What The Globe midiâ€":"A‘f’ter ï¬sing thefa‘nti-lï¬'itish Nationalists to turn La’u‘i'ier out, the Tories need not hope now to l‘oist them on Liberalism. if Bourassa rounds on Borden it will he because he feels he has been be- trayed. A desire for revenge is Il'lii :1 sufï¬cient qualiï¬cation for restoration to a place in the Liberal party.†What the “truthful†Brockville Times buys The Globe saithâ€"“After all the Via ent diatrihes of the pious Globe agai st th: N xtiunalis‘s, and its Btu nclities about the ‘Borden‘Buurassa :i‘lismee,‘ it is now bestde itself with delight at the prospect of return of the black sheep and the acquisition of a few more votes against the hated ,7» TON“ G'xvernment. Is’ D‘ISES’I‘ABLISHMENT “ROB- BERY OF GODâ€? ('From The Christiit-n' Guardian) The Wel'sh Ufsesmbushmem 13111 [has passed its second I'é'ading by a vote of 348 to 267. But the debate ï¬pon it; was more than usually acri- m'miuas. The opponents of the Bill fuughâ€™ï¬ 11% most ï¬ercely both inside ï¬nd (amide of Parliament. The the of†D‘evonshire had issued a fumphlet in which he referred to discstablishment as “robbery of God,†and to this Mr. Lloyd-George replied With more than his usual vehemence. " Don’t he know.†said he, "that the very foundations of his fortunes were laid deep in sacrilege and built on demrated shrines and pillaged al- tars?†Lord Hugh Cecil at once e'itered an angry protest, but Mr. L‘rwdâ€"Gem‘ge continued: “Their an- cestors robbed’ the‘ Gatholie Church ,- t‘m monasteries, the ai’tars, the alms- houses; They robbed the poor, they robbed the dead. Then, when we try to recover some part of this pile laged' p’neperty for the poor, their tiesee‘neém'ï¬s‘seeu‘se “as of theftâ€"«those Whose: llx‘ewfls are dripping with the far. of ï¬t‘ï¬l‘il'ege.†Unfortunately for the neh'l'e‘ l'm‘ds the history of Eng- andi only too clearly sustains the Ghancellor. If disestablishment be ihdced “robbery of God,†then some Q! Eh‘g‘l‘and’s- noble houses ought Wieusly to consider the matter of Fe‘éfï¬t‘dtiom There seems no reason- m‘ai‘e doubt But that the Wei-sh Discs- tablishment Bill will become law. R‘icygéxSHEtLL. 01m. MAY 30. 1912 Tumnm City Council, by a vote of 10' m 8, on Monday, decided that. it; was desirable Lo annex the Town of North Toronto. The decision was entldsnlj,’ reached because North 'l‘o- ronLo has been negotiating an agree- ment. which will allow the Metro polimn lisilv‘vay to lay double tracks on Yonge street; through that; town. The matter now rests with the people of the northern suhurb to say whelyhol' they will go into the city or not. North Toronto some time ago voted in favor of the scheme, but it was rejected on a vote, by the clay. The annual meeting of the Victoria. Slum- Branch of the Institute was h"‘xd at the hnnle of Mrs. W. Brmu- w ‘1! un May 15Lh. when the following ufï¬wrs were elected:â€"~President,, Mrs. Tums. Rmdg First. Vice-President, Mrs. R. I“. Kank; Second Vice-President, Jill-s. \V. Smith; SL'C.â€"Tl‘82ls., Mrs. A. E. Jennings; Dist. Director, Mrs. E. Dixon; Prugramme ()unlmitte, Mrs. 0. Keys, Mrs. J. Cherry, Mrs. B. Murlsun; Such] Committee, Mrs. R. L, Nichnls. Mrs. G. McUngxw, Mrs. G. Smutcnhm-gh. Miss F. Smith. Miss F. L. Lumly; Auditm-s. Miss Lundy, Mis. I. Bmwn; Organist, Miss N. Bruce. The. Vicfurin Square Brunch (If the Vanf‘n’s Institute will hold their Supplementary Meeting at, the home nl' Mrs. N. 0. Hagen-man, Richmond Hill, on June (i. at, 230 p.11». Pro- pz'nnnnezâ€"I‘h‘. Jennie Smillie and Dr. Risdmi 0f 'l‘m'untu will give addresses; readings by Mrs. (Rem) Currie and Miss Jvan Scutt; su-lns by Min. 1).. At- kinsnn, Miss Trench. Lunch: provided. All welcome. Victoria. Square. To PATENT Good idea: may bc secured by our aid. Adams/z, Tm: D"’ENT RECORD, . Baxiimore. Md. {Richmnnd Hill, May 16. 1912. EWALL PAPER and 809M MEIULDINIE‘I To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: RAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAMAAAAA Sinâ€"It, was brougm very furcihly to my mind the other night when I heard the ï¬re bell ringing and a fox-Ly milk gale hlnwiug. the absence ()1 any ade- quate ï¬re protectitm in our village. FurtunaLely for the: havgnsp‘ople of, Kichnmnrlfflill the ï¬re Eap‘pelled to lw seveml hundred yards frnm any other dwelling, and burned (vuL with- out, any serious less. Except, of cnm'se to the owmr and m-cupier of the dxvelliug itself. It is hardly necessary to say that had the ï¬n: been any- where near the centre of th» tuwn pmctlcallv the whale village would have been swept, away, as our ï¬re hri- gade would have been helpless withuwï¬ the necvssau‘y water. It svelns tu me let, a decided effort should he made VVVVVVVWVWVVWWVVVWW V VVVVVVVVVVVVVV'WVVVVVWW at, once to obtain: an eï¬icit-nt water supply. even if only for ï¬re protectinn. especially when we mun-ember what might have been. \Ve have nhund» mice. of watei: for all needs within a few miles of the village. and for $20,000 or $25,000 a system could he installed. The whole cost is not, a great, sum, and in vieW of the fact that flame is at: present, only a. very small debt on the town. debentures could easily be suld, and the Cost weauld not be any nux-(len to the tax- payers;. In addition, the population would grow very materially with the increased udvantugesgind it is within the hnimds (if 1-93.50}: to nssnmethut it wouid double within twu years. In that event, the extra. taxable values wnnld practically cover the (rust (if the system. Then again, we cnuld lm-k by 801119 reductiun in the ï¬re insur- ance mLes in the business blocks. which in itself would: be: a great sav- ing to our ll'lel'Chitllts and pruperLy holders. Lt, only needs a slight effort on the part of every resident. and I trust that, somethng will be dune. ' \Ve nearly had a. camatrnphe. Don’t let us stay in that pusntiun any longer. \Va ke up 1" Let us» have a prugressivu town. It. has been asleep long enough. Boost, for wa berworks, everybody. Yours truly,“ FRANK H. TODD. am 'Y.'Wmdm..03c.-’ r. ________ I, _v. DRS. KENNED LWflï¬e for our private address. You will ï¬nd my ofï¬ces reasonable for House and Sign Painting, Paperhangiug, Graining, Glazing, Kal- somining, Etc. I am prepared m‘ fï¬mish the above at a lower price thaw you‘ will pay in Toronto for the Same grade of goods. Estimates cheerfully gi‘Ven on any decorating you wish done, no matter whether you buy your paper from me or elsewhere. YOUNG 0R MIDDLE ACED MEN.â€"Impmdent acts or later excesses have broken down your: system. You feel the symptch stcding over you. Mentallyy .hysically and vitallyyou are not the man you used to be or should be. wm youheed MJLPgersignalsr F Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending t mgr .2 Has .. your blood been diseased? Have you any “crib-1053‘? ' \an mob REATMENT wiil euro you. What it has done for c :hem it w;.l. do forr you. Comultaï¬on Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest o inion Fae “Ch-no. Books Freeâ€""Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on iseasesot Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WR'J IEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No lumen on boxes or envelopes. Evarythinv Confidential. Question List and Coot of Trauma“ FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. Dns.KENNEEY&KENNEDY n I c All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient; in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian businese only. Address _all lefters’aE‘jQHOWs: VABGGSE VEINS GURED BLOOD POISQQS axe the most prevalent ‘and most serious diseases. They as. the very life blood of the victim and umess entirely eradicated from the systems will: 's'e serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It. may suppress the symptomsâ€"our NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. BOOST FOR WATERWORKS HAS YOUR BLOOD EEN DISEASED‘I J O H N E LL! 8, PAINTER and DECORATOR ‘onge St. Richmond Hill Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 5%.. Detroit. Mich. FOR ALL STYLES 0F DECORATING w no NAMES usan wxmov'r WRITTEN comm. Confined to His Home for Weeks;- severe and I was often laid up for a. week at; a tfine. x tamll hysicinn told me an operation was my only hope-but I ' ded r P tried several specialists. but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctorsas httle better than rogues. One day myjsoss asked mp why I was off work so much and I told him m condition. Ilendwscd me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as e had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got THE NEW Mernon TREATMENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during" the ï¬rst month’s treatment 1 was somewhat discouraged. However I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a. week in a. machine shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. I wash all euï¬erers knew of your vahmble treatment. HENRY GLOCUST. ,, “Heavy work, severe stmintn and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I wor 'ed hard the aching would become sgvexjegmd I_ yvas often laid, _up for a. yveg‘ki ‘51; g tying- 11; law}; -.. JA; Each cuntains 100 acres. and in good state- uf cultimjjnn, with goud build- ings. _ 'And: 143 acres and E00 aC'I‘E‘E on 2nd cont of Vaughan. also chuice and well built on. Some gnod bivildmgkits in the village. 47>Lf Two nf the best farms on the 3rd cun. of Markham. Two (:hque farms on the~2nd con. of Markham At a meeting; of the Ratepayers As- sociation ’I‘npsday vvenimz a cnmmittee with Mr. \Vm Innes. Chairman. re- ported that while thpv (:rmsider‘Pd the Agricultural Hall-safe, they recom- mended repairs nf’ the moi" 860. An- other onmmittve repnrmd the assess- nwnt of village property by Mr. O. A. Skeelv :19 vm-y satisfactory. Fullnwing a resolutinn President Pratt appointed" Mensrs. McDonald, Stirling. Hickson, Todd and Hillacnmmittoe we watm‘ suppIy. and’ to report ff possible at next meeting. ‘ H A. NICHOLLS .keï¬â€™erson P. S. School Re- port for May. Sr. IVâ€"A. Nicol, V. muhme, M'. Cluhine. Jn [Vâ€"K. Touper; _ Sr'. IIIâ€"L. Dibh, M. Murphy. Ar McLeod. ’ Jr. [IIâ€"E prhery and L.. Hmskiu, equal; El B’rack'in. Sr. ITâ€"J. Tum)?!" Jr. IIâ€"H. Murphy. F. Clnhine, R'ny Dihh. Sr. Iâ€"H. Smart. Harold Dihh. Prinmry (a)-â€"Ella Dihh. R. New- bm-V. N. Mo'fl'inn. C. Max-133911.. HAS FOR SALE Pfifilaljy (h)â€"â€"Z‘. Topper, A. Cluï¬ine'“ RATE?AYERS ASSGCIATION. Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill J. H. SANDERSON. VHS. REAL E STATE MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPER-TY AL\VAYS ON HAND. restores every nerve in the body, Phosphor“)! to its proper tension ; resfm’es vim and vitality. Premature dcrav and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphoric]. will make van a new man. Price $3 a hox. or two for 55‘ Mailed tn nnv n'idress. - The Scobeu Drug 00., St. (Jamar-mes. Ont. 463 Electric Restorer for Men Good snmfly of Iumbvr. shingles, cedar pnsts on hand. and n cm- uf Unn- adn Portland Cement just arrive-(L S. JARVIS, Every family should have both their local paper and a. cit-y. paper. RICHLJOND HILL â€"â€"â€"â€"-AG ENCYH For Sale Mï¬ple. ' 3m: The Court of Raï¬-Mun for the- V31- lugo nf Richmnnd Hill, will hold Its ï¬rst sitting fm (.he cum-Put year-nu TUESDAY. JUNE 11, 1912. fur tlw purpose nf lwnring cmnplnints and apâ€" pmls flLï¬liI-EHL Ll‘r‘e assessment, uf the mild“ \‘mnge. The Cum-t will‘ sit in the (Mum-l!- Chumlwr on llwuhm'e date at. ï¬n’clmzk in the evening and all whr-m it, may (:HlH'Pl‘ll urn x-z-queslml l0 gm m‘n them- selws accordingly. - .«vv~l-u-1 In | v ’ ’A. J. HUME, Ch Riuhumnd Hm. May 9. 191-; ' - FINE TAILBRING RlCHMOFJED HILL Almnt 8 acst 0f land with gm'd' huusv, stable, (Wuhan-d, hard amdxmfls water. hamlsmne wï¬re fence across front, Int 2%; mm. 3, Vaughan. Court of Revision I’ublic Notice ‘ A. J. HUME RATES NOTARY PUBLIC Special attention given tn Jenses. VVflls, Etc. Pressing Cleaning Repairing COuveyancin g, For Sale Phone 1150 ENRY ESPEY, ELgin mm,