AT THE UBéRAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE KIOHMONDHILLflNT. is PUBLISHEIEEVEBY BHURSDAY MORNING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. INC/HMOND HILLâ€"VVcdnesday. mm. to 5 p.m. Phu ne: N. 4593. VOL XXXIV .‘ . F. McMAHON. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Licensed Auctioneer for me County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General Rules or prompciy attendedbo at reasonable rates Residence Union‘villp _ _ by u Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Bales “tended to on shortest notice and at reaâ€" sonable rates Patronage solicited 6 I per mnum, in advance.] :uuuu uvmuvnvv Va“... ..... G+R ({ouhhng, Newbdn Brook. agent for the above ' Licensed Auctioneel for the tounty of Your. re- spectfully whats your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and at reason-.1119 rates 1‘ 0 address King 6; Prepares pupils for the graded mt- aminatinns held at, Tmonto Conserva- tm-y of Music and Univexsity of To- I'ont’o. Special cmuzse in “Myor’s†Kinder- arten Method, particularly helpful to )eginners. _ Glass recitals are given throughout the year 42-1v DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL T Baigeon. J K N Maple We: Saigeon a: McBwen. The Newton School of Music Gas and Gumtin fut extractions. First, home unrth UI' Atkinson 81 Switzer’s store. MISS MILLIE TRENCH bUSINESS CAï¬DS. ANTONâ€"2f) (kWh-ï¬eld Ave†the rcst, (If thi‘ week. ‘ VETERIN ARY SURGEON, 'Phornhill. DR. E. J. WOODS J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR Richmond Hill, Ont. Emma a Pnopnm‘ron 9T1; SEASONâ€"1911 E12 gihtml I) elitist, RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J; H. Prentice I). G. BLOUGH. Phuue No. 2402‘ amteriuurg mam. RESIDENCE EMU“. J K McEwen Weston - VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 30f): f7. ï¬am’dson THORNHILL Orgnns Repaired Mm Expam Work Glmralneen PIANO TUNING Tel. M . 3631. Barristers mch Sollcuors. Moucv to loan on land anucnawtel u orlgagesat lowest. rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ilemoveu co the old post 0610.: one door west of the enhance to true Oncuno Bank Newmarkex oï¬iceâ€"Three doors south 01 the p an (mice '1' HEBRER’L LENNox (i STV‘ MORGAN tutors. BARRISTER-. Somcrron, NOTARY, ETC. Tot-1mm OIï¬c 1?. Ruum (,‘nnfodvrn lint: Life- Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Rich moud Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liheml Ofï¬ce), every 'l‘hulsduy foremmn. Muplo, Thursday aftm-nuon. \Vuoth-iduv, Saturday furennon. l J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC ' COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER. ETC. A. GF. Lawrence ‘. J. Duubm‘ Mnnev to lmm at Five Per Cunt (5%) NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Barristemï¬olicitors. Notaries, 360. Home Life Buiiding Cm. Adelaide & Victoria St,.s.. I‘m-onto. Telephone, Main Cable Address. "Dedo." Richmona Hill IJEN NOX & MORGAN Undertakers a; Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL A large stock of Funm‘nl Furnishing kep at both places ERICHSEN BROWN & MACNAUGhTUN Danton, Grover & Field BARRISTERS, SOLlClTORS, CUNVhYANCEHS. Ii 1 L‘. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42~46 KING ST. WEST, TO| H. A. NICHOLLS Lawrence 24 Dunbar, Winter Term from Jan. 2nd. You risk nothing by attending this college. Its reputation for superior training and square dealing is absolutely clean and it will remain so. % ELLIOTT mn'n numn nun! Commissioner, Conveyanccr, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. is in a. class by itself when strictly ï¬rst-class work is considered. Graduatu are 5 re to get good Minion» owing no their proper training. Write for Large Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Cor. Yang: and Alexander Sts. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Solictnrs. &c. Fme lax-Hum Bn-nvN. A. UAM ox “A NAUGHTON‘ TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 21, 1911 “In Essentiaic, Unity,- in Non-Essentials. Liberty,- in all things, Charity." Emu. Puoue Main 2984 51-6": l \VhPI‘HIS, the general dehentuw dvhtnf the said Village sunnunts to $3,174.58 of which no part, nf the prin‘ cipul or interest, is in urrezn', and VVhs-was. in urder to plm‘idc fm the suiddeht'itis expprlimxt to issue de- ‘houturvs of the said Um-pnmbinn tn the amount of ï¬ve thousand rlullaI-s ' lwuring interest at 4;“; per cent per an- ! Mum. and that such principnl shall he il't'payulfle in yearly sums (extending . (.ver a [writ-(l (If thirty years from the date of issue of such Dehentm-Ps of such amounts that, the aggregate amnunt payable for 'pljim-ipal and in- Etr-restin any year ln,1~espvcb nf the lprinnipnl shall be equal 'as Iwnrly as may lw to what is payable for princi- pal and intmpst, durng each of the I other szIrs (3f suf‘h pm-ipd. 23ml \th-vns. it. is dvsiruus and newss- ury for tho vum‘enis-ucv of the- citizmls of l’htI Villugp (If Richmond Hi". that tlw streets nf the said Village shall he Iightvd hy vhittl ric‘ , and f0 previde for the raising of ï¬ve thousand dollars by way of Debentures for the purpose ol supplying the Municipality ol Richmond Hill with Electric Lighting. \Vlwreus. it, will he necesszu-v for tlw said pun-puse of electric lightng tlmtcerluin \vmks. such as the erec- linn (If pnles. wire-s. etc. shall he car~ lied (HI. and 21130 that, purchases of umwsmrv material shall hp minds», :m_d VVlwl-ens, ï¬ve thuusaud dullars is 1h? ammmt, of money rvqnired fur th" carrying nn and fur the cnmpletinn uf the nTm-osuid works. and “‘VIVIGI‘HIS. ï¬ve thousand dollars is the amount of the dvht intended to be created by this By-lnw. :md \Vhereas. theammmt nf the whole ratenhle property of the Village of Richmnnd Hill. according in the last revised Assessmont Roll of the said Village is $217,569.00, and_ Whereas, it, will require the sum of $3(M5.§)5. to he missed annually as alfmo- suid by a. SpPOi-‘ll rat-e. (m the \thle l'ntmlhlp prupertyin the said Village forthe paving uf the said debt, and interest; Now, ihm-efure. the Municipal Unr- pnmtinn of the Village uf Hichmund Hill enacts as fullows,â€"- Isl}, that the Reeve 0f the Corpora- tion of lhe Village of Richmond Hill he and he is hexeby authorized to borrow the said sum of live thnusand dollars rm the cmdit of the Corporation for the purposes aforesaid, and to issue Debentures of the said Corporation int-the sum of ï¬ve thousand dollars payable at thenlï¬ce of the Treasurer ofAthe said _Villn_ge. BY=LAW N0. 2nd Within the said period of Thir- tv years there shall be raised and lev- ied annually by a special rate, in ad- dition to all 01 her- rates, upon the whole rateable property of the said Village the yearly sum of $306.95 for the payment, of the said debt and in‘ teljegt,:_ 3rd, The said Debentures shall bear date as of the First day of July. 1912. and shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer, and sealed with the seal of the ASaiQAUl)Y‘[_)('II"e_lti()n,â€" __ 7 4th, This Bv-law Ishall come into force on the First day (If February, 1912. 5th, That. the votes of the electors of this municipality who me entitled to vnte on this By-law, shall be taken on the First day of January, 1912; commencing at mne o’clock in the mm-ning.and closing at ï¬ve o’clock in the afternonan the Council Chamber inAthe slaid Village of _Richmond Hill, 6th, That on Saturday, the30th day of December, 1911. at the hour of ten o’clock in the. forenoon, the Reeve of Richmond Hill shall attend at the off- ice of the Village Clerk for the purpose of appointing in writing signed by himself. tWo persons to attend at the final summing up by the Village Clerk of the votes polled on this ‘By-lnw,and also of appointing one. person to at- tend at the polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By' law. and one person to attend at the said polling place on behalf of the per- sons interested in and desirous of opâ€" posing the passin of this By-la“? n - 7th, That: on [‘uesday the 2nd day of January, 1912 the Clerk of the said Vil- lage, shall attend at his ofï¬ce, at, the hour of ten o’clock in the. fox ennon, to sum up the number of votes given for an}! against;L this Bg-law. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken intuconsidm-atinn by the Municipal Council of the Village of R953 a ï¬rst; aha second time and read in Committee the 4th day of De- cember, 1911. CLERK’S NOTICE. Richmond Hill, and which will be ï¬nally passed by the said Council, in the event of the assent. of the Electors being ohtnined thereto, after one month from the first, publication thawof in the Richmond Hill “Liber- ul†the date of which publication was Thnrsdn . the 7th day of December, 19“. an at the hour, day and place ï¬xed therein for taking the votes of the electors the polls Evil] be held. Notice to Leaseholders. Notice is hereby given to Lease- hnlders within the Village of Rich- mond Hill that they are required to file in the ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Village, at least ten days before the dnv of polling. a statutory declaration as fullows.â€"That the lease extends for the period of time within which the money is to he raised for the payment of the debt created by this By-law. That the property leased is of sufï¬c- ient value to entitle the holder to vote at the Municipal election, and that he. has covenanted in the lease to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of the prop- ertv leased (other than ta-Xes assessed for local improvements). The names of leasvholders failing to make the re- quired declaration shall not he placed on the Voters’ list for voting on this By-law. A. J. HUME. The chief event of the season seems to he the 715:; anniversary of the 'l‘hornhill Methodist Sabbath School. Special services will be held on Sun- day. Dec. 31, when sermons will be preached at 10.30 a.m., and 7 p.m. by Rev. A. McNeill of Queensville. Off- Prings will he in aid of 8.8. fund. On New Year’s night a. supper and enter- tuinnent will be given. Tea will he served in the school room from 5 to 7.30. after which a choice program will he rendered in charge of Mr. J. J. Davids-on. musical director of the Methodist choir. Excellent talent has been secured for the entertainment, including Miss Ethel Stocks, principal of the Metropolitan School of music; Miss Ethel Switzer, soprano soloist, Richmond Hill; Mrs. J. J. Davidson. contmlto soloist, Thornhill; the Thorn- hill Male Quartetle; tenors, Wm. Cluhine, and R. McIntosh; basses. R. Little and J. J. Davidson; pianists, Mrs. F‘. Echlin and Miss Annie Cooper. Admissnon 30 and 20 cents. Our village is dressing up for Xmas degpiteï¬the mud of Elle; pitsgqu wgeks. Our Postnmster will Houbtless have to put in an aSSistant for the holiday seasrm as the mail delivery promises to be heavy. Mr. Arthur Morgan had his scales te§_t-.ed afgw days agn. _ _ _ * ‘ The village (foetal-s have been kept. buiy f()r_§()glle ‘time pasï¬t. A Mrs. Pickering of Centre street is improving her property, smd is fort/un- ate in securing an A1 well after boring a depth of 112 feet. Her trip to the Southern States is postponvd for the prggent. ‘ The trustees of the Public School have been fur-tunate in securing the services of Mr. T. McUm-mack of Maple as Principal. He will commence duties after the holidavs. Women have. more than their share of the aches and pains that afflict hu- manity. They must, “keep up†in spite of constantly aching backs or headaches, dizzy spells. etc. Mrs. Ed- ward Calwond 0f 123 S. Harold Street. Fort. William, O:an saysg “Isuï¬'ered with dull miserable pains soreness across my back and in my sides for months. They wnnld catch me so badly at times that. I could ‘ scarcely move around. I wnuld have dizzy spells, and altogether felt; gener- ‘ ally run down. After using a number of remedies Without ï¬nding relief. I learned of Booth’s Kidnev pills and fnund them an‘ excellent remedy. They not; only relieved me of the mis- erable pains and soreness in my back but cured me . _ 9 of my kidney f; » he trouble." .zBoa'T , ,6 :ludne. ~ 1,118 . . ' tlsm and all dis- eases of the kid- Bmxth’s Kidney ’ ‘ .7 neysand bladder Pills cure. Back- ;Lche,Dull Shoot;- ing Pains, Thick V an d U l o u d y Urine. Gravel or Stone, Rheuma- All druggists and dealers 50c. box or pnstnid from the R. T. Buoth 00.. Fort Erie, Ont. If you derive no hen?â€" ï¬b your money will be refunded. Gould WP do more? Said and guaran- tueed by W. A. Sanderson. Women Suffer More Than Men Thornhifl. A. J. HUME. Uierk. Clerk. ++¢M*m%+*+++++4’+*++*0 ’é’CUUGHS AND cums At'this season of'the‘ye‘ar sud- den changes of climate bring coughs and colds. Om prepare.~ i 3: tion of is White Pine&.Tar 'i'+++$+++++1°++++$++4¢M+4‘4‘4‘+ STIVER & RAMER Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE E.N.O. STATION AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneï¬cial to both buyer and seller, have decided, vWe thank the public for the generous patronage in the past, and will 99m- estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Best Bread Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits Hill’s D. HILL 8a 00., Choice Confectionery alway in stock. has been tested for a number of years as a reliable remedy. and F03 CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDs TRY Baby’s Own Cough Syrup w. A. Sanderson BEST ORANGES Grood Lemons Staple Groceries AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses [Single copies, 3 cts‘. Druga'ist. PREPARED BY STIVER & RAMER. GOOD STOCK OF DEALERS IN RICHMOND HILL _A'1‘_. Bakery No. 25 ‘9