\" VOICING AND . . . . IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY gcnou REGULATING EHURSDAY MORNING“ Eoï¬n 9.’ Qavidson AT THE . i THORNHILL UBERIL PRWUNG & PUBLISHWB HOUSE Organ Repair-ed nnd Eiport Work Gunnnleed moauoun HILL,ONT. ‘ ' '1‘ . F. McMAHON. Suns by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. RICHMOND HILLâ€"Wednesday. 9.30 mm. to 5 p.m. EGLINTONâ€"20 Cnstlefleld Ava, the rest. of the week. < Licensed Auctioneer for me County a! Yolk Goa is sold on consignment. General sales of iaock.e:c. prompsly “handed to at reasonuoh rates Keaidance Uniouviue Phone: N. 4593. JJHN R. CAMPBELL. Lioansad iuctioueers for the County of York. 8 no; thanled to on shortest notice and at: rem- sor Ible rates Patronage solicited 7 "(ii R (huhlmg; Néï¬tod Brook. agent for bhe ubme Licensed Auctioneex 10': the (,ouuty of York. re- spectfully soliclts your patronage and friendly inflr once sales attended on the shortest notice and at r911 aonable rates 1" 0 address King 51 per annum,.in advance. Von. XXXIV. Phone No. 28. ‘6 Prepares pupils for the graded PX- aminatimls hPld at Toronto lunsm-va- tm'y of Music and Univelsity of: 1‘0- rcmtn. Wébvé'cial course in “Myer-'8" Kinder- garten Method; pm-Licularly helpful to beginnprs. V Class recitals are given throughout the year 42-1v T Engeon, Mapie The Newton School of Music - Richmond Hill, ‘Ont. DR. W. R; PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE ï¬rst house north of Atkinson & . Switzer’s store. Summer Term Opens Monday. April 22 Thnnretioal. Tot-hnical and Artistic Elements Develupvd Systmnaticnlly According to Mndm'n Methods. D. H. PINKERTON, ‘V.S. Gas and Cocaine for extractions. MISS MILLIE TRENCH BUSINESS CARDS. VEI‘ERINARY SURGEON, DR. E. J. WOODS Dentist, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Maplé, ()nt. mm gihnal Salgeon & NIcEwen. Euros a Pnonuron. ’l‘hornhill . ' RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J; H. Prentice D. G. I: LOUGIL Phone No. 2402. «veterinary genital. mum. J K McEwen Weston lbw mmm PIANO TUNING '4> .G.F. hnwrenoe . J. Dunbar Barristersï¬olicltm. Notaries, 85:. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 56 Victoria 8173.. fox-onto. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E..' ,TORONTO, Canada. Telephone, Main Cable Address. “Dodo.†Tel. M. 8631. Monov to loan enlnnd announce! mortgagesnt lowest rate: Auroraomceâ€"Removed to the old post om; one‘door wasc ot the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south 0! the p .xvo'ï¬ce T Rmnnxwz‘nmnnox 6 BT‘? MORGAN Annâ€. ' LEN N 0X & MORGAN BARRISTER. SOLICI’I‘OR, NOTARY, ETC. Tot-unto Ofï¬ce. Runm 328 Confederu Linn Life Bldg.. Nu. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce .(“Liherl Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Wuud bridge, Saturday fox-(moon. Munev'to loan at. Five Per Cent: Richmono. Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS, ' NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. UONVEYAN'T‘DR. Em. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock (:I‘ P\ new] Furnishing kep at both places \. Danton, Grover &. Field Lawrence 39 Dunbar, ERICHSEN BROWN & MAENAUGHTON H. A. NICHOLLS (.‘ “den-taker s & Elllbnlmers, MANY BUSINESS COLLEGES close for vacation during July and August; but {he large and popular mn'o nun-[In num does not. students desiring strictly high grade training for choice posinons are invibed to write for our catalogue. Enter now if you fan. Our graduates readily gel: employ- men-. ' . Commissinnm, Convgayancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BARRISTERS summons, CONVEYAI‘ICERS, arc. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42â€"48 LING 51‘. WEST}. \ W. J. ELLIOTT. Principa .Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Barristers and Solicitors. NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Solicton. 6m. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. Fun: Exxonslu Baum. A. Caisson llwnvonrou. RICHMOND HILL,IONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 191.2 TORONTO. “In Essentials, Unityfin Non-Essentials, Liberty; in allthings, Charity.†2mm. Phone Kain 2984 51-6m VAUGHAN PATHMASTERS FOR l9l2 DREW his brother. And JOHN whu has tuld {Is to love one another, And JAM ES the ï¬rst martyr. the brother uf Jnhn. And MATTHEW, whose Gospel we eagerlv mu. Then PHIL! P. whn Calledâ€"and for this hr) is f -me-dâ€" The rhy'mo‘is as fr:llm_vs:â€"â€" First SIMON. called Peter, and AN- No. lâ€"Jnmes Bowes. Zâ€"Edward Sanger. 3â€"Jacob Reamun. 4â€"James McLean. 5â€"Arthur Bo 1e. 6â€"Wm. Nico . 7â€"James Murphy. Sâ€"John Pa e. 9â€"Heury inger. lOâ€"Wm. Hard. llâ€"Alfred Rumble. BARTHOLUMEW, also Nathanael was nHde. Then THOMAS the doubter, and JAMES uallvd the Less. And SIMON the Zeulnt,‘so prone to PXCPSS. Then JUDAS’Thuddmus, who followed - the Lord. ‘ , And JUDAS Iscnriot, traitor ubhorved. On Lord's Day. May 5, there will be a. x-9-0pening (if the meoting‘lmnse uh Slim-wood. Mr. F. M. Jam‘s bf Beams- ville \vill spank at 10.30 u.m.. subject “The House, nf Gnd,†and at. 7.30, sub- inct. "The Umxm vf Churches.†' Mr. R. G. Schle will also speak at 3 ~p.m.. subject, “The gospel power of God uuLu salvation.†A cundiul invitation is extended to all. 85â€"Cnlin Cameron. Mapleâ€"Donald Watson. Klein!)flrgâ€"Wm. Mullm. ThuI-nhillâ€"G. H. Hooper. lZâ€"Wm. S. Rumble. Iii-Henry Wilson. l4â€"J. Ii. Beynon. l4â€"J. Ii. Be non. l5â€"Ellswort. Keys. 16â€"Wm. H. Whit». l7â€"E brain) Keï¬er. 18â€"- orace Gordon. l9â€"Gharles Rumble. 20â€"Wm. Clement. 21â€"Alfred Hart. 22â€"Edgar Gordon. 28â€"Thos. A. Keffer. 24~Bert Boston. 25â€"Wilbur L. Keffel'. iiiâ€"Philip Wade. 27-Wm. T. Cook. 28â€"Caleb Crook. ZQâ€"Ernest Stong. ESQâ€"Carson E. Smith. 81â€"James Mulock. 32-Eli Lahmer. 33â€"Emery Mathewson. Mâ€"George Cooper. 35â€"Chas. A. Malloy. 36â€"Wm. H. Oastatoi. 37â€"John Robb. 88â€"Thos. Fon'wick. 39â€"Wm. Bates. 40~John R. Wilson. 41â€"\V. F. 'Diceman. 42â€"Wealey Hamilton. 43â€"Thos. Rowntree. 44â€"Geo. J. Sutton. 45-Kenneth Stevenson. 46â€"Andrew Stewart. 47â€",â€"Ohas. Fat-r. 48â€"Geo. M. Julian. 49â€"George Doneml. I 50â€"Jobn L. McGillivx-ay. tilâ€"George Sutton. ‘ , 52â€"Geor 9 Elliott. . ‘- 53â€"Wm‘hrker. 54â€"John T. Peacock. Maiâ€"John Thomson. 55â€"John McLean. 56â€"13... J. Train. 57â€"Albert Devins. 58â€"â€" Wm. Kerr. . 58aâ€"Wln. J. Egan. 59â€"Nin). H. Egan. 60â€"-\Vm. A. Maï¬wson. (iiâ€"[snug Kollum. 6"â€"D. O. Longhouse. 63â€"Jnhn Dix. (iiâ€"George- M (:Clm'o. 65â€"â€"-Noil McGillivray. (iiâ€"Richard Hewitt. 68â€"Juhn Train. I 69â€"Tbos. Kitchener. 70â€"John. Fletcher. 7lâ€"Goorge Mailings. '72â€"Wm. Cameron. 73â€"W. G. Robinson. 74â€"Richard T. Agar. '75â€"VVm. Mitchell. 76â€"George Kellam. 77â€"-John M. MoGallum. 78-â€"\Vm. Thomas. 79â€"Aibt‘l'l, Senrle. 80â€"R. B. McNair. 81â€"VVm. \Vebster. 82â€"Hnrvey Appleton. BELâ€"Samuel McGutcheon. 84â€"E. J. Scott; THE TWELVE APOSTLES. Sherwood. Though the seed-time has been slow in coming this season the fan-meta are hunyunt in spirit believing that. nature is preparing for them a. bountiful harvest. and in patient hope they have been wniiing and now with glad anti- cipation they have begun to mil in the preparation of what may be to them in a few brief months an abundant. harvest. Dr. G. Langstaff of Brooklyn. N. Y. arrived last, week t0 look after his sanitau-ium which he hopes to have in full swing this summer. For the past twn years many repairs and improve- m‘ents have hem made on the buildings and his property. so that; every essential demand may be provided for and recupgemtiun: of health seekers made as pleasant as possxble. Mr. Doherty who succeeded Mr. Henry in the Stelling Bank moved his lmusehnld rifecbs last week and is now living in M r. Forbes‘h "use on Church st. Prvpm-atinns have been made fn’r {hp building of a. dam which wiu con~ tribute greatly in attracting the at- tention ’of pleasure seekan who ï¬nd much recreation in boating. Some of the older citizens ï¬nd pleasure in relating the history of the past, and tell us that Langstnff was quite an enterprising villa in the old days. For some years alL that was left, was a. post, ofï¬ce that sé’emed n0- umdic in its habits moving up and down Ynnze'et. Hnwever a new build: ing‘ is [wing erected at. the corner which We are informed is to serve the public both as Rust, cfllce and store. Mr. Wisner End family have moved to the house apposite Langstafl school and no doubt Will be permanent, resi- dents of the communitv having pur- chased the property, The month] y meeting of the Literary Circle will be held atLthe home. of Mr. D. James (m the. evening of Monday the 29th inst. The program will unn- sm, (If an address. essays. music and presentation of awards. Each lady will he expected to hand in a question to he unsweled. No name. necessarily given. Each gentleman will be expect- ed to bring an anecdote or humorous piece tu be read at; the meeting. The Appalling Catastrophe in sinklng of the gigantic Titanic feelineg mentioned from all the pits here last. Sunday. “It Seems horrihlp,†chattered the foreigner whom we were entertaining fur a night. and a day. repm-ts one of the newspapers. “It seems horrible! In my country there are rinters, “mm are Nihilists. there are Cossacks. B It, in your enuntry thgy lynch people, they IO}‘tUI'P. they_bum, theyâ€"4’ “Waiba minutn,†we cautioned, “Yuu have been reading the papers. These lynchings may bake-place in the rural districtï¬, but, here in the cities we don’t even dream of such things. What dn ynnï¬meau? ‘What have ypg geen?’f ' “Smnoth it, as you will,†he cried, “but I have seen it with my own eyes. There were two victimsâ€"w, man anti a woman. Thev came. out of a. great house. and than a mob set, upim them. Gods! it was terrible! They ran for shelter. but a showerof missiles follow- ed bhvm. The Woman wus struck by a. hootâ€"the man was nearly killed by a horseshoe. The moi) shriede and yell» edâ€"the poor victims could only run for shelter. And the verv caninge in which they fled was chnrated with insults anti signs and legends. They escapedâ€"hub at an awful cost; bleed- ing-ind mangled 31nd disgraced!†...t, v. m. m.“ u. . “That Wasn’t a ‘ynchingfl we assurvd the foreign critic, “that: was merely a wedding partyâ€"~n bride and groom getting away on their hunoymoon.†SATURDAY. Apxil 27â€"Pony outï¬t and house-hold furniture, at, his residence, Maple. tho property of J. H. Kirby. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms 5 months. Saigeon & McEwen, Ancts. BARBAROUS MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Parties getting mute, bills or cards printed at, THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will receive a nntice similar to below free of charge, during Lhe seasnm ALLANDS PRIDEâ€"Imported Clydes- dale, the property of D. G. Blough. King lity, will travel to Nobletnn, Maple. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills, Victm-iz-L Squaw, Oak Ridges. Home stable, King City. Terms $14. LORD MORVENâ€"Impm'ted Clydesdale, the pl'OpPlty of 'l‘. H. ‘Legqe, Tem- perwnceville. will tmlvvl to King City, Maple, Rivhmnnd Hill, Elgin Mills, con. 3. Maxkham. mm. 3, Whit- t-hm'ch. Ant-om, Even-319v. Hnmp stable, Tempe'x-ancrvillm Terms 815’ Stallion Register. Auction Sales Thornhfll: ï¬nd the was old was the was pul- §++Wi~**+++%+é~m+ifl~§ STIVEH &. HAMEB *++H++M+*H+++*++++++m Believing it will be beneï¬cial to both buyer and seller, have decided, Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.0. STATION . AND ELEVATOR ‘ We thank the public for the generous patronage in the past, and will earn: es;th strive to serve you faithfully in the future. I Best Bread ‘ Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits ‘ Hill’s D. HILL 86 00., Choice Confectionery alw'ay in stock. ' has been tested for a number of years as a. reliable remedy, and FOR CHILDREN’S COUGHS AND COLDs TRY At, this season of the year sud- den changes of climate bring coughs an colds. Oux prepalw tion of ‘ White Pine&Tar COUGHS AND CULDS Baby’s Own (Laugh Syrup w.‘ ALT-S-é‘II-dé-rsuné BEST CHANGES Grood Lemons Staple flrn‘ceries AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. . AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH‘ BASIS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses [Single copies, 3 cts. Drugzist. RICHMOND HILL PREPARED BY STIVER & RAMER. GOOD STOCK 0F DEALERS 1N- Bakery No. 43