As there has been some talk rel- ative to purchasing a new lot and erecting a new Public School building it would be a good idea to get the views of the trustees at the nomina- tiou' meeting. R'wmioxn HILL. Omu DEC. surprise is often expressed in some quarters that so much money is spent. in the village and so little to show for it. If any ratepayer will read carefully the Treasurer’s statement published this week he will come to the conclusion that a large amount of money is spent every year that can- not be avoided. ' Every citizen who takes an inter- est in the welfare of our village should attend the nomination meet- ing in the Lorne Hall to-morrow, Friday. evening. If you are not set isï¬ed with the way the money has been spent make yourself heard. And if you do not understand the statements ask for an explanation. A writer in the Markham Sun last week gave nine reasons why he thinks that Markham Village should pass Loeal Option \on the ï¬rst of Jan- uary. His ninth reason -is given as follows:â€"-â€" “We are for Local Option because we do not forget the scenes of Mark- ham Fair day this fall. If the citi- zens could have voted within two .weeks of that Friday, not forty people would have dared to vote for the Bar and its work. Then don’t forget Markham Fair. Also keep in mind that within two weeks certain things transpired which interested parties have tried to hush up, saying, ‘If this gets out, Local Option will carry sure.‘ Let these affairs be known and then you go and vote against the Bar and for Local Option." ' Don’t let. that bald spot grow. Go to your druggist. at once and get a bottle of Pmisian Sn 8 and if that don’t, check the falling air and cause neyv hzgir 22 grow nothing will. _- LL“ .......~.‘ A: kuhlnonn Dandruff is the cause of baldness, dandruff germs cause dandruff. Par- isian Sage kills the germs. eradicates dandruff, stops falling hair und itch- i'ng scalp. We will refund your mon- gy if it. fails to 119 “this in t_wu ‘wgeks. Parisian Sa e will cause the hair to grow if the air mot, be not dead. It; causes the hair to grow thicker. more lugpriaqt! argd pgts new life‘i‘ntp i_t,. The girl witnrthe Auburn Hair is on ovvrv package of Parisian Sage. It, is suld for 50c. by all druggists 01- sent pustpnid by the Giroux Mfg. 00., Fort Erie, Onb.. on receipt of price. Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. Leading Canadian Physicians Become Consultants to the Muskoka Sanatoriums The trustees of the National Sanitarium Association have announced to the Medical Profession in Canada. that they have ap- pointed Dr. W. 1’. Caven, Dr. J. T. Fatherinng, Dr. H. B. Anderson and Dr ‘Harold Parsons consultants to the Muskoka _Cobb_age Sanatqrium and the 31m @111an Muskoka Free Huesle These well-known physicians will spend a. day regularly once a month at the Muskoka Homes. The visits of Dr. Parsons, who has charge of the tuber‘uuloslé clinic at the Toronto General Hospital, will be made every two months. IMPORTANT MEDIBAL APPOINTMENTS That Bald Spot 21. [911 SHALL WE RETURN TO LlCENSE? Asa humble member of our little community allow me, Mr. Editor. to any a word in appreciation of the man- ly stand taken on the temperance question hy the Rev. E. C. Currie as expressed in hisWecenb' well-timed let- ter in THE LIBERAL. ' On this, the most important qnes Lion of the hour» the Rev. gentlenmn has certaian placed hnnself erect. along side the stalwart. advocates of Moral Reform. I_L is plensing to know ‘unvl . . I . u L . . ; . . . _ . that somany of the ministers of nur chm ches are taking a. similai position. Mr Editor, any agitation in connec- tion with the welfare of our little town is a matter of interestiï¬u me. no u .uuvvv. I came to this village when ten years of age. My life’s activities have been mixed up with the history of its past, especially on the tvmperance question. Many years ago that- saintly mun of God, Rev. James Dick, tWent‘y eight years pastor of our Presbyterian church; Amos Wright. Esq.. M. P. P. fo'r eighteen years. and kindred Spirits in the tempei-nnce cause ruisvd in mn- village the standard of Total Absti- nence for theindividuul and anl Pm- hibition fur the State. Am‘i what had nun-nu. .v. v..- V“ we to face? There were then in our Village seven hotels betWeen Elgiu Mills and the road to (lax-rville. Previous to the Railway Era Yonge Street was the main artery of travel from the north to the Toronto market. These hotels did a rushing business. aided by local consumption in the sale. of intoxicating drink. Every hotel had its “Old Guard.†a cuterie of profess- ional hulnmers whu seemed to he al- ways thirsty. No busineSS man could enter a hotel in those days and be con- sidered courteous unless he treated all bands, including himself and the land- lnrd. Tth treating was in its glory. and drunken men reeling to their homes a, daily exhihitinni. 4 -r »â€" AKA unulco a, uuu, u ............... We had at that time six stores and groceries, and they all scld whiskey. In those days it was not considered possible to run a mercantile establish- ment of any kind without at good stock of that popular article always on hand. It was sold wholesale at ï¬f|y cents a, gallon and retailed by the quart and pint to almost every home in the village. Then no barn raising, loggin bee party, birth, wedding or funera. could come. off without intox- icating drink being one of its most in- dispensable featnres. At our “\Vest End" a. Distillery was run. with its ï¬res blazing night and day to supply the ever increasing domain}. , ,.1_ L. CV61 lllvlltw0|118 “v -V.â€v The writer has lived long enough in the village tn'see a great, clmnge in its environments. 57 .__.1 cuv uUquuuLu. When the Railway Era. set. in and the Northern. now the Grand Trunk. was built, trafï¬c along Yunge Street greatly decreased. One hotel after anotherdisappeared uniil they were reduced more than half. The “Old Guard" retired, and the Disnillery ï¬res went out. .. .. .n 7 LL__ urva wruu uuv. In 1874, as Reeve of the village, the 1 writer signed the last two applications for shop licenses. For seven nnd thir- ty years there has been no whisky sold by any merchant of our town. The Temperance cause his continually in- creased in sentiment and vigor. until in 1906 Local Option was adopted bv :I, good umjoritv. 'Since then intoxica- ting liquor has not been sold unless in violation: of the law. The legal traffic in strong drink with all its baneful influences has happily ceased to exist among us, we hope forever. It has left sud meni- 'ories behind it and we have had on: share of trugicnl results many of which might be given. for in this ‘ dreadful business history often repeats ; itself. painful memories enough sme- ly to cause an intelligent community who are supposed to be governed by the lawe of temperance principles and guided by religious instruction. indi- vidually and collectively to pause and consider before they again give legal authority to a, business fraught with such terrible results. 1 .,:Ir_ Nearly six years ago we adopted Lo- cal Option. Since then we have never hnd a calamity resulting from strong drink. Under the. old regime our Fair on the 24th of May seemed to be the dumping ground of all the local deo pramty within reach. The days would frequently wind up with drink- ing, ï¬ghting and profanity that Would disgrace humanity. Since Local 0p- tion 2,000 and 3.000 visitors may be seen boarding the Metropolitan cars without a profane word or a. rowdy 1 action. At our recent Old Boys’ Re-‘ union when upwards of 2000 visitors took part in the celebration. many of the boys commented favorably on the contrast hetWeen the present and the past. In former times as a vilage We have had to make provision for the ne- cessities of the poor within its limits. To-day we are entirely relieved of that anxiety. Since the advent of Local 0p- tion, Poverty is an “unknown quan- tity" in Richmond Hill. Our contest is not with the hotel. Attractive and Comfortable calling places for the ac- commodation of the travelling public are needed all along the line. Apart from the sale of intoxicating drink. hotel keeping is as legitimate a bus- iness as preaching the Gospel. \Ve are a Christian community. The Bible which we all revere tells us that no drunkaid shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and it expressly declares that “Cursed is the man that putteth the bottle to his neighbor’s mouth, and maketh him drunken also." Wisdom dlcmtes that. we as respon- sible citizens. for the sake of our homes. for the welfare of our boys. and to avoid future regrets, should “shun that; which is evil and cleave m that which is good†by voting fur the continuance of Local Option. The Liquor Trafï¬c has held sway over our village for a hundred years. We have begun the. present; century with Lu- cal Option. If m, the end of the cen- tury we ï¬nd that it has not. hevn a success. it will then he tune for us tn consider its repeal. WM. HARRISON. $$4~+++++H wwwq-Wq' +*HW%HM+++++H+++++++ ++é++++H%H+MM-b++‘ The undersigned Wishes to thank the public for past matronâ€" age, and inform them that; he keeps a. full line of STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS,’ DAMP- ERS,WIBE.&0. A150 HARD- WARE of all kinds. +Â¥+++++kWHm+M4~M+ Nflfl++Hé+++++hw+9-F'IW**++ "ï¬leetrolene coal oil, paints oils, turpentine, glass. putty and. gasoline. J ABOB EYER, Opposite Dr. Langstaï¬â€™s. “'f‘insmithing done in 3111133 branches, grinding, ï¬ling, repair- i119, 800. a BLOOD DISEASES SURE LWrite fog 0111- private addren. ml we..- ,. m... - _..e --_~_____ v-†of hysicians taken all kinds of blood I me icme, Visited Hot Springs and other , mineral water resorts. but onl. got tem- ' porsry relief. They Would he p me for a time, but after discontinuing the medi- cines the symptoms would break out againâ€"running sore blotches, rheum- '_ atic pains. loosenesso the hair swellings ' gage glanfdgizpnl‘rns 0‘; the hgiréhstscalin , nesso e s in. ep 3 omac .BIPORITRIATIBHT m I had given up “lampâ€, when 3 Arm» TIMTIIIT friend advised me to consult you, as vou had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ag0° I had no hope. but took his advice. in three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. I continued the NEW Marmot: TRIATMEST for four months and at the end of that time every simptom had disappeared. I was cured 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since. Iy boy, three years old. is sound and healthy. I cer- tainly'can recommend your treatment; with all my heart. You can refer ank' person to me privately, but you can use this testimdhial as you wish. V. IL S. 8‘ We treat Nm‘IOUS DEBILITY, VARXCOSE VENS. VITAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD, SIGN and SECRET Diseases. URIHARY. BLADDER Ind KIDNEY compllinu of Men und’WSiéE flEADEH BEAT)! ENT 3:551: BEE-15 Wfl‘digeasédf This fan any ieakness! Diu- wa METHOD nm'rxmm will cure you. What it has done for others at will do for you. Conwltntion Free. No matter who has treated lfou write for an honest opinion Fun of Charge. Charges reasonable. Boob Fun-(I ustrated) on diseases of Men. i0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything conï¬donlinl. Quuï¬on list and cost of Home Tmunon: FREE. Dns.KENNEDY&KENNEY H All letters from Canada must be addressed to-om' Canadian Correspondence Depart- “ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: disease; how, too often, the breadâ€"winner of the family fails a victim, or the young man or young woman, with a promise Of a happy and useful life, is stricken down. ' Every reader knows of the ravages of this This modern Crusade, like the one of old, is a winning ï¬ght. The death rate' from Consumption in this province shows a decrease 'of over 25 % in the past few years. Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and .near Weston. To-day we have 300 patients under treat- mentâ€"patients who, if they had the money, could not through fear of contagion gain admittance into other hospitals. †In the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now caring for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay a single cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay 70c. per day, 1 pays 57¢. per day, 12 pay 50c. or less per day. Our Trustees; having faith in the generous-hearted people of Canada, have continued to carry on this work during the past year. ' Money to pay doctors, food, nursing and caring of these sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers help and have the joy of sharing m a work that has the promise of the Master’s reward? M SPADINA AVE. TORONTO Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold 5L. Detroit, Mich. Are ygyra, ylglgigx? “Have xohvlrosb hope? Are you intendigg cognan _,_,_ __- m-.. .._.. -rnn‘vhun’ n:- W Drs. K. 8: K. Established 20 Years DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY. This cross (in red) has been adopted in Canada and all over America as the emblem under which the Crusade against Consumption is carried on. MEANING OF THE CROSS mo NAMES USED WITH. our WRITTEN CONSENT He was surpflnod a: how the cores healedâ€" “I took your NEW Marnon Tnungmr for a sex-nous b1 disease with winch I ‘had been indicted lfqr tgvelyq yearg. . I haq_cqqsultad‘a score ,,,... _ Luv“: Chairman Executive Committee, National Samarium Association W. J. GAGE ', Windsor. . J-.. ... _â€"_._ wegkpesgf 031;}? Myrgon Ont. FINE TAILBRiN-G A. J. HUME RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€"~ J. H. SANDERSON. V.S. You can’t spend $30 tn better advantage than on um- three months business cuurse, and it, will be of value t1“ you all the rest. of your life. Write for. catalogue. JOHN ELLI S YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL 213m The Next Sitting of Div men Gum-1101 N0. 3, Count-y of York, will he held in the Court Room. DIVISION - BOURT. To PITEIIT Good “I may be secuer by our aid. Addreu. I I -’ THE "1041‘ “com: Balihom ILLAGE‘ AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS 0N HAND. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING. GRAINING. GLAZING, KALSOMINING, &C. AND RICHM 0ND HI LL NOTARY PUBLIC Painter and Qgcorator Special attention given to Leases. Wills, Friday, jan. 19, 1912, Commencan at 10 a. ‘m; T. F. MCMAHON CLERK RICHMOND HILL “0Nâ€. Pressing ' Cle’anmg Repairing Conveyancing. MANAGER Residence: To PlTEIlT Good “In ’ENT HENRI). Hamlin". Id,