\Mns. GEO. BUTLER TELLS WHAT ponn’s KIDNEY PILLS DID FOR. HER. WOMEN STILL ARE She was tired, nervous and run down, and suffered from pains in the back.~â€"Dodd‘s Kidney I’i’is Cured her. Paquetville, Gloucester Co., N. B., Feby. 19 (Speciallyâ€"That Dodd’s Kidney Pills are suffering woman’s best friend was never better de- monstrated than in the case Lf Mrs. Geo. B11tler,.a wellâ€"known and highly respected resident of this place. One way to avoid being disapâ€" pointed in love is to marry for money. Some men are too lazy even to in- dulge in guesswork. “My trouble was brought on by hard work,†Mrs. Butler tells her friends. “For four years I suf- fered from pain in the back. I was always tired and nervous. My head ached and I had dark circles under my eyes, which were also puffed and swollen. A safe and sure medicine. for a. child troubled with worms is Mother Grav‘es’ Worm Extermina- "Uncle Joe, do you believe in votes for women?†“N0, sah, I don’t. Mandafs got all de money dat’s good for her “now.†We should forgive our enemies, but we all have. a, sneaking desire to get [square with them ï¬rst.‘ “I was in a, generally runâ€"down condition and feeling very much discouraged when I started to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and I can only 'say I found rglief at once.†Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter D. dc C Corp., 47 Columbus Avg. Boston. U. S. A.. “:3 -ree sample of each With 32-0. book. Relief for the Depressedâ€"Physiâ€" cal and mental depression usually have their origin in a disordered state of the stomach and liver, as when these organs are deranged in their action the whole system is afâ€" fected. Try Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. They revive the digestive pro- cesses, act beneï¬cially on the nerves and restore the spirits as no other pills will. They are cheap, simple and sure, and the effects are lastâ€" mg. 'I. the undersigned, cannot give enough praise to the Cuticura Remedies. I had been doctoring for at least a year for eczema. on my foot. I had tried doctor after doctor all to no avail. When a. young girl I sprained my ankle three different times, paying little or no attention to it, when ï¬ve years ago a small spot showed upon my left ankle. ] was worried and sent for a. doctor. He said it was eczema. He drew a. small bone from the ankle about the size‘ of a. match and about an inch long. The small hole grew to about the size of an apple, and the eczema. spread to the knee. The doctors never could heal the hole in the ankle. The whole foot ran water all the time. “My husband and my sons were up night and day wheeling me from one room to an- other in the hope of giving me some relief. I would sit for hours at a time in front of the ï¬replace hoping for daybreak. The pain was so intense I was almost crazy. in fact, I would lose my reason for hours; at a time. One day a friend of mine dropped in to see me. No more had she gig-an? at my foot than she exclaimed, ‘Mrs. in egan, why in the world don’t ou try the Cuti- cura Remediesl’ Being isgusted with the doctors and their medicines, and not being able to sleep at all, I decided to give the Cuticqu Soap and Cuticura Ointment a trial. After using them three days that night I slept- as sound as a. silver dollar for eight long hours. I awoke in the morning with but very little pain, in fact, I thought I was in heaven. After using the. Cuticura. Remedies for three months I was perfectly restored to health. thanks to the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I will he sixtyâ€"four ears of age my next birthday. hale and earty at resent.†(Signed) Mrs.Julia Finne- gan,2234 ehertSt.,St.Louis,Mo..Mar.7,'11. Poverty is no disgraceâ€"but the same cannot always be truthfully said of wealth. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure 3 Cold in One Day. 25m Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Garza! In Cows. ~ The mainspring of woman’s health is the kidneys. If the kidneys are right the blood will be pure. Pure blood is absolutely essential to good health. Dodd’s Kidney Pills make the kidneys right. A Remarkable and Convincing State- ment of the Success of Uuticura Soap and Ointment in the Treat- ment of the Pain, Itching and Burning of Eczema [All LADY ALMOST CRAZY WITH [CZEAIA NO MORE INCOME NEEDED. PRAISINB THEM “What’s the matter with your father? He looks worried.†“He is. He got up the other morning and put on mais. new over- coat instead of his badbhrobe Then he bumped up against the coal bin and smudged it before. he discovered his mistake. 'He knows he’ll get it when ma. ï¬nds it out.’.’ “One. half of the world doesn’t know how the other half lives.†“Well, it’s gratifying to think that one half of the world attends to» its LOW COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST, Via Chicago and North Western Ry.. on sale daily, March lst to April 15th, from all points in Canada, to Los Angeles, San Francisco. Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver and . many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclin- ing chair cars from Chicago. Tickets via variable routes with liberal stop-overs. Full information on application to B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St, Toronto. own business.†Mlnard's L|n|ment Cures Dlstemper. ;The less’a, man has to say, the more guessing his wife has to do. It is easier to prevent than it is to cure. Inflammation of the lungs is the companion of neglected colds, and once it ï¬nds a lodgment in the system it is diflicult to deal with. Treatment with Bickle’s Antiâ€"Con- sumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflammation from setting in. It costs little, and is as satisfactory as it is surprising in its results. “Does your son proï¬t by your ex~ ample?†“Thunder, no! Why, he wants to get married.†“ch. Worst case of spoons you ever saw.†Mflmn Your Eyes Need Follow other people’s advice and you will always have something to blame your failures on. “So Billy Jones and Daisy Juniâ€" p-er were married at last, eh 2’ “Well, why not? That’s the way it ought to be. You wouldn’t have it a, case of knives, would you 2†7 “They got seventeen dozen desâ€" serts, four dozen soups, ï¬fteen doz- en sets of coffees. eight dozen tab- les, and thirtyâ€"two salads.†Mr‘s. Henpecke:â€"â€John, why are you reaging the marriage notices 1†' I..." NoSmartlngâ€"FeelsFlnaâ€"ActsQuickiy. y Try it for Red.Weuk, Watery E 25 And a Granulated Eyelids. llluntmtn Book In each Package. MURINE is com- E-y e s pounded bi our Ocunstsâ€"notu “Pstent Medicine" ut used in successfuIPh si- N d cians’ Practice for many years. ow e e dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggism at flue-We per bottle. Murine Ga re Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 250-600, .. [A n,, J A n..,, ' Mr. Henbecke:â€"“I j'ust want to see if there isn’t somebody married I don"t 1ike..’ ’ The Oil of Power.â€"It is not claimed for Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil that it will cure every ill, but its uses are so various that it may be looked upon as a. general pain killer. It; has achieved that great- ness for itself and all attempts to surpass it have failed. Its excel- lence is known to all who have test,- ed its virtues and learnt by experi- ence. Knickerzâ€"“Jo‘nes used to be a quitter.†‘ Bookerzâ€"“Is still. He has quit quitiiing.†QUICKLY STOPS COUGHB. CURES COLDS. MEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENT“ 3hilal1’3 Gm LORI) BALDANE. Britain’s Minister of War. THE WAY OF IT. UP AGAINST IT. AS TO SPOONS. HE EXPLAINS. Mur|ne Eye Remedy 00.. Chicagé Try Murine Eye Remedy “Why do you gaze at me like that “l†he asked. “You look as if you were unhappy.†She looked at him sadly after she had promised to be his wife. “I’m sorry this couldn’t have hap- pened before,†she replied. “Now everybody will tshi-nk I book advanâ€" tage of my Leap Year privilege.†What a. curious question this must have seemed to little James! Hostess :~“What part of the chicken do you like best, my little man 7.†James (passing his plate timidly): â€"“I like the meat.†“No, no! I’ve heard that before. Dearie, he threatened that if I did not accept him he’d go and propose to you. And I believe he would have done it, tooâ€"he was perfectly desperate I†A Magistrate’s Wonderful Experi- ence With Zam-Bnk. “Oh! That old stall about rush- ing out and committing suicide '1†“No; worSe than that.†“But any of these threats are bluffs. I suppose he said he’d kill the next man who called on you, eh ‘l†In rec‘er'lt years the sea has given Great Brltain back more land than it has eaten away. “Yes, dear. I khow I did. But,â€" well, I wouldn’t have accepted him if he hadn’t made such a, perfectly dreadful threat.†“Oh! That old stall about rush- Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island Ry., says: “Four years ago, I slipped in the station- and fell on a freight truck, sustaining a bad cut on the front of my leg. I thought this would heal, but instead of doing so it developed into a bad ulcer and later into a form of eczema which spread very rapidly and also started on the other leg. Both legs became so swollen and sore that I could only go about my work by having them bandaged. Mv doctor said I must stop work and lay up. “Why did you get engaged to Harry. You swore that you would never, never have anything to do with such a man.†“After six months of this trouble I consulted another doctor, but with no better result. I tried all the salves, liniments and lotions I heard of, but instead of getting better I got worse. Rheumatism, Neurla-lgia. and Sore Throat will not live under the same roof with Hamlin’s Wizard Oil, the world’s best liniment for the. relief of all pain. “This was my condition when I got my ï¬rst box of Zamâ€"Buk. Greatâ€" ly to my delight that ï¬rst box gave me relief. I continued to apply it to the sores, and day by day they got better. Such is the nature of the great cures which Zamâ€"Buk is daily effect- ing. Purely herbal in composition, this great balm is a, sure cure for all skin diseases, cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcers, bloodâ€"poi- soning, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, cuts, burns and bruises. All drug; gists and stores at 500. box, or post free from Zamâ€"Buk 00., Toronto, upon receipt of price. Knicker :â€"‘ ‘Thought Jones bought a. runabout.†Booker :â€"“Ye.s, but after the bills came in he called it a runup,†"It is now over a. year since Zam- Buk worked a cure in my case, and there has been no return of. the eczema or any trace of it.†Minard's LlnIment Cures Colds. am. “Why do they call it a spread?†“Because it lays you out.†SAVING A DESPERATE MAN WHAT FOLLOWED A CUT. HIS PREFERENCE. TOO LATE. THE CAR. ISSUE 8â€"12 “He’s a game loser, isn’t he 'I†“I [should say he is. He doesn’t seem to care What his wife and chilâ€" dren have to go without.†Warts on the hands is a disï¬gure- ment that troubles many ladies. Holloway’s Corn Cure will remove the blemish-es without pain. “I don’t know. What I’m won- dering is will this winter ever go.†(Members Toronto Stiock Exchange) Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stocks bought and sold on commission. Dealers in Government and Municipal Securities. R. A. LYON 2| Meilnda Street, TORONTO Tels. M. 7973=9 - Cable: “Lyonplum†f‘Do you believe the millenium w111 ever come?†Nearly every man lives to congraâ€" tulate. himself that he didn’t marry the ï¬rst woman he ever loved. Dear Sirs,â€"We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a. sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Costivenevss and its Cureâ€"When the excretory organs refuse to perâ€" form their functions properly the intestines become clogged. This is known as co-stiv‘eness and if ne- glected gives rise to dangerous complications. Parmelee’s Vegetaâ€" ble Pills will effect a speedy cure. At the ï¬rst intimation of this ail- ment the suffer-er should procure a, packet of the pills and put himself under a course of treatment. The good effects of the pills will be al- most immediately evident. Minard's Liniment 00., Lilpiied , Don’t be a, stranger at the church, your father’s oid p-ew looks loneâ€" some without you. “I would rather be hzmpy than be rich,†he declared. “Oh. yes, so would 1,†she re- plied, “but one might'as well try to be happy without being rich as to be an angel Without having to die.†Cleanin and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned 1 939 can be sent by post, 10 per 01 The best: 131399 is Ynur 21§l7g7g§sfw3ii :auha’ nionefv if P'Azo 01w- MEN'l‘faxls to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 w 14 days. 500. Send for free sample to Dem. W. I... National Drug and Chemical 00.. Toronto. A fussy man is like. a camelwal- ways going around with his back up. BRITISH AMERIGAN DYEING 00. MONTREAL. Mlnard’s Llnlment Cures Dlphtherla. FEATHER DYEING Catalogue of High-Grade 38 Jacques Cartier ï¬uare. MONTREAL Wlth over 150 Illustrations and Valuable CULTURAL DIRECTIONS Free for the Asking LYON 8c PLUMMER PTON’S PILES CUBE!) IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. DUPUY 6: FERGUSON JUST AS EASY. HIS WORRY. Send for our Ten Cents a Pound More GOES FARTHESI‘ FOR THE MONEY. GAME. Fairville, Sept: 30, 1902. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. SEEBS H. L. PLUMMER WORTH particulars. H. w. DAWSON, nlnety Culborno strut. Toronto. A N IDEAL TWO HUNDRED ACRE Farm, with ï¬ne house; good out- buildings; near Burlington. gain HUNDRED ACRES NEAR STAYNEBE- Worth consideration; building] good and price very low. HAVE A GOOD LIST OF IMPROVE†. Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewa, Alberta. If you want to buy Wester Property you should consult me. H. w. DAWSON, Toronto. ACRE. FARMvsUNNY SOUTH- ern Alberta, 450 cultivated; 70 fall wheat; near markets, school and churches; good building-s and well: will also sell part. of farm; price $20.00 per acre; quarter cash; balance easy ierma; also stock and implements for sale. H. C. Thies, Macleod. Alta. ’ H. W. DAWSON. ’Phones, Main 6990. Park. 527, Toronto. HOME WORK.â€"â€"WE WANT RELIABLE _ . families to operate our high-speed automatic Knitting Machines at home; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages. For all particulars address, The Canadian Wholesale Distri- buting 00., Dept. W.. Orillia. Ontario. T ONCEâ€"MEN TO LEARN BARBER. Trade; expert inatruction, constant. practice, tools free, always sure employ- ment, for a barber. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. (‘1 DUB SALARIES ARE EARNED BY I Telegraphers and Station Agents. We have Grand Trunkvand Canadian Northern regular wires and station books. also 0, P. R. forms. Stations are built in school and miniature trains run to carry out the practical work. Special Canadian text-books give you the best. service obtainable anywhere. Day and Mail courses. Free Book 18 expiains. Dominion School Telegraphy Toronto. I, Postoï¬â€˜lce in world with 24 assorted colored Post Cards, only 250. Also X00 Cards free. All poStpaid. Wilson Em- porium. Beebe, Que. REM DY, the World-famous Cure for Epilepsy and Fit. Simple home treatment. 25 years' succesu. Testimonials from all parts of the world. Over 1mm in one venr. l 8 full articulars of thNUn'a b ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Wirite III before too late. Dr. Bellman MedicalCo. Limited. Collirwzwood. Ont. HTS STURGEGN $53,. LINIMENT x ANGER, TUMORS, humps. pm._ _ In- External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, qtc._ Dr. Dow’s formula has it in its best. form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. ‘ EVERAL GOOD FARMS IN Edward County, cheap. Ti'y it once and iou will be satisï¬ed. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. . HE SELLS IT. The Brayley Drug 00., Ltd., Sole Props. St- John, N. B when buying your Piano “ insist on havmg an 'L‘QNVSCéLE GUARANTEED. Wilson's UNDRED ACRES â€"â€" COUNTY OF 7 Halmn, that. is a. snap. Ask for N EXCELLENT HUNDRED-ACRE Farm, near Teeswater. at a. but» OTTO H EGEL" UNDRED ACRES NEAR TRENGH'S REMEDIES LIMITED ‘07 St. James’ Chambers. TOYOIHO. IC'I‘URE OF MOST WONDERFUL A); qndï¬WFAVRMV sums. "Wflaon'l GOOD FARM. WITH THIRTY-ACE! Apple Orchard, near Port Perry. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. Scale WOY‘ks; 797 Eéï¬liï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©. TorBhEo'. Sca’i6“Wb}-'12's.r9 Eéiolaié'de. Tknéï¬fo? DR. DDW’S Piano Action MALE HELP WANTED. PIGTU RE POSTCARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. Send for Free Book givin full particulars 9_(’ T_R_E:NCH' HELP WANTED. .m 4“...†....... Testimonials from all parts of the world. Over 1,000 in one year. PRINCE BRAMP-