ana‘ih the min in the’éJéhiï¬g Bé‘év‘iii put on some ï¬ner work, aided by piano accumpnniments: Mrs. Gasfley and near relatives wish through THE LIBERAL to thank neigh- bors and friends for kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and after the death of Mrs. Caseley’s husband, the late Juhn Caseley. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Methodist Church Tuesday evening Mr. Allen was up (tinted trustee repre- sentative on the (Suarterlv Board. and Thursday evening Messrs. P. Gr. Sm!- age, 0. Mason and W. A. Wright were appointed Society Representa- tives. I.“ _ John Ash of \Vhitchurch is plaintiff in an action entered at ()sg'node Hall against the Township of Markham, the annship nf Vaughan. and The Toronto and York Radial Railway 00., to recover $2000 damages for in- juries t0 his horse, harness and sleigh, by the alleged‘negligence of the de- fendunts. Don’t fail to see ‘and hear John A. Kelly, Canada’s leading \‘entriloqu'ist, in the afternmm and evening of the 24th of May. In the Fair Grounds he will present his marvellously funny ha py family of comical creatures. an in the hall in the evening he will‘ The new Summer time table on the Metropolitan Railway went, into eï¬ect on Tuesday. The regular- service will he hum-1y. The cals will pass through Richmond Hill going south at 24 min- utes to the hour, and going north at 15 minutes past: the hour. Asia pres- ent. the last, (:3): will leave Tacoma at 10 9.11).. and on Wednesday and Sat.- urd'ny nights at 11.45. Mr. Bert Hopper’s old bay mare. commonly known as “The Switcher.†any of the best pieces of horse flesh ever driven in_ this section, ate her oats as usual Monday morning. Mr. Hopper hitched her up and started south for a. short drive. but; when opposite Mr. Palmer’s. south of Todd’s cm-ner, she droppvd dead. Truly it can be said of the tough old servant, “She died In the harness.†Patrons of the. Fair tn-mm-rnw will be sure of a good dinner and tea at, either the Methodist Church 03- the Presbyterian Church. The ladies of both congregatinns will be ple'asod to welcome all comers. and will provide a good meal for 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wiley on Tues- day attended the funeral of Mrs. \Vilt-y‘s brother, William Turner. who died suddenly at his home in Roches- ter. Interment, took place at Hz:- budge. Mr. Jnhn Bestru'd who has been in failing health for some time had a. slight stroke of paralysis Sunday eve-u- ing.‘ Hg raflied ‘u few hours after- nu“. v 1-.LI.‘\. | V \vii'rds, but has since been in a. weak condu ion. Mr. Wm. Holladay of Newmarket who attended the funeral 01" his aunt, Mrs. Risebmugh of Newton Brook. to this place on Monday, called on a number of old friends here before his retmn home. ‘ Mr. M. Patton slam-ts rm his second trip to the Weqt next Monday. This time he takes 26 thoroughbred Slim-t)~ born cattle from the Rnssull. Mulock and Summorfeidt stables. His destina‘- timi is Yorkton. The direcmrs oï¬ the. Richmond. Hill Agricultupal Society are pleased to acknowledge the receipt. of $10 from Mr. Ed. Bribnell of 209 Davenport Road, Torm'xto, in aid oï¬ the Fair to he held on. May 24. Also the following contributions xeceived too late fox in- sertion in the prize list:â€"R. W. Phillips. County Clerk, $2.00; N. Gog-«mam. Toronto. $2.00; E. A. James, Engineer._'Noth Toronto, $5.00; Gre- m-y & Goodm-ham, Toronto. $5.00; Yul, Padgetlylforonto, $5.00., Call in and see the samples of truuserings we can make to yuul‘ measure for $4.50. Tailored and gnar- a.nteed by the Hnuse of Hobberlin, Toronto. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ Men‘s and Buys’ Belts, 250., 50c. and 75c. each; M en’s Teck Ties, a ï¬ne range nf pattm ns, 25c. each; Men’s Four-in- Hund Ties, 206., 250., 45c. and 50c. each. Atkinson &Switzer. ' A glance at. the programmes will show that a gum! entertainment may be expected in the Agricultural Hall on the evening of Victoria, Day. Re- member the doors open at 7.30. Get your doom-minus nmv_ fhr Vic. tqa-ia Dayâ€"Flags. Bunting. etc. At- km’snn & Switzer. Mr. Dnnald Atkinsnnhus been Apâ€" niand lml-itune Hnlnisb in Christ ‘vhlu-ch, Cecil street, Tun-mm). Lndies’ Tan Bnnts in lmlh lure-d and hutmned, at $3.50: Ladies’ Tan and Patent, Slippms. at from $2.00 to $3.00. At Norman J1 Glass’. See. uur ndv. The Maple Epwm-th Leap}; will hnld a Pie Social next Monday evening- at 8 o'clock. A gtmd programnw pro- vided, refreshments served and Collec- tiun taken. - The next regular mveting of Rich- mond Lodge, A. F. & A. M., will he held on Mnnday evening. May 27. Election of nfl’icers and an Initiation will form part, of the work. Ricmmï¬b BILL, ONTW MAY >111} “‘éViIIcmL! The Ladies of the congregation will contribute their quota. of assistance in feeding the multitude on the 24th. and all who patronize them will be cordially received. Man cannot live by bread alone nor by meat; and potatoes wit-h it, and our reception committee will endeavor to make it a. social occasion. ‘ The following nflicers of the Epworth League have been chosen for the en- suing year: President. R. Bovnton; let. vice-president, Chrlstian EndPavur de- partment. Miss Lundyz2nd vice-presi- dent, ruissimmry, Miss L. Rowlmthmn; 3rd vice-president, social and libel-aw, Miss B. Read; 4th vice-president, citiâ€" zenship. G. Gee; secretary, S. Boyuton: corresponding ' secretary, Miss N. Bmwn; treasurer, H. Sanderson; or- ganist. MISS G. L. Buyntnn; assistant organist; Miss N. Brown; leader of singing, G. 'Gee. A Bee Demonstration is to be held in the Apiary of Mr. \anter Scott. Victoria Square. May 29. commencing at 1 o’clock sharp. The purpose of this Demonstmti'm is to explain the nature of Foul Brood and show how to cure it, also how to save the wax from the combs by means of the wax press. On Tuesday of last week Mrs. R. E. Sanderson. fourth concession of Mark- ham, was taken ill with appendicitis; and on Wednesday morning was re- moved to the General Hospital, Town- to, where she was successfully (operate-d upon, and at present time is doing well. “Owing to the upward tendency of prices in the papvr market, we have been uutiï¬ed hy the mills, both Ameri- can and European, of the withdrawal of all quotations. and we beg to notify the trade that all prices shuwn in our Prior List are subject to change with- out further notice. and that orders will he accepted by us and ï¬lled as near. the Price List. as possible, but we reserve the right of charging the cur- rent prices. Also please notice that any special quotations on papers are withdrawn.†We have received pnssibiya dozen of notiï¬cations similar to the above Within the Mb few weeks. Owing to the upwm- tendency in prices in al- most every line we believe our patrons will nut complain if a slight advance‘is made in some lines of printing done at THE LIBERAL'Ofï¬ce. CASELEYâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Sun; ' day. May 19, 1912, John Gaseley. v aged 65 years. . Funeral Tuesday. MayZl, to Richmond Hill cemetery. . ’ RISEBROUGH-At Newton ank, Satur- day, Muy‘lS, 1912, Lucilm Johnston, widow of the late Robert Risebrough. EDEYâ€"At. Thprnhillngn ‘MOEQHY. May .-.A .n._-. n . 20. 1912. Catharine (Kate) Edein' †' Funeral Wednesday. May 22. HQDGSONâ€"«On Tuesday, May 21, 1912. at her residence, Richmond Hill. Lillie E. Manning, beloved wife of Thos. Hod‘gson. Fllneml from her late residence on Thursday 23rd inst at 2 o’clock. . REDDIITâ€"«Al; Toronto. Wednesday. May 22, 1912 Mary (Breckon),Redd_ittv, widow of Lhe«lnte Ben '. Reddipt. of Richmond Hill. in her 'th» year. Funeral Saturday ~aflsermmnllsiay 25,_ from the residenbe,_ 27 West. Charles street, Toronto. Interment, at Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. The meeting of the Guild is cancelled for this week on account, of the buli- day but; has “An evening with Elocu- my!†oy it_s program for the 3lst. The Rev. J. L. Simpson will occupy the pulpit next, Sunday in the absence of Mr. Currie who has hegn appointed interim modemtornf the now vacant, charge of Maple and St. Pa 111’s Uhnrch, Vaughan, and declares the pulpit vacant on that, date. I nut-s vPry truly, ELIZABETH N. BROWN. Richmond Hill, May 16, 1912. MESSRS. P. G. SAVAGE: & SON, Richmond Hill; GentlenrmLâ€"I have just received the cheque for $300 from The York Fire Insurance 00., being the total amount, of mv policy in settlement; of my losshv fire on this date. Permit me to thank ybu~ fur the prompt manner in reporting the .ï¬re and the-Company in payingmy claim pnjv :Lï¬ew hours after the ï¬re. occurred. I will take great pleasure in recom- mending your Cnmpany to all my friends as most generous and exceed- ingly prompt in settlement of‘it losses. ‘ Yurur-s vPry truly, Thn following IPtt-PI’ of thanks has been handed m fur insertion in THE LIBERAL:â€" DEATH AND BURIAL After a painful illness Mr. John Caseler passed away Sunday morning. The funeral Tuesday afternoon to the village cemetery was largely attended by relatives and friends. At the house his p'istm', Rev. Dr. Smith; conducted a sell-rice in \Vhlch he expressed his sympathy with the widmv, brothers and sisters and†other sun-rowing relativrs. Dr. Smith ruférred tn the deceased as n gnud nrlghborhnd use~ ful citizen. As a mark of respect the Fire Diapartment. of which M r. Gaseley had long been a member, umrched in a hotly from the residence to the cemetery.‘ The casket was borne by his six brothers, namely \Villiam. Daniel. Henry. Jame-s, Richard and Thomas. The snrriting sisters, "In of whnm were at the funeral are Mrs. \Vm. Bovnton, Mrs. Henry Blind. Mrs. Edward Barker and Mrs. Walter Comisky. ‘ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PAPER PRICES ADVANCE. Victoria Square. PROMPT PAYMENT DEATHS 28-tf THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Exquisite-1y printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of we'll-knan people of current events, of things eauti- ful and curious About one thousand, squ'are inches of icturos in eacn issue. Appeals to Can inns as the great, il- lustmted papers of Lthuh appeal to the English people. Nun political. Absolutely no am: to grind. Its aim solely to please and tn inform. Must be seen Ln be appreciated Ten cents agnpy. One dollar a year. The Piw totial Publishing 00.. [42 St. Peter St. Montreal. . “CANADIAN PICTO RIAL†Monstwntnï¬ï¬wun Igtz Models are unsur- passed tor value and effluen- cy. Above cut represents our ï¬ve passenger, thirty horse power car at $1375 00, deliv- ered in Toronto fully equipp- ed. Call without fail and see our 1912 Models. ' SHAW-OVERLAND SALES CO.,' 52 TO 59 ADELAIDE ST., WEST TORONTO RICHMOND HILL, MOTOR CARS jand‘TRUCKS ELEGTHIB WIRING House Lighting. 8w. gswnmuoms: FIFTEEN YEARS’ EXPERIENCE I Prices Moderate 0000000000000000000000 0000 By Rules of National Board of Fire Underwriters for United States and Canada. Tel.: N 3418. ‘ H. B. STIRLING OVERLAND Doiiglas Allen Eectric Co. ' 2309 YONGE ST.- Head Ofï¬ce: 476 Bloor City. Electric I FiXtures SEE Us ELECTRICITY We Do Contracting of All Kinds. '45 Start a course in Bookkeeping or Shorthand and use your spare time until this Full or \Vinter and then ï¬nish it at, 001193;» if you wish. Many are following this plan. saving expense and getting ready for a guod~nï¬ice' position. Write. us for .pnrtic- ulars. The Shaw Corresï¬ondence School. ' an The Central Business College. Head Oflices. Yong; & Gerrard Sts., Toronbd. . H. SHAW. President. Vâ€Â§+§§§O§§§â€Â§+§§§§§ -â€"â€"-FOR â€"'â€" IS COMING Call. 6273. ONT. 45-tf Our stock is most complete and \we sell atvay below Toronto prices. choicest patterns. Allwell selected. In many shades for all kinds of papering. Sample book of the more expensive papers can'be had on shortest notice. Call and see our stock and get prices. Papers ' . Papers 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999 iAtkinson 86' Switzerg ECONCRETE«HOUSE§ '" ' ' ' RICHMOND'HILL. whichwe also sell away below Toronto prices. Let us convmce you. Get our prices. ‘ iw-M-l-mwmcnuw i'W‘t-i .mmmwwwmw ram-+1- M"!-*%+M++**+¢+++¢*+++é*i~bi +¢+++¥¢+§~++¢~E~++§~é+4§~+++mi .1 ++~l~$¢§°§~lflb+Â¥ Wink-3% Maw-ram?“ d-W‘ki‘i' +$H$+$+ id‘iui +Wé+°l ..Wa.ll..:. ywmï¬wwuuuu é“Ni--ewwwwwwï¬wwwwwq é Concrete-V‘Store News E \Ve burn the lnl'geét and ï¬nest stuck nf Up-tn-Date Boots and Shoes now we have ever had. Umuo and see‘ for yum'self. It is a pleasure to show you whether yuu buy m- not. We haw also some very ï¬ne lines of Boats and Slippers for ladies, misses and children; ‘ We_im'ite yuu to inspect our stuck. - . Cotton Flags, an mounted on. sticks. Dominion Ensigns,‘ Union Jaoks, scotch arid Irish. I7 in. Dark Striped Crash» Towellin‘g, pure, linen, with red border, ,per yd. I re. ' " ‘ 72 in. Plain Hessian, per yd. 22c, V _ 28 in. Striped Cottonade, extra heavy, per Iyd. 25c. 28 in. Rockfort Shirting Drill, ‘bllacka ground, with whité stripes, per yd. .I6c. ' 28 in. Galatea, extra heavy,- assorted stripes on dark background, per yd. 15c. ' ~ Ladies? Coat Sets, collar and Cuffs, made of ï¬ne white pique, trimmed with lace, per set 55c. Ladies’ Wash Belts, 30c. each. . _ . Ladies’ White Lawn Tea Aprons, trimmed with embroidery or insertion, 25c. each. ' Ladies’ White Cottoh Vests, with strap, long or short sleeves, Iota, I5c., 20c. and 25c. each. Men's Tans, in' the very- latest, la'ced and buttoned, at . . . . $3.50 to $4 75 Men’s Gun Met-a], in a very nifty'line, at $3 50 to $4.00 May 23. 1912. 23 in-._ Tut-color: Bunting, red, .white and blue, pexf yd 7c. ‘ ‘ ’ 4 NORMAN J; GLASS ‘1 PROPRIETOR g The Richmond Hill Shoe Shire â€"â€" USUAL STOCK FURNITURE M+++++~M$§4~qo+++.+w M+++++M§§1€M4rw+++ ' SAVAGE Phone 17