Mrs. Jnhn Wand uf Richmond Hill spvnt Thmsdny afternoon “nth Mrs. John Klinck. ' annmm HILL, Oer" JAN. 4. 1912 @112 ï¬ihemt. THE LiBERAL news boy is pleased to thank his patrons for their generosity all New Year’s morning. Mr. H. Barber nf annnto came up and spent Tuesday with his brothel Mr. Thomas Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Klinck and fam- ily nf Jefferson spt nt New Year‘s with the fol-Inn's parents. 'l‘Jlghtb‘Vébe-int New Year‘s Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Miss Stockdale of Tot-unto, formerly of this place, made u Week’s visit, \viLh Mls. J. L. Hm-xis and other friends. You will notice in another column that H. A. Nicholls has for sale the H ‘Post‘Oï¬ce pro ertv in Richmond .Hill. Anyone w shing to urchase in this village could not. do ether than have a look at this property. For a residence or business it, goes without saying it has nnt. its 9 us! in the vi)- Inm prion Eu runannnh A and turm- Ln Miss Ella Cusgrm'e of CedarGlnve spent Thursday and Friday with hex- h-i9nd, Miss L. J. Klmck of Jefferson. Hallnwee dates, 3 lbs. for 25c; ï¬nest Turkish table ï¬gs. 2 lbs. for 25c; SPIE‘CU ed table raisins, 20c and 300 lb. Atkin- son & Switzer, Dr. and Mrs. Spaulding‘and children of Scat-bum Bluffs spent New Yem’s Day at, the old home with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brown. The monthly meeting of the W. M- S. will he held at; the home of Mrs. Mon-[sun this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Selecth Valencia raisins, 3 lbs. fut- 250; seeded raisins. 16-nz. pkg. 100; ï¬nest, cleaned curl-ants. 2; lbs. for 256. Atkinson & Switzer. ' This appears to be a growing time. Three years ago Local Cptinn was sus- tained in Richmond Hill by a majority of [9. This _t.ime the. majority was 82. Mr. Elmore .Reanmn will give an address at the Epwnrth Lpague. Fri- day evening. and Miss Myrtle Saigenn nf_anle will give one or more vocal solos. Mr. Tracey of Muskoka. who visited with his son here Over New Year’s, attended the Methodist Sabbath School last; Sunday and addressed the Scholars. ' "†Prnhably the oldest Old Boy at the Re-Union Friday evening who former-- ly attended the Richmond Hill High School was Mr. Joseph Mortson of Bond Lake. Mr. Manson is 73 years of age. A Fancy Dress Carnival will be held in the Thornhill Skating Rink next Wednesday evening, the 10th of szu- arv. Good prizes will be givo-n for representative and comic costumes. Thornhill Band in attendance. Mr’. W. Hall has purchased from Mr. J. H. Sanderson the residence on Centre street where th'e Temperance Hall formerly stood. Mr. Hall will take up residence there as soon as the interior is painted and papal-ed. North Toronto carried a. plebiscite Monday in favor of getting their sup- ply of water? from the m'tesian/ wells at Lemonville, Whitchm‘ch. ‘The vote was about. 5 to 1 in favnr. The vote to erect a high school building was defeated. - Do not fail to hear Jean Biewett who will give an entertainment, in the Methodist Church, Richmond Hill. on Monday evening, Jan. 15, 1912. The following is an excerpt from The Lon- don Free Press: “Jean Blewett gave one of the best and wittiest entertain- ments ever given in the City.†The value Ufa paper is tested by the quality of its circulation, and judged from this standpoint The Weekly Sun occupies the foremost place. Each Week it, enters the homes of the most. advanced farmers in this Province. The Weekly Sun or} the table is the siig‘n of progress on the farm. Mr. P. G. Savage has received the appointment of Postmaster for Rich- mond Hill in place of the late Mr. Teefy. who held the positiun for over 60 vent-s. The oï¬ice will be removed to Mr. Savage’s premises as soon as the building is put in condition). Mr. Savage will install lock boxes. Mr. and Mrst Wi_l_|iau_1 lilylorflf The Canadian Northern Ontario Railway have awarded prizes for the best, flower gardens at the various stations along their line. Those who have bad business at, the Richmond Hill station will not be surprised to learn that. our 3 eat here. Mr. J. N. Lucas. is among t e prize-winners. IaEélv Price’i’s re:@nabfe and term! to an t purchasev.: 71y with le'fullnwin are the ofï¬cial returns of Vaughan» ‘unicipul Election on Monday:-â€" ‘ ' . The Council fur 1912 will be as fol- UWS:-- ‘ Rpg-veâ€"Jmnes A. Came-run (:Icc.) Deputy-Roeveâ€"J . Scot t, M cNu Mace.) Cm‘lncllhns â€"_Juhn G. Whitmore. Albert J. \Vithempnnn. Alexander Camel-(m. ' Legge . McMurchy . . . . ‘ . Bell .. Carr Egan . . Gibbons . Lemon .. Marchunt McUabe . \Vntsun . Duggan . . . Wells . . . . . The regular meeting nf Guild nn Fri. day evening. Subject; "The Trial uf Faith.†Mr. Reg. Gooperisleader and Mr. Om rie essayist. ’ The Presbytery meets at, St. Andrew’s Church. King. for the in- duction of Rev. Ruhc. Brydon, B.A. at. 2 Q’cluck this (Thursday) alftefnmm. M1~.Uunie has begun a. Communi- cant’s class which will meet each week Lhmughouhthe month, and is open to alen' vuung p90ple. The ï¬rst. Sin-Magi in the year will be marked by appropriate themes and a modified order of service. M‘ON DA Y’S VOTE. I S The Electric Light ByFlaw curried by amajoriw of 118. The vote stuod. 125 for, and 7 against. Local Option carriedaby a. majority of 82. The vote Was 126301“ Lo'cnlOption. and 44 fm repeal; i There ,were 4 rejected ballots on the eject! ic light vote, nï¬d:2 (m the Local 0 tion vote, and there was one spoiled allot. King Township Municipal Election Returns for I912. W. D. Annis of Scarboru Village was on Monday returned to the ofï¬ce of reeveship over W. H. Pater-sun, ï¬rst deputv, and Alex. Baud. ex-wax-den of York Cuuncil, and a. former reeve. The vote was Annis 349. Baird 274-, and Paterson 216. The council-elect, are J. G. Gomell (act-L). A. J. Reynolds 391, Ormemd 384. Green 357. Go'wan 291. and Dohenty 258. Three to be elected. , . Evangelist, Charles W. Petch will speak for the Church at Christ at ‘Shex-wood on Lord’s Day. Jan. 7. at, 10 a.m.. on "Redeeming the Time.†and at. 7 p.m. on "The Assurance of God’s Providence." All are welcome. MARKHAM CONSERVATIVES. Mr. Gan-net, Duncan was elected First Vice-President, and Mr. Charles Com- isky Chairman of Divisiun N0. 2. at. a meeting of Markham Township Conservatives held at Uuionville on the 27th ult. A resolution was passed favoring the extension of the registra- tion principle to rural districts. and the meeting also favored the estab- lishment of a. Custom House at, Mark- ham Villa e. Both Capt. Wallace. M.P.. am Mr. Alex. McGowan, M.P.P.. were unavoidably absent. BUTCHERâ€"STREETâ€"At Newmax-ket. by Rev. Mr. .Blnckler. nn Satulday. December 23. 1911. Miss Phoebe Street of Newmarket to Mr. Archi- bald Butcher of Richmond Hill. In loving memory of Edwin A. Pick. ering. who died Jam. 8.1908. ' Ah. need I raise a cold grey atone To mark thy place of rest? Thou art, waiting for me. dear one. In the mansions of the blest. 7 , ‘Mr. Melvin Sheppard of Rimbeyg Alberta. is spendin some time with his mother. Mrs. inch. Mr. Shep- pnud brought. with him his baby. born about. the ï¬rst of but October when its mother passed away. Mr. Sheppard was accompanied here by the nurse, 3 distance of over 2.000 gnï¬ley ‘ ~‘ Skating on the pond has been much enjoyed. but now that the rink at Richmond Hill is upon our youngpeu- pie ï¬htinclined to go wmww; . " ' Thornhill . .‘ Pattersun . . Edgeley . . . . Maple.. . ... Pine Grove. Purple-ville . Elder’s Mills Kieinburg. . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Scarboro Townshlp. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. DEPUTY-REEVE. COUNCILLORS. Sherwood. IN MEMORIAM MARRIAGES. Headford. REEVE. L. JENKINS. Clerk. 267 852 312 will he as fol- l3 61 57 eWife. 514 Receiving Rt'pnrts. )l’n-gztiun of Of. flcer. and any nther lmsiniass that. may legally be bl'ullkhf. before the meetin , will he u-nnsnctvd. All in~ terest please be governed zlccnld» ingly. . G. Bd’ADGQ’I‘. II. A. N!Cfl0LLS.- Friday, Jan. “ 19', 1912 At 1 O'Clock PM. Notice to creditors. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 01“ ROBERT MANNXNG LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGH- AN IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, FARMER DECEASED. ‘ NOTICE is hereby given that all pelsons having any. claims or dwnands against the late Ruben-l: Manning whn died on orabnut the ï¬rst day (of MV- vember, 1911. at, the Township of Vaughan in the County of Yurk m-e required to send post pl‘epAid or to delivm' to the.‘und9rsigned. snlicitm-s herein for Joshua Manning and Leeds Richmdsu’n of the annship of_Vuugh- an. executors underthe last. will and Testament of Robert. Manning. thpix- names and addresses and full particu- bus in writing of their claims and statements of their accuunts and the nature of the securities if any, held by them. And take notice that after the 30th of Junualy. 1912.1he said Executm‘s will proceed tn distribute the assets of the said deceased «mung the persons entitled then-eta; hming regard unly t0 the clnims nf which they shall then have had nutice and that; the said executors shall not, be liable for the said assets 01- any 'péarvtherenf m an y pet-son of whose (:lillllL they ‘shall not then have received natiCé. ‘ ' THE mnnmonnmu AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY vim; beheld ih aw COUNCIL CHAMBER ‘ RICHMOND HILL Notice is helrbv given hy'The Mm)- arch Railway Company that apphca- tion will he made- m the Legislature 0f the Province of Ontario. at its next ensuing session for an Act-â€" Application to (a) To Chan 9. the name of the said Company to he Toronto. Barrie and Orillia Railway. Dated at Tux-«mu; this twenty-ninth day of December. 1911. - - ,___-A-- . A - n---v.‘-- b To incwaise the bond issue from $25.000_tn $3().()Q(J per I‘nilez ' ((5) To ektehd the time. fur the com- mencing and cumpletiun of cunstruc- ti0_n of guidï¬ailwuy. _ _ Notic of Applica- tion for Divorce Edward MacKny Ureightun of the City of Toronto in the County of Ym-k and Province of Ontario, Gmnpnsitnr, will apply to the Parliament nf Canada at the present. Session thpmuf fur a hill of divorce from his wife Sarah E. Creigh- ton of the said City nf Toronto m the said County of ank. on the ground of adglt/ery and (Easel-tint). 7 DATED at Tumult," in the County of York and Pruvince nf Onturin, this 'llgwenty-nintb day of December, A.D. ll. CURRY. qumgNOR‘ \VALLAGE s; ' ..MACDONALD. 27-3m Sulicitog's for the Applicant. Annual Meeting. Solicitm's for “18,5le Execuiobs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in the Central Business College of Toronto hpgins Jun. 2nd. Commercial. Shurlhand. Teleg- t‘aphy 0r Civil Service Courseâ€"â€" 28 teachers â€"â€" 15l typewritiug IuMhInwâ€"mnnigraphu. roller cupieru and ï¬ling cabinetsâ€"â€" Ev‘n-ything to tlmruughlv equip our graduates. Write today for dialogue; , w. a. 8mm. Prelident. ' Yong. a Gerrard Sta" Toma to. 000K The Annual Meeting of Pies. iLE'NNbX ’82 LENNOX, Solicitors fur Applicants. Parliament. Séc‘y. WW“ +++++ Quid-14 #FHWHH+M*H++++M+Â¥ E‘Atkinsm & TfSWitzerï¬ 3..» . .RlCHMONDzv-HlLL ’ 3 Dec. 28. 1911. ' Phone 17 I 7- + , . v , *+++++i-W++++ Mum-1 W‘i' M+§++H~k4°§ +M+++§+4°M DU YOUR XMAS SHOPPING NOW Hé+W++M++MM++§++4-H* ++H++++++++++++++4 Pé+++++4 P. G. I SAVAGE Or The 5 in!†l» OviercAOat [his illustration gives an idea of the Hobberlin 5 in I Overcoat. It is designed and controlled ex- clusively by the House of Hobberlin Limited. The most practical, sebsrble’ and comfortable Overcoat ever tailored. ‘Can be worn on mild days showing deep graceful lapels; or on stormy days as shown in ï¬gure 5; ï¬gure 4 shows the Overcoat ready for a crisp winter day; while ï¬gure 3 shows the Prussian collar effect. Figure 2 shows novelty eï¬ect with chest protected, while the coat has a semi~dress eï¬'ect. Made to meas- ure in the storm Chevints, Beavers, Meltons, or Irish Frieze. \_ ' And we have a ï¬ne choice of Sw‘é‘étér Coats; Toqucs, Caps. Also Tics, Arm Bands, Suspenders, Gloves, Tie Pins and Cuff-Links, etc. FURNITUR'E Chairs, Tables, (Io'uches, Springsand Mattresses. Our Bed-room, Dining-room, Sitting- room and Far- lor Furniture are the most up-to-date because t hey come straight from the factory to you. :: :: z: " o. YOU’LL DO BETTER The Richmond Hill. Furnishings Store NOW IS THE TIME FOR XMAS PRESENTS NORMAN J. GLASS We are Sole Agents for the House of flobberlin Limited Quality at a reasonable price is our aim. We Sell IOZ Less Than Toronto Prices WE SPE CIALIZE IN PROPRIETOR As all our Furniture is made by the best, factories in Canada. and GET OUR PRICES AND SEE HERE THAN ANY PLACE