1‘. F. MGMAHON. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. RIG I [MON D HILL ~\Vednesdny‘ 9.30 mm. to 5 p.m. EGIJNTONâ€"a‘w Gasfleï¬uld Ave-a the h-sL of the Week. v'on. XXXIV. Plume: N. 4-393. Licansod luckionoers (or the County of York. Balm “tended to on shortest: notice and at. ten. Ior£ble robes Patronage solicfled JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Licensed Auctioneer for the County a! York. Goo-la sold on consignment. General nice of “octets. pro mptiy mttendod to in reasonable. rates Residence Unionville _ L “dc-R Goulllmg, {3;} ton Brook. agenbfor the above Licensed Anctioneex for the Lounty of York. to- spootiully soliuma your patronaga and triendly: inflr once sales attended on the shone“ notioo 5nd uh roalonnble (“as P 0 address King 6! per annum, in advarica.] ‘l T 88330011 . Mame DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Class recitals are given throughout the year 42-lv Prepares Eupils for the gmde 9::- aminntions 91d at. Tmontu ()nnservw tm-y of Music and Univexsitv uf 1‘0- mntn. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to heginnms. _ The Newton School of Music Gas and Cocaine fut vxt-ractitms. Fu‘st home nanh uf Atkinsuu & Switzer’s store. MISS MIL LIE TRENCH VETERINARY SURGEON, Cl‘hox'nllill. b U 3 [NE S S CARDS . ' BARRISTER, Soucn‘on, NOTARY, ETC. DR. E. J. WOODS ® 319 ï¬ihml " P I A N 0 '1‘ U N I N G fllGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. â€"â€"â€"-- ..‘.A. .A *1... 4......“I “Amun‘. an I«=râ€"L.n..u Salgeon & McEWen. J. EARLE NEWTON, DXRECTOR Richmond Hill, Ont. rï¬mron a Pnovnxxwox. T)euti:-'tg 9TH SEASONâ€"1911412 J; H. Prentice RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano D. G. BLOUGH. Phune NH. 2102. marinara RESIDENCE 331mm. AT THE mum. J R McE wen Weston NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada A. GLF. Lawrence 1“. J. Dunbar Tun-um Ofï¬ce, Ruum 328 C(mfvdn-n tint: [,ifc- Bldg. Nu. 12 Hit-him»an St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce ("Lilmml ()flicv), (nary Thursday fm‘emmn. Maple, Thursday aftm‘nmm. \Vuudhx-iduv, Sului-duy fun-mm“. Mullev to [mm a8 Five Per Cent. (5%) Banister: , Solicitors. Notaries. are. Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide & Victoria Sls.. l‘urmno. Tel! phone, Main Gamble Address. “Dean.†1 COMMISSIONER. CON"EY‘\N“ER. ETC. LENNOX & MORGAN Tel. )1. 3631. Money to loan on [and anachnuel mortgages†lowest gates Americanaâ€"Removed no the old post can: one door west at the entrance to tho Ontnn‘o Bank Newmarkot omenâ€"Three doors south of who post olï¬ce '1' Expanarnnnrzox 6 3w Hanan Anton. Richmonq Hill Danton, Grover & Field Undertaken: a Emhnlmers. RICHMOND H1LL& THORNHXLL Alurge stock of Frm-rul Fumibbil g kep in, both places Lawrence & Dunbar, H. A. NICHOLLS ERICHSEN BROWN & 'MACNAUGhTON Commissioner, Cnnveyancer, etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CONVhYANCERS, ETC. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING. 42-46 KING ST! WEST, Become Independent. Our gradu- ates 3.! and hold good positions owing to their superior tralnlng. The REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL in doingthe highest grade of work in Buli- mm and shorthand Education. Studlntc of this you are now in positions worth 1mm 650.450 1100 per month. Enter now. Cn- nlogne (tee. VI. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpal Cor. huge and Alexander 5n. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and Sollcllors. NOTARY! PUBLIC WVLLIAM COOK Barristers. Snliclurs. 8w. RICHMOND HILL. 0NT'., THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1911 TORONTO. ONT. FRANK Eaxcusx-m Bnowx. A. Unwaos MACXMGHTUN. WRIGHT BROS. ELLIOTT TORONTO. “In Essentiait, Unity,â€- in Non-Esswtials', Liberty; in all things, Charity.†£tual. Phone Main m 51-6111 The annual erm't on highway im- provement in Ontario. 1911. rvcently Issued by mdvrof the Legislathe As- sI-mhly. is :m intpl'vsting vulume. le lmuk treats uf expenditnrv. nmin~ minnnco. rmul construction &c. &c. As \Vr‘awdirectly intorvsled in gmvd I-wldx just, nuw we giro helnw what. thr- rvpurt says in reference Lquk Cunnly Rundszâ€" Amnug the reasnns fur Tnmntu’s ('untrihutinn, it was urgvd that the huilding of good rmlds wunld greatly aid in the develnpawnt of the sur- 1 rnunding country; that farm produce [ wuuld he grnught into the city more :(‘hvaplm that it wnuld he less in‘ured ' than by transportation m‘er mug and dusty fluids, and that the must hf such v pmdncv \vuuld he reducvd tn (hp cun- sunwr: that, the general vpo-Ie-nces -fnlln,\ving thv construction of gnnd rmds has heen that farm: :u'e suhdi- vulml. me out. into smalli-rhnldiugs, land are man thnrnughly cultivated. :thnt gmld rnnds surrounding a town (Ix-citv will nmko it a nmrr desirnhlv ' and ntnn-tiro place nf residt-mw: that, gnnd ï¬nds “'01le facilitaletrnduhe- .tween 'l‘uruntu and the surrounding imunmunily tn the advantage of the citv. The Yurk Uuunlv mud syslmn re- cently establisle lxndm- the Highway Impmvenwnt Act- is. by a special Act. mmï¬ne-d [n tlw sunllwrn half nf Ylll‘k hull“)? and cmnprises uhullt 114 miles of main highways radiating frnm Tu- Hmtn. By :1 pupulnr um: uf lhv mte- p-vars. and mulvrsprcinl leg.i<laliun. the Uily nf Toronto will (:nntl-ilmtv $100,000 In the \vm-k. The- tuml esti- mated cost is $300300. (cf which the Pruvince will puv the usual proportion. or $100,000. so that the charge upon the county is am equal amount. or $100,000. Thu Walk is now in progress. and is largely lwing can-it‘d out by mum-art. By a snpplvuwntm-y agr-m-nwnt. owing tn the (-xceptinnal cnnditinns. thn ud- minisn-ntiuu is pl-uwd in a cunnnissinn nf six momlwrs, three lwing appointed by tho ‘Inunty. twn hy the CItyluf Tu- rnntn. and «me by tlw Pl'u'vin'ciul Gnu-- m-mnem: the work being. however. gulfject m3he usual (a‘rm't-Lnnwnb rfgu- Cured of Kidney Trouble Mrs. Alex. Moore. of James Street . Oxford. N.S.. snys:â€"â€"“Booch’a Kidney ‘Pllla cured our little daughter, Chris- linn. age six years, of many symptoms inf kidney weakness. She complained "Ensure hack. the kidney secretions were frequent and uncontrollable, especially at night. Her stonmch was wruk and her appetite poor. This caused her to, have frequent head- aches, and the least exertion would tire lwr. We had tried mzmy reuwdies, but, she did not improve. Final- « 1y We learned of lurinns and Suppl-Vishnu. The memhvrs of the Cmnnnssinn urv: MPsSI-s. W. G. 'l‘wthvwev. fur the- Pxnvinr-P; D.‘ H. Clarke and Controller J. J. Ward. fur 'l‘nrnntn: and Gun. S. Henry, W. H. Pugsley and J. .l. Bull. furthe Cuuntv. The \Varde-n nf Yul'k, Mr. J. .1. Bull. is memhvr ex ot‘flciu, and is Chairman of the Cnmmissiun. Mr. E. A. James, G.E.. with ofï¬ces at 57 Adelaidu Street, east. Tux-unto. is engineer for the County Ruud Commissinn. A meeting of the Richmond Hill Hockey Club was held in Lnrne Hall on Thursday evening. Nov. 16, whom nfflcers Wale elected for the 1911-12. SP}! 90 ll. The meeting opened at, 8.30 p.m. with Mr. Wesley Palmer in the chair. Following are the) nfï¬cers elected:â€" Honorary PI’ESrâ€"Ref‘ve Pugsley. Presidentâ€"L. E. Hand. Vice-Pres. â€"-U. Glover. 2nd Vice-Pres.â€"-E. Metcnlf e Secretaryâ€"U. Hill V Twasurm-â€"Percy Hill (re elected) Managerâ€"Wesley Pallnet(re electpd) Managing Cum.â€"J. Davidson, “7. Holmes. W. Pattnni -mi’vi-I'iéé‘I154137d.VGrainger. W. 0. Se age, T. H. Trench. A. G. Savage. Bonth’s Kidney Pills and pro- cured a hex. In a short time she was Well and does not now complain «bunt, her back. the kidney se-cretions have he- cume nm-nml, and she plays mound thphnuse with no apparent, fatigue. We always recommend Buoth’s Kidâ€" nev Pills." Buoth’s Kidney Pills carry a guaran- tue that. if you derivv no heneï¬t your Innuey will be refunded. Bunth’s Kid- nny Pills are a speciï¬c for all diseases of tha kidneys and bladder. Sold by all druggists. 50c. box. or pnstpaid fran the. R. T. Bunth On. [At-41.. Fort, Me. Out. Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. NOW FOR HOCKEY. YEAR OLD GIRL av» The East York Liherai Association (lecide at a. convention held in the fol-mew town of East, Toronto on Sat- urng nut to put a candidate in the ï¬eld in the cmning Provincial elec- tions. This decisinn was arrived at after it had been stated that. Council- iur \V. J. Lawrence of North Tm onto. a Liberal. wmlld run a an Independ- ent candidate in opposition to the Whitney Government. Mr. John Gal- hrnith of this city expressed a will- ingness to accept a nomination if this were desiled by the party, but the convention concluded to foregn making a straight, partv ï¬ght. so far as the Associatinn was concerned. Tim: following resolution. which was mM‘ed by Mr. G. Fitzpatrick of Wu- fnl'd, and seconde by Mr. J. F. Ross of lelmy Beach. was carried: “\Vhereas, in View of the fact that Mr. -\V. J. Lawrence of North Toronto has entered the ï¬eld as an Independ- ent candidate opposed to the Whitney Gnvernnwnb. it is not advisable that this Association place in the ï¬eld a. candidate in opposition to the Inde- pendent candidate. but should support his candidature; resolved. that; this Association do not, nominate a candi- dalv _atA prespnt.†Brief addresses were given by Messrs. J. \V. Curry, R. J. Gibson. A. F. \Vilsnn, J. C. Allen, John Galbraith un_d_ Dr. 0. B. Sisley. Mr. W. J. Lawrence has announced tlmt he will run as an Independent candidate in opposition to the VVhit- nny platform. One of the planks in Mr. Lawrence’s platform will he a crit- icism of the Ontario Railway Board’s dealings with North Tornntn. He also takes advanced ground along temper- Pnlze lines. and against. bilingual sulmuls in Ontario. Rpfervnce was nmde a couple of weeks ago to the sudden death of Dr. Tyndall, u hmtherofJohn. Robc-n and Miss Tyndall of this village. [‘lw andnn correspondent of the Winni- peg Free. Press 01“ thv 30th of October has the fnllowing account. of the ud- den death:â€" The death occurred this morning of Dr. J. E. Tyndall. a well-known and highly-esteemed local hysician, who passed away after an il ness of tragic- ally short duration. 0n Saturda evening a neighbor of Dr. Tyndal found him in his ofï¬ce. apparenth very ill. and at once ap lied a. stimu- lant. The doctor faile to rally but remained in a kind of stupor. Medi- cal men were called. and at about 10.30 in the evening the patient was re- moved to the Brandon General hos- pital. He was found to be suffering from pneumonia, and succumbed this morning. ' W. E. J. Edwards. B.S.A. (If the Ianal Branch nf the Dvpanmv-nt, hf gAgl‘lCllltlll’P has been trunsfflled t’u ' the Essex Branch and J. C. Stecklvy. ‘B.S.A. will Luke his place here. Mr. Edwards was Assistant in the 13859)! .Ofï¬ce last, year. Last. August. the ‘Represenmtive there left and ever 'since then the Essex people have wmnbvd Mr. Edwards back tn take chyge. Mrs. Tvndall. Wife of the deceased. was in \Vinnipenghen she was ap- prised by wire that. her husband was seriouslv ill. She hastened bark to Brandon and W'li with her husband dlLrinKhisjast, hours. Dr. Tyndall was burn in the cmmty of York, Out... in 1864. Plior to cum- ing to this city about six ywu-s am) he. had practised at. Rathwell. Mam. fur a. considerable tinm. W. M. TVnanl of this citv is a brother 0f the deceased. Will Support Canï¬ldatnre of Mr. J. W. Lawrence as Independent. Take notice that, the date of the en- tertainment to be given by Jean Blewett under the auspices of the Epwoxth Leasue has been changed from Dec. 11th to January 15th. The \V.F‘.M.S. of thv Presbyterian churvh will hnld their Tlmnk-ntfering meeting nu the eve-Hing of Tuesday, Nov. 28th whm the Rev. David Mnc~ Lzu'en of I‘m-unto will give an illus- trated lecture on travaalk, with the use of nearly 100 colored slides giving a glimpse into each nf the eleven Fur- eign Mission Fivlde of the Presby- terian Chm-ch. This prmuisvs to he an entertainment. of grant, intervst. Everybody is iuviLed. Admission sil- ver collection. He likes the work bvre w-ry much but, since the Essex people have sent, two huge petitions to the Governnwnt Hr. annntn tn have him transferred back he has decided to go. BRANDON PHYSICIAN DEAD. EAST YORK LIBERALS CHANGE OF DATE. Newmarkeb. Thornhiu. {gmUGHs AND tows +++4~$~§Wï¬++++++++fl++¥§ Atrthis season of the year'gsud- den changes of climate bring coughs an colds. Om [are-para» i While Pinema’r ++++Â¥$M+MM+H+WM+ STIVER &. HAMEH Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860'. AT THE C.N.0. STATION " AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneï¬cial to hot! buyer and seller, have decided. We thank the public for the generous patronage in the past, and will earn- estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Best Bread K Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits Hill’s D. HILL & 0.0., has been tested for a number of years as a. reliable remedy, and F03 CHILDREN’S Congas AND COLDS TRY Choice Confectionery alway in stock. ' ' Baby’s Own Cough Syrup W. A. Sanderson BE ST CHANGES Good Lemon-s AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. Staple Groceries AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses [Si‘hglevcbpigsgg' cï¬S; Dmgaist PREPARED BY STIVER & RAM‘ER. GOOD STOCK 0F DEALERS 1N RICHMOND HILL ._ A1; Bakery No; 21 ti