‘n'u' lnml uf Ameï¬cam Yellow Cnrn at The Eleratm'. Rev. P. W. .Gllrrie uf Bullinafnd was a \‘isitm' at the Manse this week. Read care-fully the two By-lnws pub- lished in The Lilwml this Week. Miss Emma Sisle of Grand Prairie. Altm, is u. guest of Miss Olive Mm-lsun. 'Mr._Ed. Diijiu. bailiff uf Divisiun Gmu‘h is acting as in the city. ' Don’t failtn pull your vote in Hu- Gouncil Ohamper next Monday, he- twee-119 mm. and 5 p.11}. ‘The 1mm who will pnsitively refuse to give money to young men nnd boys who gather with old tins, hm-us ()I' (:ow hells at :1 churivari will he. wurthy of a medal. But tn say the least it is a crying shame that vnung married ladies who come here as strangers should be subjected to such a disgrace- ful exhibitinu of nuise and clatter. The fault lies with the citizons, Rmmmxo HILL, 01m. DEC. 7, 1911 Ingersnll Cream v Cheese 15c pk. Heinz’s tnmam soup 15c ï¬n. Heinz’s hnked beans with pork and tumulo sauce 10c Lin. ALkinson & Switzer. Christmas Cards. Bunklets. Calendar Umds. Calendar Pads. &c. at; The Lib- erul Ofï¬ce. Some pretty Canadian SCFDPS suitable fur sending to friends across the ocean. The Christmas number uf The Globe will he sentnut abnlft, the 12th iusc. Order a cupy at the LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Clark’s Curried Beef 2 1h tm 1);:- \'ivs le [.1va 2 tins fur 254:. Albert hrnnd sm-dim-s I50 tin. Atkiusun 85 Switzt-r. Call in and see our nice display of chinawnre. dnlls. buys. fancy goods, etc. You will ï¬nd our ilss‘hl‘tlllt‘nt larger and beLtvr than ever. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ Annual Christmas Tree Entertain- ment, at Hope Methodist Church Fri- da.y‘ Dec. 22. and anniversary sel-viuvs Sunday, Dec. 31. Full particulars next issue. lso see bills in a few days. ‘ Tho monthly met-ting of the \V. M. S. will he held at the home uf Mrs. Amoq \Vright this (Thursday) after- noon at. 3 o'clock. MIKIVVH'I. Marsha“. L. Inan Sun’s, miller. The price is considered a good one. all“: ï¬ihmfl. Mr. H. A. Nicholls, Real Estate Agent, has sold Mr. Chas‘. Rollen’s arcane-Qty fynntjng 9n :l‘renchr St. to The Call of St. Andrew’s, Laskny and Evei-sley. Ln Rev. Ruht. Brydun. B. A.. 0f vaussnn was sustained by Tornutu Presbytery ml lesdzlv. Pm~ visional arrangements were alsu made. fur induction on Jan. 4th at St. An- diew’s church at; 2 p. In. as follows;â€" Rev. E. O. Currie to preside. and iu~ duct: Rev. J. F‘. Scutb of Streetsville to preach: Rev. Dr. Carmichael to give the charge to the minister; mid Rev. J. W. Gordon of Maple to address the congregation. So far there has not, been much talk almut Municipal Candidates for next year. ‘ As the wurk on the Gnnd Roads will be pushed through Richmond Hill and Ynnge Street, north and south, next; yenr. and as Mr. Pugsley is ()nunty Cmumissinner there is a strong fading in favor of askinghim to again stellid for the reeveship. Mr. Pugsley may he. said to be the father uf good roads in Y0! k, and should he not, be reeve the cnmmissinner Would doubt- less be chosen from some other part, Of the county. EPVVORTH LEAGUE. A pleasant and proï¬table hour was spent at The League. Friday evening. Alter the opening exercises a violin se- lection with piano accompaniment was played by Mr. Harry Sanderson, and later in the evening Miss Mary Trench gave a vocal solo. The address was given by Mr. E. W. Moyle of Langstaff. The speaker gave many good reasons why Christian voters should make use oftheir franchise, and spoke in favor of the franchise for women. Before closing, the Presi- dent. Mr. Allen. on behalf of- the League thanked Mr. Moyle for his in~ teresting and practical address. Fourth Classâ€"Irene vasnn and Hector Paterson, 180; Thomas Foun- taim 134;,Prestun Elson‘ 131: William Wellman, L23: Beckje Fountain, 78. Sn. IIILâ€"Rhoda Barker, 144: Smith. 125. sin.'11'â€"0hu'uie Riéhards, 64; Annie Richards, 41. r 7 Pt. IIâ€"Jessie Cmniskv, 169; Daisy’ Hart, 157; Olive Smith. 156; Mary.- Henricks, 133:~Jeun Helmk-ayv. 102. ' AverageuLtendunce, 20.. ‘ Jr. IIIâ€"Rosie Henricks, 175: Maud Hart, 155; Gwennie Paw’sou, 118; Jessie 1115'. 99: MWPCNB- _ Headford P. S. Report for November. - lgi)C} A115 the Third a. j u’i‘y mm H Alvin “How to Keep Young" and “Travel During the Past Season," \vere‘hnth interesting and the manner in which they were. presented by the many \vhu address“! the audience made it very ink-resting and all were listened tn with gnnd attentinn. The ‘puper by Mrs. E. \V. Mnyle. upon “How m keep young†deserves special reference. and it is Lu hnped a cupy will he. sent tn the press for publication. Some humuur- nus things were given an the same suhject, hut the unthnrs refrained from making themsdves known. The snhject uf “Travel ncruss the Contin- ent was ably presented by A. Yule. Esq" of Aurora. whn visited the Paciï¬c Cunst during last summer. Mr. John Mlill'l'flf Stockton. (ML, who is visit~ ing his parents here also bpnke briefly of the sights uf the Fur \Vest. Miss Simpsun :tlsn lmvimlr visited the. Coast. gave some-things that wnnld induce Canadians m Visit the land of fluwers. Music by Miss Carleton and Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson gave all present it variety of entertainment which was appreciated. The next meeting will he at Mr. F. Simpson’s un Jan. 8, 1912. The moeting of the Literary Circle on Monduy eve-Hing last, was quite as §}1(':Ct-ssflll:l_8l!511;fl. Tl'le su_hjec_t- viz: Jurï¬m- League. on Friday at 4 p. m. Se‘rliur Lgngup at, 8 u’clnck. 7 Next, Sn'l’lday eveninrgfl Dr. Smith will preach specially to men, on the subject, “\Vlmt makes a. man great?" The cnncm't in aid (if the Orthupedi: HospiLnl held in VicLuria University- Hn‘li was um: uf the best put (in in Tn- rnntu this season. Mrs Jean Blewett’s readings were u fenturp of the evenin . her laughable sketch. "Mrs Hardy s Visit tn the City" bringing down the house and eliciting n. clnmnmus ap- pla’use.â€"â€"-Tornn,tu Daily Star. METHODIST CHURCH. Prnym- meeting will be withdrawn this Thursday evening “wing to the Lnrd‘s Day Allinnce meeting in the Presbyterian church. at the cuucert in the Me-Lhndlst. Ohm-ch, Richmond Hill, on Jun. 15, 19“. Rev. W. G. Harina, General Seem-- tary of the Lord‘s Day Alliance. will nddress a meeting in me Preshybenian church this Thulsdny evening at 8 0’ clock. This ii an interdennmihntiunal wind: and all church people are invit- H . Rev. E. (7. )urxie attended a ing of Tm'untq Presbytery on day. I A shouting match for turkeys. gt-Pse. ducks and chickens will he held at the Hate], Fisherville. Saturday of this week commencing at lu‘clock. Tar- gets will be erected fur hoth rifles and shut, guns. Distance 50 and 75 yards. The opposing candidates for pallia- Irwutm-y hmmrs in ank Countv were nominated on Monday as fol- lm\'s:~â€"â€" North Yafkâ€"J. M. \Valmn. Liberal; T. H. Lemmx, K.0.. Uonservabivt’. East Yorkâ€"\V. D. Annis. Liberal; Alex. McCuwan. nunSF‘l'VntiVP. \Vest Yorkâ€"G. W. Vex-ml, Liberal: D|_'._ God flfy,» Consurvzgï¬ve. The following IS the program to he iven at, the Epwut-th League on Fri- ay evening. Dec. 8th;â€" Opening Exercises: address, “Wed- dings and Wakes. m- Iucidepts of our Village,†by Mr. Wm. Harrisnn; Solo, “Sweet. Thoughts of Hnme.â€Edwm'ds, by Miss E. Switzer; address, “The POSSible Future of Richmond Hill,†by Mr. Wm. Pratt: Piano Solo. “Si 0 isenu J’Pt.:1is"(VVex-e I a Bird), Hensalt. by Miss Millie Trench; Reading" “The Old Time,†Drummo’nd, by Mls. F. Allen. Everyone is requested to bring to the meeting some article 01'- articles of interest to be placed on exhibition for the evening. such as pictures of our old buildings or relics of any kind. An invitation is extended to all. 7 The skating is excellent un the [and and large crowds gather there these mgpnligpt nights. We wish Ed.' every 'success at his man] trade. Be careful of your ï¬ngers E . MrstMor-rison is slowly improving. We are glad to have Mr. Herman Mortson back tn Heudford again. Hmv is the moth ache. Billy ? It. is a pity that. we have not some carpenter in the town who can repair the railing around the corner, which might prevent, an accident. some dau-k night. Where did you ï¬nd your skates, Flï¬emil‘na n - u v ManeJx-geDeanv is going on Jury this week. Think twnce before you spgnk G_eo_rge. ' ,x . One of the ymmg ladies had her em- fx'ozen going hume from church Sun- da night. ’ ï¬r. Robert Clark visited Heudfurd M137). Wéilnmn visited with Mrs. Walter qunijlfy Sunday uftt-l-lmnn.‘ _ Mr. Robert Clark visited Heudfurd Suflday. ’ We are sorry to hem" that our butcbenis going to leave us. Don’t let. thflheeï¬ring fall. through buys, (31: dinner will- be- tame».- slim in“ tbu- gnocl old- summer time. The farmers of this vicmity would be glad Ln have the good roads come through Hendford and then we could keep the stone in our own town. I think. the way Ehings are shaping, there wiil.suun be-unnther: wedding, to 1.eporh.. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. J EAN B LE WETT 00 M INb‘r. A SHOOTING MATCH. THE THREE YORKS. THIS WEEK. Thornhill. Headford. n lIth-‘L- on Tues- Mr. Annis censured SirJHnws \Vhit- may for bringing on (lip elvctiuns lung lie-{me the eiid of the term, spoke. (if the deuth of schunl temchvrs mving tn the chasing "tithe- Mndel Schnnls, and discussed the principal questions nmv before Llie penplv. Mr. Annis cuu! demned the teaching nf French in so many’ schunls, and felt satisï¬ed that, the Prmuier wishin ta have the elec- tiuns over ,lwfme Dr. Méz-chnnt’s repurt on l‘lllingunlruthmnls is presented- The speakâ€. fldVlK'ii-Lt‘d u lax un :uim. mnhiles. a large grant, an lu-lmlf cf the Guild Roads system, and incidentally cmnplimentcd Reeve Puzslvy fur the excellent, \vnrk We is doing in mmncc- _t.i0n with grand l-nnds. In conclusion Mr.r_Amlis Mde for generuus suppnrt from the. electors nf Richmond Hill sang Mfuk’lmm lmvnsliip. Mr. W. D. Annis. the Liheral cundi~ date for East Yurk, made u must. fav- m-nble impl-essiun at, the public meet- ing in the Masonic Hall, Tuesday evgniug,‘ The chair was occupied by Mr. \Vm. Pratt. He spuke in fnvm- nf th cun- didute and his lender, Mr. N. \V. Ruwell,.und strongly asserted Hint. Sir James Whitney did not measure (up to his fm'myr pmnuses. Mr. McGrPgor of Toronto, followed in a rattling speech. Sir James said he would upposeull land grunts. but afterwards gave Mackenzie &>Mmm 2,000,000 acres in the northern district. The speitker could not, see why temper- ance eople favorable to local option \vuul Vote for a Government. that. allowed evorv 41 electors to override- the wishes of 59. Mr. Rowe-ll if le- turned to power would restore model schools, would allow local option to carry by u majority vote, and would see that. every child was taught the English language. Thé memivng Eltnsed with cheers for l_he _King “th Mr. Rmvell and Mr. Annis. Preserve Your Children’s Hair. Evely mother should see that hm- children’s hair ls dressed with Parisian Sage. the wonderful lmir restm-er and germicide. A little llegleut'nil yum- part now um‘y mean muz-h loss of beauty when ymu‘ gill grows up. Prevention Better Than Cure. Parisian Sage is a rigidly gum-th teed hair resburer and cures all scalp diseases. prevents hair from falling uutund creates a rich luxuriant growth of hair. a glury to Woman and the pride of run n. " I A pleasing hnir dressingï¬lmlir-s like it. and yuur druggist guaranteegs ï¬ery hut-tie that he sells at 500. and stands ready to iefund' your muuvy if it fails to du its work. By mail pnstpaid frum Girmxx Mmmt‘ncturing Cm. Fort, Erie, ()nt. See that the Girl wiLh [begin- luu-n Hair is on each package. Sold and guaranteed by \V. A. Sanderson. Before mderinp‘ trees. write us for our catalugue and pricas :u- see mu- nearest agent. \Ve are the. largest growers nf trees in Gmmd'l. Full line of Apple, Peach. Pear. Cherry and Plum trees. Ournees are nnLed fur fine root; system and largest, limh growth. Our Nurserifls are patmnizvd by the largest and most pmgrvssiw fruit growers of Canadaa Wriw fur an agency. Brown Bros. (10.. Nur- serymen Ltd.. Browns NLu-svrivs. Welland 00., Ontario. - 20-8 PRENTIcEâ€"At Millikan, Sunday. Nn- vemher 26, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice. a sun. HANDâ€"BONNYCASTLEâ€"Al‘. Cmuplwll- ford, by Rev: A. J. Reid, on Tues- day, November 28. 1911, Leslie Eustun Hand of Richmond Hill. to Phyllis Frances, (laughter uf Mrs. Btmnycastle of Ungnpbellford. If so, why not cu-npemte with us? We want. a. gum] live agent in this tuwn and vicinity tuhnndmulu' Fenc- ing. Rooï¬ng. Engines. Paintsund other products. If you are muhilinns, energetic, and lime a link: ready cash, we can make ynu a wry nt- tr-active uffer. \Vrite fur ()ln' prupu- sition. KING ST. AND ATLANTIC Ave.. Tonon‘ro in the Central Business Guile-g? of I‘m-unto begins Jun. 2nd. Gmmnercinl. Shun-thaud. Teleg- raphy or Civil Service Courseâ€" 26 teachers â€" 151 type-writing» machinesâ€"multigraphs. rulin- cupiers and ï¬ling cabinetsâ€"â€" Evm-thing to thm-uughlv equip our graduates. \inte tu-dny im- catalngue., W. H. SHAWL President. Yunge & Gerrardï¬tsq Town to. MOTHERS I ARE YOU INTERESTED THE PAGE WARE FENJE GO. MR. ANNIS’ MEETING. IN MAKING MONEY ? NURSERY STOCK. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. LIMITED f++++~bï¬++~k+++++4 *4"??? 444%"! +-b+M++M++-Â¥+Â¥++W+++4-+M+ A choice of mmany new patterns for this fall in latest designs. Few remnants on hand. suitable for small rooms at a bargam. ' ROOM % ROOM PAPER PAPER We carry a large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at; greatly reduced prices. OOOOOOO‘OQOOQQOOOOQO 4'+++++ ++H++++ P++++H+M+4 Q++++ +++++$$+++4 +++€~+++4uï¬++ i! M+ï¬fï¬d~+ï¬tiï¬w+fhi9++ï¬+im P? bi?! Giai-lvlv'k‘hdvï¬-Ph'ï¬w‘hié'k'ï¬â€˜h'i F'E'M’h P. G. SAVAGE *‘FI-Q‘é"?++++++~Pk§+++++++°bé9““? ++++0Â¥+++++++++++++MH+++§ Christmas Suggestions Atkinson & Switzer To make the Christmas Dinner more palatable and. enable you to enjoy yourself a fully.‘ Dec. 7. 19H. Men‘s Boots in gun metal and patent, a very nifty line, and extra vulue, at $4 00. ' . Men’s Sweater Coats, all wool and extra quality, at $2 00 to $4 50. I We also have a full line of Rubbers for all at better ' We now have the most Complete and up-to-date stock of Boots and Show and Men’s Furnishings we have ever had. prices than we. have ever been able to offer before. NOR-MAN J. GLASS ' PROPRIET‘OR Finest Cleaned Currants, 11c lb. ~ Selected Valencia Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25¢. Finest Seeded Raisins, in 16-oz. pkgs., 2 for 250. Natural-sized Cooking Figs, 4 lbs. tor 250. Selected Turkish Table Figs, 120 lb. New Hallowi Dates, 90 lb. Turned-down Lemon and Orange Peel, 16:: lb. Thyme, Sage and Savory. IOC tin. - VVethey's Condensed Mince Meat, Ioc pkg. Lyle’s Golden Syrup, in 2-lb. tins, per tin 20c. Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 2 tins’for 25c. Golden Sling Cane Syrup, 120 tin. New Orleans Baking Molasses, in bulk, 4§c lb. 7‘ Pure Gold Icing, Chocolate, Maple and Pink, 10c pkg. WE HAVE JUST'THE RIGHT GOODS AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME AND AT JUST THE RIGHT PRICE. The Richmond Hill Boot, Shoe. and Furnishings RICHMI‘JND HILL wwmwï¬hw --1-+-:-++ sw++w++§§+++++w+~z~ an“, i'o’owoonooâ€? Phn‘ne 17