E1 You Gannon Pass ItYour Hballh . is Failing. When you suï¬er acute palpita- tion of the heart. dizziness or iaintness every time you go up stairs; when exertion of any kind leaves you breathless and tremb- ling, it is a warning that your blood is defective-that you are anaemic. If these warnings are «neglected worse disorders will folâ€"l lowâ€"perhaps decline and deadly, consumption. If you are in this condition you need the new, good blood of health that has been given to thousands of sufferers by Dr. :Williams’ Pink Pills. These pills tbanish all the ailments arising from poor blood, tone up the sys- tem and make weak men and wo- men well and strong. Miss Eliza.- loeth Campbell, Almonte, Ont., says: "I was living in Pembroke at the time my health failed me- ‘-I kept growing weaker every day until I at last grew so weak I could not walk up stairs without help, and I could not go down street without sitting down and resting. My mother got quite anxious about me and took me to a doctor who said he was quite sure he could restore my health. He gave me u little bottle of medicine, and I continued its use until I had taken four bottles, but instead of getting stronger I was growing weaker all the time, and was only a. mere shadow of my former self. My parents believed I was in a. de- cline and could not get better. My mother had heard so much about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills that she decided I ought to try them. I did not notice much change until I had taken ï¬ve or six boxes, when a. decided improvement set in, and from that. on I grew stronger and stronger each day, until through a continued use of the pills I was back to my old-time health and strength. I believe Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills the best remedy on earth :for sick people, and cannot too strongly urge other weak girls to give them a trial.†‘ Sold by all medicine dealers "‘ by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr’ Wil- llams’ Medicine (.10., Brockville, Ont. A bed spread with worn portlons cut out and the good trimmed into shape and hemmed makes excelâ€" lent towels for the children’s use in the bathroom. Equal parts of tea and lukewarm water is a, good solution for spongâ€" ing plants. A great convenience when clean- ing house is a. stick with a notch the and that will lift picture cords off from hooks without so much stepping up and down. \‘l’lmï¬/ pitching wall paper bear the edges of the pieée about to be used. When. pastgd upqn thg wall a tear in paper shows less than a. cut? With kmfe or SCIS‘SOI‘S- If a. meal has been taken within two or three hours of going to bed to siccy‘) on the left side is to give the stomach a, task which is difï¬â€" cult in the extreme to perform. IHE SIAIRBASE IEST Pillow slips should be a half inch narrower than the pillows they are to cover. This snugncss in ï¬t in- sures the pillows standing upright when Lhe bed is made up. A clean brick represents an ex- cellent makeshift stand for a flat- iron. Brick retains heat; better than the perforated metal rests which are usually employed for the purpose: 1 r 1L y“- “i. If cooked meat, is ready for the table before it is required, place in a dish and set over a pan of boil~ ing water placed on the back of the range and covered wirh cloth. If baby has swallmx'cd a ï¬shâ€" bonc and is in danger of choking, use your fm'eï¬ngcr in the fwrm of a hook. and even at the risk nl’ «3mi- sidernble pain relieve the litLlc sufferer. ‘ A litrï¬c km‘nwnv added to warm wath when washing windnws. peciuny outside. ~WU] rcmnw: the stick' condiLiun often found 3m,- u . . . . . . . h. Try ‘=\'2L51’1i1’\g uf the hands with :1 little sugar addod 1') the, Swap. This greatly meant-:95 UH‘ 1.113101" and cleansing power. and will re- mmvo dirt and chemicu! 3mm in n Wondvrfu] manner. A nm'cr failing! 111119 to fulluw in placing: skews is it) mc‘asuw (mu:- iuoh back uf Um shmfleh‘r ;-<=n‘m. memm‘c mmâ€"lmlf of the am: 11019, and place the underscum of sleeve at this 1min t» \V Shiiailéï¬m ’HEALS THE LUNGS straws ceisélismw. zscams ting HINTS FOR THE HOME. than alcohol, amnmnia, 01‘ MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS MUNICIPALS HAVE NO GREAT PROS- PECT 0F APPRECIATION, BUT ARE READILY CONVERTIBLE INTO CASH. The “Yield†Basis on Which Bonds are Usually Sold Ellminate a Great Part of Prospective Appreciationâ€"Stable in Price Owing to Fact That They are Unaflecied by General Conditions â€" Reoapltulation. Th6 uncles contributed by "Inventor Ire for the sole purpose of guiding pros- pective investors. and. if possible of new in: them from losing money tlvrnugh uluciug it in "wild-cat" unernrisea. The impartial and reliable character of the information mav be relied upon The writer of these articles and the p‘ubliuhar of this paper have no interests Lo serve in connection with this matter other than those 01 the render. (By Investor.) When one buys an investment, strictly speaking. one looks merely at the rate of income. Prospect of appreciation, when‘ present to a high degree, usually indi-i cates danger, perhaps remoteâ€"in the ex-l tent of realization not measuring up to; anticipationâ€"of severe loss from a drop in value. An investment should be free from any such danger. As a rule, really high-class investments altogether fail to take into consideration prospect of ap- preciation. and, of course. as the better class of municipal bonds are strictly “gilt-edged†investments, the question of appreciation is one very remote from the thoughts of the average investor who buys this class of security. To be sure. they are by no means as rigid in value as real. estate mortgages. but they are not likely to any extent to appreciate in market price. In the ï¬rst place, they are usually sold on the basis of their "yield." One buys City of Toronto 4 per cent. bonds to yield 3.95 per cent. and then by the aid of tables which every bond dealer hasâ€"and most bond buyersâ€" the price is worked out afterwards. As :was pointed out in an early article Ill this series, “yield†represents the taking into consideration, in the return on the investments. the gain-where the bonds are sold below par or the loss where a price greater than par is paidwrosulting from the purchase at 95, say, and the 1 value 0 .1 in (“an r: ‘- bonds. purchase. .If the bond pays 4 per cent. the "yield" on the investment is not 4.00 divided by 99 or 4.04 per cent, as in the case of a. stock which is never redeemed, but 400 divided by 99 + 1, or 5.04 per cent. So that the prospect of appreciation in purchasing a bond at 95 due to its re- demption at par is duly taken care of in the ‘yield." 0n the other hand. the growth of a. city whose bonds formerly sold on a 5 per cent. basis may make a 41-2 per cent basis is the proper price, and in that way an investor may make through appreciation. But as a. rule. however, this element is one that has a decidedly unprominent place in the handling of municlj‘wl bonds. The question of convert.uiiity into cash. however, is very different. The great safety of municipal bonds make them so desirable as security for loans that bank- ers will loan on them at a, rate from one- half to 1 per cent., lower than they loan on security of shares of stock in a sound company, and at the same time require only about one-fourth the margin. So that the investor in municipal bonds has always available a security which his banker would be glad to accept as se- (unity for a loan at around 95 per cent. of its value at a rate but little over the which the bond pays. Furthermore, practically all bond deal- ers are glad to repurchase municipal bonds at about half a point below their market value, and so the marketability of this class of investment in very high. The only question left. then, is tlmt of stability of market This point is onnily determined. ‘ruto of interest price. These bonds do not depend for their security on general business conditions, (an do those _oi most industrial companies, and are, (is :1 rule, affected only by the loaning value of inane)" 'As this alters but little in (‘unuda it. has little influence on those ‘- bonds. Then, too, except for :1 few large is Sold in London, there is no open lllltl'kt't for municipal bonds. Put they “.1'0 brim: bought and sold daily by deal- m'c trained in estimating their values and so, although there. are no quoted ior them: securities. there are no‘ uric dint-tuulions in their prices us there. of unlisted AH 11 are i shares at‘ therefore, often in the case (iiil'i'l’mlt 5 ih value. Linn-s. rule. do not ill ti-r in ('M'tzi inly materially and are subject to \‘iolrvnt iluriuations. Just at the present time an investor could yrobahly sell mu- nicipal bonds bought earlier in the year for a better price than he paid, owing to the great scarcity of this class of secur- ily when Pompared to the demand. For example, during the past week the sales oi‘ municipala to investors by bond deal- ers in Toronto alone must have exceeded. $500,000, while the bonds purchased from D bond :1 not vn municipalities to replace them for local consumption have amounted to under $200,000. As this has been going on for several months now, the dealers are growing pretty short of bonds, and so there is a ready market at good prices for those of clients who wish to convert them into cash. To recapitulate we have decided in these articles on municipal bonds that as a class. Certainly, after taking account of these considerations, municipal bondsâ€"and this includes provincial and Dominion gov- ernment obligations as’wellâ€"are a very desirable form of investment for estates and trustees, and particularly for women whose sole source of income is. derived from investments, and whose comfort and livelihood may depend on the safety of their capital. Success is such a ï¬ckle dame \Vit-h words you cannot WUO her, To win her and her partner fame You’ve got to be a doer. Considering the number of peo- ple who have been disappointed in love, it’s a. wonder there are not more pes§imists abroad in the land. Poverty came in at the door. “Excuse me,†remarked Love, as he flew out of the window. “I guess it’s up to me to hustle for a job.†Their safety is great. both as re» gards principal and interest. L Their rate of income is low for the most part, but high as- compared with other forms of investment in other countries of equal security They are 1‘0adily"couvertible into cash. They have little prospect of apprecia- tion in value, but are not like mort- gages in this respect. which have ab« solutely none, And ï¬nally, Their market price is stable to an unusual degree for securities 1111- quoted or exchanges wlxicli, in some cases, suffer severe fluctuations with- out mason. ' Plnex has often been imltated, but never successfully, for nothlng else will produce the same results; The genuine is guaranteed to glve absolute satisfac- ltlon or money refunded. Certificate of guarantee is wrapped in each package. Your drugglst has Plnex or will gladly get It for you. If not, send to The Plnex Co., Toronto, Ont. 13 unces of 'llnequaled ‘ Guughw Syrup far 509 The Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy You Ever Used, or Money Refunded. Stops Even Whooping Cough Qulckly. You may not need the $2 which a 50-- cent bottle of Pinex saves you, but you do need the wonderful effectiveness of this famous cough remedy. It will usually stop the most obstinate deep- seated cough inside of 24 hours, and has no equal for whooping cough. A 50â€"cent home of Pinex, mixed with homeâ€"made sugar syrup, gives you 16 ouncesâ€"a family supply of the most pleasant and effective‘ cough remedy you ever used. Easily prepared in five min- utesâ€"directions in package. The way this takes hold of a. Cough and gives instant relief will make you. regret that you never tried it before. Stimulates the appetite, is slightly laxa- tive and tastes goodâ€"children take it willingly. It has a wonderful record in cases of incipient lung trouble and is splendid for croup, asthma. bronchitis, throat trouble, etc. Plnex is a 'speclal and highly concen- trated compound of [Norway Whlte Pine extract, rich in guaiacol and other nat- ural healing pine elements. Simply mix with sugar syrup or strained honey, In 3. ‘16â€"ounce bottle, and it is ready for use. Used ln more homes in the U. S. and Canada than any other cough remedy. WHAT SHE REQUIRES We ask assistance of all good housekeepers in our efforts to introduce pure goods. IS S UK 48â€"11 NEW ATLANTIC NAVAL BASE. Harbor for British Home Fleet in The Firth of Clyde. It is stated on good authority at Glasgow. Scotland, that the adâ€" miralty has decided to make a. new naval base at Lamlash Bay, in the Isle of Arr-an, in the Firth of Clyde. Heavy moorings are being laid down there, and everything points to the intention of the Admiralty to provide safe accommodation for a. complete squadron. This new Clyde base is to become the headâ€" quarters of the third division of the home fleet.. Hitherto, the east coast has for obvious reasons been the scene of the most vital changes in the dis- EEIGE "N THE PUT-i 75 Front St. East, We beg to inform our many thousands of customers that in conse- quence of further increased cost YDUH GBUCEH IS [NEITLEI] TU EHAHGE 53 PER LB; ADVANCE until conditions become. more favorable. The cost of all teas has been advancing rapidly for many months past, due to the shortage of sup- plies and the tremendous increase in consumption of tea, throughout the world, but we have delayed increasing the price until absolutely necessary. The same highâ€"grade quality will be carefully maintained irrespective of price conditions. ' ; St. East, - - - Toronto, Ont. HONEST TEA IS THE BEST PQLLCJ Thomas†J. Lï¬pton, For “In Blue, Orange and Pink Label Blends ol When you ask your dealer for any of the above goods and he reaches for a substitute†STOP HIM. That is the time. It is too late after you have used part of it with pm success, as is always the case with substitutes... MAGIC" BAKING POWDER. GILLETT’S PEBFUMED LYE. GILLETT'S CREAM TABTAR.‘ ROYAL YEAST CAKES. There is every reason why you should insist upon Gillett’s Goods, and absolutely no reason why you should permit a dealer to substitute something he claims to be “Just as good’for “better†or “the same thing†as the article asked for. The buying public and the dealers acknow- ledge the superior quality of Gillett’s Goods. Why accept something inferior when you can buy Gillett’s pure goods ’at the same price? PROTECT/YOURSELF BY REFUSING SUBSTITUTES Winnipeg E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED- Clean, dry heat, with no smoke or odor and with no flying ashes or sootâ€"- 9)] that is what you get with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. Clean, Dry Heat The Queen City Oil Company, Limitéd The Perfection is the most reli- able and convenient heating device you can ï¬nd. It is always ready for use. ‘ There are no pipes or flues or wires to bother you. You can pick it up and take it wherever extra warmth is wanted. Every mechanical improvement that experience could suggest was already embodied in the Perfection Heater. This year we have tried to add to its appearance. The drums are ï¬nished either in turquoise-blue enamel or plain steel, as you prefer; nickel trimmings; as ornamental as it is indispensable to comfort. l A special automatic device absolutely prcvcnï¬ smoking. All parts ensin cleaned. Gallon lent; last: nine hours. Cool handle; damper top. Design everywhere: or WYiie for descriptive circular be any azcncy of Toronto, Ont. position of Britia-n’s Naval strength. At Rosyth, on the Forth, there are, as is well known, immense works going forward which 'will make this place a. very important; and strong naval base for the lug est ships. At. Dundee smaller craft, includ- ing submarines are concentrated, while Sc‘apa Flow, in the Orkney Islands, has also of late received considerable. attention from the ad- miralty. Lower down the coast, at Har- wich, in Essex, is the very import- ant headquarters of tne destroyer flotillas. And many a. man has built a castle in the air while his wife waa nailing a, 1303:1301 on the back fence. ’EEEEEE‘O SMOKELEss Montreal