Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1912, p. 4

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“Resolved that; Englishmen are SllpPl'iOX‘ in endowments to any other nation in history” was the subject of a heated delmte which took place in the Ugoign Literary Circle (in Wednes- dav Mulch 13. The debaters found difficulty in saying nil they wisth L0 in the. allnted Limo. The \vnrd “endow- ments” pmved a little unfortunate for the nt’fiiumtivc side and so the judges’ dPCiSiUn proved to he in favor of the npgntivp. A Very fine poem “The Plough” was read and music was furnished by some of the members. At a meeting of the Grand Lodge at London, Ontario, last week, some of the officers resented quite warme the imputation that the Orange body was merely a wing of the Conserva- tive party. And, after all, is it any wonder that the charge is sometimes made. Orangemen in Toronto are outspoken against French being taught in many of the public schools in On- tario, yet a meeting in Massey Hall might put the Ontario Government in an awkward position. The coun. try is being stirred from one end to the other over the Ne Temere decree, and still there is no mass meeting in Massey Hall to protest against it. That might put the Dominion Gov- ernment in an uncomfortable pre- dicament. But only a few nights ago a rousing meeting was held in Massey Hall to protest against the British Government passing a meas- ure to allow Ireland to make her own local laws. That was safe enough. Such a harmless meeting would tramp on nobodv’s corns. Citizens of Richmond Hill learned with regret that; the Legislative Com- mittee “burned down” North To- ronto’s bill asking that the Town be allowed to bring water from the artesian wells at Lemonville. The trouble seemed to be that in asking for so much all at; once they got; Searcer anything. In last week’s LIBERAL it was stated that the Inspector advised the Board to take steps towards erecting a fourroomed public school, and to secure a suitable site this year, as “the attendance is much over- crowded.” It is to be hoped the trustees will move cautiously in this matter. The total enrollment of pupils in the highest department is 27, in the middle department 48, while the average attendance in the junior department is 40. Although the buildings are not up-to-date from an architectural standpoint they are very comfortable, and with a yearly coat of calciniine will do very well for some years to come. As for a site. the present location is as good as can be got elsewhere. The quesr tiun of a new site and new school buildings would make an interesting discussion at a meeting of the Rate- payers Association. “Canada should establish a great shipbuilding industry on the Atlantic coast, and every ship of her navy should be built in this counti'y.”â€"W. F. Maclean, M.P., as reported in last; Thursday’s World. “Mr. Maclean declared his deter- mined opposition to a referendum on the naval question. ‘What is wanted on such a question,’ he said, ‘is in~ telligent leadership, by the leading of the country, and leadership in its Parliament. It is a question of British responsible government, which must he settled in Parliament.’ “Canada should contribute at. least $10,000,000 a year to maintain Britain’s naval supremacy, and we should also have a Canadian navy. It; W113 time to have done with spongiug on the motherland. “W. F. Maclean (South York) de- clared his disappointment at hearing nothing in the budget speech in re- gard to Imperial defence. It Was all very well no talk about; the need of British money to develop Canada, but if the source of that money were cut; ufi' by the exigencies of war, where would we be ? ' "WOULDN'T THAT KILL YOU!" me £ih2ml. RICHMONbxnlLL. 0N1. MAR. 21. 1912 Patterson. A. I); Bruce, (me-third CnstS opposing North Tm'onto hill ln-fnre Legislative. ml water from Lemnnville springs. . .. 78 84 F. A. Reesm'. expenses to To- . ‘I-nmn re Lemom‘ine springs. 3 00 Rich. Stephvnsnn, rith of way tn grave-l fit .. .. ,,. . 5 00 (Juuncil urjmn-npd to meet on Tues- day, April 9th, at 11 :mn. Kix-kâ€"-â€"SmnmerfeldtuThnt the Reeve- and Mr. Padget be cmn’rs Ln luuk after the interest, (If the township in cmmec- tion with Vaughan. re accident com- plained hf by Mr. Ash. ‘Guuncil met at Uninnville 12th in- stant with all the members present and Rere Nigh in the chair. lmunmnicntions frmn: McCullough 35 Button. acting fin Jnlm Ash of Oak Ridges, whn met with a serious accident on Feb. 14th on Yonge street, half a mile north of Elgin Mills. alleged tn have been caused by the highway being nut of repair. Ash was struck by a Metropolitan car and serinusly injured. The accident happean at 11 p..m. and damages are claimed for pPl'SUl’lfil injuries as well as to his sleigh. harness and horses. Vaughan township was served with a. like notice. Dr. C. P. Jnlms. Thm'nhill. asking assistance tn pay fnl'nperatinn on pa- tiPnL named Henry Nm'i-is, which oper- atim) will restore patient to healch and enable him to wnrl} fol his family. From E. K. Clark. supb. Gone-ml Hospital, Toronto. that, Jas. Fox-sythe, a resident Hi" the 9Lh cum. Markham. was brought tn the hospital on March 8th. suffering from injuries to hi9 back, the result of a fall mm the sidewalk in Mark {1:31}: tin“. mmning. I P:ldgot-â€"KiIkâ€"Thut the fullnwing general accmmts be paid :â€" Yunge strévt accnunt to date as per Walter ChaLLerly, Vaughan to pay half. . . . . . $ 120 60 \Vm. Palmer, refund statute lulmr . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Jz-s. McUreight. l curd wood supplied Bertha Patton . . . . . . 4 75 DeKnl Pride. muleâ€"J. McNaughton, Mn 1», $25. - ercer DeKul, muleâ€"Rum. Calming. Hagerman, $60. Myrtle Pride, femaleâ€"J. U. Bales. Lansing; $550. Myrtle Pietertje DvKol, femaleâ€"C. R. James, Langstaff. $55. Modest Girl Pieter-hie 3rd. femaerâ€" R. Gunning, Hagerumn. $50, Locust, Hill Myrtel Best. felnale~ Jnn. R. Campbell, Stunfivnlle. $65. Kitty nf Pleasant View 3rd. femaleâ€" Jnr). McKenzie, \Villowdule. $50. Mode-l Hmngev'felt De-Kol. mule-â€" Hem-y Burnett. Elgin Mills. $55. Lvml Heugorfvlt DvKnl. maleâ€"D. W. Cll’lhinv, Elgin Mills. $35. Samson He-ngerfem maleâ€"M. Guth- rig. Vilndul‘f. $40. India ngeI-fi-l'f De'Kul 2nd, malPâ€"' Gel). W_bil;|‘nnre. Edgelgvtis3fi). Susan Anu‘sl Plum 3rd, fehmlvâ€"C. R._D_yke_-1 Armitnge, $50. Inku'Bélle Abbekerk DuKnl 2nd. fe- xmfleâ€"A. §hen~ick. Ringwmwd. $110. Susan Ann MPrcedes DPKOI, female â€"._1. _A. MENHEISPUJH. ‘Miaply: $70r Kitty of Pleasant, Valley 2nd, frmnle â€"â€"A. J. Tamhlyn. 0mm), $105. Kitty of Pleasant, View 2nd, female. -â€"â€"A. J, 'I‘nmhlyl). Ornnn._$120. Susan Ann’s Plum 2nd, fmnzileâ€"A. J. Tmnhlyn, Ommu, $110 \an Myra-l DI‘KUI 2nd. femaleâ€"A. J. Tagwlyn. 0mm), $110. Hapby Mnl'léy’s Pet. .fen'niloâ€"A. J. Tgmblyytol my). $115. Happy MuHev, telltale-Jun. Brelhet. Plumvilhu $95. Kitty of Pleasant View. fvmaleâ€"F. \V. Taulhlyn. 01mm, $145. Modest, Gill Pwtergv, femaleâ€" 0. Bales. Lansing $145. Van Myru’l DPKUI, {auntieâ€"J. A. Kerswvll, Bnnd Head. $195. Tntesy, feumleâ€" J. S. GundnH, len- vllle, $160. Inka Bélle A‘Bhekvi’k D'PKni, female Bjyes, Lnnsin:g.§l$5. Mndestj Girl PiHL'E’ILje 2nd. fe-nmleâ€" Begney Gypdy, Qak‘Rxdges, $105. Cash Blvl'cedl‘s DéKCI, fvmaleâ€"â€" Frflpk Boyle, Richnggnrd Hm. $215. Susan Ann. femaleâ€"“L. Summerfelt Unionville, $180. Kitty 0f Pleasant. Valley. female-m Job Ground. Victoria Squat-P, $75. Susan Ann’s Plum. feumlem-J. W. Camplin, Uninuville, $165. _ annst Hi“ Myrte'l. immuneâ€"43. R. Castutnn, \vadln-idgv, $130. Butter Girl Beets DeKnl, female-â€" 0. I). Bales. Lnnsing.$l50. Salvador Cornelius Pnsch, male-“J. High. A!m_i_ra. $1051 Myra-l Hengerfelt Dt-knl, femaleâ€"=- ank Buyle, Bichmond’HiH. $175. Ina Belle DeKol. feumlemF. \V. Tambyn, Oumn, $165. \an Myrtel, {Hume-w). O. Bales, Lansing, $135. l Mr. Gen. Fnrester’s auction sale of ure-bred Hulstein cattle last Thurs- ay wusnwst successful. Gnud prich wen-erenlimd in umst cases. and al- ‘ thought, there were some "bargains". buyers and seller alike were generally Wellmttisfled. The nuctinneH-sâ€"«Uul. Pei-1y of Ohio. and Mr. Salaam of Maple, handled the large cmmi Well, and gut through their work in gnnd time. Every thing offered went under the nuctimwvr’s hammer, this being M 1'. Fm-ester’s well-known rule. Fnur horses brought “in hundsnme sum of $970. The highest price paid fur any animal was $215. fur a femaleâ€"402mb Mercedea DeKol. The purchase-r Wits Mr. Frank Buvle uf Biahnmnd Hill. and this young three-year-nld is amid tn be one of the. best ever "lien-ed at a sale. Mr. R. Thompson of Langstafi. purchased an extcellpnt grade cow for $116, her calf bringing $8. The fullow- ing is u list. of the principal Imym-s. their P.O. address, and the sums paid: l 1 MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Gormley WEDNESDAY, Marchl27â€"FaI-m stock, implements. elm. cor. Victoria and Blythewood Ave” North Toronto. the propurty of Robert Stihlmrd. Sale at 1 o’clock. T911118 cash. FRIDAY, March 29â€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc.. on lot 25. con. 2. East York. Schmidt’s Mills. the property of'l‘homas Ford. Terms 7 months. Sale at 1 o’clock. SATURDAY, March 30â€"Posiponod'snl9 of fill'lll stock. implements, &v., on lot 26. Con. 3, Markham. the propor- ty anumes Uonnéi. Snleut 1 o’clock. MONDAY. Apnl ISLâ€"Farm stock. im- plements. PtC., on lot 18, con. 2. E. York. the. property of Samuel Little. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms 7 months. TUESDAY, April Zâ€"Fai-m stock, imple- ments. &u.. lot 15. con. 1, Yongv Street, Lansing. the pI-opvrty of W. H. Bolhmn. Sale at 1 o’clock. Lunch profiided. Terms 7 mos. THURSDAY, April illâ€"Farm stock, im- plements, eta, on lot 14 from the Bay, eon. 3, East York, the propâ€" erty of Goo. Hunt. Saleat 1 o’clock. Terms 7 months. ‘ SATURDAY, April 6â€"Furm stock. im- plementS, Mm, on lot 15 from the Buy. cm. 3, the propvrly of G. 0. Hunt. Salent 1 o’l-lock. Terms 7 monihs. THURSDAY. March illâ€"Faun Stock. Implements. etc. on lot 7.00n,6. Markham, the property of Bunmm Bros. Sale at 12 o’clock. FRIDAY, March 22â€"Farm Stock, Im- plements, etc" on lot 30. con. 4. Sun-born. the propr of \V. H. Stiles. Sale at 12 o’clock. SATURDAY, March 23~mFarm stock, implements, elm, on lot, 2. con. 2, East York, the property of Geo. Robinson. Snlentlo’clock. Terms 8 months. MONDAY, March 25â€"Farm Stock. Implements, etc., on lot 9, con. 3, East. York. the property of the late Alux. Gray. Sale at 1 o’clock. TUESDAY. March " â€"â€"â€"Rr‘*g. Hampshire- doWn sheep, rpg. SuuLhdowns, Berk- shire swine. horses, dairy cows, fat cattle, farm implements. etc" on lol. .1, con. 6. Markham. at Millikan, the property of L. E. Morgan. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch provided,“ ‘:v J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST OF AUCTIGN SALES. Fifi-'3' 1‘4 “FM +++M~§++++++M++~§Mi The undersigned Wishes to thank the public for past neutron- age, and Inform them that; he keeps a full line of STOVE, PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMP- ERS', WIRE. 360." A150 HARD- WARE of all kinds. .Tinsmithing done in ail its branches, grinding, filing, repair- ing, 660. ++++++++++ ++4~++++§~++++++++ ++WH++++++++++++++++J 9 Ell-its for our private address. fl I c All letters from Canada must be addressed - to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- : â€"â€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofl'ices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: V r DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, W'mdzor. Ont. Dns.KENNEDY& KWEW “Electrolene coal oil, paints” oils, turpentine, glass. putty and gasoline. ' v JACOB EYE-SE, Opposite Dr. Langstaff’e. "I was troubled wiih Nervous Debflity forminy years. Ilayit to iudimetion and excesses in youth. I Deanne Yer despondent and didn‘t care whether worked or net. I imagined everybody who looked at; me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened v, ' meâ€"m back eched, had pains in the ’ back my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, r appetite, fingers were shaky. eyes Inn-ed, hair loose. memory poor. etc. Numbness in the fingers setinand the doctor told me heflcared paralysis. I 'took all kinds of medicines and tried mapy flrsbclsss - physicians. wore an electric belt torthtee fr", A monghg. bgiioreceivetg gttleézenefig. é . I; was K1 uee cons: rs. enne y a m” "awn" Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in ‘""‘ T““"""" doctors. Likeadrowning man I oomrnenced the NEW METHOD TREATMENT and it saved my life. The improvement: was like magicâ€"I couid feel the vigor going through the nerves. Iwas cured mentally and physically. Ihave sent them many [laments and contmueto do so. - v iééiih’ié 13 M3; OURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We um and cure VARICOSE vans. NERVOUS DEBILITY. 31.001) AND 03119.3} gpmwms. KIDNEY AND BLADDER mass and .1: Dim." Blufik'iéé HES; fiZQLQéL-C 3'91}. Under its influence the brain becomes activa the biood purified so that all pxmples,blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and (lea-panda: disappear: the eyes become bright, the face fun and clear, energy returns tacks ody. and the moral, ph sical and mental systemsare invitorated; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital waste mm the system. You feel yourself 9. mm 3.111 know marriage cannot. be a tauure. Don’t let: (attacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. rs ML- +Mm+++m++++$++ } .ui-++4-++++-g-+++~k~wc-r (an I «w H .2 NERVOUS DEBILITY? consgL-myou mm. ' BOOKS man If Madman for: ems" u p,‘ Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St... Detroit, Mich. OVV’RJ‘EW QTETHQD TREATMENT Will gumjoq and make a 1mm Q! TO THE PUBLIC @- no NAMES USED WITHOUT warmer: CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Pejgr E. Sumgxgerp rglgtg his expgriggge: To PATENT Good Idea: may be secured by our aid. AddreE/a, THE ° "ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Id 37- t. f. Private sale of lmnsehuld effvcts. heating stm-es, kitchen ranges. car- pets, sewing machine. ice; box, &c. Call anytime next wm-k or the week after. 37-2 M. A. TEEFY. A Thnrnughhred Holstein Bull for Service. Terms $1.00 cash. 5 pervcéh t. Six acres, house and ham new. Yuuug urchard (m Mill street. 11% acres, gund hullSE, barn. orchard. small fruit, on Mill street. Gond house and i acre on Richmond street. Several vacant lots for rosidence. First-class farm in \Vhitchurch. neigr Neg»Y Gormley.‘ Can place [WU $2500 loans on first gun-tguge on farm pruperty at 5fiizmd H A. N ICHOLLS TUESDAY, April Qâ€"Fm'm stm'k, im- plmm-nts, elm, 1% miles east of Bed- fm-d Park. the pmperty nf \Villium Atkinson. Suleatln‘vlock. Terms 7 months. WEDNESDAY. April lOâ€"Parm stock, implenwnts, etc., on Int 4. Gun. 2, East Yul-k. just 1;} \miles must, of Eglintnn un the Junos Farm. the pl‘npmty of Mrs. E. S. ShuPnbm-ger. Sale at l n’cluck. Terms 7 months. HAS FOR SALE Private Sale Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill For Service IN THE VILLAGE: r . r m Wm YIth w .0 awmm mi a w; JOHN SLINEY, THE ""5?" RECORD, Baltimore, Id Elgin Mills. 37-tf H“ An old hat-n 34x80. seven bents, with eighteen font pnsts, timber roofing and out side- bmu-rls are all good, also some building timber. 0UP plate, 10x 12. sixty feet long at lot 32, mm. 5. Mmkhmn. 50-“E J'. H. SANDERSON. V.S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS 0N HAND. House tn rvnt on Yonge street, Richmond Hill. REAL ESTATE TICKETSâ€"10c; 3 for 25c: or 6 for 50c. Children under 12 yrs.. 50 Tir-kets may he had from Um etnkvr at the Rink. ‘ RIEHNIGNB HILL W4? HEM-SING A J. HUME OPEN EVERY \VEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING The Richmond Hill Skating Rink BAND [N ATTENDI‘NCE SATURDAY EVENINGS. Barn for Sale. RICHMOND HILL AND NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. â€"â€"-â€"AGENCY-â€" SKATlNG Spvcial attention given t6 have all the good features known to modern musical science. WRIGHT BROS. Pre§s§ng fileanmg Repairing? Conveyancing, m m “TWE- FROM 7. To Rent Apply to ROBERT AGAR, Apply 1°. will he \‘V. H. PUGSLEY, Victoria. Squu n" I’.O. Ph 0 n e 361 :6 30 T0 10.00 J. P. GLASS. Reeve.

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