Calls by telephone from Richmond' Hill charged to me. 5 Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. $33.16}; tbnauded to on shortest notice and at rea- sonable rates Patronage solicited m? Licensed Auctioneer for aha County of York. Goo is sold on consignment. General sales of shock, etc. promptly attended to at reasonable fates Residence Unionviue G R Goulrlmg; Newtoï¬ for the above a Licensed Auctioneex to: the Louuty of York. re- spectfully solicxts your patronage and friendly inflr ance sales attpuded on the shortest not ice and at; reasonable rates P 0 address King Class recitals are giVen throughng the year ‘ ~ 42-1'v ‘1'. F . 31c. M AHON. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. RICHMOND HILLâ€"\Vednesduy. EGLINTON~90 Castleï¬eld Am. [110 last, uf the week. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginnws. The Newton School of Music PE’szll‘PS pupils for the graded PX- uminatinns held at Tmunto ()nnserva- tm-y 01' Music and University of 1'0- rontn. T Baigeon, Maple- “If He: JOE, XXXIV. 5333.. W'. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH '6: on? tritium, in advance.] '64 am Pamma &. PUBLisnmu anus? ‘ :uoï¬mmnmnmom. (s PUBLISHEDEVERY EILJR EDAY MORNING Gas and Cocaine fut extractions. Flt-st house meh of Atkinson 82 Switzer’s stm-v. VETERINARY SURGEON, $1.1â€. [05 p.111. J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR '15 U SINESS CA'ï¬DS . DR. E. J. WOODS Tbentiï¬t; Saigeon & NlcEwen. Richmond Hill, Ont. 57H SEASONâ€"1911-’12 «Ease ggimai ’1‘ 11 oruhill . RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Emma & Pnomnu‘on. J; H. Prentice l). G. BLOUGH. 4593, Phune N0. 2102. ï¬ctvrinnm RESIDENCE medical. AT THE ile't‘t'fitl . J K McEwen Wesbon P, 9:30 ' NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS '20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telephone, Main Cable Address. “Dedo.†Muuov no loan on [and :Lnacumbe: nzortgagesat lowusn rates Aururaufï¬ceâ€"RemoVec no the old post oflxc.’ one door west 01 the enunuce to the Oununu Bunk thmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three duets south of the _ p .50 olliue ' '1' Hmmmu LENNox ‘G STV IdORGAN Aurï¬ra Richmono. Hill Bun-isz 5 and SOIICIIOI'S. Muuov b0 loan on [and snuchahbe: morn-am BARRIST‘ER‘, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tnmmtn Ofï¬ce. Runm 32.8 Omlfed‘vrn t'inu Life Bldgu No. 12 Rivhmtmd St. E Iï¬uimmnd Hill Ofï¬ce. (“Lihoral’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fore-noun. Maple, Thursday aftm'nnon. \Vuudhridgr, Saturday forennon. A. G.F‘. Lawrence 1". J.‘ Dunbar Barrister: , Solicitors. Notaries, lac. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide 3: Victhi'ia 51.8.. Tux-onto. RXCHMOND HiLL€z THDRNHILL A large s‘tmtk 'nf Funeral Fuxnisbirg kep at both places 011.;an Repwired tum Expmb Wé’ï¬i Gua’s‘uhheed Monet? to loan at Five Par Ci-nt. (5%) Te]. M. 3511 . P IAN O T U N1 N ’0} Mann of MR. GEORGE BERRY. NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANâ€ER. ETC. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL w. J. ELLIOTT, Principa Cor. Youge and Alexandex Sts. ' ELI-191T ,, . ‘ /: mnnnumn “WW ' / Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. LaWrcme 3; Dunbar, imam-takers & Ennbnimcrs, J EDWARD FRANCIS, ERECHSEN BROWN & . MACNAUGhTUN BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CJNVhYAhCERS, EI‘C. ROOM 4:; CANADA LIFE BUILDING. 43:46 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO.~ Courses are strictly ï¬rst-class. Murh individual instruction is given. Teachers me expert; and experienced. Graduates get and hold good positions Equipment hhoroughly up-th-«late. Enjoys a, wid e-Bpread patr-mnge. rite for catalugue. Enter now. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W SIX IMPORTANT POINTS anton, Grover & Field NOTARY PUBLIC NNQX & MORGAN obiémc‘ Ile. v. ACTION REGULATING 30511 :7. 9m.) l'dsoa THORNHH-m . A. NICHULLS {'91 Barristers, Solicturs TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK F:me huxcuslm BROWN. UAMI'†m uACNAL‘GHTUN‘ ‘arding the well-known RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY £121 f‘h Emma'm, Unity; in N03â€!'-Es’sentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity M. Phone Main 2984 51 6m Charles Dickens made $200,000 ‘on one lecturing tour; but his descend- ants. it is said, are now in want. His eldest. son, Altred Tennyson. whose sudden death was recently recorded, had he-en travelling through the States delivering lectures in an endeavor to keep the family pot boiling. Tragic incidents of this kind are of daily oc- currence. and yet they make as little impression upon us as the rain on the duck’s back. One of our newspapers in commenting on the pathetic facts asked the signiï¬cant question: “What is to become of us when we are old ?†There is but one answer: A man must save in his ynuth if he will have. a “nest egg" when his locks me hoarv and his earning powers have departed. But that is not all. He milst adopt a system of saving which will not fail him in the hour of trial. This svstem has bean provided under the Canadian Government Annuities Act“ in regard to which you may obtain literature of your Postmaster, or on application to the Superintendent of Annuities, 0t- tawa. Communion son-vines wili he held in the Presbyterian chm-ch next Slinday afternoon at 2.30. and the Precnlmnu- .nicn sex-vice will he addressed by Rev. Mr. Amosnf Aurora, on Friday afar- noon at 2.30. The Annual Winter meating‘s of the lel'lllt’l" and Wnlan’s Institute will he held at, Thnrnhill. Jnminry 29th. The farmer's meeting will he held in Victmï¬alâ€"lall, and the wmumn‘s meet-‘ ing Will he held in the home of Mrs. ' Hall at 2.30 p.m. Miss S. Campbell, Delegate, will nddre e the ladies on the Influence of \Vumvn and Our Fair Do- Illinlkï¬l. Miss Simpson of Thm-nhill‘i will also give u ln'ipf talk on the differ- i enb cuts of mmit. demonstrated by chart. A .grmd ,prugt-amme nf mule and speaking will be rendered during the afternoon and evening sessions. Tea will he served in Victoria Hall at, 6 p.m.. with a joint. at 8 p. m. in the Hall. These meetings are free and everybody will he made welcome. The fljm-ral took place from the res- idence, ill \Vnm’lluwn Ave. \Vesh ves- lerduy'zlfternunn. Au implessive serâ€" \iw .'\,\'."tsn‘(mnducted by the pastur. Rev. M’r. F‘nl‘li‘s. nssisteï¬ by Rev. \V. G. Smith. Ben‘s; \V. Dem! and Rev. J. J. Ruddiit. Each of the speakers re’l’e‘r‘rt'kl [0 the. Im'~dest unassuming (lis’pnsiliml (if the deceased \vhmn (hey had learned Ln esteem and respect. The deepest, sympul hy \yus expressed fI-t 't.hé“laeie;1\'ed family who was so suddenly deprived of a l‘nving husband and father. After‘:i|)£ure read- ing by the pastor. a heauilful suln was sung hy Mrs. .mhu M;u:(lmmld. The casket was snrrnumled by lnmks uf fluwm's, emblemva luve and esteem from relatives and friend-e. Afier the servicethel'unerul was to Richmond Hill by Special cur. Many passed through the cmï¬here ï¬nd lmIl/(Hl fur the last time on the fade (lf .m old and true friend. The sen ice at the grave was read by Revs. Messrs. Fetlli's. Dean and D). G. S. Smith. Srldmn have fl'lPIldS hen: rPcoived a 'gn-ale-r shut-k than that of Sunday evening when wurd cann- Lhat, Mr. ("a G. Dal-11v nf \Vundlawn Ave. Tm-(m- in, had passed away with dishessing sndde-uness. He returned from his wm'k (m Fridav evening apparently fueling as “mil as usual, hub lwfnre re- tiring m th experienced a slight chill. Nextnmrning, feeling he “as suf‘fer- ing from a heavy mid, he remaim’d in hm‘l. but, he shnwed no signs ni' wrinus illnFsa until Sunday afivrnnun when the family physix-ian was smnmm‘w'd; It was then discm'm-vd that, he Was sufl’vring from hlnml-puiSHning caused by a slight swatch on his leg several months agu. The hlund-pnisnning tonknn such a \‘mient form that, hé (lied almnt sewn “o‘clnrk Sunday (New niug. 'Thi-dmrmr who attrnded him said that, the scratch in itself was nut, suï¬iciennvtncause 'dvath. had he not heen suffering from kidnev trouble. Deceased spenL the greater part uf his, life at Richmond Hill. but went, to annntn with his family ï¬ve years ago and took a pnsitinn with thé 'l‘. Iatnu Company. Pi‘éviuua to this he had fur a numlxe‘rfn‘f 'yu'aru liven a ‘t'i-aVe‘lle‘r for the Canada, Paint, Cu. He was a lm‘eruf clwm lacrosse, and was asa ynnng man a prnminmnt member nf the Young Canadian bran). Mr. DM'I'Y was a snéh‘é‘ty rt-prvswnative ufthe Yunge Sti-‘éét Methodist, Church. He- isv survived by. his widi and two childre-ju‘STDmiglw. (:nmnwrvial travel- 1013mm Miss Gert-rudea‘aud fuur hm- fliers. Genius, Fame, Poverty. Thornhill. being appreciated from the fact. that, :llzhnugh only a mndern urgumzntion it was at present one of the strongest. {in tern-ml Societies in existence. Mr. Pupplestune was followed bv Mr. Bruuks, the G.S.. a particularly able speaker. wh 0 during the course of his remarks pointed out the desirability of Oddfvlluwship not from the stand pnint of what a man was to get out of it in a financial way but that, its great;- esb efforts were directed towards mak- ing him a better man. At; 11.00 o’clock. lunch Was served after- which Styles Orchvstra supplied the music fur a.dancp, which was much enjoyed by all, after which all went home feeling that; there. was something worth while in Oddfellnw- ship and that, the future for Hillel-6% Lodge lonked real bright. There was a good attendance at the annual meeting at" the Richmond Hill Agricultural Swaiety held in the Coun- cil Chamber last. Friday. The Auditor’s Report, showed {L baL ance on hand of over $1000, and the totaLasé'ets of the Society to be $5,000. The number of entxies in horses at last year’s fair was 192 and the total entries altogether wére 703. The a mount paid in prizes for horses was $473, and the total in prizes was in Lhe neighbor- hood of $900. The Society starts out with u ‘memhorship for 1912, of 63. Messrs. ()luhine, Boyle); Sanderson, Forester and Palmer were appointed an Executive Committee to act. in con- junction wiLh the ofï¬cers. The Executive will meet on Mnndny 29th of January. The following \ver-e elected ofï¬cers and directors for 1912: Prvsidentâ€"Gem'ge B. ledget. lst Vice-'l’l'es.-â€"J. S. McNuir. 2nd VlCE‘.-Pl'(‘S.-â€"J. N. Breakey. Sec’y-l‘xenaâ€"H. «A. Nicholls. Markham Directorsâ€"J. J. Lumm. Geo. Furest'er, R. 'l‘humps‘m. Vaughan Directorsâ€"J. N. Boyle, W. H. Clubine, G. Dihh, J. McLean. King and Whitchurchâ€"VV. Wells, T. H. Legge, W. Thnmpsun. Richmnnd Hillâ€"J. H. Sanderson. '1‘. F. McMahon, J. Palmer. Jno. Tyndall, T. H. Trench. V Auditursâ€"F. \V. Hull, '1‘. A. Lamun. At; the Directors meeting which ful- lnwed the election of uï¬â€™icvrs it was de» uided tn hold the zinnuul ScPd Fair on \V’Ednesdav, the 14th of February. Mr. [’npplestone guve- a very inter- esting address on Oddfelluwship ex- plaining the high standard of ()iLizem ship the Order sought to obtain for its mwulwrs and how its WOIk was lwingnpprecinted from the fact. that, Arithmetic. Form I. Honor list in m: 9‘:- of merit. Alsie Knights. S't‘éVvarb Pa 212. hem: McMahon. } r1 Nellie Page. “1‘ “ Gordon Francis. George Grant. Mary Rumble. Mary Cooper. ‘ Mary Topper. Jean Bey‘mm. Marjorie VVx-lghb. Gertrude Harding. , ' Puss List: 01-. Mr. Annstrnng, District. Deputy Grand Master: Mr. S. A. Popplestnne. Grand Master: and Mr. Brooks. Grand Secretm-V of the Order. Mr. Kelly. in sqvvml ventx-iloquiul selections, nssisb ed by Mr. Elmore Reaman an the pmnn. was well received, It was decided to again enter in the Field Grain cumpetitmu, with ()uts us the competative L'I'up. r Hillcrest Lodge No. 409 Independent Order of Oddfellnws of Rijchm'dnd Hill hold their first “At. Home†in the Mnsnnic Hall on Wednesday evening January 17th. W. H. Legge, Nuhle Grand «If Hillerest Lndge‘nccupied the vhan' and in a neat speech introduced Mr. Kelly. the Well-known enter-tain- The Px-ekédpnt and the†k c522:er were appointed delegates to the Asst)- c1:_l§iou of Filil‘S and Exhibitions. .mncis Ogu'letnn‘ Jul-mv Kirkland. Norman Tyndal. Thus. Smith. Fullerton Gihsén. ' AIgPhra, Fur-m I. Honor list in or- dornf merit: Marjorie. Wright. .15?!) Knights). Irene. McMahon.) Vera Jennings. 3 'v gunner. . Nellie Page. Grace Pratt. Stewart Page. Ethel Mm-tsmi. George Grant. Francis Carleton. Mzu‘y Topper. guy Spligh. .JAN HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS. ANNUAL MEETING. Puss List. ‘.-- . 25. 191.2 }equnl D. HILL &: ‘60., ‘Ve thank the public for the gvneruns patronage in the past, and will earn- estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Choice Confectionery alway » in stock. Believing it will be beneï¬cial to both buyer and seller, have decided, Best Bread Choice Cakes ' Fancy Biscuits STIVER- 8:. RAMER %+%W4‘-E°PH+4 At this senSnn of the year sud- den changes ‘uf climate bring I coughs and ‘c'u’lds. 0m prepara- tion of ‘ ywmtePineMar 'PM6'EW'Â¥+H Hill’s +++++~§~+$++ï¬+¢+++é~* +$++$+++ W. A. Sanderson Coal, Flour, Corn», Bran, Wood, 860‘. AT THE C.N.O. STATION AND ELEVATOR {Hui-+M+++w~w$$~§~++warm-wi- has been tested fur a number of years as a reliable remedy. and Staple Groceries FOR CHILDREN’S COUGHS AND COLDS TRY BEST CHANGES Grood Lemons: COUGHS AND COLDS Baby’s Own Cough Syrup AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses [Single Copies! .3_cts.. Druga‘is‘t RICHMOND HILL GOOD. STOCK 0F STIVER & RAMER. PREPARED BY ‘ Bakery DEALERS IN __ A'rï¬â€˜ Na 30’