOE. THE PLAGUE IN INDIA. COFFEE HEART Prices of Cattle. Grain, Chest -and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Nov. 14.â€"Flourâ€"Winter wheat, 90 per cent. patents. $3.50, seaboard. Mar nimba floursâ€"First, patents, $5.50; second patents, $5, and strong bakers'. $4.80, on track, Toronto. PRIEES 0F FARM ‘PRUDUGIS Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, $1.- 06. Bay ports; No. 2 Northern, 1051-2, and No. 3, $1.01.; Bay ports. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 white, red and mixed, new, 87 tel 880, outside. Peasâ€"Good milling peas, $1.10. outside. Oatsâ€"Ontario, No. 2 at. 44 to 441-2c, out- side, and No. 5 at 43c; car lots of No. 2, on track, Toronto, 471-2 to 480. Western Canada. oats, 450 for No. 2, and at 44a for No. 5. Bay ports. hEI’OR’I‘S FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF ‘ AMERICA. V CornaNo. 2 old American yellow 781-2c. Bay ports. Barleyâ€"No. 3 extra, feed barley. 80c. Butterâ€"Dairy, choice, in wrappers, 25 to 260; store lots, 22 to 240; creamery, 28 to 500 for rolls, 26 to 270 for solids, per 113. Eggs-Strictly new-laid, 31 to 520, and fresh, 250 per dozen. in case lots. Cheeseâ€"Large. 15c; twins at 151-40 per Applesâ€"Winter stock. $3 to $4 per barrel. Beansâ€"Small lots of hand-picked, $2.- 25 to $2.50 per bushel. Honeyâ€"Extracted, in time. 10 to 110 per 1!). Combs, $2.50 to $2.75. Ba-led hayâ€"No. 1 at $15 to $16. on track, and inferior at $12 to $14. . Baled strawâ€"$7, on track, Toronto. Potatoesâ€"Car lots, in. bags, $1 to $1.05. and out of stare, $1.20. Poultryâ€"Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :â€"-Chickens. 11 to 120 per 111.; hens, 10 to lie; ducks. 10 to 120; turkeys, 19 to 21c. Live poultry. about 20 lower than the rabove. .Bacoq, long clear. 12 to 121-2c per 1b., in case lots. Pork. short cut, $22.50; do.. mess, 19.50 to $20. Hams. medium to light, 16 to 161-20; (10., heavy, 14 to 141-20; rolls, 103-4 to 110; breakfast bacon. 16 to 17c; backs. 19 to 200. Lardâ€"Tierces. 11c: tubs, 111~4c; pails, 111-20. Montreal, Nov. 145â€"084“ â€" Canadian Western, No. 2, 48 to 481-20, car lots. ex- storer extra. No. 1 feed. 471-2 to 48c; No. 5 C. W., 47 to 471-2c;‘ No. 2_loca1 white. 461-2 to 470; No. 3 local white. 46 to 461-20; No. 4 local white. 451-2 to 460. Flour â€"â€" Manitoha Spring wheat patents. firsts. $5.60: seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat pat- ents. $4.75 to $5; strong bakets’, $4.90; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.40; in bags. $1.95 to $2.05. Rolled oatsâ€"â€"Perxbarre1, $5.25; bag of 90 lbs., $2.50. Feed barleyâ€" Car lots, ex-store, 982c. CornwAmerican No. 3 .yellow, 815-4 to 820. Millieedâ€"Bran. Ontario, $23 to $24; Manitoba. $23; mid- dlings. Ontario. $27 to $28; shorts, Mani~ tuba, $25; mouillie. $26 to $52. Eggsâ€"Se- lected. 261-2 to 280; fresh. 32 to 340; No. 1 stock. 221-2 to 240. Cheeseâ€"Westerns, 14 to 141-40; Easterns, 15 5-8 to 13 7-80.. Butter stock. 221-2 to 240. Cheeseâ€"Westerns, 14 to 141-40; Easterns, 15 5-8 to 13 7-80.. Butter â€"Choicest. 27 to 271-40; seconds. 261-4 to 26 5-40. The Quickest, Sureat Cough Remedy You Ever Used. Famlly Supply for 600. Saves You $2. filnex is a. special and highl‘ concen- trated com ound. of Norway its Pine extract, rio in guaiaeol and other healing pine elements. A 50-0enh bottle makes 1 ouncesâ€"~91. family supplyâ€"0f the best. cough remedy thsm money pan buy, at a. saving of $2. Simply mix w1th home-made sugar gym or strained honey in a 16-02. bottle, and t is read for use. vEasily prepared in 6 minutesâ€"q 1739315111 EaeluatgeL __ WesaflaflcuughVan-ish [minimum Money ask You have never used anything which takes hold of a. bad cough and conquers it so quickly asPinex Cough Syrup. Gives almost instant relief and usually stops the most obstinate, deep~seahed cough in 24 hours. Guam,an to give prompt and osicive results even in group and whoop- 5.0011641!- ' Efifige'n 3515-139; bangs Syrupâ€"r16 9508180011, and 183mm”: werfiwfiz -â€"~~~' o~vâ€"r â€"v~ for old or young. stlzlfiiilaheé the up this ynd is gushth laixativg-j‘tgoth goo {91- ,-u 3,,A and is allihtly laxativeâ€"both good fea- tures. A undy household medicine for ham-senses, asthma, bronchitis, etc. and unusually elfectsive for incipient lun troubles. Used in more homes in the . 8. and Canada. than any other cough remedy. » â€" Pine: haqoffien been imitated but. never ‘ 'cécmf'flly, tor nothing else will produce the same results. ‘~ The genuine is guaran- teed to give absolute summation or moneg l'eflnl‘glgél.1 Caitlflcakt: ot dnteegist m 11 em pac go. our ru ' has} ginqx‘orfillfiladlynget 13'. for you: 11 has Pinex or will ladly at it for you. It not. send to The hex .. Toronto, Ont. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Nov. 14.â€"Closeâ€"Wheatâ€"De- BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. COUNTRY PRODUCE. HOG PRODUCTS. 89 to 900, outside: cember, $1.031-8; May. $1.08 5-4; July, 81.09; cash. No. 1 hard. $1.045-8; No. 1 Northern, $130418; No. 2 Northern, $1.- 011-8 to $1.021-8; No. 3 wheat, 961-8 to 991~8c. Cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, 75c. Oats- No. 5 white, 45 to 460. Rye~No. 2, 860. Bran~$22 to $22.25. Flourâ€"First patents. $5 to $5.30; second patents. $4.60 to $4.90:5 first clears, $3.50 to $3.85: second clears. $2.40 to $2.80. Buffalo, Nov. 14.â€"Spring wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern. carloads. store, $1.08 3-4; Win‘ ter, No. 2 red. 98c: No. 3 red. 96c; No. 2 white, 990. Cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, 74c; Na. 4 yellow. 720, all on track, through billed. Oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 50 3-40; No. 3 white. 501-20; No. 4 white, 491-40. Barleyâ€"Kalb ing, $1.16 to $1.25. Whitefish May be Caught in Lake ‘ Eric During November. I despatch from Ottawa says: An ofder-in-Council- has been pass- ed abolishing the close sea-son for Whitefish during the month of No- Evember in the waters of Lake Eric 10?; the counties of Norfolk and E1- ; g1" 3‘ Mon¢reaL Nov. 14.â€"Choice Isteers acid at 55-40 per 1b., good at. $5.50 to $5.60, fairly good at $5.25 to $5.40, fziiz- at $4.90 to $5.. 10, and the lower grades at from $4 to $4.75 per awe. Cows brought from $3.25 to $5, and bulls from $5 to $5 per cwt. Lambs at $5 to $5.55 per cwt. There was no change in sheep, the offerings being small, and sales were made at'$3 to $3.75 per cwt. The market for calves was also weaker, with sales at from $3 Ito $10 each. as to size and quality; The mar- ket for hogs was weaker, and pticea‘ ruled 35 to 400 per cwt. lower. Toronto, Nov. 14.â€"Choice heavy 'cwttlé for butcher or export purposes sold from $6 to $6.25, while good medium cattle brought from $5.35 to $5.90. Common to medium mixed cattle ranged from‘ $4.50 t3 $5.25. Export bulls were firm an $5 to $5.50, with butcher bulls equally strong from $2.60 to $5.50. Fat cows braughb from $4.75 to $5.50, and lighter zows from $3 to $4.50. Canners were a. better sale at $2 to $2.75. There was also a go! de-‘ mand for heavy fecdei‘s, whic sold elrcrg at $4.50 to $5.25. Choice stockers were a. good salé at $4.25 to $4.75. Lsgmbs and sheep were practically unchanged. Ill-gs were 15 to 25c higher at. $6.25 to $6 3; Ski/oil’s Gm Canadian Pacific Railway May Take Over Government Lands. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has opened negotiations with the Mines Branch of the Govern; ment to purchase its entire peat plant at Alfred, Ontario. The com- pany desires to continue the indus- try on commercial lines, and supply the City of Montreal in particular with peat fuel. It regards the suc- cess of the Government experiments as incontrovertible proof that peat production in Canada has now beâ€" come a commercial enterprise of much importance. f.o.b. W ' HEALS THE LUNGS STOPS counfls PRICE. 35 CENTS CLO SE SEASON ABOLI SHED . MADE IN CANADA IS USED. CONTAINS NOALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS BAKING POWDER NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT ' WHEN LIVE STOCK MARKETS. PEAT AS FUEL.

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