Men's,(}loth Hats. extra ï¬ne quality. at$L5Uitnd $2.00. - N. J; Glass. .Ion’s Heavy Rubbers. in' sizes 9, 10 and 113 last year’s »rubh(>1=s, ‘wgular $2.00 u; $2.50, for $1.50. N. J. Glass. RICHMOND > HILL, ONT. . Earlyclnsing will not he nbserved )ext week in Richmond 'Hill. Stores open evm-y evening. .. Owing to municipal work before numimgpion day THE LIBERAL may be published a. little later than usual next Wee-k. Clark’s Corned Beef 2 1h tin 35c. Du- vies, Veal Loaf 2 tins for 250. Albert hmnd sardines 15c tin. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Mr. Armand F. Toefy of Chicago is home to see his father. our esteemed [)OStvlni'lStOl‘, who we rvgret b0 say has been very ill for several wet-ks past. hill in and see our nice display of chinamu'e, dolls. toys, fan(;y.g(mds, etc. Ynn will ï¬nd our assortment larger and bettvrlhun ever. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ ’ ["2918in Ore-mu Cheese 150 pk. Heinz’s tomato soup 15c tin. Heiuz’s lmked’ beans with pork and tomam sauce-1% tin. Atkinson & S‘witzer. Blbs. selected Valencia Raisins for 250. 2-,}; lbs ï¬nest cleaned curmnts for 25c. Natural Sized cooking ï¬gs 60 lb. Fancy sevdvd raisins in 16 oz. pks. 2 fnr250. Lemon and orange peel 150 H). Wethev’s condonsvd mince‘ment 100 pk. Atkinson &, Switzer. Mr. H. A. Niclmlls has sold during the \Vtâ€"‘t‘k ï¬ve- acres nf Mr. John Shem- dmvn’s prnpm-tv on Centre St. East. to Mr. Albert Honle of Toronto. Mr. Huule Intends to make use of the property for, the erection of green hunses for the raising uf roses and other fluwers fur the Tot-«mm market. 1mm: particularly for The '1‘. Eaton ()u. Christmas Trees and good Entertain- ments 2119 being prepared for the Sabbath Schools at Zion Methodist, Chm-ch, :md Nowtgmbmnk' Methndist Church. The’fnrmm" will he held on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 19, und thelateron Thursday. 218t. An All- niv‘ersary service will also be held in the’Newtonln'uok Church neXt Sun- day at 11a.m. . EPVVORTH LEAGUE. A very ii’itet'vsting program will he given at the Epwnrth League Friday evening, it being the occasinn 01 a, vis- it, of the ExecuLivu ofï¬cers of the Tur- .mm ()vntml District. M 1'. Conquerâ€" gond, the missinnary Vice-President, will give the addl't'SS. Mi. - Muclean. the President, and Miss Molinn, the Secretary and ()th( rs will also be present and assist. After the program a social half hour will be spent. Mrs] Batty, Miss Switzer and Miss Marjorie ‘Vright will give the musical part (if the entertainment, Game and have a pleasant time. HOPE GHURC H. The Christmas Tree EntH-tnimm-nt, will he held in lheï¬church Fnidny even- ing, Dec. 22. The vmvrminmvnt will include a cunmm, drills, recitniiuns and (:horns'es. Anniversary sernwns will also be [reached on Sunday. 312:1; inst. The Women’s Institute meets this week at the hunm nf Mrs. Geo. Gun-0w. The program consists of a paper on “Hmv toSpend the VVinLer Evenings,†by Miss A. \Valkington, and a report, (:f the convention in Toronto hv Mrs. Marga? .. ' THE Sabbath School of St. Andrew’s Church Will'huld its mmqu Christmas Tree and Eutertnimnent un \Vodnes- day evening, Doc. 210th. Mr. Hot-ace Rumble has sold three building lots to a gentlmnen in Tot-(m- to and one to Mr. J. T. Pollock of this 9199‘s- - -- a :1 cv. - ‘- K Mf‘s. LeMarqu-and nf Viv-den, Man.. is stitipg h_ex- sister Mtg... H. Rumble: Electhï¬'x day passed off very quietly here, a comparatively small vote. beng payed. " | Mr. W. 0. McDonald is acting as jugfr at, the: sizes i_n Toronto. I. The need of lights for the streets is fell; those dark nights, especially nights of early closing; tiev. W, G. Hanna, Gcneral Secre- tary of the Lord’s Day Alliance, addressed a meeting in the Presby- &e1-ian Chm-ch last Thursday evening. Thc chair was .Lukenvby Rev. E. U. Gut-rite “inn after opening exercises called upon the speaker to address the meeting. Mr. Emma. explained that) many people did not have a right can- c‘eption of the work. of the Alliance. lat. represented the moral sentiment; of the Dominion, did much to prevent the enactment (If injui-iuus legislation, and endeavored to teach the people to have respectvfnr law. The speaker easily convinced his hearers that the Alliance is acting as a powerï¬ul check to the profanation of the Lord’s Day. Befpre closing the following ofï¬cers were elected:â€" iy- ï¬feéirdent, Dr. G. S.~..Smith, Secre- tary-Treasm er. G. S. Sims; Committee, 0. Mason. F. Atkinson, and T. F. Mc- Muffon. ALLIANCE MEETING. Maple. DEC. 14, 1911 O ' The Testing time is drawing near. ' .VVhen eveny voter should appear. : With ï¬rm resplve dqvoid of fear, ’l‘hatvtheany-gi‘éw in ‘manly Be niuch respected all their duys; ‘ ' Gu_od_qitizens g'ommandin’g praisé, ' To vote for anal Option; For sake nftbose you dearly love, All danger from their path remuve Which for then-future good will prove, Vote then fur its adoption 1 To’hless nur'bm-poralimn, Tu ï¬ll the vacant places madg By those who silently were laid, Tn rest beneath the cypress shade; A (:l'ediL to our nation. The people have resolved to be From drinking customs Wholly free. NQ Lippling speges for _yuu_t,h go see Su'bhg {heir determi'natinnl , Will band together might, and main leil: ï¬ghts fur rightxuustygss will claim, Removing hence this lethal bane, Its ï¬nal extirpation l ' The liqum- trade no good bestows; Its course of evil plainly shows; Its dire results each victim knows; The source of much pollution? The sorrow. wm‘, and cr-imelit, breeds, All oth’ causes far exceeds, Its hyways end in evil deeds, _ Beyond all cumpuhttiul}! Alas! that men should he so blind! Their- souls to mee-r. soon t0 ï¬nd Tlgfir‘giu-nered- guld__is lefgbehind, To bring no bEnedictiunL \Vhile the-y puss (m to scenqs unknown; No title :0 be near God‘s thmne; Because they lived for earth alone; Their gains their consolation. Up then ye voters, true and strong. Vote in Lhe right, vote out the wrong. ngr vote, if right. will pepcg prolong The grandest. compensation 1 Peace in the home and peace abroad: Thu. path that leads to peace with Gnd; Ne’m- found in all the crooked road; That. leads to dissipation. 4 - I MRS.'P. L. GRANT Richmond Hill. Dec. 11, 1911. The Annual Christmas Tree and En- Lertuinmenb of Headfm'd Methodist SahbathSchnnl, will he held in the church on Friday evening. Dec. 22. An excaptiunally good progrmnme of music. dialogle and drills is being prepared, but the most; intexesting feature of the evening will be a Mother Goose and Santa Claus’ Recep- tion. It is_expect§{d that, Mother Gnuseand her-famous troop hf,chil- dreu will all be present. Admission 20 cents. Joan Blewett, perhaps the best knvwn, cextainiy the best. beloved, \vmuzin poet of Canmhi was the reader at the Scutch concert in Massey Hall. Her “Pathway to the Stars†n pneui of high ul'dcl', won. [391";111 encore to which she l'espmlded with “Lizbeth and the Meenisler.†a Scotch sketch which so delighted the audience that she was forced to give a second encum- “Umue out \Vesi.â€â€"â€"Glohe. The Epworlh League have lwen fortunate enough to secure, Mrs. Biewetb for their concert in the Methodist Church, Richmond Hill; on Jun. 15. 1912. HEADFORD CHRISTMAS TREE. Before ordering trees. write us for our catalogue and prices or see our nearest ~agent. We are the largest growers of trees in Canada. Full line of Apple, Peach. Pear. Cherry and Plum irees. Ournees are noted fur fine root; system and largest limb growth. Our Nurseries are patrmiizvd hy the largest, and most, progressive fruit; gwwersnf Canada. VVrile for an agency. Brown Bras. 00.. Nur- sm-yim-n Ltd.. Browns Nurseries, W'ellnnd 00., Ontario. 20-8 _ December 24th and 25th will be once more Speeini days in the Methodist Church, Buttonville. Many of the old- er residents tell of the great crowds that. used to throng the church on those occasicns. and with no little pleasure they will look forward to the Christmas entertainment of Dec. 25’, 1911, as a revival of the days of the past. Evely effort is being put forth to make the entertainment on Christ- mas night :1 grand success. Every member and adherent of the church have been asked to play some pal-Land many who may not be able to help ‘ in other ways can avail themselves of the privilege of decorating the Xinas Tree withApifts to their fijendvsr, I ,Mr. BLUHmenlmgu is at the plough- * mg again. ‘ ' 1‘ Our school teacher continues to per- . funu her duties to the satisfaction of S. No. 3, Markhatn._ v On Sunday, 25th, Rev. J. Uochrane who lived among and preached to the miners of G(»\xgalld:\; will preach at 7 p. m. and Rev. E._T.‘D‘9uglas at 10.30. ‘1‘ 1",, l On Christmas night, Rev. '0. 0. John ston, Toronto. will give oge O‘fhis pop. ulnr lectures, and Rev. and Mr. Ouch- rzme will furnish music. Mr. Cochmne will Show us how he reached the min- ers of Gu‘wganda by playmg upon a. combination nf instruments, :1 device of his own. The offerings on Sunday, and the proceedsvof the entertaimuent and lecture will be in aid of the funds of the church. The roads are very bad_ now. They traveller is kept busy cleaning up his buggy'if wishes to ido any business. V'O'z‘mlze-making has become quite a specialty in this neighborhood, espec- 1ally when Five Roses is used. A COMING TREAT. NURSERY STOCK. T0 VOTERS. Buttonvilie. Headford. There was 2: good attendance at the Epworth League Friday eVe-ning. the President; ‘Ml: Allen. in the chair. The program consisted nf a paper by Mr. Harrison (m "\Veddings and _}Vakes,â€u. vocal solo by Mlss Swilzvr, a. piano solo hy Miss Millie .Treuch,’ a. reading by Mrs. Allen. and un addrt-ss by‘ My. Pimp. In spea king finals “Possible Future of Rimmde Hillâ€. Mr. Brat/t admitted that the: citizens have? not been as progressive as it could? be desired. but with our good name, our excellent farm lands, our present railway facilities. our schools and ¢hurches, and other advantages he sa-NV no reusion why our future may- not be bright and prosperous. He did not agree with those who blamed the Council for our lack of progression but thoughtour citizens had udisposition to drift and "let well enough alone.†Mr. Pratt felt satisï¬ed that those who had mane-y to invest Would nuke no mistake in building a good class of houses in Richmond Hill. as busmess men and others from Toronto were continually enquiring about a suitable residence. We should endeavor to provide for the newcomer. \Vhen our good road system is completed to Tor- onto, Richmond Hill will l)e :t residen- tial centre second to none iulhe Prov- ince. The school room Friday even- ing was supplied with many old relics and other articles of interest. Owing to a deadlock in the County Council. the members were unable to elect a. clerk at the recent sessmn,‘ to fill the position made vacant byihe death of the late clerk, Mr. 'J'olm Ral'nsden. The vote stood 15 for Mr. R. W. Phillips of King, and 15 for Mr. Wm. Keith of Newmarkec. The Council afterwards consulted its solic- itor, Mr. T. H. Lï¬nnox, K.C.. and his decision was that no deciding vote could be given either by the. Walden or the Reeve of the municipflxlity' lluv: ing the highest assessment. On motion of Mr. W. H. Pugsley, Mr. Lawrie was appoinLed temporarily bill the next; meeting of the Council in January. The vote for the Provincial election here on Monday was very small, ruml very little enthusiasm was shown. Mr. A. J. Hume was deputy returning ofï¬cer. and Mr. Armand Savage acted as pull clerk. Shortly after the. pull closed the following repm t; of the mite was handed out; number of ballntscns‘, for Mr. Wm. D. Annis, 65; numher of halluls for Mr. Alexander McGowan, 59;!1ï¬ij0rity‘l‘m‘ Mr. Annis, 6. Tbgl-u was one rejected hallub. FRIDAY EVENING’S PROGRAM. The Sunday School pnté-t-minment, is to be held on the evening 9}" l'l'hurs- dag, the_2}stin§b. ‘ The subject for Guild meeting; on Friday evening is “The Life uf- Paul.†Miss Jean Boyle is lender while Dr. Pgntlayd deals \viLh the subjeub. The Sunday'Séhool-hgxs parchnsud a ï¬ne. new IEstey organ which they hope to have installed next wvc‘k.’ Is it just to put; in the time or flu- proï¬t. No doubt; you vwill say tui- pm- ï¬t. Intlmt case you' shuuld L-lkH n weele paper 'thzll‘, lnuks after the hminess end nf the farm. Th It pnpm- is The Weekly Sun. Its man-kc; reâ€" ports are without an equal. They have made many dollars fur Sun wad» 91's, They say so. \Vh.en fenï¬wing your subscriptiun do no! forget. The Sun, the farmer’s business paper. » ' HALLâ€"SMITHâ€"By Rev. Dr. Gr. S. Smith. (in \Vednesday, Dec. 13, 1911. Miss Sadie E. Smith. tn Mr. Fred- erick Wellington Hall, all of Rich- mond Hill. MCLELLAN~At her late residencé. 212 Balsam Ave., Toronto. on the 8th uf Dec.. 1911, Harriet, McLellan, widow of the late Dr. James A. McLellem, LL.D., in her 80th year. Funeral (m Monday. Dec. thh, to ,_Mount, Pleasn 11L Cemetery. ‘ If so, why not co-npm'ate wjth .us? We want; a. good liVe agent, in this townand vicinitybuhnndleuurFenc- ing. Rooï¬ng, Engines, Paian and other products. If you uremubiLiuus, energetic, and have a, little ready cash, we can make you a very nt- tracbive offer. Write for our propu- sition. KING ST. AND ATLANTIC Av:N TORONTO PRESBYTERIAN CHU CH. in the Central Business College of Toronto begins Jam. 2nd. Commercial, Shorthand, Teleg- r‘aphy or Civil Service Courseâ€"- 26 teachers â€"- 151 tvpewriting nmchinesâ€"multigi'apins. roller copiers and ï¬ling onbinels~ Everything to thm-oughlv- equip our graduates. Write tn-duy for catalogue. W. H. SHAW. President. Yonge & Gerrard Sm, Toronto. AR-E YOUW INTERESTED THE PAGE WIRE FENCE C0. WHY DO YOU FARM ? IN MAKING MONEY ? VILLAGE VOTE. DEADLOOK. MARRIAGES. DEATHS LIMITED ‘%+§!‘MM~!°M§M%++#+M ‘ 4.4469?!- +++°§n§$¢$++++°§$¢°§W+§$é$**ï¬ MM???é 300M mym ‘ PAPER §9¢o+ooo¢+oo++§¢oooo A choice of many new pattern for this fall in latest designs. ’ ' ,FeW remnants on hand. suitable for small rooms at a bargam. lÂ¥++Ԥ'++ {N‘W'b-i‘i'é k+~k*+m'l'++'§ 4'44"!»“3' '§â€Â§'+ #é‘é'é-é'é'é'é +4~'§'++’§"§“§"Â¥*â€™ï¬ We carry a large Sample Book with more expensive paper’s,‘ at greatly reduced prices. €*+%%'§‘%-§“§~+{*$Ԥ"§"§'~§â€Â§"§"§0§'++'§1~5' 4+4â€? +~§< +ԤҤv-§’+ԤҤ-++¢'§§-§~++++J §"§"§"§'+°§'+:! Doylies, Centre'pieces, Lunch Cloths. Dresser Sca-rfs. Tray Cloths, Table Napkins, Inwels, Bed Spreads, Curtains, etc. Ladies’ Handkei-chiefs, embroidered or hemstitched edges, excellent quality for Christmas giving. Fancy Linens and Battenburgs that make useful gifts for the house- keeper. ' ' Atkinson & Switzer Pretty Afternoon Tea. Aprons, plumvor crossbar muslin, trimmed with lace and insertion.’ Motor Veils, Collars, Jabots, Belts, Hand Bags, Bein'ettes, Combs, Hatpins, etc. Ladies’ nod Children’s Sviieater Coats, Mitts,.1\Iuï¬lers, Toques, etc. Bubies’ Bibs, Veils, Mitts and Bootees, etc. Shn-ts. Ties, Gloves, Sllk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Mufflers and Suspenders in boxes. :1 ARTICLES OF INTEREST FROM OUR 'CHINA DEPARTMENT. Biscuit and Marmalade Jen's, Fern Pots, 'Jardmeres, Syrup Jugs, Five O'Clock Tea. Sets. Sugar and Cream Sets, Rose Bowls, Nut Bowls. Cnmpm-ts, Chocolate Puts. Glass and China. Berry Sets, Celery Trays, lake Plates, Bread and Butter Plates, Olive Dishes. Vases. Lamps. Fancy Pitchers, Porridge Sets. Salt and Pepper Shakers. Cups and Sauces, and hundreds of other articles. -~ ’- .,. _ ‘. H+M.,.MM+++++++++++ www- e~+¢¢+++w+++w++++w s~++++ An immonse assortment of Toys, Dolls, Doll Carriages, Cladles, Picture Books, Post Card Albums, Games, etc., etc. Chï¬stmas Gift Dec. 14. 1911. And we have a ï¬ne bhoice of Sweater Coats, Toques Caps. Also Ties, Arm Bands, Suspenders. Gloves Tie Pins and Cuff LiUkS, etc. The Richmond Hill Furnishings Store NOW IS THE TIME FOR XMAS PRESENTS NQRMAN J. GLASS PROPRIE‘I‘OR Quality at a reasonable price is our aim. MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. \RICHMOND HILL w+w++w$§++www 9+Mo+++w§¥§+wo+£~+++ " (SuggeStiOn-s 90 035'9'635'93‘ 636309009 Phone 17