Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1912, p. 8

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THURSDAY. Feb. 8â€"Timher and wood. j Kingston Road. Scurhoro.:hhe prop- f‘_ “arty of Burnl’mm Bros. Sale at 1, o'clock. Terms 9 months. SATURDAY. Feb. 10â€"Fnrm Stock. Im~ f filemtfnts. etc" on lot; 3. con. 7. Mark- 1‘ "anythopmpertv of W. Helmkay‘. Stile at 1 o’clock. , ‘ , l WEDNESDAY. Feb. 14 â€"- Registered . =Horsaa, * Cattle. Farm Implements, pic. on lot 26. con. 4. Sc‘arboro. the proportv of Thos. Shadlock. Sale at 11 o‘clock.- THURSDAY, FPl). Iiiâ€"Farm Stock. Im- plements. Furniture. etc.. on lot 6.. con. 7. Markham. the 'propertv of Thos. McUauley. Sale at 1 o'clock. SATURDAY. Feb l7â€"Farm Stock. Im- plempnta. F‘urniturc. etc. on lot 8. con. 10, Markham, the property of F. Coakwell. Sale at 1 o’clock. TUESDAY, Feh. 20â€"Farm Stock. Im- nle-mcnts. Ptc.. on lot 30. con. 3. Mar- khnm- tho property of G. P. Read. Sale at. 1 o’clock. ‘VEDNESDAY. F‘ph. 21â€"Farm Stock, Implpmpnts. Furniture. 13th lot 18. con. 3. East York. tho property of “7m. Hill. Sale at 12 o’clock. THURSDAY. Feb. 22â€"Farm Stock, Im- plvmpnts. Furniture, etc.. on 161; 26, con. 8. Pickering. the property of Jns. Routlcv. Solv- at 12 o’clock. FRIDAY, Fol). zaâ€"Registm-ed Horses. Cattle. Implements. etc" on lot 22. cnn. 9. Markham. the property of Homer Wilsori. Sale at, 11 o’clock. SATURDAY. Feb. 21.â€"Farm Stock, Imâ€" plomontc. Ptc.. on lot 88. Yonge St. north of Aurora. the pl opal-tv of C. H. Ross. Sal? at. 12 o’clock. MONDAY. Feb. 26â€"â€"Fa_rm Stock. Imple- monts. etc, on lot 5. con. 6. Mark- ham. tho property of Fred Norris. Solo 8. 1 p.m. TUESDAY. Fob. 27~Farm Stock. Im- plements. etc" on lot 18. Con. 2. East York. fhp property of Robb. Hill. Sal? at 12 o’clock. WEDNESDAY. Feb, 28â€"Farm Stock. lmo‘nmontQ. etc. on lot; 13. con. 4. Markham. the property of James Lu- nan. Sale at 1. p.m. » THURSD AY. Feh. 29â€"Farm Stock. In): plpmonts‘. etc. on lot 29. con 10. Markham. the property of A. Wil- liams. Sale at 1 o’clock. FRIDAY. March Iâ€"Farm Stock. 1m- plmnents. etc.. on lot. 24. con 10. Markham. the property of Geo. Bowes. Sale at. 1 o’clock. 4 SATURDAY, March 2â€"Farm Stock. Im- plnnwnts, pm. on lot 22, con. 8. Markham. the property of Peter Bm-kholder. Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘ TUESDAY. March 5â€"Fnrm Stock. Im- plements. etc" on lot 21. con. 2. East‘ York, the property of John Weld- rick. Sale at- 1 o’clock. WEDNESDAY, March Gâ€"Farm Stock. Implements, etc., on lot, 23. con. 3, East. York. the property of Thos. Maxwell. Sale at 12 o’clock. THURSDAY, March 7â€"Fm'm Stock, Im- plements. etc. at York Mills. the property of Jon. Whalen. _ Sale at 1 o’clock. FRIDAY. March 8â€"Farm Stock. Im- lcments. etc., on 101.21, con. 3. Easlg m-k. the property of Samuel Ken- nvdv. Sale at. 12 o’clock. SATURDAY. Mart-h Qâ€"Farm Stock. Im- ' plmnents 81c. Yonge St. Willowdale, the property of Robt. McBride. 8 (DOS. MONDAY. Mar. 11â€"â€" Earm stock, im- plePnts, etc. near Ellesmere. the proporty of Adam Richardson. Salc at. 12 o’clock. TUESDAY. March lZâ€"Farm Stock. Im- lmnents, etcH at. West. York (Lam- srng), the propertv of Whaleu Bros. Sue - at. 1 p.111. ‘ ' \VEDNESDAY. March l3â€"Registered Buses, Cattle, Implements, etc, on lo" 1'4, con 10. Markham. the propel-- ty --f J. H. Lawrie. Sale at 11 nan. J. H.‘PRENTICE’S LIST - ~ . OF“ AUCTION SALES. TUE SA'I‘ TUE (h VVF in Tm In Al FRII pl: Sc Bu SPI “H7 M US; me p01 u’cl Mom I“? Yo 33:11 Tm}; I m 8' 1‘1 (It .‘ Sal FRI} 1‘ Feh. 16â€"11; ple ' ms, Int 39, Y 46. u property nf s»! 9119, nl ' mt: hs. MUN; Y, Feb. 19*} mv ‘ n aha, at '1‘ M I'M II M Mr. .xY. March Iiiâ€"Farm Stuck. Im- nents. etc, on lot 26. Gun. 3, «hung, the: pr'npt-l-ty of Jam. Con- Sale at 1 ban} LDAY. March 16â€"17mm Stock, pmems. etc. nu lot 7.c0n,6. may), theprnpfrty of Bimmln Suk at 1'2 OfflOC‘k. AY, Match 19-â€"me Stock. Im- wntls, eta, «m 10!; 10. con. 5. . ham. thq pl;n)pr-1_’ty of Thus. Og- Salé at, 1-U;13r(|ltk.- r«JSDAY. March 20â€"Farm Stock. 'LLQ‘I’ILS &c. Ynl'k Town Line, York, the prvlwrty of George um. Terms 5 months AY, March Rik-Faun stock \ments. 010.. nn 10L 1. (.nn. 6. mun, the. p'..wrl.y of L. E. Mn. Salem u’clock. DAY, Mam-h iâ€"Fm-m Hlnck. [Haulage-ten n Int 9. mm. 3, York. the pp why of thr late Gl‘ily. SKIP lu’clmrk. I, Ma1~c1122â€". nrm Stuck. In» his, elm-n u lot. 3t), (-nn.4, uu'u. the pn lV I-f 1"- H. V. Suleut l2 luuk. HAY, March ‘nvnta, etc... Richmnnd ,ws 3:111!an it 1 u’olm'k I,‘ m e, "Ill {9111158 u of G90. P K. Terms fi '1, March 4â€" . etc” on I1 . (he prnpnr. L 1 o'clock. m stud nhil: lHI. l.| md Hl On January 1st it was said “Let There Be Light” and nearly all the people voted yes. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 68. GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill We beg to announce to the people of Richmond Bill that we will be prepared to do Electric Wiring of all kinds in the latest approved manner, and also furnish fixtures and material at the lowest prices. Call and see us before placing your orders. \THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWA MONDAY. March lSâ€"Farm stock, imâ€" lements. etc), onlnt 1, con. 2. East. m-k, the properbv of John Clark. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. SATURDAY, March 23*Farm stuck, implements, etc., on lot 2. con. 2, East; York, the property of Gen. Robinson. Sale atlo’clock. Terms 8 months. Administrator’s Sale of House and Lot There will be sold by Public Auction on Thursday, the 22nd day of Feb- ruary. 1912, at the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon on the. premises, Rich- mond Hill, by' J. T. Saigenn. Allah. the following lands. being the property of the late Fanny Blancbmd, contain- ing one~quznter of an acre more or 1953, being part of the east, half of Village Lot Fifteen on the south side of Centre Street. West. Gibson’s Plan No. 481. On the premises are a. brick-clad house, frame kitchen and wood house. hat-d and soft Water. The propPI-cy is in a good state of repair. Possession will be given on the fir§t day of April. l912. “TfiE‘ v: of" the lpufchase money at, the time of sale, and the balance within 30 days thqx't‘aftvfi. _ Further particulars and conditions made known at the time of sale M on application to Henry Blanchard, Rich- mond Hill. V TEdeP‘rs-i {(E‘Vtrimér above will he received at Llw Clerk’s Office up tn Suuu-dny, Feb. 17Lh. 1913. 32-2 100 var-d! of gravel wantvd for the Villagf) of ‘Rlchmo‘nd Hill: L , , ,,,:..,;:l Faruwrs, ynur attention please. I am guttingncrmple of cars (If gnnd send nuts from Husk, and will unload :11, Maple station. If ynn Inquire any EHHHKP send your m-dvr in at once. Prices right. See sample at The Lilwm! uf'fiue. 3i) 3 Tenders Wanted PHONE 18. Mr. Prentice‘s sales continued. Datié’ For Sale. 000K & GILCHRIST. Uonft-dpmtion Life Bldg, 12 Richmond St" E, Toronto. Solicitors for Administrator. A. J. HUME. H. R. GORDON, Maple P. 0 Clerk. "l‘he chellence of 0m" harness is hh’t entirely the result. of using only the best mate! in]. MENT combine to give the very best harness prop}:qu for your money. FOR MEN 0R BEAST we have snlid «muffin-l; in the Way of BLANKETS, ROBES and MITTS, and, in fact, everything in our line. All reliable gimds fit reasonable prices. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. Edward ManKay Creighton of the City 01’ Tnmnto in the County of York and Province of Ontario, Compositor, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at. the present Session thereof fur a bill of divorce from his wife Sarah E. Creigh- ton of the said City of Tomnto m the said County of York. on the ground (If adyltery and d_esertion._ amiss of Applica- tion for Bivorce DATED at Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario, this ’ll‘gwenty-ninth day of December, A.D. ll. CURRY, O’CONNOR, WALLACE 85 MACDONALD, 27-3m Notice is herva given by The Man- arch Railway Company that appllcaâ€" tiun will he made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next ensuing session for an Actâ€" Application to (a) To change the name of the said Company to The Toronto. Barrie and Orilliu Railway. (1:) To increase the bond issue from $25.000 to $30,000 pm‘ mile.‘ 77 fiafiéd at Tun-(mu: this twenty-ninth day of Decvmbm’, 191'1. YOUNG & McEVOY, 27-6 Solicitors fur Applicants. OUR EXPERIENCE AN'fi JUDG- V (1.") To ekte'nd the time for the com- mencing and completion of construc- tion of said RaiIW'ay. 50- Lf House to rent on Yonge street, Richmond Hill. » NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. eats 5 Solicitors for the Applicant. To Rent Apply to‘ Parliament. C Sweet to Eat! V": ” ACMyBodeum 2.3-1.1". J. P. GLASS. W. HEWESON HOUSE PAU‘JTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper Hanger. RESIDENCE. R {CB MON D 1111 Y. H A. NEGRfiLLS The. “Post Ofiive Pu'pm't v" on Yonge street, in the Village of Richmnnd Hill. One MW of kind. gnudurl'lmrd, 5msz fruits, lu-rx-ius, ham] and snft water. 1wa kin-hem t.” hnuav; an in gnml rupuir. The! best luminess 10!, in town. Terms tosuit pmchusvr. Pus- sesqirm in the spring. Fm-Lht-r pen-- l' lurs Lu :mplicatinn. A Filht'blHSS farm hf 0m- Hundred news on the third CIIII. uf \Vhimhumh m-ar Now Gnrmluy. Prism $6.250. Also farms in Markham {1nd Vaughan. $3,000 to [mm on lab uml-tgnge farm prnpvrty. 26-115 Aâ€" Huuss- and km on Richmnud St. newn- Innvs’ mill: Application To ' Parliament. the. Humhelvuln ()elfivtel'y Cumpamy that, an applicaticn will he In;qu tn the Legishttm-e of [he Pruvixu-v of Ontario at, its next ensuing seasiun for an Act: (:1)Tnenahle the! said Cumpany tn 8:411 and convey any pnrtin’n (11‘ par- tmns 0f the Hitmhermle Uvmetery Lands nuw uwnvd by in in the van- ship of Etnhi0uke in the County uf Yurk, which it may dPHn unnecessary in 19min for the pm-puses of a burial ground” (h) To enable the said Cumpunv tn cnnvey in fee simple_ any pox-Linn or portions of the lands authorized by such Act N! be suld. with 1119 nut-e- sh-ictod right to the puri‘haser 01' par- chasers. their heirs. executors. admin- istraturs or assigns, to Use or 9rhpluy the lands so conveyed to them fur any pun-pus: m- pl}!;p()§‘98 wha‘tsc-ever. A (c) Tn enabl'e the said Umnpzmy to divide the pmcr‘eds of the lands so sold and conveh'd amongst, its share- holders w-mtn. L ‘LNNOX & LENNOX, Solicitors for Applicant. Continental Life Bldg. Tomnbu. Datedat Tux-onto the 18th day of Jamuuy 1912. 30-6 Pursuant to R.S.O. chapter 129. and Amending Acts Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of Fanny Blanchard, late of the Village of Richmond Hill. Married Vmem, deceased who died on or about the 7th day of November. A.D., 1911. are required on or before the 10th day (if February, 1912, to send a state- ment of their claims, with the nature of the security. if any. held by them, tng’ether with their names and ad- dresses to Henry Blanchard, Esq. Richmond Hill, Administrator. IN THE ESTATE OF FANNY BLAN- UHARD. LATE OF‘ THE VILâ€" LAGE OF RICHMOND HILL, DEâ€" CEASED. Notice to And Take further Notice, that after the said last mentioned date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the partiés entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall have had notice. )OOK & GILCHRIST, Confederation Life Bldg, 12 Richmond St. East, Toronto. 28-4 An eight ruum hnuse. next, door to the Bnknry. Richmcnfi E’fifl Eramch, '“Jgnfé‘ln' NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN hy Rexl 2mm Agant HAS FOR ,SALE Established 1873 80 Branches MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety. eonvéfiiefl‘ce am! low €951 unite to make Money Oxders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory Way of sending small‘rsums to any part of Canada. Under $5 . . . 3c. $|0to $30 . . . 10c. $5 to$10 . . . 6c. 7 $30to$50 . . . I5c. Drafts issued for larger amophts. Savings'Bank Department at Every Branch Branches also at Manic, Markham, stoufi‘vinoi Sol icitors for Administrator To Rent Creditors. D. HILL. Locust Hill. and Unionviue. Richmond Hill. Jamaal y. Hut! ALL BRAD“ HES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED 1'0. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIEJ _ IVIILLS ‘éfiuewflaé 38-Lf Appéicatifin t0 Pariiament. TAKE NOTICE ihnt application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Oan-in at, the ant session on behalf of the Town of North Tok x-ontu im- zm Art:â€"â€" > (a) To H'de subsection 5a of Cdup. 114, 9 Edw. V11. (1909) except as to water mains already commenced. and to snhsfitute fur such subsection a clause enabling the said Town to ex- tend its waterworks system and to lay all new water mains as local improve- mean under the provisiuns of the L0- cal Improvements Sections of the Mu- nicipal Act, being Chap. 58. 1 Gen. 5, (1911) and to levy the whole cost there< of (exceptmg fm- flankages and street. intersectiuns) by frontage tax on the prgpexltflieq hens-'fltged. 1n, . on- 1‘ r. vr‘ . -W. W", W (h) To have it declared that Sec. 14. Chap. 88, 10 Edw. VII, (1910) respectn ing the assessment of farm lands hi towns and villages shall no longer be applicable to the said Town. (c) To prohibit any railway chm- pauy or street railway company from carryng freight upon any highway within the said municipality; 541a of the Consolidated Municipal Act (1903) as amvnded, to control the location of buildings used for certain trades. (e) To enable the Council of the said town to direct private individuals or companies dedicating lands for pub. lic highways to make the same such greater width than sixty six feet as the Council may deem necessary. _ (f) To enable the Council to énfurce a fair wage clause in all Corporation contracts. v the; saidvavn the prpvisignsyf Silhseclliun (b) 0 Se'ctjon a 1 V To enahle the Council to regu- late the size of building lots within the Town. (h) To amend The Land Titles Act. to admit the filing of agreements for the pin-chase of )iglitsâ€"nf-wav or ease- ments for sewm- purposes. (i) To extend to the said Town the provisiuns of Subsectiun 10f Sec. 538 of the Municipal Act for remunerating memlwrs of the Council. (j) To amend in the case of the said Town Section 4 of the Municipal \Vaterworks Act. Chap 235, R. S. O. 1897, by extending the limit‘ mention- ed in the said section from ' ten miles to thirty mlies. T. A. GIBSON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTE “'h SEOEING LARE AND INTER? HORSES A EEC LZ‘Y EEGfl‘T » TAMWflR'E‘E gaws fiome bred and others ready to breed. fiaLgTEm BULL SALE/ES Solicitnpfnr said Town. miu J.‘ inth dav of m, TX n V M \A Du B 2% A RD 31530 Stack Eas‘m J. MCKEN ZIE a 87 L E. BAND, 29-6

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