The1ast Sunday in November was I'Field Day in Toronto. On that day the licensed bar was denounced in 100 city pulpits, and 100,000 people listened to addresses on the subject of temperance. Although it is ad- mitted that progress is being made along temperance lines, one of the speakers declared that in the 70,000 homes in the city, 7,000 homes had at least one person addicted to the intemperance use of liquor. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. At present widows and unmarried women who have property in their own names. or who are tenants, may vote at Municipal elections. Is there any good reason why those same women are not extended the same privileges at the Provincial and Dominion elections? We see no good reason why the Parliaments should not give the f'anchise to the above named women at all political elections. The manifesto issued a few. days ago by the Executive of the Domin- ion Alliance contains this paragraph: “Of the Municipalities under licenses there are 120 which have given a majority in favor of Local Option, but where the three-flfths’ require- ment has prevented the will of the people from becoming law. This handicap the Alliance deeply deplores and earnestly urges its removal.†The-Alliance has been “deeply de- ploring†and "earnestly urging†for several years, but what has it‘accom- plished? Sir James Whitney and his Government have deï¬nitely re- fused to repeal the provision com- plained of. The new Leader of the Opposition, and the Liberal party have condemned the three-ï¬fths han- dicap again and again. Everybody knows that for years Mr. Rowell has been most pronounced in his temper- ance principles. Yet some temper- ance people act as if they think that one party is just as bad as the other. The regular mum-ting of the Council was held un Monday. Dec. 4, in the Gmmcil Chamber, with all the menr hers present. . . . , ,1 h J The fullowinq accounts \vnrv passed and payment of the same UI'dt‘l'k‘dIâ€" Julm Ellis, glazing ... .... ... $12.67 B. H. Hunlwarv (3-0.. sundries. .. 3.64 G. P. Allisnn. grave-l . . . . . . . ... 7.40 H. Blanchard. wm-k. . ... . . . . . 1.05 A deputatinn frmn the Curling Club Wait-4d on the lunncil re obtaining the. nw at the Curling Rink fur the Coming season. On nmunn it. was decidvd to vharge the Curling Ulnl) the sum nf $1520“ as rental fur the rink for the \\ Inter season. Minutes of lust men-1mg road and conï¬rmed. By-luw No. â€"â€" was introducvd by Rpevv Pugsley. The By-law. which is for the pllx'pnse of repealing the pres,- ent Local Optinn By~lnw, was read a ï¬rst and second time and rend in unlu- mine-v. wAHB;v-I-Aw to raise $5000 fur elvctric lighting was read a first, and second time and read in c<rnlxxnit§et’. “Thv Vthildrwnding of these By-laws was deferred until nfLex the vote is taken on Jun. 1 uvxb. 7 muï¬nn Mr. F. W. Hall wasnp- puintvd tn he pull clerk at Lhc ensuing Inu‘nicipï¬} elfubions. Things are looking up at the Tun- nery, and more bands will be taken nn §h§1ylly. _ There is not much excitement. uvvr the coming Provincial elections. but Ihes uechvs at, the Liberal met-ting at the Eli“ Tuesday mening convince-d sume t'f the heaters that; u change wuuld be fur the gnnd uf the Province and the Cuunty nf _ank. The funnels (m tht- sm-(md of Mark- hnm are feeling jubilant, since thy thresh‘ml their cluver. The yield is gnud, the sample 'vf the Seed is excel- leng. and the price: is $14 a bushel. 7V nré getting the Christ- mq§ Trges 1-e§{dy. .-..... .. .. AI! Mr. Russell W'illinms of the Olive Farm Dairy, Toronto, spent \Vednes- day L-f last \vn-ek with his patents. Mr. and Mrs; Albert, \Villimns. Mr. Alex. \Villinms :Ilsn spent Saturday and Sunday at, his old home. stoppegl in 20 minutes sure wzth Dr. Shoop's Group Remedy. One . tgst will. surely prove. ‘ N0 vomitin . no _dis- sxesn. A safe and pleasmg syrupâ€"500. rugzlsts. Uuulfcil adjuurm-d. In: :éljihemi. VILLAGE COUNCIL. Elgin Mills. DEC. T. 1x941 Jr. IIâ€"Marjm-le Ball, 138; Bert Tutty, 79 Pt. IIâ€"Efï¬e Richards. Sr. Iâ€"Durnthy Bzmx, Gm'dun \Vel- drick. Eva. Hum", Norman Olmpnmn. Jr. I~-My1-lle Reaman, Gertie \Vul- drick. - Nu. nu Roll, 23. AV. nttenduncP, 19. M. ELLIOT. Teacher. Examinedfin (Jump. AI-ith. Grain. and \Vricing. Tnml 300, Puss 180. Thnse nml‘kvd “ missed (me exam. ‘ Fourth Classâ€"Tessie Hon-an. 22.“). Sr. IIIâ€"Nahum Simpsnn, 218; Gem-ge- Langsmfl’. 179; ’Katie Chapman. 150; 'Jim TuLtv. JI. IIIâ€"Elva Weldrick, 226; Edgar Simpson, 196; \Veslev Thompson, 161; Ida Richards. 140; “Ethel Banks. 128; Aggie Hun-m. 12.8: Maggie Rennmn. 126; Aurelia, Rennmn, 12.5; Ina \Vel- drick. 12.5. ‘ In every respect The Canadian Mai,- azine for December is a highly alime- tivo Christmas souvenir. There are saventeen illustratiuus in tint. nmny of them full~pnge size, with. as Well, a numln-r uf repruducLinns 0f famous paintings with the fruutisprit-cu fx-mn . . u . I n ‘ W I: .. r ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ’ ' ' W‘ ' †. a painting by the famous Canadian painter, Homer \Vatsnn. The illus- trators are 0. W. Jetferys. J. W. Beatty. Arthur Kellnr. A. Helene Cur- ter.().Fin|z\y. \Vell-kuown. There are eighteen) short, smrios, sketches, and INN‘IIB by Canadian writers, amnngtrhem hemg Arthm Stringer, Frank L. Packard, Newlnn MuTnvish. Isabel Ecclesuunn- Muckay, Vil'llii Sheurd. S. A. V’Vhitv. Genrge Herhert, Clarke. L. M. Mnntgmuvry. Madge Macbeth. A. H. LII-mun, G. B. Bun-gin. Pvter MvArthur. ICthvlwyn \Vethvr- uld,al1d W. T. Allison. Report of Langsbaff School for NOVt mber. PUBLIC (:‘r UARAN'I‘E E. \Vt-ure nulliurizud by 1110 publish- ers to guarantee. that (‘\'(’l)‘ pmsnn wlmdui-ing the mouth uf Dem-mlwr, pays a year’s subsmlpliun In The Family Hunld and weekly Shu- 0f Muntl'ml, will receive a cupy if their valuable premium piulme, vntitled‘ “Home Again.†The Family He-ruld and \Veekly Star’s subscription re- ceipts in Nm'vmher were 60 per cent 0“i‘l‘N()\’?lHl)Pl' 1910, ulmust, (‘lllll't‘ly owing tuthe picture “hich is admit- ted by all who lune sewn iL u- ht- [he besl- premium eyrr giwu will) an "0W5- pnper. Tlmse who fail [u secure :1 cnpy will lime Lllt‘lI)SPl\'(-'S tu lllillllt‘. The. Fumin Herald and \Veukly Star and such an lN-nutlful pictun- ull I'm une dullzu'is sun-h Hu-e \':Il|he llml. no person can alfnrd In miss iL. The piv- lm-e is given buth to renewal and new subscribers. Are ynume Hf [hf‘ hundrmh who have “rim n to T.1e Glnhe fm- a copy of "D;1ddy’.~ G 1'1â€? This is [)l'ulmhly withunt n smgle exception. Llw lnnst, pupulm- picture ever published in Unnâ€" udu. A few years "go The Christmas Glnhe pnhli had a limited numhcr of the-m. 'l‘hr' dvmnnd was so gn‘ur, that. every (‘npy was m-den-d lwt'nn- it was put, on lhv market. r.†, ,, A sample m-py uf [his picture: which is frmn n phntngx-nph nf a child with [he sweewst and must uxprh‘she fm-e that can be imagined, may he been at this nfï¬uv. Tu HPP it. is (I- want it. This beautiful picture- will be given free \vilh each new subsuriptiun m- w- newalsvnt in hr the \\’(-e-kly Gluhp and Canada Farmer before December I l Everâ€"bod s ulï¬aï¬: €83ï¬â€˜u’tnï¬11kâ€˜Ã©ï¬ lin- slo Gin of msrics. There is nothing else i ke it anywhere. It costs almost nothm to join and thei beneï¬ts it given are wonderful. 1 enables you to Purchase books and periodicals music and musical nstruments at special cut prfcvs. It secures re-; duced rates at many hotels. in answers questions free of charge. It oflars scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to numbers. It maintains club; rooms in many cities to): its members. In addition.‘ overamember recelves the ofï¬cial magazine encM fled Ev’ry Month†a ublicstion in aclass by ltself,1ncludlng 6 pieces 0 hlgH-class vocal and 111-3 strumental musicu’nll site; each month without E§‘£B.°P§'$§i 722‘329232 9'13!!!“ 1“ B"- - YQU l The full yearly membership fee is OneDollsr for which you get all above, and you may with- [drnw any time within three months it you ,want to do so Midget yuur dollar back. It you {don’t care to epen $1.00. send 25 cents tor three month: membership. Nobedycan aflnrcl to Ithll one: by. You will at our money bee in value man times over. nl particulars will be senarree 0 charge. but it you are wise you will sen roper fee at once. The 25 cm. three months memâ€" ership offer will soon chance. Write at once adv dressing your lz-tter and enclueing $1.00 for full year’s membership or twenty-live cents for three months to . fl MUTUAL LITEgARY VIE??- No. 150 Nam-an St" A‘ . E . a. y. “55 in your requeï¬t for membership with the. Absolutely no axe to grind. I ' 381*ny to please and to Inform. . a Cupy. . 3 l tm inl Publishing Cn.,.142 St. Peter St. 01' current evenhs, (bl ullllge UL‘ilubl' ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as‘tyhe great, il- lust “ilted papers of London appeal to the. English penplv. Nun political. Its aim Must Ten cents he seen Ln bu appreciated. The Pic- 0m- (lullnr :I Venn Montreal. Zl-tf extra charge- 72§leces in One ear In all. YOU CAN GET AL’L o THESE mums FOR AL- MQSTNQTHING. _ _ _ _ , A ‘ , , , Engine toï¬Ã©jï¬iiyjub-Tyatym CHRISTMAS NUMBER. DADDY‘S GIRL. $+++++dc+chanu++~hluluM-b-l-J-émmï¬ub o0 +++$¢4¢+¢+$~LL$£~++++++¢L$ 4.4“- kt +++++++++++~s~+++++++++++++0I .+¢~+++w-«++++M - ..-.- +q~. .w .. ++++++++++ +¢++++++++++++++ +4~H+'P+‘!°¥++4‘++°¥+++++++++++ THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “CANAUI AN PICTURIAL†P++++HH++++++ Electrolene coal oil, paints oils, turpentine, glass. putty and gasoline. ‘ » I J ABOB EYER, Opposite Dr. Langstaflf’s. Equ'isitely printed or. ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well~knnwn people of current events, nf things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in men issuv. Appeals to Canadians as‘tyhe great, il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the. English anplv. Nun political. Almnlnu-ly no axu to grind. Its aim 381er to please and to inform. Must he seen to bu appreciated. Ten cents a cupy. Ono dullnr a your. The Pic- +++++++m.uu|-+a-++++++++-u++ Hw+++++++ +++++~uw+.,.;..1..,.+ “.4 Your Vobe'and Influence Respectfully Solicibed for the Eleuniop of Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are 37011 intending to marry? Has your blood been isvased? Have you at.) weakness? Our New Method Treatment W51 cure you. What itlms done for others it W111 do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€" “Boyhoorl. Manhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. NO'NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No name: on box†or envel- gge3._ Everything Confidential. Que-Hon List and Cost of Treutment FREE FOR HOME T'REA'" fMEN‘ ‘1‘: Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. c . All letters from Canada must be addressed » to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- . ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only; Address all letters as follows: Election Monday, December 11. Dns.KENNEDY&KENNE er-ite for our private address. WEST YORK G. W. VERRAL The undersigned Wishes to thank the public for past natron- age, and inform them that he keeps a. full lineof STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMP- ERS,WIRE.&0. Also HARD- WARE of all kinds. ‘ Tinsmithing done in all its branches, grinding, ï¬ling, repair- ing, 860. manvous, LIFELESS For the Provincial iaaislaium. TO THE PUBLIC The Liberal Candidate in DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. DEBILITATED MEN vvl“. n... -...- .... .-_._ _.,,, the victims of early indiscretiuns and later ex: cesses, who are failures in lifeâ€"you are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don‘t give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors. used eectrlc belts and tried various drug store nostrums. ‘ 0111‘ New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men of those who were "down and out." We Frescribe speciï¬c rem- edies for each individua case according to the symptoms and complications-we have no patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fail. for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable bases ac- crpted- We have done bmineu throughout Canned. for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY BEADEB£535°X£ YOUNG MEN AND.M'DPm-AG§EMWv 'N & C0,. of Hi» S\‘IEN’1‘!P[(‘- AMERICAN. con '50 Luau! t ' Hriturgfur Patents. Caveats 3TH!!! . but me United Emma. car-um- . helmemv. He. llzuui Booklaboul ’2': ms sou-1t 1': 1‘. :i‘wirlv-mlvnn ymu‘s’exnerience 4 “mm 4! MUN)! A: C0. are-nomad ' .1arm A u w ‘A ~, um largest. he-m. and duly circulated wemmo pu er. 55630.1 year ' . Q did enzmvinus an interesting 1n- n mun mnv n'ï¬the Scientiï¬c Amer- _~' “2‘0 '~' L '7NN 1e 70.. Somme \ (Luvs. 2401 Urundnq, New York. ï¬e'dl Ire scarce. but than wno wrno Sunscn & Co..Pumand, Mainearm receivc free. full infnrmvumn nhnm wnrl which A 4:" mm 110‘ and liven! homoahnt win pay ‘ alum: from 5x [0 $15 per day; Some huva Eirher «ex. young or old. Cupiufl Thme whom"! at one. A" i: new Emllcll m 1% .iv. aday um roml‘ d, Yn-x are Marked free u. ‘hunlllll‘fl ' mm. ur mum: Iiula flnruunu FINE TMMRING â€"â€"AG ENCYâ€"â€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V.S. RICHMGND HILL REAL ESTATE USP the “Slack Season†to get a. gund busilsz education. We can give it. tn you in three umnths fut-$30. Write for particulars. A. J. HUME mums STREET, RIEHMDN 1-): HILIL JOHN ELLIS 21-31» BIVISlflN - GflURT. The Next Sitting n17 Div [sum Court for» Na)†3, County 01" York, will be held. in the Court Rmmw. ILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS 0N HAND. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING. GRAINING‘ GLAZ'JNG, K’ALSOMFNING’, &C~. AND Painter ancl Decorator RICHIVIOND HI LIL, Friday, jaw. 19:. 19113, NOTARY PUB L 1 C 3. eases. Vv’flls, Etc. Spyciul attentinn givml In RICHMOND HILL, Gummencmqat LU u. m. Pressing Cleanmg Repairing Conveyancing, T. F. MCMAH‘ON (71m:th MANAGER Residence- Tn PATENT flood ideas. may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"£NT RECORD. Baltimore. Ida