Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 May 1912, p. 1

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tlflEML PRINTING & PUBUSHING HOUSE .{Ii}l-I.\.{()ND HILLQNI‘. (s PUBLISHED EVERY I! HURSDAY MORNING l‘ . F. Mu. M AHON. RICHMOND HILLâ€"JVe-duesdny. 9.30 .mm. to 5 p.m. EGLINTONâ€"Zfi OustIefiL-H Ana. the rust of the week. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Phone: N. 4593. hioanaed Mntioneers for the County 01' York. 8 Mos Lhfieuded no on shortest notice and at rew- aoxxble fates Patronage solicited Calls by phnne nr- ntherwisr) prompth respnnded bu. Licensed Auctioneex for the County of York. re- ‘! Bpectfully solicus your patronage and friendly ! iuflr euce sales attpuded on the shortest uoxice ‘ and at remanable rates P 0 address King | Paone No. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Onnario and North Tolonto. Special Maennion given to sales of («very description. Farm and tarm stock sales a. specialty. Farms buught and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest; up-aoodate methods. Address: 239 Bullinl St... N01“) Toronto. Phone: North 4875. VOL. XXXIV. *1 Der umum, in advance.) “ @312 fiih'eml " i’llUNIN-G Prnpares pupils for the grade 9xâ€" aminntinns held at Tm unto Cnnser ‘a- Lury of Music and University of 1‘0- rontn. v ' Special course in “Myer’s” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. _ ‘ '1‘ Badgoon. J K M Maple Wes Sa’igeon & McEwen. DR. W. R. PENTLAND ‘ RICHMUND HILL Class recitals are given the year The Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, Ont. Thvnrvfiml. Tm-hnion] and Artistic Elemnnts Duvplrjnud Systvmaticnlly According tn Mudnt-n Methods. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. Summer Tyrm Opons .‘ylr‘mLW. A mil Gum and Guanine fur extractions. FH'SL house nurth of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. MISS MIL LIE TRENCH VETERINARY SURGEON, BUSINESS CARDS. Maple, ()nt. DR. E. J. WOODS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE ’1‘horuhill . “1 once: a P noenmron RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J; H. Prentice I) e 11 Li 9413, l). G. BlAflUGH. Phone No. 2-101 fi‘ttcmmm RESIDENCE “alumni. AT T HE Initial. J K McEwen Weston throughout 42-1v VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATlNG 3033:; 9. 9av1'dson THORNHILL Organs Rammed and Expart. Work Guaranteed BARRISTER. Somcm‘oa, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-mm) Offic-‘e. Runm 328 Cnnfedm-u (inn Lifv Bldg.. Nu. 12Ri¢hmnnd St. E. Richmond Hill Office (“Lihm-nl" Office), every Thursday fox-enoun. ‘ anlv, Thursday afternoon. \Vnmll'n-iduv, Saturday furennon. Muurzv to 1mm at, Five Per Cent (5%) A‘ GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar } REAL Es'L-ATEgETC. THORNHILL Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, 85:. Home Life Building 00‘..- Adelaide. & Victoria, 8%.. I‘m-(mm. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada To]: phnnv, Main Gable Address. "De-do.” Tel. M. 3631. Monov to loan enlandanachahue- mortgagesat owesh rates k Auroraofiiceâ€"Removed no the old post oflma one door west 01 the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Jrhree doors south of the pass orfice '1‘ HERBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Aurora. LENNOX & MORGAN Richmona Hill COMMISSIONER. CONX‘EYQNhER. ETC. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of F\ vwlal T‘Tmishirg kep at both places Danton, Grover & Field Lawrence 22 Dunbar, W. J. ELLIOTT, Prlncipa { Cm. huge and Alexander Sts. "tr-.13.. mmxmmw r. H. A. NICHOLLS ERICHSEN BROWN & MACNAUGHTUN Undertakérs & l3 mbaim el's, MANY BUSINESS COLLEGES fl ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. close for vacation during July and August but the large and pnpula" does not. Students desirisg strictly high! grade training for choice positions an; invited i to write for our catalogue. Enter now if‘ you can. Our graduates readily get emplny- ment. ' BARRISTERS,SOLHHTOR& CONVhYANC£RS,EIQ ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42-46 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers :- ml Solicitors . NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Sullicturs. 8m. FRANK chusmn Ban-m. r!- CAMERON uAuxAL'GHTuN WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 191.2 ¥€gaL In Essentials, Unity,- ih Non-Essentials, Liberfy; in all things, Charity.” Pnone Main 2934 51-6“: On Saturday nftm-nnnn last, at the invimtinn if Mr. \Vm. Pratt. Presi- dent of mo Wilcnx Lake Brick 00.. we paid :i visit to the company’s plant lHâ€"‘Hl VVilmnx Luke, iu the Tuwuship of \Vhitt-lmrch. \Ve left. the Hill a: 12:15 p.m.. and In nhnut l5 minutvs arrived at S('h0lll- burg Junction. intending to take Shunk’s mare fur the mile juurney nn HI? gravel siding tn thP works, but fut-Lunater s-um- guild-natured \vm-k- men were alsn guing in on a “Jigger” and kindly :wcmnmodated us to a free puss:ch on their pump-handled obser- vutiun cur. (‘n the way We paused (hp large Ive Emm- of the Lake- iSIucne Ice Cm. an mum-use building. which impws es «me as capable- (nf hulding enuurh ice for :I luylynpolis. The hxick \vm-ks me ahnnt 60 rods beyond. and the first. imprwssiun of size and Irmssiveness is nmre than burn? out. on closvr inspe-ctiun: in fact, inside and out. strenth. stability and nmssiveness are the predmuinant chau- m-tm-istics. Hand-made. sunâ€"dried. sand-lime bricks have been in use. in Gex'nmuy fut over 400 years, but, if. is (mly with in the past 25 years that mudern science has stepped in and perfected Lb: process. The company have adnptt'd the Schwmz System, which so far is the only um- using 'the instantéuwnus m- qnick lime-sinking process. \Ve'will nnt. attempt :I, technical descriplion; suffice it tn say khan quick lime and sand in proper prupm-linns nu- scivn- tifichY prepared and "10"]de intn bricks. tth stemn-cmvd. [he whole procos§ occupying less than 24 hmnI-s. Sand, the pl'ingipal raw material. IS found in practically unlimith quantity at. the mill d-mr, while (he limo. fur trvatnwm, and cule fm fuel is pur- chase-d in the Open murkc‘t. Power is supplied by twn 80-h.p. built-rs and a. 125-li.p. Cm-liss engine. and some idea (If the chagrin-her of the umchinery may be gleaned from the fulluwing. viz.: The- steam-(rurng boiler is 72 ft. long, 6 ft. 4 in. din.. of g in. plate. Sunl weighs 32 thus. each press 9 tons, preparing machine 11 u-ns. steam sand dryer 12 tons, and evfirythingf-lse in proportion. 1 The Prize List of the Canadian Na- 1_ tiunal Exhibition, Torontu. August 1 24th to September 9th. has bee-n issued. 1 It shows the usual liberal piizes in all ; departments of live stock. agriculture l and home Wurk. amuunting to a total of $55,(K}0. ‘ It; is also evident that the list, has been Carefully revised Ln have it in keeping with up-tu-(late cnndtiops. The building is Resigned fur a two , unit or 40,000 bricks per day rule, \viLh pnwer nnd~ u-ansmissinn machinery tn ‘ suit. but one unit only or 20,000 per day will he attempted at the starry. lull it, is nlmnsl m-ltain tht, operations will lwonlv well begun befuI-e doubling I up will he necessm y. ' u .‘n VVKI‘héficumparny wfil employ nlmut, 18 men at the start and expect, to be making brick in nh_n_ut two \yeeks. We were agl-epuhly surprised to see so mnnv interested visitms. Among others we noticed Mr. \V. D. Scott, a. director; Messrs. M. Boyle, L. E. Hand. Principal Davidson. A. G. Sav- age, Jos. Bales. John MCKE‘DZIP, \Vm. Wallace, J. Henslip, M. Hudwin, and others. A few 'of the innovatinns that might, ‘ be noticed are piovismn fm' competi- tion In breeding horse; for strings of 1 five hm-ses; a numbernf sections added l to provide for the newer breeds of pnultr ': $100- in prizes for onions, tomatoes and celery in baskets. The lust named is a government suggestion meant, to encourage export of these commodities. On the whnle the list shows a dis- tinct advance on its pl-edwzcssurs, and as the attl'actiuns will include a review a (If cadets from all the «worsens domin- iuns‘nf the Enlpire. the Scots Guards After a very pleasantly spent after- noon, we urnved home feeling tlmtl we had got intouch with a live going cancel-u. one that was greatly needed to help build up this gmwmg loculily, and we are sum nur readm's will join with us in wishing the company the best possible success. r The Literary Uix-cle's last nmetinp; of the SPHSOU will he held at, Lhe hnmc uf Mr. James on the evening of \Vedlws- (lav. the 29th inst Supper will hé served at 6.30 o’clock. Baskets by all are requested. A fee of 25 cents fi-mn each will be required for expenses. Music, essays. readings and an address will be given. One or rum-e quvstinns from each person will he expect-id. This meeting promises m be equal in interest to precadiug ones. PriZe Lin of Canadian National Exhibi- tion Now Beisag Distributed. Band and a. brilliant. histm-ical specâ€" tacle, the siege of Delhi, it is safe to m-edirt an]th rmm-d Yt'zll' fm’ the Canadian Natinnnl. THE NEW BRICK INDUSTRY. AFTER MORE RECORDS. Thornhifl. in use. in Gex'nmuy but, if. is (mly with rears that mudern d in and perfected ahnnt 60 rods imprwssim! of Very successful anniversary services were held in the Methodist Church last, Sunday. In the forennon an able patriotic sermon was preached by Rev. J. W. Stewart 01’ Aurora. and in the evening an inspiring address on his \Vnrk was given by Dr. Gilum‘m', \Varden of the Central Prison. Mr. Stewart referred to the vastness of the Dmninion. its great wheth fields. its minerals, its heautiful scenery, and to some. at the brave men who shed their blood in defence of ourcuuntry. He also Sounded a note of warning against the dangers of commercialism, an world- liness, of Sabbath desecration, and particularly the intense political partiznnship that stands out so cun- spiuuuunsly in many cases. ‘Dr. Gilnmur. in the evnning. spoke on prison-life. and gave many touch- ing incidents that came under his uhsorvation in the Central Prison. There were, said the speaker, a. few nenple who seemed to be naturally bad. but he believed that. less than 15 plr cent. of those in ‘his institution Were really criminals. They are child- ren nf misfm‘tune; they are the Victims of environment who have never had a fair chance. The cause uf much 0f the crime is neglected childhood. the cure requires patience and close personal attention. The Dr. spoke of the necessity of parents.especinllv mothers. bringing up their own children, not leaving them in the care of servants or anybody else. Special music was given by the choir hnth morning and evening. In the mm-ning Miss Mary Tlench gave a. swim. and Misses Ethel and Olive Switzvr a duet. In the evening solos were sung by Miss Lmine Wright, Miss Switzor and Mr. A. E. Glass. i A, note of warning has been smilide frum Ottawa. in regard to a VPry dangerous potatn disease that, has been brought to Canada in tubers imported ; from Eumpe during the present, year. The disease which 18 known as Pntato Canker was recently discovered in an imported shipments. Tn warn Canadian farmers against. the danger of planting i‘ imported seed.. the Director nf the L Experimental Farms has issued a leaf- I let known as “Fm-mers‘ Circular No. 1" : prepared by Mr. H. T. Gussnw, the Dominion Botanist which contains the foiluwing pointy-A “’Twas only a. child,” did I hear you say. As the bier with my babe was borne away? Ah ! mim- was pain nnd anguish wild, Ttnugh ’twus only a child. “’Twas only a, child," but the music is flvd That, came intp my life as an angel sung: And _my_hem-t was rent and hope was deard, - Thuugh " ’qus only a child.” “"I‘was only achild.” Who is greater than he ? “Only the childlike in Heaven shall hes) , Oh, this is both help and solace to me, Tlmugh " ’Lwns only a child.” "Twas only a child,” but in stronger arms - He is safe from all in the world that harms; ‘ And I gird up my life m cunfiden cheer. Though “’twas only a child." "’Twas only a. child,” but how much to me I More of trpnsure in Huaven I see. And baby fingexs are beckoning me, Though “’Lwns only :1 child." l. The only way in which the disease can be intmduced is through the plant- ing of affected tubers. 2. The Use of diseused tubers for seed may, in the wqrsb cages, result in the complete dcst’xucuuu of {he entire crop. 3. When one? introduced the disease germ infests the soil for a. pm‘lud of eight. years, which means that form/least eight years no sound potatoes can he raised on land thus inefeuted. 4. Nune of the known I'mm'diz-s fm- othex- plant diseases will [INVQHb the appearance of the disease. 5. The disease is spread readin through infested soil carried by wind. animals, farm implements, uld bags or other meam. Attention is called to provisions under the Destructive Insect. and Pest; Act which Show that to use or sell for awed potatoes impnrted from Eumpe is illegal. Copies of this Farmers’ Cit-cu]:'r may h9 attained by applying m the Puhllmiinhs Brunch, Depiu'mient of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. POTATO GROWERS WARN ED “’TWAS ONLY A CHILD.” METHODIST CHURCH ++++°¥+M++4v+++++++++4°+4~4'*§ icouefls AND cows § +++++++++++$$+++++~5°$+++¢+¢ STIVER &. RAMER Believing it will be beneficial to both buyer and seller, have decided. Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR We thankfihe public for'the generous patronage in the past, and will ear-h- estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Best Bread Hill’s Choice Cakes - Fancy Biscuits 32. $1331; (23:: Choice Confectionery alway in stock. ' At this season of the year sud- den changes of climate bring coughs an colds. Om prepara- tion of Whiie Pine&Tar [ms been tested fur a. number- of years as a reliable remedy, and FOR CHILDREN’S COUGHS AND COLDS TRY Baby’s Own Cough Syrup W. ALMSâ€"‘éâ€"Iidfe-rsuni BEST CHANGES Good Lemons- Staple Groceries AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. AFTER OCT. 9 ' TO DO BUSINESS (IN A CASH BASIS. Issuer of Marriage Licenses [Single copies, 3 cm. Drug-gist RICHMOND HILL PREPARED BY STIVER & RAMER. GOOD STOCK 0F DEALERS IN __AT‘_ Bakery No. 47

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