“coat? the reasons'given' by those whofyote for licensed bars is, that they help business. Monday’s Globe contained a Proclamation, signed by Linea-fly»z an the. business menâ€"bank- ers, merchants, and professional menâ€"cf} Leamington, Ont., Where the sale of intoxicating liquors has been legally prohibited since May, ; 19:10.1: ,Tlie.‘ï¬1‘ms, individuals and corporations transact more than 95 '_ per cent of all the business done in E- Hint Town, and they all say that f'iom the time local option "Went into farce they have found "business steadily improving, Collections con- siderably better, more building being dgne than ever before, no buildings in.town for rent, the morals in the entire community greatly improved and probably not more than 10 per cent. of whiskey consumed as for- merly, and possibly not 10 per cent. Drunkenness on the streets practical- ly unknown, and, from a business as well as a moral standpoint, we would consider the return to the open bar as nothing short of a public calamity.†Markham Village will vote on 10â€" cal option next Monday. Last week’s Economist contained the following information bearing pn the subject:â€" The experience of Leamington is the experience ofRichmond Hill and any other town or village where the citizens work together for what they know to be right. “Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Cocbul‘n, Librarian of Knox College, Toronto, gave addresses in advocacy of local option. His arguments were nearly all presented from a purely business standpoint, and he read letters from the mayors and reeves of some forty- ï¬ve towns and villages in Ontario who all certiï¬ed that instead of local option being a damage to Business was a help.†“The local option meeting in the town hall Wednesday night was well attended. The principal speak- er was Jas. McCulloch of Stouffville who made a good address and read certiï¬cates signed by 38 of the lead- ing business men of that village en- dorsing it as a beneï¬t to trade. WORDS OF THANKS. Mrs. Lewis and daughter‘s wish to thank the many kind frivnds and neighhm-s. through The Liberal, fur their kind help and sympathy in Lheil sudden bereavement. mcimnnnm. 0m, Du. 28. 1911 The regular monthly mpeting of the Thm-nhill Branch (if the \Vumen‘s Institute mph at, the home Mls. David James. on Wednesday, Dec. 20, Mrs. Mat-tin the President in the chair. The program, buth interesting and instructive, was given as follows: Mrs. E. Francis read apuper on “How to prepare a Chi-isLums dinner†and Mr. James guvea talk on "Poultry rais- ing." Mrs. Curruthers called the roll to which several responded by giving a. quotation from some author. st. Echliu and Mrs. Bales gave. several instrumental selections. W'hen the meeting was dismissed the hostess, assisted by some of the members, surved a dainty lunch.â€- . ...... Elie fl’ibmi The neitr médeting will be held at the home nf Mrs. Hull, Thornhill. on Jan- uary 29. Everybody Welcome. 1. If intemperance is an evil. and it cannot be denied. how can anyone justify himsvlf who works and votes to give it mnre scqpe bx license? v~n 2. If ten men Have lwcome intem- pvrate under local prohibitiml. how many more wculd have become so had there been nu restriction. and how much more debauched wuuld they have become under licepse? 3. Since the-ft, is still'ï¬pmctised, Why not repeal the law. or license people to stwnl. as the advocates of the inu le‘ would license that, which steals repu- tation. means and privnleges. _ 4. Supposing the open bar to be yet, n possibility in Richmond Hill. and that it should therefore become neces- sary to furnish patrons for it. What family is ready to furnish the ï¬rst regular custumerâ€"say the father or one ofythe boys nver_15_ yemls of age? 5. Granted that it is' a duty to in- culcate selflponu-ol in ourselves and others, yet, who would justify settinga trap for those in whom such control is stijl imperfect? I -,-. u- ‘ n.- u "é: "Wl‘ï¬â€˜txv-buld Jesus do? is always a Christian concern. \Vould he vote {or _the_ open bar? Don‘t be self- deceived. TEMPERANCE NUTS T0 CRACK. Q’I‘BONG ARGUMENT. Thornhifl. ++++++M++ ++'P++‘§°'P+++*+++%+ ++H$M§l+++++ï¬v++++++++++++ We believe that every votef’in Richmond Hill, who believes in sobriety and good morals, sh()ul(i_mark his or her ballot next Monday as indicatéd below. ' Votéfor Lo‘cal Option +++.h4o+-bmm+++++i~+++++++ 9 .FI-‘i-i'iuk-P-i-d- ++$++"'M'r+"l~r-E++-e TO THE PUBLIC There are many ways of ï¬xing them. No two cans are alike. 00m. and let u. tell you “How†and “Why†and "If." W. advlo; Mo. "all": and “Intranet depond upon your tooth. Give the manor uroflal thought ? The undersigned Wishes, to thank the public for past natron- age, and inform them that he keeps a full line of STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, _DAl\/1P- ERS,WIRE.&O. Also HARD- WARE of all kinds. Eleotrolene coal oil, paints oils, turpentine, glass. putty and. gasoline. V 'JABOB EYER», .5 Opposite Dr. Langstaff’s. Tinsmithing done in all its branches, grinding, ï¬ling, repair- 1119.800. u c All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patents in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: V ’cONsuu'rAnon FR . ' for ' Bunk for "on. Trumeniï¬ BOOKS FREE If unable to an mte u Que-hon Dns.KENNEDY& KENNEDY DRs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. 3mm for our private address. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure van and make a man of you. Under its influence the brain becbmes active. the blood puriï¬ed so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness. bashfuluess and despondencg disappear; the eyes become bu ht. the face full and clear, ener yreturns to the ody. and the moral. ph sical an mental stems are invigorate ; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital waste mm the sysbem. on feel yourseltnman and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don‘t let queen and taklrs rob you of. your hard earned dollars. ,. back of my head, hands and feet were cold, and in the morning, 1‘ appetite, ï¬ngers were shaky. eyes lurred. hair loose, memory poor. etc. Numbness in the ï¬ngers set in {and the doctor told me he feared paralysm. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many ï¬rst-class physicians. wore an electric belt for three monghg, balgoreceiveicg ï¬lexbeneflg. £1. - was 11 uce consu . enne Inc“ "in-ME"? Kennedy. though I had lost all mitt? in "T" Tau'mt'" doctors. Likeadrowning man I commenced the New Dim-non 'l‘nnnnm and it saved my life. The improvement was like magicâ€"I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. Iwas cured. mentally and physically. Ihave Sent them many patients and continueto do so. OURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY '2 £2 We treat and curs VANCOSE vans, NERVOUS DEBIU'I‘Y. BLOOD AND UNflNAR‘: SIOMPLAINIS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and All Dina-ea pol: m on. NERVOUS DEBILITYa Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 51.. Detroit, Mich. a- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS LOCAL OPTION LOCAL OPTION AGAINST FOR Peter E. Summer} relptgg his expgripgge: “I was troubled with Nervous Debility formany years. Uni-it, to indiscretion and excesses in ygut I became ve des ndent and dxdn‘t care whether wax~ ed or not. I imagined everybod who looked at me guessed my secre Imaginative ‘dreagns, at night weaken LA, __;_A .1- LL- .......-VV ...-.....- w- 0â€"- .. -,._-_- mermy back Behesi- hï¬PWJn “13 The trustees of the National Sanitarium Association have announced to the Medical Profession in Canada. that, they have ap- pointed Dr. W. P. Coven, Dr. J. T. Fotberingbsm, Dr. H. B. Anderson and Dr \Hsrold Persons consultants to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium and the Muskoka Free Hospital. These well-known physicians will spend a day regularly once a month at the Muskoka Homes. The visits of Dr. Parsons, who has charge of the tuberculosis clinic at the Toronto General Hospital, will be made every two months. Leading Canadian Physicians Become Consultants to the Muskoka Sanatoriums IMPORTANT IIEBICAI. APPOIITIEITS 'YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL 21-31" \Ve- annh n mun-59 in shun-lend and typewrlling that will make an 9xâ€" pvrt stunngmplwr (-f yun. Ask any- nnv who has ln-pu In this school. \Ve JOHN will "(:(ert the. decision. The Weekly Sun HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING. GRAINING, GLAZING, KALSOMINJNG. 8:6. Every family should have both their local paper and a cit-y paper. Painter and Decorator have all the good features known to modern musical science. “If: ron CATALOGUE WRIGHT EROS. Residencv: ELLI S AGENCYflâ€" J. H. SANDERSON. V.S. The Next Sitting nf Divmnn Com-t tm N0. 3, Count y of York, will be held in the 701nm Room. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AI.\\'AY.‘3‘ UN HAND. FINE TAILURING REAL ES‘PATE Di‘JiSIUN - Gï¬UHT. RECHMGND HILL A. J". HUME RATES AND Friday, Jan. 19, 1912, RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUB L IC 1 eases VVllls, Etc. RICHMOND HILL Spkcinl attentinn given m ()nmmencmx: at. 10 Pressing Cleaning Repairing Cokjveyancing, T. F. MCMAHON CLERK MANAGER 2!. In.