Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1912, p. 5

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A good nsmrtmmt of Leap Y9!” [mat cards and St. Patrick's Day cmds will he found at, The Liberal Oflice. Rxcmmxo HILL. 0m. MAR. 7. 1912 \VI‘ are showing a spléndid range of wnll papers this xpring. The patterns m1- uew. and the pricrs right. Atkin- sun & Swims-r. ' \Vhite mercvrized striped vesting 27 in. wide. per yd. 25:3,; navy nnd hmwn umtm- VPHS. 2 yds. long. 500. much. Atkinson & Swilzcr. @112“ gamma}; A locket, was picked up in Richmond Hill on Yunge street. The mvnnr may have the saune by calling at THE {.m- ERAL Office and proving pruperly. The sessions uf the \Vest Ym-k S. S. Convention to he hvld in the- Preshy- terian Chm-ch next Tuesday and \Vedne'sduy will begin at, 10 mm. and ab 2.30 and 7 p.m. The Epwm-th Length programme Friday evening of this week will he in charge (If the Literary Depurlnwnt. Rev. A. ll. Ruwe, junim- pastnr. will give an add ress nu [he Pnet Tl-nnyson. Musical prugranune provided. Fine white nprun lawn. 41 in. wide, I I-nw of fine wuhmidery insertion. 8 narrnw tucks. special price per yd. 350.: white nprun lawn. 36 in. wide. with 1 WW of emhmideiv insvrtinn and 2 mm of tucks. per yd. Atkinson & Switzer. The Editor is thankful to one of our former citizens. Mr. C. E. Sheppard. for the 10th anniversary editiun of the Murnmg Alhertan, of Calgary. “He shall be pleased to lend the paper to any ersnn interested in Calgary or the 'est. Miss Annie Trench hag been appoint- ed delegate by the. Epwm-th League to attend the Toronto Conference S. S. and Epwm-th League Institute in the Metrnpnlitan Church Monday. Tues- dny, Wednesday and Thursday of next, week. The Canadian J “hilt-e Singers. calm-- 0d. gave an interesting and unique pmgmmme in the Presbyterian chm-ch Tuesday evening to :1 full house. The programme was varied and full of in- Lei-est. The proceeds «mounted to about. $55.00. Don‘t fail to come and see the grand double header in the rink tu‘umrrnw (Friday) evening. Our teams are out to win so there is sure tn he sumet‘hing doing all the time. The games will be fast. and clean and a good evening’s sport is assured. Hockey is a good game and should he supported. Whubu pity it, is, how- ever. that the rowdy element cannot be kept off the ice. Those who throw off tho-ir coats and any they want. to fight. help to give a had mune to the. town from which they come. Home and hume games were played between Thor-"hill and Richman Hill Huckey Clubs. the firnt. here Friday evenlng. the other at. Thurnhill Mon- day evening. Thmnhill won on each (wensirm. It was generally Admitted that Richmond Hill played good hockey. but the best team won. The home rinks have been defeated in hume-nnd-hnme matches by The Granite-s of Tumnto. Our piayers de- feated The Lnkeviewa Monday evening here. and Inst. to The Lakeviews in Tor- ontu last evening. and also lost to New market here last evening. The officers and memhem 0f Cum-t Maple City. No. 370, are givingn grand complementary r-uncert in the Mason- ic Hall. Maple, Tuesday evening. the l2lb of March. An address will be given by Bro. G. A. Mitchell. Superin- tendent. of Field Work. and a good musical pmgrum will be rendered by first-class talent. Dr. letley will preside. Invitations are being sent. nut. and may be hand from the commit. teeâ€"Bros. J. T. Pollock. J. T. Saigeon, E. W. G. Mathewson 01' Ed. Fellman. A numhor of gentlemen from this section of the country are at. present: in Toronto acting on juries. Among ehese are Edward Barker and “7111. S. Rumble who are on criminal cases, and an the Grnnd Jun-v are \V. Hewison and W. Sheppard of this village; Arthur Quantz, Langstaff: John H. Francis“ Thornhill; D. Kerswell of Elgin Mills and L. Richardson of Maple. Mr. Richardson is foreman 01 the Grand Jury. D.S.C.R. The Ladies of Teston held a leap year dance at. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maginn’s on Friday, February twenty- Lhird. The ladies had good success especially asking the gentlemen. After many hours dancing they all joined in land sung “Gm! Save the King” and gave Mr. and Mrs. Muginn three happy cheers for their kindness. ISI()CA]JS I. 0. F. CONCERT. C URLING. J URYMEN. Tesbon. Markham and Richmnnd Hill high schunls played the first games uf the round on the local rink last Thursday evening. the lmme (mun winning by 9-7. The game was a goud vxhlhilinn of fast hockey, Markham girls did. not put in am appeal-Mire. After the game the visitors and Iron] team-J ware entertainvd to refreshments hy Prin- ciga! and Mrs. Dan-idem". The return games were played in Markham Tuesday evening 'With the score in favur of Mm-klnun by 8-3 in the buys nmtch. Richmond Hill girls de- feated Markham by n score nf 4.0. The mum! ended: prs, â€" Markhmn. 15. Richnmud Hill.‘- l2: Girls.â€"-Richmnud Hill. 4. Markham, 0. Richmond Hill High St-hnul wun 0“th mm gtml._ All the students and their friends to the. number of fut-[y or mare we!!! sumpmunsly entertained in the high schnnl building by the. Markham stu- dentsamd stalf. Aft/er refreshments the usual tnnsts Were proposed and heartin responded to. Amung the speukvrs wrre the Principal: of the LWU high schools. the chairman of lhé Inward. and resident clexgyumn. A most‘ delightful evening was spent. and MI returned having thoroughly enjoyed the drive thnugh thé night was cold. and carried With them the kindest fer-ling: mwnrds Markham fur the hospitahle umnner in which they were entertained. The Richluund Hill girls team play- ed the Aumi-n high schnnl girls team n I-vturn match in Aumm Monday evening winning by a score of 2-0. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mr. J. G. Mac-Dunald of Alum-u will give an address on "Canadian Citizen- ship" at the "11:01,ng uf the Guild nn Friday evening. Mr. MacDmmld is a graduate of our High School and well known in the Hill and umny will he innervated to hear his nddrvss. Mr. The Jute on Church Union rusulted us folluws:â€"-Iu farm-of urganic lmiun. 43; ugainst organic uniun. (u: in favor of_r_.he husiu, ll: against, theilmsis. 69. The “'12le York Sunday Sl'lmnl Cun- \'1-nliun will he held in this Church on Tuesday and \Vednesdny, the 12th and l3Lh instant. The. programme pl‘ulll- isles to be one «if very special interest u» all Sunday Schnnl workers and the community generally. for in udditinn to addresses by sundry experts like ghe Field Secretary, Rev. B. M. Glass- ford, B. D.. and “there. there are those of n mure general character by such well-known speakers as Rev. J. C. Speer. D.D.. and Rev. Juhn Neil. D.D.. of Tomato. Three. sessions will he held each day. It is arranged that. Dr. S eel will give an address at 8J5 Tue Hy night. Dr. Jnhn Neil Wed. nusday night. Mr. Glaqsford Tuesday afternonn. Addresseg will nlsu he iven by Mr. Hnlpenny. Secret“:- ntm-in S. 8. Association. Rev. J. “r. Morgan of Maple, and the resident minisiers. Let, us all compel-ate in making this event successful and ‘ profitable. inciting. The following features of interest are on the programme of the “Nut. ank S. S. Cmnvcnciuu to he held in Richmond Hill on next Tuesday and “:f‘an'ASdflV;- Tuesdzd' 4.00â€"Rev. Gen. Smith of The South American Evangelical Association. Tuesday ‘10. l5â€"The President's Id- drPss. Tuesng [Mbâ€"The Quiet Hour. Ml'. W_r_n. 'ltllyknlqfiohjnfl Iplafld» Missjon. Tuesdu'y 3.00â€"R0und Table (3on- ference. Rev. R. M. Glassford. B.D.. G911. ch'y. _ Tuesday 8.15â€"Rev. J. C. Specr. D.D.. Tux-(mm. Wednesday 11.00â€"Mr. Taylor Stut- ten. Prov. Y- M. G. A. \Vednesduy 215â€"39". R. M. Hamilo tun. B.A.. Toronto. Wednesday 3.15â€"Rev. E. W. Hul- pennv: Gel). Se’c‘y. Posters are out nnnuuncing an Old Folks Cancel-t. in the Town Hall. Maple, on the evening of Friday, the 150.) of March, underthe auspices of Maple Epwurt-h League and Ho Choir. The fulluwiug artists will uselst in a very unique and up-to-dnte pro- grannue:â€"Smuh Scleechex'. Widow Wise. Jerusim Jane Conley, Orson \Vnggin, Coronation Conley. Hiram Hm» r. and others. The pianist is Poll e Founder; Dr. Eelem Quick will not as pI-ecentnr; and the conductor is a._ Gernmn whose name the writer would not. like to attempt to pronounce for fear of an attack of lock-jaw. Ad- mission 25 cents. ' \Vednesday 815â€"3”. John Neil. D.D., Toronto. Social Evening at the Patterson Ugoigh seems tn 6 a weak point with the members. The meeting of Wed- nesday evening. Feb. 28, was held at the home nf Mr Patton, of Richmond Hill. The program was good. Instru- mental music was rendered by Mrs. \Vnods and Miss A. Rumble. Several readings were given by Mrs. J. Charles, Miss J. Rumble, Miss A. Rumble. Miss Hamilton, Mr. R. Rumble and Mr. F. Rumble. Mr. W. Patton’s 3010 was enjoyed by all. Games were then played and the meeting broke up bv the members singing, “God Save The King”. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills A reliable French regulatormever fails. These pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portion oft e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at I5 3 box. or three for 810. Mailed to any address. the Boob.“ Drug 00.. at. Gunman”. Ont. HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY. OLD FOLKS CONCERT. Nichulls will preside at. the S. 5. PROGRAMME Patterson. BUY iFLORlDIA‘ , LANDâ€"r’IV/iy? livo float is. It grown crops tho your uunnd; THREE 0150 P8 in the pear 7. Your crops we ready to market when the rout of the coitinent in in modem! u! Winn:- a. Splendid munch 9. Begun“ and picnlitul faith“ 10. Pure want euily obtained l1. Hosifihtlfl chanceâ€"cures rheumatism Ind A d d r c 4' s : FLORIDA COLONIZATION C0. umran ‘uboxculosu ' WE HAVE 12.400 Acnns Fun SALE Au. WITHIN I TO 3 MILES or RAILWAY Sun'on Write for Full Pa rticulara and Illustrated Literature '1‘ E n M s n A s Y HEAD OFFICE: ‘1'. QUEEN STREET NORTH. BBBLLN. UN‘I‘. 1912 Models are unsur- passed tor value and efficnen- cy. Above cut represents our five passenger. thirty horse power car at $I375 oo, deliv- ered in Toronto fully equipp- ed. Call without fail and see our 19x2 Models. SHAW-OVER AND SALES 0., 52 T0 59 ADELAIDE ST.. WEST TORONTO MOTOR CARS and TRUCKS OVERLAND 30.9111 ELEBIRIB WIRING House Lighting. 8w. By Rules of National Board of Fire Underwriters for United States and Canada. FIFTEEN YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Prices Moderate 28~tf Richmond Hill. Ont. WM. GRAHAM H. B. SITRLING Rubemid Roofing. Oshawa Steel Shingle-s and Corrugated Iron Rouflng Persons wishing to (In any IOuflng will be safe in leaving their order with I have on hand a can- load of owl posts {or sale. 28-“ WM. GRAHAM It in very pmd'uctivo. 2. It is not. hofi in summer find their wink:- ia Juno wanker. Yogi“ guildigga dq‘ 1303.. cost. oLoquuhr of ' umum Firm Mama: '" ‘ " You have your knee winner fuel bill fol: dupe! woxk all summer to winter your of Toronto. npvran-d bv the Conâ€" tra] Business Guile-g9 of Toronto, train young men and women for office pnsitimus. Why nut. get your training under "Specmlisls”â€"smne of whom are well-known authors of commercial u-xt hunks? “'0. have students in attendance frmn Halifax tn Vancouver. Send for free catalogue w W. H. SHAW. Pres., Yonge & Gerrard Sts.. Tu- mum. Richmond Hill â€"AGENT FOR-â€" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RICHMOND HILL S H A W ’ S SCHOOLS Because: ~â€"-FOR-â€" 8| Withrow Ave.. Toronto. U‘ ++++++HH+H+ NW W+++Hmm*+*w H++++++++%++++++++++++~H‘+‘l’ ++++++é++++++++~fi++4§++++++i P. G. SAVAGE Men who are most particular about style and qual- ity always have their clothes made to measure. The name of “Hobberlin” is the best ‘guide for made-to- measure clothes. There is a guarantee behind every Hobberlin garment that means you can have your money back it you are dissatisfied. We are showing the Spring lines in Suitings and Overcoatings. Come in and have a look. ' Atkinson & Switzer Dressy ‘Meni :-)+++*++6W‘+++++++M1g §-+++~i §++++++++*++%++++++§ Fifi-5+! Sole Agency House of flobberlin, Limitei Felt. 29. “112. The Richmond Hill Furnishing Sinre FURNITUR E Chairs, Tables, Couches. Springs and Mattresses. Our Bed-room, Dining-room, Sitting-room and Par- lor Furniture are the most up-to-date because they come straight from the factory to you. ' " YOU'LL DO BETTER HERE THAN ANY PLACE GET OUR PRICES AND SEE' NORMAN J. GLASS PRO PRIETOR Rubbers, Heavy Rubbers, Heavy Rubbers, “ 2 50 " II ' . CI 2 (l H ' . . H 2 l‘ Hockey Boots reduced to less than coat Sell IO‘Z Less Than Toronto Prices WE SPE CIALIZE IN A: A“ nur Furniture is made by the bent. factories in Canada. and regular 35 .90 sale price $ .70 Phone 17 .[0 2.00 1.85

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