The reign to powerof Sir Lomcr Gouin’s Governme'nï¬ in .Gï¬e Province of Quebao by ankomlielming ma- jority will kiteeningimpetus to Liber- alism.evé¥,'ï¬h%;ï¬ï¬ble of the Dominion, and'wfltiï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚iess have an effector: ï¬g aï¬ii'oghching elections in Sas- katchewan. In a house of 81 the Conservabives are likely to have only members. The Liberals have Men in power in Quebec for 15 years, and it is generally conceded that during that; time there has been clean and progressive gOVernment. The. Sunday Sclmnl Banner. in its lers im last, Sunday’s lessnn. has the fullnwlllg pin-“graph relative to Mr. Ilnyd (it-Ul'gf‘, Chancellor of the Ex- chpqnvr in England :â€" "1n n rrnmtn disnicb of \anrs a lmhe Inf Eel-inusly ill. The widowed mutlw‘l’ lac-rune desperate and walked ï¬r» miles in the night through a drenching min to Secure the skill of a physician fnr her darling child. The doctor hesitate-d about, making the unpleasant trip. VVnnld it; pay? He \vnnld umpire no money for his aer- Vices. and l'wsidI-vs, if the child’s life \vaa spnrpd, ho wnnld nn (lnnht, becmnv truly a pl-or lul-nrer. Bub love fur humanity and professional duty (:01:- qnvrPd and the life was snvod. Years afteiward, whrn this same child, Lloyd George, lwcaunn (lhnncellnr (4' Great Britain. the (-ld doctor said, "I never tit-earned that. in saving lhé‘ life of that, child on the farm hearth I was S'u‘ing lhe llfP (if the national leader of \Valrs.†He might. have added. “the life (if one of thf‘ ï¬nest Christian statesmen Great Britain has pro- duced.†The result, last week is an indica- tion of the weakening strength of the Nationaliéts led by men of the Stamp of Bourassa and Lavergne, and may lead to a breakdown of the ConservativeNationalist alliance. In fact Mr. Lavergne has stated pub< licly that: the Nationalists were de- ceived last. September, and Mr. Bouxassa was nut; of the co'untry when Lhe Quebec electibns took place last. week. Theodore Roosevelt. nn Tuesday wml a sweeping victory in the Pwsitlt-ntiul Republican primaries for Chin. As President Taft was defeated in Ins home state his chances for renomina- tion are not bngbt. The Welsh Dis-establishment Bill passed its sec-0nd Wading in the HUUSE of Commons last Thursday by a ma- jority of _81. 4.5â€"...â€" Three thousand and ï¬fty dullnrs in ï¬rms were imposed in South Pm~cu- pine and Oochrane lash WtK‘k as EL result uf visits paid to these puian by Provincial Licegse Inspector Gemge "(25112 iflihkrnl. RICHMOND ï¬ILL. 01m. MAY 23. 1912 E. Morrison of Tornnté. Ten (:unvlis- tions for illegal liquor-selling wele recorded at South Porcupine ï¬i'ï¬f'n’r- Cochrane. each defendant bemg as- sessed $100 and goals. It, is reported in North Tnmnto that the Dominion Government has pur- chased the' southeast cnrner of Mont. omet'y avenue and Yonge street in glinton to be used as the site for a new postoflice. The lot; is part of the Oulcobt Hotel ruperty, and is at pre- sent occupied y the old stable build- ings. An appropriation of $45,000 was made in the estimates lust, Pallia- mentary session for a new postnï¬ice in this section, and the repoxt is general- ly_helieved.“ . . n 'IL was adistinguished group nf gen- tlemen who participate last, Friday night. in the leading Lancers at, the York Club ball. Men eminent in the judiciary. in ï¬nance, banking. trans- pnrtation. and politics. were repreâ€" sent-ed, While the Guvernor-Geneml and Col. Lowther re resented the State and the Army. ‘he gentlemen in the Lancers were: H. R. H. the Duke of Gonnaught, Colonel Lowthpr. Ohlef Justice Sir William R. Mere- dith, Sir Edmund \Valker, Sir Ed- mund Osler, Sir John Gibson, Right, Hon. R. L. Bm-dpn, and Mr. W. D. Matthews. The ladies wore the Duchess of Conna-ught, Princess Pat-rich, Ladv Walker. Lady Gibson, Mrs. J. K. Kerr. Mrs. Borden, Mrs. Matthews, {mg Miss felly. Bonar Presbyterian Church. Toron~ to, comer of College street, and Lans- dnwne avenue, was the gathering place Sunday afternoon of two hun- dred Scottish people. who participated in a Gaelic service such as was common in Prvshyterian churches two genera- tions ago. It was a unique event. There was no choir, and there was no organ in use. Instead. Mr. Alexander Fraser, the Provincial Archivist, acted as recentor, Conducting the singin m t e old-fashioned way, with the aig of a tuning fork. Psalms. not hymns. were sung, and the Scottish folk pres- ent enh-red heartilv intothe spi‘l-it of the service. Rev. Dr. Alexander Mac- gillivrny.‘the past/m- of the church, conduumd the SPI‘ViCO, which included the S; cmmvnt. of the Lord's Supper. Rev. Dr. James Carmichael. the vet- eran cEH-gymnn 01 King, preached the sermon LIBERALISM IN QUEBEC. A NOTED WELSHMAN. News Notes. All parties interested are hereby rp- qupsted tn take notice and govern themselves accordingly. THE COURT OF REVISION for revising the Assessme-nt, Rolls of the Township nf Vaughan fur the year 1912. will he held at, the Township Hall, Vellm‘e, on 46-2m 'Gnurtvfï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©libï¬ Maple. May 16, 1912. Gund supply of lumber, shingles, cedar pnle nn hand._and a car of Gun- ada Portland Cement 1:1st :n'ride. The-undersigned wishes to purchase from 50 to 100 acres of land suitable for pasture; The farm must have a. stream of water running through it. \V rite o'x- phuue ~ J, MCKENZIE! EWALL PAPER and ma moumms FOR ALL STYLES 0F DECORATING 1AAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VAUGHAN 'VVVVVVYVVWVVVVVVVVVWVVVV VYVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVVV'VV' Public Notice Estimates cheerfully giVen on any decorating you wish done, no matter whether you buy your p.-xper from me or elsewhere. I am prepared to furnish the above at a luwer price than you will pay in Toronto for the same grade of goods. You will ï¬nd my prices reasonable for House and Sign Painting, Paperhangiug, Graining, Glazing, Kai somining, Etc. couéiji-i-Xnou FREE. BOOKS mas If unnHe to can mu. for . Que-lion Blmk for Home Treatment. Dns.KENNEDY& KENNEDY Farm Wanted E a All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient: in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY 8c KENNEDY, \Vindsor, Ont. ,erte for our private address. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912 OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will. cure you and make a man :5 you. Under its influence the brain becomes actwe, the b ood puriï¬ed so that pimples. blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel so that newousness,bnsh£ulness and despondenc disappear: the eyes become lax-Eight, the face full and clear, ener returns 1.0 the Ody, and the moral, pl: slcal an mental {ystems are invigorate ;' all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital waste tom the system on flee! yourself aman and know marriawe cannot, be a. failure. Don’t let quack: and taker rob you of your hard earned dollars. Auwanwt-uv â€". an... ‘- _- .. meâ€"m back ached, had pains backo my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, cor appetï¬e, ï¬ngers Were shaky, e ‘03 lurred, hajr loose‘ memory. poor. to. Numbnessm the ï¬ngers set 111 and tho doctpr told me he feared paralysis... I took 8.11 kinds of medicines and. tried many ï¬rsfrclass A physicians, wow an eiectri': be“: fort-bras :g’v monghcsl, r ccivqg gL‘legeneï¬g. 8% ’ was n uce' o con-3:2; rs. enne mm,“ TREATMENT Kennedy, though I had lost all fang in “1ԠTHEM“? dpctors. Likeadrowningmzm I commenced the NEW METHOD Tnzuunm and it saved my life. The improvement was like magic-I could feel the vigorgoing through the nerves. I was cured. mentally and physically. I have sent them many patients and continue to do so. - ' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VFJNS, NERVOUS DEBIL‘TY, BLOOD AND URINARY QQMPLALNTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and .n Dimm- am; 13 Me i1. NERVOUS DEBIL'ITY , JOHN ELLIS, PAINTER and DECORATOR onge St. Richmbhd 1â€"1111 MUNICIPALITY OF Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich. At 10 o'clock a.m. For Sale cs- No NAmzs USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS' J. B. MOLE Clerk of Vangh ‘ 46~2 JARVIS, Peter E. Summers relgtgs his expgriggge: “I was troubled wi.h .I-tcrvous Debility ton-many years. Ilcy n to indiscretion and excesses m youth. I became verÂ¥ despondent and didp’t care whcther worked or not. I Imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative greasz at; njightn weakened __ __ .-_. “A- Willowdule., EAN, Minple. HU- From heavy laying strain, large .atay white hirdm with trap-nest records. One price only~$2.50 for 15, eggs. Also, 8 huge cockerels from. mv best laying pen. Big lusty fellqu; and pure white. To -cloarrâ€"at- $24.50 each. HARRY SAISDERSON. 3941’ Two nf the best; farms 0n, the 3rd con. of Mm'khmn. Ind. Phone 4001. Tomato Plants. Early and Late Cab. huge. Red Cabbage, Gaulifluwm-s and. Celery. Also Pnusivs, Astm-s. Shut-ks, Petunins, Vin-bonus, Snapdmguns, Alyssums. Zinnias. Send orders to F. E. Sims. 46-tf Two chnice farms on the 2nd con. of Markham. “Each cuntains 100 acres. and in good state ut' cultixation, with good build- ings. And 143 acres and 100 acres on 2nd mm. of Vaughan, also choice and well built on. Same good huildmg lots in the village. 47-lf On Int 18. mm. 4. Markham. for cattle. Plenty nf gnod running water. Prices reasonable. R. E. PERKINS. Eggs for Hatching N IGHOLLS HAS FOR SALE Real Estate Agent Now Ready Richmond Hill Pasture A. KNIGHTs, Suney Fin-m. Richmond Hill. Victoria Square. 47-4 Richmond HilL ‘44.. J. H. SANDERS‘EN. v.3. MANAGER ' VILLAGE- AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS 0N HAND. restores every nerve in the body Phosphor“)! to its preper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature dernv and a†sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make mu :1 new man. Price $3 a box. or two for $5. ailed to anv address The Scone}! Drug 00., 8t. tharlnes. Ont. Electric Restorer for Men REAL E STATE RICHMOND BILL Every family should have both their local paper and a, cit-y paper. ‘ have all the good features known to modern musical science. WRIGHT BROS. um "I “TMâ€! Richmond Hill. May 9. 1912. About 8 :Im-vs (If land with good hnus‘v, stable. nuzhmd. haul and sun, water, handsmlw wire fence across front, lul 26, cm). 3. Vaughn“. TUESDAY. JUNE]1.19|2. fur the pun-pum- nf hem-ng (:umplnints um} Hpâ€" pwnls against the assessment (If the said village. The Cum-t will sit in ll.(l ()mnu-il Chamber on thenhuw date- an 8,41’clm'K in the PVt'lIillg and all whnm it, may (tuna-H; aw rvquestvd u» gun-tn themâ€" se-In-s Mctu-dingly. . ...-...n n. I RICHMOND , HILL Court of Revi~ion FSNE TAILBHINB A. J. HUME :9-tf RATES I’ublic Noth AND NOTARY PUB L 1 C Wills, Etc.- Spa-in} ntlrnlinn given tu Pressing Cleaniï¬g Repairing For Sale Ouveyancing, anhe‘ 1150 HENRY ESPEY, 'A. .I. HUME, (Elm-lg Elgin Mills.