@112 illillrml. chnuom) HILL. 02412.. APR. 25. 1912 IS PROFANITY INCREASING ? . The Globe quite properly cengratu- lates the Roman Catholics ,of Toronto on the growth of their Society form. ed for the purpose of pledging its members not to take the name of ï¬nd in vain, and to use their in- fluence against public profanity. In a country professedly Christian it is amazing that such an organization is necessary. Yet respectable people are shocked in passing by a group of young men, to hear the foul .and blasphemous language indulged in. And generally for no ’ apparent reason. It would be bad enough if those who give wayto impure speech could plead anger or passion from a real supposed injury. Such is not generally the ease. Objectionable swearing is usually done byyoung men and grown-up boys who purposely wish to show a lack of rhverence for the name of their Creator. The Provincial Secretai-vls report respecting the operation of the Liq- uor License Laws of the Province for the year ending April 30, 1911, has recently l-een given to the public. The report shows that the number of tavern and shop licenses has been re; duced during the year by 262. The lines collected during the year was $46,545, and in Local Option muni- cipalities $11,780. The number committed for drunkenness in 1911, shows an increase of 511 over the previous year. ‘ Mr. Walter E. Wiley who for about twenty years was foreman in THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, and for the past eight years foreman in the ofï¬ce of the ExpressHerald, Newmarket, has purchased the latter paper, and took possession on Monday of this week. In connection with the newspaper and printing business there is asta- tionery and fancy goods department Which brings very gratifying results. Newmarket has the reputation of be- ing one of the best business towns for its size in the Province, and we have every conï¬dence in Mr. Wiley’s suc- cess in his new venture. He is an upâ€"to-date practical printer, and as I he is an undefatigable worker and a favorite with the public be is bound to succeed. The question of tree planting in the village will again be taken up at the next meeting of the Ra-tepay ers Association. Excellent work was done last year along this line, and it is proposed to continue the good work this year. ‘éNot many more trees are needed on Yonge Street and the parts of other streets adjacent to this main thoroughfare, but there are many outlying side streets where a few maples will add greatlv to the appearance and value of the sur. roundings. Many roads that are now looked upon as back streets will he eventually built upon, and people selecting sites will always show a preference to those having some nice shade trees close by. When the date is ï¬xed for Arbor Day there will doubtless be the same cheerful response that there was a year ago. Maple. The Old Folks‘ conceit which wasj41_t,f, given here by the Epworth League some weeks ago was repeated at. Ed- geley on Monday evening. Asale of household effects belong- ing to Mr. J. H. Kirby will be held next Saturday afternoon. Mr. Leeds Richardson who was fore- man of the Grand Jury in Toronto was presented by the jurors with a silver mounted umbrella. ‘ The monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary was held last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. T. Saigoon. Tea was served at the close of the meeting. * The friends of Mr. D. Pinkerton will he glad to learn that he has decided to remain here and continue his veter- inary practice. ' ~ , Irma illlunmt ' l Special attention given to The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past patron- age, and inform them that he keeps a. full line of STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMP- ERS,WIRE.&:0. Also HARD- WAREOf all kinds. Tinsmithing done in all its branches, grinding, ï¬ling, repeale- ing, 860. . Electrclene coal oil, paints oils, turpentine, glass. putty and gasoline. '- ‘ ‘ JACOB EYER, Opposite Dr. Langstaff’s. _ Pressing , Cleaning M}. Repairing £9 AJ.HUME have all the good features NOTARY PUB L 10 known to modern musical , scbnce. . l ME FOR CATALOGUE 1-. . , WRIGHT BROS. , RICHMOND HILL. Conveyancing, ‘ Leases. Wills, Etc. +++++++m+m++++4~++4~+e ++ N 'l-‘I-d-i-M-i- M-r-l-ol-J'd-éur-r-inre- +++ RICHMOND mu. .._-._....____.,_.‘ 0.....- Ew._- ._. ROBSON l. FARR: FAMILY BUTCHER ’ RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE .,_....,.. ,., . . A... BLllll IE8 I: for twelve years. ...;\\.\\. mineral water re. \5 and no signs of any disease since. and Women. - . liEADE NOTICE \' rite for our private address. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT; He was surprised at how the 1‘; sore: ’hoalodâ€"“I took METHOD TREATEEYK‘ for a. serious blood disease with which I had been inflicted v- v . _ _Ihad consulted ascore of .hySicmns taken all kinds of blood me mine, ViSited Hot Springs and other porary relief. They would help me for a. ‘- time, but after discontinuing the medi- » cines the symptoms would break out . againâ€"running sores . atic pains, loosenesso thehair,swcllings _ » 1i): Elia: glanfdgï¬palims cg the h€ndstscalinlg. c ess o e s in, pop ic 3 ounce , Buouzflu‘mmf etc. I had given up {if despair when a I had no hope, but took his advice. In three weeks’ time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. I continued the NEW BLETHOD Tannxnxr for four months and at the end of that time every 5 'mptom had disappeared. . ly boy. three years old, is sound and healthy. I cor- tainlypan recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer anyvporson to " me privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish. . II. S. We tron! NERVOUS onsnrrv. VARicosr. vrms, vmu. WEAKNESS, BLOOD. sxmanasscnsr Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY courle of Men Are you a. victim! ‘Have you lost hope? Are you intending to ma 7 Has .} your blood been diseased? Have , REATMENT will cure you. What it has done for others it wid do for you. Consultation w Free. No matter who has treated you write for an honest. opinion ano of Charge. » Charges reasonable. Books Freeâ€"(Illustrated) on diseases of Men. - ' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. . Dns.KENNE& Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed - to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ' ~ , . ment in \Vindsor, Ont. see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ' = no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which. are for Correspondence and r laboratory to: Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY 8; KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. your New but only got tem- blotches, rheum- arrza murmur i friend advised me to consult you, as you had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago- 22' I was cured 7 years ago L you any weakness? Our NEW .n'rnon Everything conï¬dential, as ’* If you desire to A reliable man is wanted as Grave Digger, and Caretaker of the Cemetery. Apply F. McCONAGHY Chairman Cemetery and Vault, Presbyterian church, Richmond Hill. 43»t.f. For Sale .One copy of \Vehster’s New Inter- national Dictionary. This is not a revised edition of VVehster, but a new creation from cover to cover. There are 2700 pages. 6000 illustrations, and the volume contains more information of interest to more people- than any other dictionary. The copy for sale is indexed, and the leather binding should last a lifetime. The publisher’s price is $13.00, less a discount of 25 per cent. - 434 . f.†Enquire at ‘THE LIBERAL OFFICE. For Sale A Canadian Draught Stallion, 2’ years old, registered. Also a Heavy Draught mare, registered. . JOHN SLI‘NEY. For Sale A Kitchen Cupboard and Sink. Ap- ply at 41-3 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. râ€"-i d Four Yorkshire Pigs,.l.wo months '01 . A. KNIGHTS. Surrey Farm, 41-t.f. Richmond Hill. Caretaker wanted H. . Elgin Mills. Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill HAS FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE: Six acres with new house and burn and a young orchard. First-class garden land. Several vacant lots on Yonge street. and other localities. Money to Loan. 394$. Insurance, &c. Eggs for Hatching From heavy laying strain, large stay white birds, with trap-nest records. One price onlyâ€"($2.50 for 15 eggs. Also, 8 large cockerels from mv best laying pony Big lusty fellows and pure white. To. clear at $2.50 each. HARRY SANDERSON, 39-tf Richmond Hill. For Sale About 8 acres of land with: good house, stable, orchard, hard und‘soft water, handsome wire fence across front, lot 26, con. 3. Vaughan. HENRY ESPEY, Elgin Mills. Phone 1150 For Sale _.._.... 0n Yonge St-.. Richmond Hill, lot 39-lf good repair; large shop and shed; large lawn and good garden. the prem ises. 40 if 7: I .Daily Mail, York Co. outside, towns and villages with eight-rimmed frame house, in‘ Terms . cash. Apply to Mrs. J. L. Harris, on I VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS 0N HAND. To Rent --._.__ House to rent on Richmond Hill. A pl to ‘ P y J. P. GLASS. Yonge street. 50M" Electric Restorer for Men resumes every nerve in the body Phosphor")! to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature derav and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man. Price 333 box. or two for 85. Mailed to any address. The Scobcfllh’ug 00., St. cumin». Ont. . -â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€"- Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years -, I . H; " .‘tz ‘t d h." ‘S. ' t . l 1 mo NAMES USED WITH- ‘I- H' SA£2§G§EDN' V'S- .-...i.ii3g$cé.'.i§.ai:}"il‘...giii' dilly-’5... a share- of your patronage is solicited. A choice stock of fresh, salt and cookâ€" t-d meats always on hand. 40.; illviSlflll - can The Next Sitting of Divvsmn Court for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL ._()N_ Monday, }une 24, 19:2, )ommoncmq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CI.qu BlNG * RATE-8 Every family should have both their local paper and a. city paper. Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal†at the following rates:-- Family Herald and Week- ly Star, 1 year Weekly Globe " Weekly Mail and Empire (with premium) Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm Daily Globe, York 05. Daily Star," Daily News I The Weekly Sun 1.00 1.75 1.75 2.40 01.00 3.50 3.50 of 2.50 2.50 1.75