Gillette SAFETY No Strappingâ€"No Honing Triple silver plated. with 2 blade boxes. and 12double~ edged blades in neat case. Poeket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00 Combination Sets, $6.50 to $50.00 THE YIELD ON MUNIOIIPAL BONDS DE- MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS Small Issues Usually Have to Yield High- er Than Largoâ€"Safety of Interest De- pends Entlroly on Safety 0! Principalâ€" Canadlan Municipal Issues Yield Lower Return Than American-Western School Turning from the question of safety of principal of nfunicipal bond's to the other features, which must. be considered when investing in accordance with actual re- quirements, we come to the item of cer- tainty of interest. This, of course, depends in the case 01 this class of bonds on the same consideration which tends to insure The articles contributed by "Inventor" are for the sole purpose of guiding pros- pective investors, and, if possible of sav- ing them from losing money tlumuzh placing it in "wild-cat" n-ucerprises, The impartial and reliable character of tha information may be relied upqn. The writer of these articles and the publisher of this paper have no interests to serve in uonneobion with this matter other than those of the) render. ISSUES. Standard Set, $5.00 PENDS 0N SAFETY AND POPU- 312 LARITY OF BOND. HE Gillette beats every other shaving device in a lot of waysâ€"â€"it’s safe, it’s quick, it’s econoï¬ical,‘ it shaves clean and easily, it! requires no stropping nor honing, it’s always ready and it can be adjusted to suit the face of any man who shaves. ’ The toughest beard and tenderest face each receives a perfect shave. Get into the Gillette class and save time. trouble and money. Ask your dealer to 'show you the Gillette. II he has neither the goods not our catalogue. write us. We will see that you are supplied. Gillette Saiety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited 01m: and Factory-63 5!. Alexander 81.. Montreal. no snow»qu - no Homup safety of principal, and where we ï¬nd remon to consider the safety of sum in- vested ample we have no occasion to en- quire further as to the possibility of non- payment of interest. In the case of Campbellbon, N. B.. for instance, where the total destruction of the town by ï¬re rendered precarious the safety of the bonds, the action of the government of the Province alone saved the interest from defaulting. just as it was the same government‘s guarantee that. enabled the town to make another issue of bonds since the ï¬re at a very favorable rate. These investors eagerly purchased. The rate of income from municipals is realtively small, except when one con- siders their relatively high degree of safety. This question of relative safety is one very good reason why Canadian municipalities sell their bonds at. much more advantageous prices than do muni- cipalities of corresponding size and pros- pects to the south of the International Boundary. For example, City of New York bonds sell slightly under par to yield about 4.05 per cent.. whereas. To- ronto bonds sell above parâ€"for the 4 per Cent’s-to yield 3.90 per cent. And other cities are in proportion. The very fact cited last week that repudiation of muni- cipal obligations was so infrequent in Canada. as to be negligibleâ€"while in the States it is a. very present danger at all times in investing and is ample reason for the difference. [mu THE mug ovm To some degree. however, the rate of in- terest and the yieldâ€"the difference has been pointed out several times in this columnâ€"variesâ€"in the words of mathe- maticsâ€"inversely as the safety. That. is to say, the lower the safety the greater the yield. This is only true in part. A small issue of bonds must usually yield ‘ a higher rate of income than a large one: for in the ï¬rst place, they are nearly as‘ much trouble for a bond dealer to handle, and then the town, not being well known â€"or of course it would be large enough to make a large issue-is not popular with investors if they can get the bonds of a more important place at the same price. This is‘particularly noticeable in the case of smell Western rural munici- palities and school district issues. The safety of those school district securities is of quite a high class and yet for the chief reason that they are unKn'an, rifun yield as high at 6 per cent and some- times over. These bonds are secured by a ï¬rst lien, based on farm land at a rate‘ of about 30 cents an acre. so that on land which is worth an average of over $10 ‘an acre and readily sells at that price, there is no occasion to worry over the security. But the fact that they are of- ten issues of only one, two or three thou- sand dollars makes it hard to get a good price on them unless the issue bears a. high rate of interest. So the yield does not depend alone on the safety. A man who began his working career as a. scissorsâ€"grinder in Shefï¬eld, England, and marriedon a. wage of only $6 a. week, has just died worth $100,000, and has left bequests of $2,500 each to four charitable institutions of the city. Scissors Grinder Who Died Worth $100,000 Thrpugh Thrift.. He was Mr. David Fenby, glass and china. dealer, the proprietor of a. very large business, which he acquired as a. result of hard work and thrifty habits, in which his wife shared. . OJIGKLY STOPS COUGHB. CUREB ~COLDS, MEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS When he was earning his small wage the couple always managed to save something, and’ when they had a. little capital they started a small general grocery business in a. back street. x11}: purchased a donkey and hired a cart, and after two years in business was able to take a. grocer’s shop with an offâ€" license. After nine years he had saved enough to buy the shop and nine adjoining houses. At the same time he ~was carrying on a business as furniture remover, his wife looking after the shop. He was afterwards able to move to bigger premises and became a. wealthy man, but he and his wife continued to live in very moderate style. Its Year to be That of Western Nations. From Pekin it is announced that the Chinese Government is about to drop the troublesome moon from its calendar and follow the practice of western nations in using only the sun. The present Chinese year began on January 30, and .is the year 48 of the seventy-sixth cycle, a. cycle consisting of sixty years, and the ï¬rst year of the ï¬rst cycle 811ile Gm CALENDAR REFORM IN CHINA 'A “Teaser†For Jaded Appetitcs Ready to serve instantly â€"â€"just open‘ the box and enjoy an extra. good dish-’- Convenient, crisp. uelicious, Wholesome. “The memory Lingers†Post ' Toasties STORY OF SELF HELP. Made at me POSTUM CEREAL 00.. LTD. Pure Food Factories, Battla Creek, M 5."! by Grocers. with cream or preserved fruit. Mich. occurring B.C. 2637. But owing to the use of the moon the number of days in the year varies consider- ably. Ordinarily there are twelve lunations or months, but once in thirty lunations a thirteenth luna- tion is added to the year, as a result of which the year can be as short as 354 days or as long as 384 days. The months are more reg- ular than our own, alternating be- tween twenty-nine and thirty days. The Chinese year completely fails to†keep the seasons within proper bounds.â€"Westminster Gazette. The particular danger of chapped hands and cold cracks (apart alto- gether from the pain) is that the cold is likely to penetrate and 5617 up inflammation, festering, (-r blood~poison. Directly the sxm is broken by a cut, graze, o‘r scrasch, or chafed and cracked by the notion of the cold winds and water, the one necessary precaution 13 to apply Zam-Buk’ freely. ARE YOUR HANDS CHAPPED? Mrs. O, M. Phoen, Neucha‘tel, Altm, writes :â€"â€"-“I must tnll you haw pleased I am with Zamâ€"Buk.. My husband had an old frostbite 6n his foot for many years, and had tried almost every known remcdy with out any effect, but the tint apph- cation of Zam-Buk seemed to help him so much that he persevered ; and the sore is new cured, We \\ mix]. not be without Zam-Buk in the house.†The pure herbal juices from which Zam-Buk is prepared are so per- fectly combined and reï¬ned that the immediate effect of these Zam-Buk dressings is soothing, antisepbic, and healing. Zam-Buk is also a. sure cure fm piles, eczema, ulcers, abscesses, scalp sores, bloodâ€"poison, bad leg. eruptigna, etc. Its purely herbal composition makes it the ideal balm for ba‘bies and young children. All druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk 500. box or post free from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto, fpr price. Try also Zam-Buk Soap, 250. tablet. This piquant sauce is exce1lent for flavoring soups and gravies, Steep three ounces of salt, two ounces of grated horseradish, and half an ounce of ginger in three pints oï¬ boiling water, Stand for twenty-four hours, then strain and bottle for use, ‘ For a Beefsteak Pie.â€"â€"Remove every particle of fat, as it never bakes well, and makes a. pie both greasy and indigestibie, Cateau of Appies.â€"Boil one pound and a half of loaf-311331: in one pint of water till it becomes syrup, then add two pounds of good apples cored and peeled, add the juice and grated rind of a, large le- mon, and boil to a, soft pulp, Pour into a. mould, and when cold turn out and serve with custard, Stewed Beef with Onions.â€"â€"Cut one pound of beefsteak into pieces, melt one ounce of drlpping in a stewpan which has already been dredged with flour. Turn the meat about till it is- browned. but not cooked. and add two sliced onions. Stir all together, 'and then cover the meat with good gravy, Let sim- mer very slowly tor one hour and a half, then take up the meat, thicken the gravy' with half an ounce of dripping rolled in flour, and pour round. Spanish Tomatoes.â€"â€"Cut a slice from the stem end. and scoop out the inside of ten large tomatoes. Put the pulp into a. basin, add to it two ounces of oiled butter, two tablespoonfuls of lemon-juice, half a. pound of chestnuts boiled and grated, and season all with white npnnoy- ï¬nd - cf?!" should be of the thickness of cream. Fiï¬ the tomatoeg wzth this. epreï¬ï¬‚ a little salad mixture over and Zam-Bnk Will Cure Them. DAINTY DISHES, T‘u’s mivt" W‘- FOR MAKING SOAP, SOFTENING WATER, REMOVING PAIN T, DI‘SINFECTING SINKS. CLOSETS,DRAINS.ETC. SOLD EVERYWHERE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES stand each in a. curlv lettuce leaf on a. dish. Meatless Mincem'eat.â€"One pe-ck green tomatoes, chopped ï¬ne; drain juice and throw awav. Pour on three pints of hot water and cook ï¬ve minutes. Drain off all juice. Do this three times. Add two and one-half pounds medium brown sugar, two pounds seeded raisins, one-half pound chopped suet, one teacupful of cider vinegar, two level tablospoonfuls of ground cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful each of ground cloves, auspice and nutmeg, one tablespoonful of salt. Mock Angel Food.â€"-Sift four times: One cup sugar, one cup flour, three teaspoons baking powâ€" der, pinch of salt. Add to the above mixture one cup of milk heated to boiling point. Beat well, add flavâ€" oring. then put in whites of three eggs beaten stiff. vFold, but do not stir eggs in. Bake in regular angel food cake tin (kind with hole in center) until it does not adhere to broomstraw. Have oven very hot until cake has risen, then cool ‘t by degrees until cake is done. Leave in pan and turn at once upside down to cool. ' Brown Sugar Cookies.â€"â€"Cream to- gether twoâ€"thirds of a, cup of but- ter and two-thirds of a. cup of brown sugar, then add one egg. When well beaten together stir in one cup of rolled oats and twoâ€"thirds of a cup of English walnuts chopped ï¬ne. Lastly add one cup of flour and one teaspoonful of baking pow- der. Sift the baking powder with the flour. This recipe will make between twentyâ€"ï¬ve and thirty. A delightful icing for cakes can be easily made by melting one-fourth of a, cake of chocolate in four tableâ€" spoonfuls of sweet milk. When cool work in one cup of powdered sugar which has been sifted twice. This icing will keep moist. Novel Rice Puddingâ€"Take a quarter of a. pound of rice, wash. and boil it in milk, add sugar and salt to taste, and a, little spice. When cooked this should be quite stiff. Take half of the rice out of the saucepan and put it in a basin with the remainder, color with a. few drops of cochineel. Grease a pudding~basin, put in a. layer of rice half an inch deep. Place the mould in cold water, and when the rice is set, add a layer of pink rice and another of white, and so on, till the mould is full, taking care that each layer is set before adding another. Stew a few washed sul- tans and currants in a little water, sweeten to taste, and pour round the mould. Finger marks may be removed from paint, by rubbing with a damp 0191711 dipped in whiting. ‘ When silver is not in constant use a. piece of c'amphor will keep it from tarnishing. To let Vine-s climb up wooden walls will seriously damage them, as“; pro-motes decay. may be removed