The great majority 01' the Canr adian north western farmers are strongly in favor of free trade in natural products .with the United States. One of the newspapers has ‘gone so far as to i‘econnnhnd the use of bullets in gaining the desired boon, That kind of talk may do in Ulster where the ultra Orangemen threaten to take up arms in case that. Home Rule is granted to Ireland, but it is considered mischievous in Can ada. THE LIB‘RAL fully believes that-the grain-growers of Canada missed their great opportunity on the 2151; of September, but there may be other chances in the future. If our neighbors to the south are. still will- ing to stand by their pl‘UpOSitinn we may yet regain what was lost. But it must be done bv ballots, and not by. bullets or inflammatory speeches. "‘When I' went into Sir James’ room and took hold of his hand I did most; cf the shaking. He hardly deigned to look at; me. The discour- tesy he showed us was not becoming a gentleman. He gave no answer. I say he ought to have given an answer. And7 God helping me, Tory though I am, I’ll make him answer yet. The Patterson Uguigo Society hnd a very successful meeting at the home of Mr. Henry Rumble on Tuesday eve- ning, February 20. The Honing was opened in the usual Way by the mem- bers singing hymns. which, on this Dccasinn wero selented from the works at J2me Crosby. The minutes of the preceding meeting Were then rend and a little business talk followed. Jane Crushy’s life. was read and a, few of her familiar songs WOI‘P sprig. Miss .7. Rumble gave 'h. wry instructive reading on “Debatmg.†The meeting was closed by all singing “The Muplé Leaf.†' Lancaster, Edwards, Maplean (South York), Wallace. Clark (Nbrth Bruce), Northrup, 'Burnham, and Porter, ‘ Conservatives, declared for the acceptance by the House of Lan- caster’s bill. But when the vote was taken, Wallace, A Clark, Northrup Burnham and Porter voted with the Premler. Having served its. purpose in. se- curing the return of the Conservative Party to Power, and having been \sandbagged‘ and buried by those for whose. beneï¬c it was brought into being, it; may safely be assumed that the last has been heard of the Ne Temere degree agitationâ€"at any rate until a Liberal Government is again in power.â€"Otrawa Free Press. “I gave Mr. Rowell my hand. IL was as if I were giving my hand to my best girl. Mr. Howell is a good Christian gentleman any party might be proud of. I say Elm, though I am a Tory and he is a Gi'Pt.â€_â€"Comâ€" ment of President Josnph Gibson of the Ontario Alliance. Lancaster, Edwards, Maclean, Kidd and Blair, Conservatives, voted against. the Premier’s motion. Without doubt the intermentzwas accompanied bV the pious hope of the Government; and its friends that there would be no resurrection. By vote of Parliament the political agitation based on the Ne Temere decree was killedâ€"or at any rate stunnedâ€" by motion of Premier Bor- den to adjourn the debate on Lan- caster’s bill regarding marriage, and refer the question of federal or pro- vincial jurisdiction to the courtsâ€" without any pledge or suggestion that» it' jurisdiction were decided to be with the DominionI any legisla- tive action would be initiated by or on, behalf of the Government. The snndbagging was followed by burial under 87 Conservative and National- ist'l'votesâ€"a majority of 26‘ ' ' ‘Five Conservatives and all the Lib- erals present, a total of 61, voted against the motion of Premier Bor- don. BANDBAGGED BY ITS FRIENDS RICHMOND HILL. ONTu FEB. 22. 1912 In. fliherni. Patterson. VALAAAAKLAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAE: 5 QBGUP VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV'V VVVYV VVVVVVVWIVVVVVVV mass. A safe andpleuinzâ€"éirru'paboc. 131132319“, ++M+$++++Mvm++ï¬ The 'undersigned WiShéS to v thank the public for past neutron- age, and inform them' that; he keeps ’a‘. 'full line of STOVE PIPES, ELBOW-S, DAMP- ERS, WIRE. 660. Also HARD- WARE of all kinds. +$++++M4~+ ++4j§°€"§--3'HM+M*+ *W$+¢+4++4~M*+é+é++4 ++++++~smmuo+¢w+++wn++ iltl-Q-‘P'lveni'dw+4'+++ew-+n~-3~1wr§ 1-H Dns3KENï¬EQY£kKEmE PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR Book: Free on Diaeue‘ of 715 unabk to call, write for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT _Electroiene coal oil, paints, Oils, turpentine, glass. putty and. gasoline. _ . JACOB EYER, Opposite Dr. Langstaï¬â€™s. Tinsmithing done in all its branches,,grinding, ï¬ling, repair- mg, 860. D3. KENNEDY. Mnmcin Drawer. 01“ D33. K. & K. TO THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION FREE was DISEASES OF MEN’ stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Sheep’s Group. Remedy. One test wxll. surely proye. No vomxting, no d13- VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBIUTY. BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER Disease. and all Diseases Peculilr to Men. Dru. K. & K. are favorably known through- out Canada. where ,the‘ uwe done bust- ness for over 20 years. ’1' ousands of atlents have been treated and cured by the r great skill and through the virtue of their New Method Treatment. When you treat with them you know you are dealing with respon‘ sible physicians as they own and occupy their own ofï¬ce building in Detroit, valued at 8100‘0091. When they decide your case is curable. a 1 your worry is rfmored for ï¬ou know they will not. deceive you. T ey guarantee to cure all curable cases. No matter how many doctors have failed to beneï¬t you; no matter how much money you have spent in vain; no matter how dis- couraged you may he, don‘t give up in des- pair until you get a free opinion from these master specimists. If you are at resent within the clutches of any secret ham which is sapplng your life Ly degrees; If you are suffering from the results of past indiscre- timsï¬f your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live m_drcad of symp- toms breaking out and exposrmr your past: it you are suffering as the result of a mis- spent lifeâ€"Du. K. a: K. are yourï¬efuge. Lay your case before them conï¬dentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. To PATENT flood ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE “"5!†RECORD, hull-lore. Id YOU CAN FAY WHEN CURE!) We Trent and Cute 20 YEARS Daily Mail, York Co. Daily News The Weekly Sun I. H. SAI‘IDERSOE. v.3. Daily Star; outside of P’ towns and villages 2o00 50 U MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS 0N HAND. Hnuse trfr-mt on Yunge street, Richmnnd Hill. REAL E STATE Gurrd SEN} Barley, gmwn on clean Invoke}. - 344- QLU Every family should halve thew local paper and any paper. RIOEL’I ON D â€"â€"-â€"AGEN (DYâ€"â€" Yams fuithtu. To Rent ï¬'Gi’ Apply tr)‘ th laud G EU. COOPER. J. P. GLASS. $110 TICKETSâ€"lac; 3 far 25c; or 6 for 50¢ Children under :2 yzs.. 5c; Til-kels may be lmd from Umeta at, the Rink. R‘i’é‘iï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ EELL it's. OPEN EVER. f “WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING HNE mmma The BAND 1?; ATTEND NEE SATURE‘ AND NOTARY PU; I. IS let-1.3%, Vv‘ills, Etc. 8KAT§NG Special attention given to Pressing Cleaning Repairing w 9 FROM [.00 T0 10.00 ZOLEVP ,yancing "U N u .1 Wu will be “7. H. PUGSLEY. :n Skating Rink both (3.1 5;: w NP.