Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1912, p. 4

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Mr. Alvin Tisdnl of Gilbert Plains. ,Mun, spent a. few days last week at, film bruueof Mr. '1‘. [1. Keys. le death occurred of Sarah McMil- Uen Wile of MI. J. McNuwn on Tuesng .nf last, wvok. The funeral took place mu Thm'sdny afternoon. The funeml of Mr. Richard Watson .va'l‘hmuhill, took place to the cemeâ€" zlery here last Thursday afternoon. Mr. D. McDonald and family of Pur- ] leville wow (1 into the new house late- , y occupied by '1‘. Ohatburn and fam- ily. The annual meeting of the West York Farmer’s Institute was held here on Wednesday afternoon and evening uf last week. The speakers were Miss S. Campbell of Brampton. Mr. H. Grose of Lefmy. and Mr. Hughes uf the Fur-filers’ Dairy, 'l‘in'untn. Mr. \V. W'alkington of King acted as chair- man. The addresses bV the different. Speakers Were very interesting and were listened tn attentively by large audiences. In I he aftermmn the meet» ing of the VVomen’s Institute was held in the Vestry of the Methodist. church. Miss Campbell Spuke on “Housakeep- i‘ugand Hmueumking.” A duet was sung by Miss Myrtle Suigeon and Miss Lynda Kefi’er, and Mrs, Huntley cun- tt'ibuted a. piano 3010. In the evening HIP ladies served tea in the hull. and a large number spent a. verv sociable Line. Altugl‘lher, these meetings were considered the. most. successful illld the most interesting ever held here by the Institutes. A NEW WEBSTER’S _ NEW ' INTERNATIONAL ’ Mr. J. H. Kirby has sold his resi- ds-nce to Mr. O. McDonald of Maui- Lulm. and intends moving to Toronto with his family about, the fist of March. ._ BIéHEmND HILL. 0mm On Sunday night, Ex-Aldermnn Vaughan wt Toronto spoke on the sub- jI-gt m l\1lr::sim_l_§. ‘ The new street lamps arengreut implm emenb tn the village. , The annual meeting of the congre- gations uf bl. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s «:hmches was held here on Mondayuf lust, Week. After the business was transacted tea was served and all hp 'nt an hour in suciul inburcuurse. A rally of the Eme‘Lh Leagues of the nurth part of the Tnnmto Central District will he holgi in the Methodist. Church. Rivhmund Hill. on Friday evening Feb. 9th. A gnud programme will be provided. Furmer notice next week. @119 flihbml. gvmu‘ many times aver. Full particulars wiiz be \svut rec arm, 19qu yet; are wise you will request. for’ membership with the ‘ .‘jo The 25 cts. three m ontius Lem- I) offer wm soon chanqe. Write r 5- once ad- ngjour letter and enclosing $1.00 for fun , 9.9".“ Mambership or twentyflve cans for three ‘ mumâ€"1 m =- ‘ ; MUTEA Lift; ‘EARY 91113523357}: vm...- V“...v._y .u. Awu. Every u y shopld jo'n the Mutual Literary Km 1-: Ciub 01' Amarlea. There is muhz’ng else like it anywhere. It costs almnfit nothin to Jr in and the benefits itgivcs are wom‘srfnl. I Erubles you My Pu": ase Lo.,l;sandporiod iculs. music and musical mzbrumems at Enema! cub prim-3‘ It secures re- duced raw: at many howls. In answers questions free of ch” 9 It offers Jan fin holgfship; any 1'3po- ‘A __ _,. , , , 17-. _. V mummy“ mm .mw ale rush prizes to m v .55 ,majnsalns club mama in many c1 ties for it mbera. In addition, my member recoives the official magazine enu- _“ llv’ry Month” a ublicntion in a class by =1f.!ncl uuing 6 pieces 0 high-mass vocal and in- neutml mus'cu’uil size) each month without hargE' 7 Fees in o m ., MPLWNW » £19m!!! lu owe year in all. YOU 5 r THESE BENEFITS FOR AL- M QST N QTIIING. .18 t1. ‘2 ,. La. 1y membersnip fee is OneDonar for wuich you gel: all above, and you may with- draw any time u’lthi‘n three month; r you 97am to do so amigos your dolmr back. 1 you don’t cargtg spen 5100. Bend 25 cents for three month .nembershlp.’ Nobody can aunt-d to 17an ,“Ms 0:10: by. You will ex. Your money back in “my; man" 'mes oxen-1 _ul particugars wiiz Egg- tionary in many years. Contains the pit]: and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl- edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. ‘The Only Dictionary with the " New Divided Page. 460,000 Words. 2700 :Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a milliop dollars. *Let us tell you about this most ‘ remarkable single volume. \‘33\\\“' m ~~ Write forsample send free e} a set of :..k\. Pocket DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Onlerew unabridged dic- EP\VOR’1‘H-LEAG UE H ALLY. Chance tgéoin a dim Thugâ€"{V75 M ‘e 9'"). Sat-":9 N can-'1! fen: Xen- Maple. J AN. 25. 1912 Maps ~5- +++4+++mm+++++4++++>u++ H*+++~I°M+++*++Ev*+orâ€"lu}~r+ +40! +++ 'i'~§"§°+-!"i“§‘ +++$M+W++M+ +++i~+++i $°§~++++++++++¢+~§++ ~' Eleetrolene coal oil, paints; oils, turpentine, glass. putty and. gasoline. V . ' JACOB EYER, . Opposite Dr. Langstafi’s. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.â€"Imprudent acts or later execsscs havex broken down your systrm. Xou fool the symptom: 51031112 over "011. Mentally, rhysimllhy and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Whiyouhecd thoclaagswaignals? Are you a victim? Have you qut hope? Are you; intending to marr 7? Has _ your blood been disemod? Have 30:; any_ woo “as f? cur Niw IETImD 'l'REATMcNT will cure you. What it has 69:19 droihors 1t wi. .o for you. Coiiiukulion Free. No matfcr who has treated you, v. me for an ltorost cp‘nion Prue cf fihaxge. Books Freeâ€"“Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Discoges of Men. YO NAMES USED WITHOUT \VRXTTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No ‘nlmen on [20er firrjyg'pges;_ Evelything Confidential. Question U“; and Cost of Treatment BLOOD POISON'S are fihe most prevarenzt and most serious diseases. They sap the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated frum the syrtcm will cause 501:1 nus complications. Buwamof Mercury. It. may suppress the symp normsâ€"our NEW METHOD cures all blood. diseases. - WARE of all kinds. WBIGOSEVEEHS BEBE ‘5; FOR HOME TREATMENT. The undersigned Wishes to thank the public for past namronâ€" age, and inform them that he keeps a. full line of STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMP- ERS, WIRE. 860. ABO‘HARD- Tinsmithing done in all its branches, grinding, filing, repair- £03,860. This modern Crusade, like the one of old, is a Winning fight. The death rate from Consumption in this province shows a decrease of over 25 (/0 in the past few years. Every reader knows of the ravages of this disease; how, teo pfte’n, the bread-winner of the family falls a victim, or the young man or young woman, with a promise. of a happy and useful life, is stricken down. HAS YOUR BLOOD EEN DISEASED? Nearly 6000 of these poor sufl‘erers have been cared for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near Weston. To-day we have 300 patients under treat- mentâ€"patients who, if they had the money, could not through fear of contagion gain admittance into other hospitals. In the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now caring for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay a single cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay 705. per clawz 1 pays 5\7c. per day! 12 pay 50¢}, or_ less per day. ’ l Money ta pay doctors, food, nursing and caring of these sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers help and have the joy of sharing m a work that has the promise of the Master‘s reward? E4 S- ALDINA AVE. TORONTO Our Trustees, having faith in the generous-hearted people of Canada, have continued to» carry on this wqgk during the past year. NO NAMES USEQ WITHOUT wgnrgN gons;m;._ FRIV‘AIE: N9 TO THE PUBLIC 5%“ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. This cross (in red) has been adopted in Canada and all'over America as the emblem under which the Crusade against Consumption is carried on. MEANING OF THE CROSS “Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When 1 Worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time; My family hysiciem told me an operation was my (Inly hopeâ€"hit. I dreaded it. tried several specialists, but soon found out all the? wanted was my money. {commenced to lock upon all doctors as little heme» than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was of: worle much and I told him mg condition. He a:lvis:d me to consult 14m. Kennedy & ehacltaken treatment from than hit. elf and knew they were square and ski:l.‘ul. I wrote than and got: THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT. My progress was somer at slow and during the first month‘s treatment. I was somewhat (liSCOul‘fl/Si‘du However, Icontinued treaxment fiox‘ three monihs lfinjex: anl was rewarded withaeomplete cure. Icou‘d only ,eam i=1: a wait in a machine shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. I Wlsh all sufferers knew of your valuable treatmm h. HENRY C. LOCUS’I‘. Chairman Executive Committee, National Sanitarium Association W. J. GAGE 213m YDNGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL -AGENCY~â€" J'. H. SANDERSOH. v.3. REAL ESTATE JOHN VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AIAVAYS ON HAND. ' HQUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING. GRAINING, GLAZING‘, KALSOM.IN1NG,‘~&C. Every family should have both their local paper and a; ' City papen Painter and Decs’ator RIGEIBJOND HILL MANAGER Reside-new: ELLI S TlCKETSalOc; 3 for 256; Children under 12 yrs. 55; 'I‘it-kvts nmy lw hnd frnm Unwtn at tho Rink. RIEHWSGNB HILL FINE TEMRING A. J. HUME OPEN EVERY YVEDNESDAY AND SA'H'RDAY EVENING The Richmond Hill Skali BAND 1% ATTEND NCY: SATURDAY EVENINGS. AND NOTARY PUB]. IO. Leases VVIUS, Etc. Special attentit-n given to SKATING Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, F'h) FROM luau T0 10.00 will he W , H . PU G SXLEY, or 7 for ma [3g Rink. Rem e.

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