Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1911, p. 3

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Sensational Ending to Case That Has Amused World’s Interest. MBNAMAEAS PLEAD GUILTY i’RIEES UF HARM PRUBUBTS . Thé increase in the number of letters is estimated at 525357.000, or 10 per cent. The revenue moreased 'A despatch from Los. Angeles, =(331., .says: James I-i~‘l\lci\7:i.1nam pleaded guilty on Friday afternoon in connection with the death of Chas. J. Haggarty, a victim of the Los Angeles Times explosion and 'fire. His brother, John J. McNaâ€" mara, jointly indicted with him, leaded guilty to dynamiting the lewellyn Iron Works. James B. McNamara probably will get life imprisonment. _Jol1ii Within fifteen minutes aftef‘ the court opened on Friday afternoon LEX’ORTS 173:0}! THE (LEADIIVU TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Chm” and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Dec. 5.â€"F10urâ€"Winter wheat, 90 per cent. patents; $5.50 10 $3.55, sea board. Maniwbé flour firm, as follows:â€" First patents, $5.50; second patents, $5; and strong bakers', $4.80, on track, To- ronto. J- McNamara, it was rumored, will get fourteen years. Each pleaded guilty on the charge of which he was extradited from Indianapolis. Manitoba. wheat‘No. 1 Northern, $1.07, Bay Dorm; No. 2 Northern, $1.04, and Ho. .5, 31001-231353; ports. Ontario wheat~No. 2 white, red and mixed. new, 88 to 890, high freights. Peasâ€"Good milling peas, $1.12 to $1.15. Oats~Car lots of No. 2 Ontario 4:5 to 431-20. and of No. 3 at 42c; on track, 'Toronto. 466; No. 5 Western Canada. oats, 440, Bay ports. A dezspatch from Ottawa says : The annual report of the Postofiice Deâ€" partment shows that the net re- venue totalled $9,146,952, and the Expenditure $7,954,222. During the year there was an increase of '437 in the number of p056 offices, of 284 in postal note oflices, and 189 in mogey prder oflioens. Barleyâ€"No. 3 extra, 88c, outside; feed barley, 70 to 750‘. Combâ€"New corn, 691-2 to 700, Bay ports. Ryeâ€"Car lots in fair offer, with No. 2 quoted at 90c, outside. Buckwheatâ€"60 to 62¢, outside. BraniManitoba bran, $23 to $23.50. in bags), Toronto heights. Shorts, $25. Applesâ€"Winter stock, $5 to $4 per bar- rel. Beallsésmall lots of hand-picked $2.25 to $2.30 per bush. Honeyâ€"Extracted, in fins, 11 to 120 per lb. Combs, $2.50 to $2.75. Baled hayMNo. 1 at $16 to $15.50 on track, and No. 2 at $14 to $14.50. Baled strawâ€"$7.50 to $8, on track, To. l‘onbo. Eggs~Strictly néw-laid quoted at 406. and fresh at 27 to 280 per dozen, in case lots. Bacon. long clear, 12 to 121~20 per lb., in case lots. Pork. short cut, $22.50; (10., mess. $1950 to $20. Hams‘Medium to Light, 16 to 161-20; heavy, 14 to 141-20; Poultryâ€"Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :â€"Chickens, 11 to 150 per 11).; fowl, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter-«Dairy, choice. in wrappers, 25 to 27c; store lots, 22 to 230; and inferior. tube. 17 to 180. Creamery quoted at 29 to 30c for rolls. and 27 to 28c for solids. pet lb. Potatoesâ€"Car lots, in bags, quoted at, $1.20 to $1.30, and out of store, $1.40 to $1.50. B to 10c; ducks, 10 to 13c; geese, 11 to 120, turkeys, 16 to 13c. Live poultry, about 20 lower than the above. Cheescv-Large, 151-20, 153-40 Der 1b. STATISTECS 0F WSTWFME Surplus of $1,192.730 81 Annual Report» COUNTRY PRODUCE HOG PRODUCTS. and twins at: rolls. 10 5-4 to 110-, breakfast bacon, 16 to 171:; backs, 19 to 200. one of the greatest criminal trials of modern times had ended so abruptly that many officials sup- posedly in the heart of the matter did not know it was going to hap- pen. The prisoners were taken back to jail, Judge Walter Bordwell retired to his chambers, and opposâ€" ing counsel went to their rooms. “The McNamaras have pleaded guilty because they are guilty,” was District Attorney John D. Frederick’s crisp comment. “If I had seen any way out of it we would not have done it,” sai Attorney Clarence S. Darrow after court. “We have had it under con- sideration since a week ago Monâ€" d313,“?! Montreal, Dec. 5.â€"Oatsâ€"Canadian West am, No. 2, 48 to 431-20; do., No. 3, 47 10 471-20; extra No. 1 feed, 46 1,0 461-20; No. 2 local white. 471-20; (10., No. :5, 461-23; (10} No. 4, 451-20. FlouriManito- ha Spring wheat patents, firsts, strong bakers', 8490; Winter patents, choice, 84.75 to $5; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.- 40; do., in bags, $1.95 to $2.05. Rolled oats~Barrels, $5.25; bag, 90 lbs., $2.50. Millfeederan, $23; shorts, $25; middlings, 27 to $28; 'mouillie. $27 to $34. Hayâ€"No. 2, per ton. car lots, $14.50 to $15. Cheese â€"Finest western, 1414 to 145-49; d0, eastcrus, 14 to 145-80. Buttor~0hoicont creamery, 30 to 301-20; seconds, 28 to {590. Eggsâ€"Fresh, 40 to 450; selected, 230; No. 1 stock, 241-20. Potatoes-Per bag, car lots, $1.15 to $1.20. Thomas Moore and three of his children were burned to death in their house on LieutenaInt-Governâ€" 01' Patterson’s ranch in British Minneapolis, Dec. 5.â€"\Vheatâ€"â€"Dcccmben, $1.01; May, $1.051v2; July, $1.063-4; N0. 1 hqrd, $10234; No. 1 Northern, 1.02 to $1.021-4; to arrive, $1.011-2 to $1.02; No. 2 Northern, 991â€"20 to $1.001-4; to arrwe, 991-20 to $1. Cornâ€"4‘10. 3 yellow, 58 to 600. OatsiNo. 2 white, 45 to 460. Eye-- 861â€"2 to 870. Branv$22.50 to $23. Flourâ€"â€" First patents, $5 to $5.50; do, seconds, $4.60 to $4.90; first clears, $3.50 to 85.81 (10., seconds. $2.40 to $2.80. Buffalo, Dec. 5.â€"Spring wheatâ€"N0. 1 Northern, car loads store, $1.09; Winter, No. 2 red, 990; No. 3 red. 670; No. 2 white, 99c. Corn~No. 3 yellow, 69130; No. 4 yellow, 680, all on track, through billed. OatsiNo. 2 white, 511-20; N0. 3 white, 511-40; No. 4 white, 501-40. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal. Dec. 5.â€"CattIeâ€"Butchcrs' cat- tle, choice, $5.75 to 85; do., medium. $4 to $5 25; (10., common, $3.25 to $3.50; canners. $2.25 to $2.75; butchers’ c‘attle, choice cows, $5 to $5.25; (10., medium, $4.25 to $4.75; (10., bulls, $3.50 to $4; milkorn, choice, each, $75; (10., common and me- dium, each, $50 to $60; Springers, $20 to $40. ShecpfiEwes, $3.75 to $4; bucks and culls, $5.25 to $3.50; lambs, $5.50 to $5 75. HogsiF. o. b., $6 to $6.50. Ca1ves~$3 to $10. Toronto, Dec. 5.â€"Medium cattle were strong, all the way from $5 to $5.60. $6.10 was the highest figure recorded. but only a few picked steers fetched that}; sum. Good fat cows and bulls were a strong feature at $5 to 85.40. common and medium fanging down to $2.75. Cannon; were steady at S? to $2.75. Milken; were still sarong at $50 to $90. Lambs were a shade firmer at 85 to $5.40, but aheep were dull and about 15c chuapor. Calves were easy at $3 to $8. The Hog Market was unchanged. The use of cigarettes in Canada contlnues to morease. Columbia by $1,188,404. and the expenditure by $738,885. Postage stamps is- sued totalled 648,764,669, as against 584,264,774 while the value increasâ€" ed from $9,942,435m $11,011,042. At the end of the fiscal year 13,324 oflicegwere in operation. _ In the poctuffire savings banks the aggregate balame to the credit of depositors. at, the end of the year was $43,330.599 or adecreas‘e of $255.778. \Theaccounts numbered 147,478‘ decrease of 1,415. LardvTierccs, 113-4c;‘ tubs, 120; pails, 111-40. UNITED STATES MARKETS BUSINESS AT MONTREAL Shawn in the Armed Robber Somms $1,000 at Paint 0f Revolver. A dcspatch from Vallcouver says: At the cognmand of a man armed with a. revolver, Teller D“ A. Mcâ€" the Roval Bank of Canada, on Wedâ€" nesday handed over $1,609 cash, and the robber made his escape. Only a clerk or two were in the bank when the stranger entered. “Give me a thousand,” he laconic~ a‘Hy ordered, and the teller com- plied. The stranger, pushing the roll of bills into his pocket, hurried away. The man is described as a foreigner, 28 or 30 years of age. He wore no mask. A despatch from Lon-don s:ys: Postmaster-Genera] Herbert L- Samuei announces that as a result of negotiations with the United States postal authorities the rates for parcels from the United Kingâ€" dom to the United States was re duced .031 Dec. 1 as follows= Up to three pounds, :30 cents; up to seven pounds, 54‘ cents; up to nine pounds, '78 cents; up to eleven pounds, $1.02. TEE existing rates are. 26, (50, 84 cents. and $1.08 re- spectively. ’ Gxaminatimxs by Hmlth Officer Gave Positive Signs. A stpatch from Toronto says: Recent, examinations have disclosed the. prevalence of‘ rabies in Toronâ€" to and throughout Ontario. Dr. J‘ United States and Great Britain Come to an Arrangenu‘nt. W. S. McCullough, Chief Health Officer of the province, stated on Wednesday that a dog which\had bitten a woman in Rosedale, and had been destroyed, had been exâ€" amine‘a, positive signs pf rabies be~ ing found. Another dog’s head sent t-v the laboratory by Mr. A_ W. Reilly‘ V.S-, Grand Valley, had given a positive analysis. First Tron Over the New Transcon- tinental Railway. A despatch 'from Moncton, N'. 13., says: The first through trip over the new transcontinental railway in New Brunswick from Edmunston to Moncton was completed on Wed- nesday afternoon, when three loco- motives belonging to the contract- ors of the road passed through here to Amherst, N. S., for repairs. The transcontinental in this Province is now complete, save the building of stations and terminals.‘ QUICKLY STOPS COUGHB. CUHES COLDS, Hans THE THROAT AND wuss. 25 cams Shilahgflm N. B. SECTION COMPLETED. RABIE S STILL PREVALEL'T. POSTAL RATES BED UCED. BANK TELLER HELD ITP. m m givm 1mm Mars You have one answer winh'each ONE POUND PACKAGE or TWO HALF POUND PACKAGES OF "MELAGAMA" TEA or COFFEE you buy. All you have to do. is to steam label off the Tea Lead or from the lofiee tins, send the two end pieces of the Tea, Labels,'0r the portion of the Coifee Labels with picture of children on it, along with your answer. giving name and address in full, and Send to “MELAGAMA,” Dept. “B,” 45 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. (Au. sweis unlimited, try early and often). swels unlimited, trirvoairl}; and often). NO EMPLOYEES 0R IMMEDIATE RELATIVES WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER CONTEST ecutive order, as they are received, and at the expiration of the contest, the prizes Answers will be numbered in cons sons. and the list of prize winners will be given in this paper. will be awarded by a committee of disinterested per ONDITIONS GOVERNING CONTES A despatch from Bombay says= King~Emperor George and Queenâ€" Empress Mary, as they are officialâ€" ly styled since their arrival in their great eastern empire, landed from the. steamer Medina on Saturday at the quay at the Apollo Blinder at 4 o’clock. They were met by the Governor of Bombay and a large gathering of high officials belong- ing to the civil and military eer- Vice, and at once proceeded to a huge amphitheatre which had been erected opposite the landing stage and which was filled to its utmost capacity with many thousands who had come to welcome their Majes- ties. The scene was a remarkably brilliant one. The handsome levee dress of the officials and the uniâ€" forms of the naval and military of- ficers, together with the bright toi- lettes of the women, only served to emphasize the gorgeous hues of the ceremonial attire of the Indian The King and Queen are Wildly Cheered ‘ on way Through City. EMMY SHEETS EGYALTY Canadian College Teams Win Three Out of Five Trials. A despatch from Chicago says: Canadian colleges won three out of five trials in the college team judging contest at the Live Stock Show Saturday night: In trial N0. 1, "all classes of live stock,” Macâ€" donald College of Quebec won first honors, Manitoba College took secâ€" ond place, and Missouri University won a close third. In swineâ€"judging Manitoba College won first place, Montana Agricultural College took second, and Macdonal-d College of Quebec third. ‘ In sheepâ€"judging Ontario, Maedonal-d and Manitoba Colleges took first, second and third respectively. Uncle Sam won first honors in horse and cattle judging, but the Canadian colleges Won second and third place in both classes. This is the first year the Macdonald College team was entered. Men Refusn to Abide by Agreement Wifll Employers. 1A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many. says: A lockout of 70,000 workers in the metal trades became efchtive on Thursday night, ensu- ing'on their refusal 450 accept an agreement drawn up by a joint com- mi‘rvten of emnlovm's and trades unionists. The "lockout is the out- Como of the faihwe to settle a Fh-w'lw started in October last by 4,000 metal workers. correct answer received we will give Also remember that for the last to the last a prize Of $5.00 In GOLD. the correct answer received next CHICAGO CATTLE SHOW’. prize of $10.00 in GOLD, and for L0 CKOUT IN BERLIN. AND BLENDED PACKED The first person sending in the correct name will receive the first prize, and others sending in correct answers will receive the other prizes in the order in which their an- swers are received- Contest closes Dec. 30th, 1911. Letters received at the office after 30th Dec., 1911, will not be counted. MINT R03. TORONTO THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM 0F Chieftains. Behind these were massed an immense throng, com‘ posed of Hindus, Mohammedans, and Arabs, all attired in richlyâ€" Colore-d festival costumes. Adâ€" dresses 0f welcome were presented to the Kingâ€"Emperor and Queenâ€" Empress by the municipality and other bodies, to which his Majesty replied. A Royal procession was subse- quently formed. It was a mile in length and comprised representa- tives of all branches of the Euro- pean and native arimes in India. It subsequently traversed all parts of the gaily decorated city. The n3,â€" tive quarters presented a particu- larly quaint appearance, forests of masts along the streets bearing a multitude of native religious sym- bols representative of the various sects. Enormous crost every- where heartily acclaimed their Ma- jesties, who returned to the Medina at 5.30 in the evening. Squadron to Visit Three Canadian Pox-ts Next anr. A despatch from Montreal saysn It is announced that a, squadron of French warships will Visit next summer. and will spend eight days in Halifax, five days in Queâ€" bec, and eight days here. Nanking has fallen into the hands of the revolutionary army. WEEK BELIEF Ffifli‘fi THAT PERSESTENT, HAGKififi GGUBH We mean the kind of cough it gives one a cold shiver just to hearâ€"the dry, deepâ€"seated hackâ€"â€"-hackâ€"hackâ€"â€"t h a t seems as if it were tearing the very Vitals. That’s the kind of cough that means business. FREN CII WA RSHIPS COMING. Fortunately, though, that is also one of the kinds of cough for which Nay-Dru. Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chloroilyne was first prescribed, and which it has been relieving with great promptness and regularity ever since. Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne is absolutely free from harmful drugs of any kind, and is safe even for children. Itispleasantto take, and acts quickly, relieving the irritation, loosening the phlegm, promoting ex- pectoration, and so stopping the cough. Thousands declare itto be the best cough Syrup they have ever trict‘l. ‘ Your Dmggist will gladly recommend it, and will supply you with eithera 25c. or 50c. bottle. he National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited. ixfi For completing the known name of a person prominent in Canada whose name consists of 9 letters. the first of which is “C” and the last "T" 39" t‘ounaoc 1m." I0.

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