em: Vii“ v I I. i. ++++++MM++++~M¢W¥® - 9+- l N E T A g I fl m†a? TO THE PUBLIC L i The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past patron- age, and inform them. that he keeps a full line of STOVE PIPES, E‘LBOWS, DAMP- ERS,WIRE.&C. Also HARD; WARE of all kinds. Tinsmithing done in all its branches, grinding, ï¬ling, repair- ing, 860. ' Eleotrolene coal oil, paints chï¬nOND HILL. ONT" NOV. 39- 19†' Spt'l'iiil attention given in ......__._ ._ W .___ A .4..-__ .AA ANOTHER WARNING. Pressing _ 5: Cleaning m Repairing Edward Wilkie was convicted for I causing the death of his wife while infa drunken rage. Judge Riddell in sentencing the man to 10 years in the Kingston Penitentiary drew a temperance lesson from the unfortu- nate tragedy. In addressing the prisoner the Judge said:â€" lt‘This is another added to the long and ; hideous list of victories of which King Alcohol can boastâ€"a woman dead by her l‘usband’s hand, a man behind prison bars, children mother- “. HANDS. , havï¬ï¬‚ahj... _ £3 (" , goo eaturesu; MOST HANDS ' i have some _ good features . ___.__....,___....~_. 4‘ less and worse than fatherless. , Such have all the good featdres' cases as yours might almost cause 0118, turpentlne’ glass. and~ NOTARY PUB; ]C known tosggrdggn.musical those who see no harm in the Sale and - I r . V f _ use Of intoxicating liquors 1.6.176 will- gaSOhIle. - ‘ ‘ wan-E run Mung“ ‘ ing .to be. themselves deprived of Coaveyzrncmg, r, what tl.cv COHSlder a legitimate ‘ L r I ' ‘ Y“ I - JJG’ISGB. Ills, EEC. .‘, I; Opposite Dr. Langstaï¬â€™s. pleasure derived from the (use of the liquors in moderation.†V “â€" m+++++~s~i~+++++++ +++++++++i +M M-i-MM++§~M+W 1- HHW'++H+++++'W +¢++*M*+%+~P++eb+d‘++-lv sévtb'i'éui‘d- 9...: CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Dr's. K. 8: K. are favorably known through. out Canada. where they have done busi- ness for over 20 years. '1 ousands of patients have been treated and cured by their great skill and through the virtue of their New ’ Method Treatment. When you treat with , *+-Â¥*+*****M++++%++++vbdfl- 5v FF+40+++$0Â¥+++++"-"+'r-l"l'**‘r WI“? v. ‘ RECHMQNE iiiLL LIBERAL CANDIDATE. [Vaughan Council. _--+._ _- "nronmouo HILL. REAL E ST AT E The next meeting nf the Conut‘il of the Vluiii. â€"AG E N C Yâ€"â€"â€" eipitzitv oi Vaughan \i li‘ lm iii-ill m . J". H. SANDERSON. v.3. MANAGER N‘me 5", VILLAGE AND FA RM PROPERTY at H) mm. .Mr. W. D. Annis, reeve of Scar- boro, will be the Liberal candidate for East York at the election on the 11th of December. The candidate has an excellent record and although the time is short. he will make a vig- orous campaign from now until cloc- tion day. Mr. Annis has spent most of his life as a farmer, and/commands 313i:ï¬ggstggysygï¬ggcggf mix giscggrgi ALWA Y5 0“ HAN “- i . .2. s. Manna}; cum We I'BSPeC‘ and 95mm“ Of an who 323:0:ng°f§€§9312lg§§igggdge§gggt gggï¬g “__" ’ *""’"“"‘ "“ "'â€"'* -â€"«-« ~~~- â€"~â€" ~ ~ know him. Mr. Annis is in full ac- §g§16£,§1e1;3'3g11irifogwggcg‘goggélu’mru‘3; _ 0 H L L S cord with the Liberal policy as laid flaiiggiiigiio mil-.13; ï¬tt€3§~a$§$fl§§§d§g I ' down by his leader! Mr' V' “7' igiegvgggéni'hgï¬frnimx‘iiaii’édio'ï¬ï¬fl The Next Sitting of Dinsion Court for Paiater 5,111 Decorator couraged you may he. don‘t give up in des- :3, pair until you get a free opinion from these master Specialists. 113 you are at present ‘ within the clutches of any secret habit“ hich is sapping your life 1y degrees; if you are suffering from the rcsulls of past indiscre- , tionsuï¬ your blood hns Lten taintrd from , any private disease and yru dare rot marry: ‘ it you are married and live in (in ad of'symp- ti-ms breaking out and exposing your past; it you are suffering as the, result of a mis- spent iIicâ€"Drl. K. & K. are your Refuse. Lay your case before them conï¬dentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED ' No. 3, County of Yorkflvill be held in the Court Room. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, ‘ U ILL PAPER-HANGING, GRiklNlNG, â€"()Nâ€"â€" v ehA ZING, KA LsOi-iix'ixo, so. Rowell. Mr. Annis’ manifesto - ap- pears on another page. The nomin- ation of candidates will take place at Markham Village Monday, Dec. 4. †Mr. T. H. Lennox, K. 0., Of An- rora, is again the Conservative can- didate in North York for the coming Provincial election. Speaking on the temperance question at his nomina- tion. meeting at Newmarket on Sat- urday, The World’s report quotes Mr. Lennox as follows:-“I express my unalterable support of the three- ï¬fths clause as best likely to ensure per.- manency in the cause of Temper- ance.†' Friday, ji‘ll i9, igiz. Busilleinoor ‘ ' (‘mnmi-ucmc at. 10 ii. in. i ‘ ' V ’ YONGE STREET. RlCrlP/IQ‘M) lilLL DB. KENNEDY. Memo“. 1511130101; '1‘. F. MCMAPON CLERK 21-3111 oansJLde. We Trent and Cure 6 CONSULTATION FREE VARICOSE VElNS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. Books Free on Diseases of Men. if unable to call, write for ..a Question Blank for Blï¬ggg?d‘$mgmgbgg%ï¬hï¬fgjs HOME TREATMENT and all Diseases Peculiu- to Men. Dns.KENNEDY& KENNEDY cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. _ H I c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to ., see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat i no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and .‘7 ' Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: ’ DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 1 Write for our private address. â€"â€"â€"_"T TMr. J. A. M. Armstrong, MP. for North York, in addressing a conven- tion of Conservatives at Newmarket on Saturday, in referring to the- Que. bec Nationalists, said: “I do not know, neither do I care what are the aims of the Nationalist party.†“is: :- MEANING OF THE moss 4 Subscriptions fer weekly and r 7 This cross (in red) has been adopted in imagine, however, that the electors Canada and all over America as the emblem of xfpnh-Y'ork will feel- inclined to I V‘ under which the Crusade against Consumption " ‘ tell?“1their.represcu'tative that he is carried on. ‘“ should know, and he should care Every reader knows of the ravages of this Herald and 36k- 1 I Every family should have both their local paper and ‘ City paper. Will Armstrong also say he does about the aims of the Nationalists. disease; how, too often, the bread-winner of noé‘kfnow there are three Nationalists I i the family fans a victim; or the young man 3' Star, 1 year in newly formed Borden Cabinet? or young woman, with a promise of a happy and useful The? Nationalists have proclaimed life, is stricken down’ ' , p. 1 7 5 "0m scores of Plaifmmb “1Ҡthey This modern Crusade, like the one of old, is a ; W eekly Globe o are Opposed ‘0 Ci‘ni‘da aSSiSlini‘a’ in j winning ï¬ght. The death rate from Consumption in the defence of the Briilsll 1jjill'lpire. . this province shows a decrease of over 25% in the , eekly and Empire I ‘l†l oes Mr. Armstrong believe in that past few years. ( premium) 0 Policy? if not he Sim“? “use his '9 Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared I . Volcd 33am“ the Nailoni‘1'5t3- f for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near , . 9 " " ""‘ ’ VJeston. To-da we have 300 atients under tr at- ‘ Cashel. r , y , p e ’ (U o -- ‘ Hand-sleighs and skates are out meatâ€"Patients Who) 1f they had the moneY: conid n°t ‘ ‘ again. So urenft-W of the fill'lllé‘l'S’ f through fear of contagion gain admittance into other ’ r turnips Mg] potatollts. d f l v hospitals E- Mr. Fro . Caz-rut iers an two 0 iis ' - _ - ;istt‘l‘5ilililil.S()l|)t:l\\'hélht’uiu'l'tyr escape ‘ lIn the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now ' min serious inJur e o ier ny . . . , while returning hum); frnuiStouffVille. canng for 156 Patients- 128 Of these cannOt pay a _ 6 His horse becoming unmanageable at f single cent for the cost of their maintenance 15 pay ,. g : ~ein an auimnobilie, juin in i i , ’ . ' 0 {Lung}, a deep ditch. thruwingpmi‘ , 70c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay 50c. or less . Dally GIObe, York CO. e ‘ occupants from the buggy with great force. Fortunately no serious damage , per day. . was (19,“, m the ,,,.,,..pnnts. but the ‘ Our Trustees, having faith in the generous-hearted ' _ _ l'us'gy was COIIJPI‘ft-*~‘1.Vd“"""lsl‘9d- ‘ people of Canada, have continued to carry on this work - Dally Mal] York CO ' Mr. James 0gp: lllLt‘lldS being a can- . ,i . _ . i ' . didatefor Township Council Honors ; dunng the 13351: year- i path: ..f1T.......tl. , th Mosei to my doctor? foodydnélrsmï¬lfnd caring of - 'Daily Star, outs1de of 2 um I c on spent ‘untay win his : €56,51C OneS, IS urgen y nee e . l your rea crs ' ' w. s. was... mp and have the joy 0, sha,,,,g m 3 Wk ma, has towns and Villages * Mr. Herman Storrey lost a valuable horse last Sunday morning. Mr. Henry Arnold is making propa- ratjun for building the largest and prohahlv the most modern barn in the , r J- G A the promise of the Master’s reward? Daily News ' Township next summer. ' . My. Gm. [Awe is quile busy ,hese‘ I M SPADINA AVE ' ChairmansExecutive Committee, National . r - _ _ n :- ~ .. _.-_ days preparing an open air rink for I anitarium Association i ,4 ' 4_ ' ‘ - his own Personal convenience this“ : ' TORONTO ’ . - D i , The Weekly Sun ,