Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1912, p. 5

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Men's Sweater Coats. with high but- tunvd collars, two puck‘ets, made. of good heavy wool. grey ur navy, each $1.75. Atkinson & Switzer. Friends nf Buttunvilh‘ M.C. intend balding n Box Sm-inl on \Vednesdny (-vuning, Jun. 31, 1913. ' Free-“7i” Offering Services will he held in th Headfm-d Uhm-ch un Sun- day, February 11. Preaching at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. ‘ MOSH-s. “711). and U. Heise (\f Vic- Ull‘ifl. Square spent Wednesday (w‘en: ing Offllust Week with L“. A. E. VViH- iams of Elgin Mills. - Do not fail to secure your ticket.Q in good time for the Dual Recital of Miss ()nmx-ie Master: Bruwn and Miss Rilt'hl Nm-yne Brodie. assisted by Miss Kath- .lpen \anluce mud Miss Rita Irwin, in the Masonic Hull. \Vednvsduy evening Blst, inst. Reserved seat plan at Sam- dersun’s Drug Store. RICHMOND Hun. ONCE, JAN. 25, mm Mrs; John Boyle is spending a few weeks with her son in Mantra-3L ~ Mr. John Gnrdhnuse, wove of Etnlfi- (:nKv, was an Tuvsdny elm-ted V‘Vuljden nf the Uuuntv of Ym k. Durmg stuck taking we are utfering all Indies’ and ,children’s untrimxned huts «MIME-price. Atkinson 85 Swit- zvr. Infant's sweaters buttoned on shoulder, navynnly, each 50c. ' Buys’ hockey Luques, 25¢. each. Atkinson & Switzor. ‘ On Friday evening Mr. Woodward will address Line Epwmth. Leaguv. There will be the i‘t-Hular roll call. Let all who can, be present. at this import,- unt meeting, Friday. Jun. 26th. A meeting of the East York Fun-m- m-s’ and \vnmen’s‘Institute will ho. held _Vict_(_ryia §guilre fiflturdny, Jinllm-y 27th. The W. I. will meet, at Ma's. U. Dennie’s at 2 p.11). There will he a joint meeting in the evening, at 8 u’clock. Dvlegates will be. present to ncldressbmh "meetings. All are wel- come. Ladies will pluase bring bus- kets. I u fi-iendly game with the Sc'utéh (Euri: 91's. Last Munduv‘s skating evening giv- k'll by the Willing \Vm-kers’ Mission Band was a great; success. Although there was not a very large crowd {hay responded exceedingly we“. The pro- Ceeds amounted to about $30. and white spot on face will be suld by Rilblic auction in Richmund Hill, (:1: l onday, the 29th inst. at 2 if not redeonwd heftire that date. Tue pnum‘l keeper. Mr. F. Leece will wield the gavel. ' V - a; 1m .éfiihemlg A rink from the Richmund Hill curl- ing ‘clullis in the ({‘igv A_t0»d"ny _ p_laying Sn- VVillium Mnlock has made an of- fer to the town of Aurora. which the municipality \vill undoubtpdly’ he quick to appreciate and accept. Sir VViIliam has offered to contrihutu $8000 towards the expense of making Yonge Strvet in the tom] limits u firstvclnss mad way, (Ir as good as that planned by the “good roads cnmmis- sinn." Aurora. is not in the gnQd roads zone and Sir VVillinm’s ofl'or shows how much he appréoiutes the value of improved highways. An interesting programme of sports will be rendered in the Richmond Hill skating rink Monday night. Jan. 29th, under the “auspices of the High School Athletic Association. From 7.30 to 9 there will he fancy drills on skates by both high school lmys and girls 11) cos- tume accompanied with band music'.‘ Next follows a girls hockey match he- lween the high school girls from Thorrrhill and 'south vs. those from Richmond Hill and north. This also will he an interesting event to specta- tors. The girls are playing good hock- ey. and a. team from the School is pre- pared to meet any Senior girl's team in the, County of York. The Thom- hill players will wear the High School colors and sweaters while the others will appear in the Richmond Hill hockey outfit. V Skating with Band music from 9 till 10.30 p.m. During the evening refreshments. including home made Candy and other luxuries will he served. *Everyhody come and spend an enjoyable evening. The Thnrnhill Hockey team will play the T. Eaton Mail Order Depart. ment‘ this evening in the Thm-nhill rink. Next Monday evening they will face the 0 kWit Cher nockin (ms team from Toronto. JI‘he Eaton Hockey team will be here Tuesday evening, Jan. 30. to try their skill with the Richmond Hill team. There will be a band at: the Carnivnl. and there will be skating before and afger the game. The/hockey nmtch. Tuesday evening. between Anrm-n and Richmond Hill. ended in :I scum 0f 7â€"2 in favor («f Alli-um. ARIy‘HorSe‘, with two white feet 1d white spot on face will be suld by Iblicuucbinn in Richmund Hill, (:1: RINK E NTERTAIN M ENT. 14()C Al‘s HOCKEY NOTES. , fTh‘e next meeting of the. Thornliill- ;_1’-2nngstuff Liteer‘Gin-cle will he ht'ld Thursduv awning, February lsb. at the hmne of Mr. James,’1‘hornhill. Every member is expected ‘ to - bring n reading sch-cum]. one serious and ‘ one humm-uus, with questions to be an- swqaed that evening or next meeting. Music, liuth vocal and instrumental. it is hoped, will be arranged fur.‘ In the notice-(if last meeting umissinn was made’nf the excellent; paper by Mrs. Artlnn-Thompsnn M) the suhject. un- dPI' discussiun. Carefully prepared and well delivered it, was a. pheasng fv-abnre of the evening. Prut‘. I. G. Matthews of McMaster University has kindly offered to hddress the Circle- Friduy evening. Feb. 23nd,'uf which extended no‘ice will be given. The Prr-communion service and reâ€" ception of new members will be on Friday evening nt8 o’clock. and will he addressed by REV. >MI'. Anuan Aurora. The sessinn will meet, at, 7.15. Mr. \Valter Dyeadmnn. one day last week, while cutting ice;1t.Buyle’s pnnd, slipped into the opening and he- ingnlunezlt the Lime had a mu-mw escape from drowning. \Vith pros; once of mind hemmmged to catch holdufnsiuwfl which ‘Was noar the edge of the ice, and in this “my climbed out. He Lhem‘zm about eighty rods to a neighbor's house and ex- changed his web clothing for it dry suit. The Smmunent uf the Lord’s Supper will heuhserved in this church next Sunday morning when it is hoped the membership nfrthr- congl'egntiun may be well represented. _ - ‘ National Temperance Congress and 'Ontario Provincial Convention in Massey Hall, Toronto, Feb. 13th to 16th.. -Masscy Hall, Toronto, will be Che scene of one of the greatest Temper- ance gatherings ever held in the Do- minion of Canada, when the National Temperance Congress and Ontario Provincial Convention opens on Tues- day, February 13. Convention sessions will be held all day Tuesday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, with public mass meetings on Tuesday, February 13th, and Thursday, February 15th. The Executive Committee of the Al- Liance in issuing the call, directs attention to the successful Wgrk of the past year and the opportunities that call for action in 1912. The Call says: “This annual meeting is now recog- nized as Ontario’s, Provincial Parlia-' ment of Temperance Workers. It unites all denominations and classes and agencies for consultation, decision and action. It voices public opinion. It speaks with influence and authority. It lays down the principles and'outlines the plans which are to govern-organ- ized temperance effort in this Province. “Suecial interest is added to this year’s Convention through the holding in connection therewith of a National Temperance Congress. at which repre- sentatives from the various Provinces of the Dominion will discuss-the status of the temperance work in the different Provinces, the question of how a Do- minion organization. can best help in such work, and what national legisla- tion is desirable for further advance of our reform. BOYLEâ€"On Tuesday, January 23, 1912 _t() Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boyle. Mun» trenl, a son. COBERâ€"wAt Victoria Square, on Mon- dny, Jnnum-V 22. 1912. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johan a daughter. Every Church and society in sym< pathy with the work of the Alliance is entitled to representatives, and every church or society _having more than fifty members is entitled to an addi- tional representative for every fifty after the first.full ‘fifty members. Special reduced rates will be given by all railway lines on the Conven- tion certificate plan so that delegates from any point in Canada east of Port Arthur will be able to .go to the Con- vention and return home for single fare. Persons who are not regular delegates, but who desire to attend these interesting meetings will be wel- comed as visitors. Accommodation will be provided for them in the Convention Building and they may obtain theeame reduced railway rates as regular dele- gates. . - DERRYâ€"Suddenly on Sunday. Janu- ary let, 1912. Cul-nellius George Dexry, in his 54th year. FuneraIWe-dnvsday. at 1 p.m. from hIS 1M9. residence. 4] Wundlawn Ave. \Vest. thence to Rjulmumd Hill for Interment. “Among the vital questions to be discussed will be the demand for Prav- ince-wide abolition of the bar, thé re‘ pea] of the unfair three-fifths require- ment, the laying of plans for another great Local Option campaign, the effec- tive enforcement 'of law; particularly in Local Option municipalities.” A Special Committee is now at work preparing what promises to be one of the most interesting programmes ever arranged for such a gathering. Speakers from every Province in the Dominion will tzike part and on the whoie the gathering promises 10 be one of exceptional interest and of historic importance. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. GREAT TEMPERANCE GATHERING LITERARY CIRCLE. NARROW ESCAPE. BIRTHS. DEATHS Revival meetings cumnwmzvd in, $119 Dunkm-d Church last Sunday vvvning. MI. LaFuyt-Lte Schqu. ut' Fm'ks Ruad. Out.. is conducting the services. The "matings will prolmhly u-nlinue fnlj three or four weeks. All are cm-diully invited to attend. Mr. John thh, nf British Onlum- bin. is Visit,ng his- pun-ms, Mr. and, Mrs. Jos. Koch. at, Mnunt Joy. r V Mir: HVéIII’yâ€"Wi‘dl‘l-KLII‘I- {Kiss Edna. VVidvnum were wishing friends in Mnrklmm Village lust Sunday. OVERLAND MOTOR :CARS and TRUCKS 1912 Models are unsur- passed for value and effluen- cy. Above cut represents our five passenger, thirty horse power car at $I375 oo, deliv- ered in Toronto fully equipp- ed. Call without fail and see our :91: Models. 8 49m SHAW-OVERLAND SALES (30., 52 TO 59 ADELAIDE ST., \VESâ€"T TORONTO ’ ELEGTRIG WIRENG FIFTEEN YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 23-tf House Lighting. '85s. By Rules of National Board of Fire Underwriters fo‘r, United States and Canada. Richmond Hill, ' Ont. - Ruhernid. Roofing, Oshawh Steel Shingles and . Currugated Irnn Rnufing Pvrsnns wishng to do any Io‘lfing will be safe in leaving their order with me. I ha“? on hand a. car 10nd of cvdur posts for sale. H. B. STIRLING 28~tf WM. GRAHAM .WM..GRAHAM ENTER ANY DAY CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. foraihm-nugh C(HH"S(-‘ in Busiâ€" ness. Shorthand. Telegmphy or English in one of Yongp & Gerrard Sm. Tux-onto. Winter term, new open. “'rite fhl‘cutalnng-I. Address: Richmond Hill SATISFACTION G UARANTEED RICH MON D HILL \V. H. SHAW. Plf’fiidt‘nt. led Offices. SHAWls SCHOOLS Prices Moderate â€"-AGENT FORâ€" Gormiey. -â€"FOR â€" TDRONTO 8| Withrow Ave., Torofito. vf+o§v+4c++é++4Â¥++++Â¥ “on ' oi-M-w iuw-bwwwmé‘uwwwwww +-§"£'-§-++ iW-F-l-{b P'i‘MWH'P-E +++++‘§°%++++++MԤ +Â¥+$++é$Â¥+it MM+++M++¢§+47+++%4~+++0%”? “hi $+++é~+éé+~§x+~§+++4~++4 §“§”§~v§-+++~i P. SAVAGE" {- i+++++4~¢d~+++vbÂ¥++++++ofi 3“? §"§"i' +%+++++++i~++¢%++%flzflt ktޢ+Â¥ Atkinson & Switzer f.CONCRETE HOUSE ' RICHMOND HILL Heavy Flannelette Blankets; grey and white. with pink and blue border, 13/4, $1.30 p12; 11/4, $1.60 pr. ;~ 12/4. $1.88 pr. Heavy Wnnlen Blankets, size 60in. x 80 in., pr. $3.50. Davies’ Veal Loaf, 2 tins for 250. ‘ Jun. 1& 1912. Concrete 5 Store ‘ News Men’s Heavy Rubbers, from Mefi's Rubber Boots, “' Mefi's Overshoes,‘ “ Ladiee' Overshoe Rubbers, Ladies’ Rubbers, ‘ Men’s Rubbers, FURNITURE Chairs, Tables, Couches, Springs and Mattfesses. Our B‘éd-room, Di_ning-room, Sitting» room and Far- lor Furniture are the most up-to-date because the . . y come stralght from the factory to you. :: 2: :: :: YOU ’LL DO THE RICHMOND HILL SHOE STORE Men‘s extra lznge \Viwkjng Shirts (Sandmv Brand), 75c each. Connor Bros.’ Kipper-ed Honing. IAI-ge tiu 150. Men’s Drill Working Shirts, 50¢ each. Tyle’s Golden Molasses, 2-H)! tin 2 ASSm-ted Tmlet Soap in boxes, 6 cakes for 250. Men’s heavv Flannelétte Nightgowns, 750 Each. Men‘s heavy W‘nolen Sax, 3 pr. im- $l.00. I bridle-3‘ Sweater‘jOoats. with high-button Collar. $2.00 each. Children’s Knitted Clouds, 25c each. Rnlled Oats. 7 lbs. for 251:. Sa vun Toilet Soap in boxes, 3 cakes far 109. Men’s Flannelette Working Shirt-s. 50c each. Canned Peas, 3 tins for 250. Pure Oastile Soap, large bar 250. Canned Pumpkin, Essex Brand, 12c tin. Maple Syrup Mixture (Pearl Brand), large tin28é. Bun Tun Laundry Soap. huge box 200“. N 0 RMA N J.‘ .G LA'SS PROPRIETOR We Sell 10% Less Than Toronto Prices WE SPECIALIZE IN BETTER HERE THAIN GET OUR PRICES AND SEE As all our Furniture is made hy the best, fuctm'ies in Canada, and -+-:~+++++Ma};§é++++++++ Mk++++$+ §E§+é+++®~au§° THAN 'ANY’ PLACE I75 35'0 .60 -75 to $2 85 Phone 17 90

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