Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Dec 1911, p. 7

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EVERY PLACE [IN TELLS 0F CUBES MADE BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. ‘ Cold Springs, Peace River Land- ing, Alta., Dec. 26 (Special)â€"Just 1why Dodd’s Kidney Pills retain fiheir wonderful popularity is easâ€" ily shown by a trip across the ‘prairies. Every town, village and ‘postâ€"oflice has at least one man or v’vfiman who is ready to tell of pains relieved and health restored by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy. ;Let Thos. Griflin of this place add his statement to the hosts already lpublished. .1- . 4-” Thos. Griffin, of Peace River Land- ing, tells how he got rid of his Rheumatism â€"â€" honestly earn’ed popularity. “When I came to this part of the country,” says Mr. Griffin, “1 was troubled with a, bad back and Rheumatism in my shoulders and hips. I sent for six boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and they gave me re- lief at once. I also recommended them to my eldest son who was confined to his bed from Rheumaâ€" tism. “Now I know that Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills are the best medicine for Rheumatism and the Kidneys. I recommend them to every person I hear complaining of not feeling well.” It is a truly astonishing thing to reflect that Shakespeare, for all his love of flowers, would have been able to name scarcely a single bloom in a twentieth century garâ€" den, says the Strand. He would ghardly have been able to distinguish 1the queen of flowers itself, so greatly has the rose changed in the last three ce-nturies._ Dodd’s Kidney Pills made their popularity by curing sick Kidneys. They keep their popularity by keeping on curing sick kidneys. Many of Our Most Beautiful Ones are Modern Productions. no flower gardens in England. dens were herbaria, places where rosemary, mint, rue, thyme and gsage grew, and perhaps a few primitive blooms, such as violets and primrosves, were suffered to exâ€" ist, much as poppies and corn- flowers do to-day. As for the begonias, the chry- santhemum‘s, the dahliws, the ger- aniums, the fuchsias and carnaâ€" tions, these were unknown even to our great-grandfathegs. Many of our most beautiful flowers are pur‘ely modern .productio‘ns. Many well known plants have been developed from specimens discovered in various parts of the iworldt and_th‘ere- i_s no dogb}; that 771351766 centuriés ago there were What were thenfihought oi ais‘gag- a number of charming novelties are still lurking undiscovered in re. mote spots. The chances of valu- able finds are, however, becoming; vnfortunately less every year. A Eczema Always Burning and Itching Used Box of Cuticura Ointment and It Completely Disappeared. " I have suffered from eczema for two years. The trouble began on one arm where there appeared a red spot of about a five-cent size, and it always widened, all the time itching and burning. The first days I didn’t care. but seeing that it gained in size, I tried â€"â€" Ointment and â€" Ointment, but both without success. It was always burning and itching. Having seen in the newspaper the advertisement of the Cnticurn. Remedies, I tried a little. and seeing that it improved. I bought a box of the Cuticura. Ointment. After having used one box, my eczema com- pletely disappeared. The Cuticura. Ointment uhould be kept in every home." (Signed) N. Ostiguy, Marieville. Que. Jan. 14, 1911. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura. Ointment have afiorded the speediest and most economical treatment for itching, burning, scaly and bleeding skin and scalp humors, of young and old. A single set is often sufficient. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a. liberal sample of Cuticura, Soap and Ointment, post-free with 32-9. book on skin eruptions, send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.. sole props.. 64 Mumbus Ave.. Boston. U. S. A. CHAN GES IN FLOWERS. A Generation of Success IHE WIDE PRAIRIES (in England. places when? 'Mr. N. Ostiguy. small army of collectors is always at work in every corner of the world searching for new treasures to en- rich our floral store. , . From South America came many years ago, the recently unfashion- able fuchsia; from the hills of northern India and Tibet have been brought many useful varieties; from China. we have had among other things many new primulas; Japan has yielded wonderful irise-s; lAfrica many varied plants, usual- ‘ly of most brilliant and gorgeous coloring; while numerous charm- ing members of the narcis‘sus family have been discovered in the Pyrenees. 117.7- :_J.‘ J ........ But this cannot continue inde-l finitely, and even in the realm of‘ orchids, for which perhaps the most systematic search of all is made, there is not much left to be explor- ed. For our future novelties we shall have to rely then chiefly on the skill of our hybridists, who are constantly engaged in mating different species of the same family of plants, and our cross fertilizers, who are doing similar work with different varieties of the same species. The flowers of to-day are the result of cross breeding, stimuâ€" lating by electricity, drugs and hot water baths. PHONE TALKS MADE CLEARER Danish Bank Manager Has Trans- mitter Warmed. - 1 A simple way of making tele-‘ phone conversations more audible has been invented by Herr Peter- son, abank manager of Nykjobing, Denmark. On the principle that sound is more readily transmitted through rarefied air he has con- structed an apparatus to warm the transmitter, whereby the air in it becomes thinner and the sound is intensified. Prof. Hannover of the Danish Government telephone testing station, who has made. exâ€" tensive experiments with Peter- son’s apparatus, says in his report that the increase» of sound obtained is remarkable. Telephone conver- sations between Copenhagen and Nykjobing, a distance of some '75 miles, could be clearly followed some distance away from the in- strument. The inventor has apâ€" plied for patents in different coun- tries Ski/0111i During last year Great Britain bought from Switzerland 256,609 cwt. of condemned milk, valued at £648,012. No one need endure the agony of oorns with Holloway’s Corn Cure at hand to remove them. Offspring of Their Marriage Are Liable to Be Deaf Mutes. The seriousness of the risk run by first cousins who marry is em- phasized by Miss Ethel Elderto'n, a. co-worker with Professor Karl Pear-son at the Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics, London Uni- versity. Marriages between near kin, such as uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, or grandparent and grandchild, are forbidden mainly 1on the principle of resemblance. Miss Elderton therefore determined to see whether cousins are as much alike as any of these pairs of re- latives. She studied the cases of no fewer than 6,000 pairs of cousins, with a vie-w to endeavor- ing to measure the degree of re- semblance in health, intelligence, success, temper, and temperament. STOPS BOUGHS $§?€E.‘ BUUUUDD, lelbvl.’ unv- uvu.yv-wwvâ€"-w The conclusion she came to was thisâ€"that the general resemblance between cousins is about half that between brother and sister, and practically the same as that shown by statistics of uncles and nieces and of aunts and nephews. “If the undels-irability of marriage Within certain degrees is” founded on the closeness of resemblance,” says Miss Elderton, “the law which forbids the marriage of uncle and aunt. with niece and nephew should also restrict the marriage of first cousin.’ ’ The offspring of cousin marriages appear to be particularly liable to deaf mutes. “There seems little doubt,” continues Miss Elderton, “that if there is any deafâ€"mutism in a stock a cousin marriage, even when both parties are free from the disease, is most dangerous to the offspring.” “Speaking of etiquette, did you send the dollar for those advertised instructions on ‘What to do at table 1’ ” (KYeS.,’ it Being agreeable means agreeing with people, regardless of your own opinions. “ABE What did you get?” “A slip with one word printed on 1’ )) PRACTICAL ADVICE. FIRST CO U SIN S. hEALs THE Lm§9§ 25 CENTS Minute Quantity of Ptomaines Good 1 for Indigestion. ‘ According to a report read before the French Academy of Science reâ€" cently tinned or canned fish and shell fish preserved in oil or other- wise, always contain a, small per centage of certain ptomaines (poi- sons of decayingâ€"â€"from .02- to .06 per cent by weight. These ptomaines, however, do not begin to increase in any appreciable de- gree until two days after the can has been opened, and while the oil rather favors than prevents the development of the ptomaines the investigators have found that they are not very poisonous. In .fact, minute doses of them seem to act as a stimulant on the appetite and the digestion generally, just as the ptomaines found in cod liver oil. CANNED G001) S BENEFICIAL. The greater the irritation in the threat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature to expel this irri-1 tating substance from the air pas- sages. Bickle-’s Antiâ€"Consumptive Syrup will heal the inflamed parts, which exude mucous, and restore them to a healthy state, the cough disappearing under the curative effects of the medicine. It is plea- sant to the taste, and the price, 25 cents, is within the reach of all. THEIR CAPACITY. “Lawyers ought not to need long memories.” ' “Whv not 2” “Because they are generally sat isfied with brief reminders.” When 1; Your; Eyesfi Need§ u um um ._ Ii v .- uuuxcuw _ , fl , Druggists at Ebc»60c per bottle. Murine II Eye Alva in Aseptic Tubes, 259600. Mufln: Eve Remedy 00.. Chicago Mlnard's Llnlment Cures narget In Cows. Every tailor knows a lot of prom ising young men. Epping Forest, which is preservâ€" ed by the Corporation of London a's a. people’s pleasure ground, comprises no fewer than 5,300 acres. Rub it in for Lame Backâ€"A brisk rubbing with Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil Will cure lame back. The ‘Skin will immediately absorb the .oiltand it will penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be convinced. As the liniment sinks in the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying that its touch is magical, as it is._ Fir-trees differ from pines only in the fact; that the leaves grow singly and the scales of the cones are smooth, round, and thin. Mlnard's Llniment Gure's Golds. &c. “Skipping the rope is always a dangerous exercise for the health.” “Not for the men who have es- caped being hanged. ” Pills of Attested Value.â€"â€"Parme- lee’s Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the acâ€" tion of such as sedatives and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellence was re- cognized from the first and they grow more popular daily. 1y as he read from the mornmg paper: “The burglar shot the man, whose life was saved by the bullet strik- ing against a button of his clothes.” “Well,” snapped his wife, “What of that?” v. an... “What of that!” said he, as he felt his collar going up steadily to the nape of his neck; “0h, nothing. except that the button must have been- on I” ED. 7 NOT HIS LUCK.” “Aha !” and he laughed fiendishâ€" as he read from the morning Try Murine Eye Hemefiy No Stuntingâ€"Feels FIBeâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it (or Red, Wonk, Watery E as and Granulntggl Eyelids. Illu sfirlto Book ‘nvvni\1m .. “mm manna...“ -J ,, in each Package. MURINE com- fiounded b our Ocullatsâ€"noca‘fi’atent ediclne" ut used in successful P11 ul- cltna'Practice for many years. ow dedicated t‘ofhe Public and sold by .A, .. __ L-..” \[\‘Mnn EXCEPTIONS. ISSUE 52â€"11 3nd ruled Sum would \oOk better d ed. 1! no non! of our: in your town. nib. din-cot to ohm-J. Box 16‘ IrltIah American Dyeing Oo. Teacherâ€"You say the earth i325,â€" 000 miles in circumference. Will you step up to the blackboard and demonstrate that proposition? Your OvercOats “ Shaggyflfiaiied Pupilâ€"What’s the use, Ina/am? I’m willing to admit it and let it go at that. They Cleanse While They Cure.â€" The vegetable compounds of which Parmelee’s Vegetable, Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious matter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion available to-day. A trial of them will establish the truth of this asâ€" sertion and do more to convince the ailing than anything that can be written of these pills. . “Not for a week or so in the case of a, turkey,” answered the cheerâ€" ful boarder. SOUP AND HASH. “Does death end all?” asked the solemn boarder. I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. Jackâ€"“Well, old man, she has accepted me and named the day. That’s a loadroffimyjeart.” MarriedfiFVri'endâ€"Y‘Yes; now the load is on your shoulders.” As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. Johnâ€"So you paid a. visit to your rich uncle, Jake, and he seemed g1gd_ to flee y9_u? .- ~1.1 a JakeVâ€"Yesf I’m almost afraid the 01d cuss has lost his money. Mlnard's Llnlmenl Cures Dlstemper. “What is Billy Hardatit doing these days?” askgd Smitherg. “Oh, He’s working his son’s way through college,” said little Binks. NOT DISPOSED T0 ARGUE. You are not treating yourself or your family fairly if you don’t keep Hamlins Wizard Oil in the house. It’s the best substitute for a family doctor and a mighty good friend in case of emergency. There' is r- South African frog. that hatches its eggs by carrying. them in its mouta. An aching tooth is, next to a conflagration, the best thing out. V The goldfish never sleeps. Eggs, apples, potatoes and all such articles would .sell more justly by the pgund. 1 Guy Thorne has written a novel called The Drunkard. He studied the drink question in .slum saloons, where, it appears, he was well treated. A fighévig éalled avurap because, of course, it is abroken peace. Snaiié travel at the rate of one mile in fourteen days. Mlnard's LInlment Gurgs Diphtheria. The Soul of a Piano lathe Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action éERIOUs PART BEGINS. FACT AND FANCY. A HARD JOB. SUSPICIOUS. Einglnut‘ thé nth. in the new. iRiitg amt the faint. my in the true -_ th the Tfiwt nf ’ 1512 En 13:111. TWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARMâ€" Brick House and Good Buildmgs; St. Catharines. 3 NUMBER OFWGOOD srocx, GRAIN and Dairy Farms in Halwn, Peel. York, Ontario and Prince Edward Coun- ties M ANITOBA. iSASKATCHEWAN, AL- berta and British Columbia Lands, in small or large blocks. IF YOU WANTWTO BUY 0R SELL A Farm, consult H. W. Dawson, Ninety Uolborne sn, Toronio. GENTS WANTED. â€"- A LINE F93 every home. Write us for our chemo list‘of agents supplies. We have thI» greatest agency proposition in Canada. today. No outlay necessary. Apply 3- C. I. 00., 228 Albert Sf... Ottawa. ALESMENâ€"$50 PER WEEK SELLING one hand Egg-Beater. Sample and terms 25c. Money refunded if unsatisfac- tory. Collette Mfg. Company, Collmg- wood, Ont. ’1‘ ONCEâ€"MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always sure employ- ment for a barber. Write for catalogue. Molar Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto C ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS, etc. In- ternal and external, cured without pam by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman MedxcalCou Limited. Collmgwood. Ont. GENTS WANTED. â€"â€" A STUDY or other Agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it; if you don't apply for par- ticulars to Travellers' Dept.. 228 Albert. St.. Otta-wa. ‘EVERAL GOOD FRUIT FARMS IN 3 the Niagara. Fruit Belt. PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult V us myegard to any disease. Lowesl prices In drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to-day for anymhing sold in first-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood. Ont. ELHI TANNERY-CUSTOM ROBE and Fur tanning. Cattle and Horse Hides make best Robes and Coats when properly tanned. Send them to me and have them dressed right. You will be well satisfied. B. F. Bell. Delhi. Ont. Thomas ]. Lipton GIVE YOUR BUSH A CHANGE AND MAKE MONEY WITH IT. You would not think of cutting down Your hay or grain with hand scythes, and you should not use old pots and pans. Install a "Champion" and make more and better syrup with less time and fuel. More revenue at a reduced cost. Why not try this? We have one that will just. suit you. You aresure to win.‘W§ije ’0 TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's ) Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. E‘E'fié’é'fio’diflet’. V TEE 'G'RiM'M MFG. 00.. LIMITED, \58 Wellington St, Montreal, “H I u Muskrat; Coon, Fox, Mink, Weasel and any other Furs you have, to us. Highest muket valuation and your man- ey promptly. WAGNER, BRlSiER & 00.. 86 Front St. East. TORONTO. fifVHUNDRED ACRES â€" GOOD Buildings; near Brampton. STURGEUN OIL LINIMENT FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. AY and FARM SCALES.~ Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. W. DAWSEN. 9o COLBORNE sun. Toronto. External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains) lameqess, gtc.‘ Dr. Dow’s formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled: cm», 1v kuu-uu uu v“ ....... Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLS IT. The Brayley Drug 00., Ltd., Sole Props. St- John, N) DR. DDW’S,” AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS; HELP WANTED:

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